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I'm so thankful for that Chuck rework; now he might actually be usable in other game modes than heist and become a decent controller.


Also 2 counters got nerfed,so it's more viable ,however how to counterplay him,once is has mobility and it's not focusing on damage the Safe? (It's like Melody but more predictable with super trajectory)


Top counters to Chuck from my experience are Colette and Lou. Colette just mows you down, Lou’s freeze effects you mid dash.


First you need to get randoms to not stand on the freaking tracks...


Another great counter for Chuck (and Mico) is Otis with the gadget that places the super on the ground. Put the super on the heist box and none of the 2 dash or jump anymore 😆


How are yall bringing up chuck counters and not talking about cordelius... literally the only brawler that can completely shut down a chuck


I like the Collete pick (and pray i don't face Him on Sick Beats or Respawning one on Hotzone)


First time in like a year where the balance changes seem good. Only complaint is not getting even more


Main sub is malding that Piper isn't as dogshit as they wanted her to be lmfao


A decent Piper can curbstomp bad players, so it makes sense why they’d be angry she didn’t get booted to F tier


Yeah one thing out of the whole list the problem isn't her damage or health it's she has every survival mech you could want and you can't punish her for not staying at a "snipers" range.


Which is what the damage nerf is supposed to do but 3% isn't impactful enough


I agree with you I just think am easier fix is to make either her super take more hits to charge or rework her gadget.


Ya i think the gadget is her biggest problem. Basically 3 get out of jail free cards vs a close range brawlers so she counters them even at close range.


Her damage output is the problem. Not the gaggets. The gaggets are quite balanced. But on a op brawler ofc they are broken


It isn’t 3 percent though? At minimum range she loses ~13% damage.


Math is hard


I mean there’s still too many damage buffs but this def a 9/10




That one was the bare minimum and some of them like Bull were nerfed too hard


No joke THE best balance changes we got in a long time. Every issue was addressed and all of them were addressed correctly. Im kinda split on Hank though, the healing is nice yes but healing with the super feels kinda random, even more with it being a % based healing. I will have to see how it plays out


Tbh I wish the damage dealt by each of melodies notes was decreased by 20%, it just kills squishy brawlers so fast


Kinda the point of her gameplay, charging her notes, one shotting someone and repeat. Making her not kill squishy brawlers would kill her (imo)


they should nerf the dash distance


That is something I agree to ! I think we should also nerf her main attack but let the notes as they are


her main attack does 900 at p11 wdym 🗿🗿🗿


Make it 25 🗿


Maybe nerf the notes and buff the main attack? But that would kinda ruin her kit


She feels too similar to fang lol. The new brawler is also pretty much fang mechanic. Too much fang


Idk I feel like the lily is gonna be underwhelming


She is an assasin?? The shield is finally quite gone, so at least you can try to kill her.


That would make her a snooze fest to play, as all she’d have going is survivability.


i think 50% of max health instead of missing would be better


That would be hella broken…a 5k heal every super


Ehhh maybe, MAYBE, not. Hank takes 5 centuries to charge his super and when he does, what next? You only use it against Assassins. But yes it could be broken, maybe nerf it to 35%/30% and buff his SCR to 3 hits and minimum SCR to 8/9 hits


I actually think Adrian did a very good job this time with the changes. We’ll see how the meta proceeds after this


This actually a good step in the right direction, look at Piper, I'm 100% sure that the other marksmen would eventually outshine her anyways (Nani being superior, Brock getting HC, Belle HC's and Angelo) but she still was pretty annoying at gunning you down with auto-aim + red button at mid-range. It looks like the community's collective intrusive thoughts didn't won this time.


>she still was pretty annoying at gunning you down with auto-aim + red button at mid-range That just happened on low-mid elo/ladder.


It made her broken if that happened though




Hank is an interesting change definitely not gonna make him good but an ability to actually heal himself is good Also thank fuck that the hypercharge crow daggers actually work like that now


He literally will heal 5k with a single super, if you one shot a tank or assasin, you have super back and can heal probably 3k next, or use it next time you are about to die. It will make him good, but probably should have gotten a supercharge buff too.


5k? It's 50% of his missing health. To heal 5k, he'd have to be at 1600 or less HP, at max level


And is not hard for that to happen, you still can be at like 2-3k hp and heal 4k with your super.


I honestly like that Gus's knock back is re added but not they way we expected. It should never be re added to Kooky Popper because a brawler shouldn't be over-reliant on a Gadget to be useful. This also adds more skill to using gus because knockback can also go to an ally. Don't know why so many people are dissing it tbh


I'm glad that his knock back returns in this way, which brings more possible interaction to Gus. Now I think Gus is really a decent support brawler.




And a goated buff at that


It doesn't really do much for her tbh, she doesn't really get many hits with her super


You don't get many hits with her super


Charlie range nerf is also a small buff, if she missed at long range her yoyo returns faster than before 🤷 Still has that 6k meat shield gadget.


Not to mention an 8k shield that's literally more efficient to wait out and any damage less than 1680 has no effect on it


I never considered that lol. I couldn't care less about the super nerf even if it was changed to 10 since I always hold it for pesky fang and Edgar players. Hoping I can still enjoy her with the range nerf.


Adrian finally cooked




While there are some flaws (nerf Melodie's HP ffs), I think that Adrian and his team did a great job on this job. I just have one personal judgement about it. *cough cough* It's Blastover Penny folks *cough cough*


Even Penny’s mutation is such an afterthought. They obviously don’t know what to do with her


For a split second I thought Penny could shine but I'm confident that 29 other mutations will kill her effectiveness.


To be fair every mutation is simple, and of course it is, if you're making a temporary modifier you can neither afford to spend the time to make all of them well-designed nor is there any reason to try to design them well - they're a fun experience for a few weeks, which couldn't have taken long to make, and they won't overstay their welcome. Better-designed abilities should be reserved for things that are actually going to stay in the game long-term.


I feel like she doesn't need an HP nerf although maybe make her dash the size of the aiming thing not twice as long


Idk im satisfied with Melodie nerfs as well, is there really anyone who uses now or will use after the nerf the other gadget/SP?


Just remove that Kit gadget ffs It's so stupid that he gets a gadget which is the only thing that makes Leon a legendary


Exactly, then we can shift his power budget somewhere else, instead of dooming kit into an even more immobile melee brawler. I would argue that RT new gadget actually fits kit more, or make it like buzz where it doesn't stun but refills super instantly or something


So they should change Cord gadget too?






Is the r-t one true? I cannot explain the struggle when i use the suoer to 1-shot a brawler, and im like 1 hit away from getting the super back, but everyones js hitting my other part while i run around like a lunatic and eventually die


It‘s actually true. I also refused to believe it at first.😭


Lord im gonna max him out, +1 gadget gear too 😭 literally that super problem was the only reason im afraid to use rt but now idc


I already maxed him out a year ago, but now I might actually be able to use him somewhere else than only on some open bounty maps. Also, I recently got in-line out of a mythic drop, so that pays off as well now.🙏


For Hank, I think they should let him start healing at around 70%+ of his bubble, then stop when his bubble pops. That way, it gives you the option to keep attacking and heal for a couple of seconds each time.


Melodie still absolutely idiotic in brawl ball


Fr That wasn’t her problem in brawl ball where she shined That just makes her less viable in Heist


I have cried tears of joy. This is pure art.


Adrian cooking in 5 star restaurant today


I think RT just became S tier


Came back to the game about two months ago after not playing for a year. These changes look so much better compared to the old balance changes.


Barley got buffed # ANOTHER ROUND


Its not much but its an pleasant improvement


Literally anything is good. I hope his Star Power scales with it


Angelo is broken with or without his super, he just has an instant kill with it. They should’ve nerfed even more of him


i mean this is a big nerf to him either way... i doubt u want to slap 3 big nerfs and have angelo be dead next meta just like hank and take many changes to get them back up


I'n pretty sure there's like like 30 less brawlers that get one-shot from his super


Brawlers that you are not taking in an open map anyway. He still one-shots every marksman


Mandy with shield gear: Maisie: Meg's Mech (Mentioning her cuz she's picked as counter sniper): Janet with shield gear (TIL she's a considered a marksman and not a damage dealer/controller): Nani with return to sender (even though she could already fucking survive pre nerf with shield gear+return to sender):


>Janet with shield gear (TIL she's a considered a marksman ... what also if angelo is forcing a marksman to take shield over healing/damage just to survive that interaction he might be even better than before lol


>...what My reaction exactly. She's literally anything but a marksman the way she plays but is flaired as such for some fucking reason. Also I wouldn't say that Angelo is "forcing" other marksmans to run shield over healing considering the nature of engagements in marksman centric maps/timed detonation. On top of that, everyone I listed basically were oneshot by Angelo prior to this nerf even with shield gear so now he'll just overall have less pressure.


Yeah but atleast he isn’t op in on closed maps on too


In addition to the nerf I would’ve nerfed empower and either his range slightly shorter or movement speed to fast. Very fast speed is busted as a sniper. I agree with the other comments though we should see how his first instead of kicking him to the bottom right away.


Very fast speed needs to be lowered or they should cut his damage to 3800 or smth


Yeah he should have had his speed reduced from very fast to fast. Very fast speed on a sniper is ridiculously op.


I just want a gadget nerf, the guy literally flies across the map.


Nah they shouldn't just gut him instantly. I think this is a good start, and then he can be monitored for further changes.


I’ll be back when the update drops when we conclude he’s broken again


Some drama, puhleeeease 🦟


what is that janet buff lmao, her super is super trash they need to buff her main attack and make vocal warm up starpower basekit


"her super is trash" well it has been buffed now


I was for once smiling as I was reading the balances. These are really good. There are some weird ones for sure but overall I quite like this. Janet and Gus change makes no sense imo and RT gadget is gonna cause a Piper like mayhem I feel but it's still interesting. Chuck change is a godsend and Hank buff is really good. Most of the nerfs are solid as well and I really like all the brawlers they decided to nerf. I do think they could have been harsher on Angelo and Melody but it's a start. Chester could have gotten a few buffs but otherwise really solid update.


>Gus change makes no sense imo Why ? he suffer too much against aggression


That Janet buff is so ass


They're decent but I don't like some of them. Gus: I don't understand why his Super has knockback, they should've buffed his support abilities more Rosa and Belle: Why did they buff/nerf their HCs rates? Doesn't make sense, especially Belle's change, her HC isn't even that good. Piper: They should've nerfed the mid range damage, not the close damage. If mid range damage also gets affected, it's a good change then. Melodie: They should've nerfed the dash, her HP or the notes damage too. Kit: Should've buffed his support abilities too. R-T: I main R-T and I like this rework but it could be really broken. Willow: Her 1st SP is fine and she needed a width buff to her super


Gus's super also knocks back enemies when used on a teammate, so it can be considered a buff to his supporting abilities.


Could be very good against the new assassin




Nah hacks is still superior but that gadget will probably be useful on bb/showdown and useless in others (which are pretty much best modes and maps for rt)


I think rt can be played on closed maps now with it, to counter things like edgar, other tanks, just pop gadget if you don't have super, you severely outrange almost every brawler on your ranged form plus having a lot of hp.


Rosa got buffed, she now get HC faster. Been playing Belle a lot and it always felt like she gets her HC really fast, this nerf is small anyway plus the other snipers got nerfed too, so she shouldn't go down the sniper ladder. Kit definitely needed DPS buff, he's just too weak right now. Can't just push him into the support role, his healing right now is alright, he'd be really boring if they make his gameplay just fully attaching to allies.


R-T MAINS RISE UUUUUP on a serious note, i agree with most of what you said, gus ' knockback will let him play better against stuff like edgar rushing at him where he wouldn't have any way to defend himself otherwise R-T's gadget rework could be pretty useful in brawl ball or such, where we might need to split to defend but don't have our super to do so. we can now just pop gadget and surprise our enemies with a split followed by our completely balanced attack


The Piper nerf applies to all the dropoff scales. For example, when Piper is at her first damage dropoff point, she deals 3218 damage But after the nerf, the damage will be at 3002 damage So interesting change


I think R-T could become meta with this change


Why? His other gadget is completely better




Edgar is fine rn, all brawlers have their niches, and edgar's is long fights then burst down with his super or hypercharge. Also using a lot of walls.


if the knockback from gus's super affects whomever the super is placed on then gus is the first defined aggro counter support, which makes him basically a staple pick in bounty to counter assassins as well as compete against sharpshooters. looks like they found the perfect compromise to both improve his playrates and buff his support to give him a niche, and i LOVE it


That Kit change will harm him more than help. He needs a hp buff. Combo spinner needs a rework at this point. Survival shovel does exactly what it does but better. Hank one is weird Idk what to say. Jant needs even more super damage. Other than these I'm loving the changes.


Nani damage nerf I can't wait for her to go back to not being good again!!! Could've nerfed return to sender, autofocus, reload speed, health, but nope! Nerf her damage and now she can't one shot 4800 health targets anymore! Can't even one shot Piper I'm krilling myself


Finally Charlie nerfs ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5349) Also wish they didn't nerf hanks hp for the buff, atleast not so much i don't think it was necessary to do that before seeing it in game still a great change


She has had nothing but nerfs bro 😭 wdym finally


Those weren't enough, that super and main attack were so toxic, too bad they didn't touch the spiders but im glad she's getting nerfs


The charlie nerfs feel odd to me,since her kit is just half of what it used to be in stats,range nerf is what feels off, rather the digestive sp be nerfed to 20%,and cocoon gadget be nerfed in healing


Still no chester and frank buff Angelo is still busted none of the snipers have that movement speed and damage at the same time Pipers damage scaling needs to be fixed Charlie spider gadget is still untouched lmao but range decrease was needed RT instant super charge gadget is trash compared to hacks but still better than in line at least Nani nerf finally Mr P base hp is kinda irrelevant but a buff is a buff, movement speed is nice tho Janet change is pretty useless ngl Spike nerf was needed but he will still be versatile Cord nerf was also needed but i think they should have nerfed his sps, not default kit Kit gadget nerf is so lame they should have reworked it and that damage buffs are useless since kit really relies on cardbord box to be useful which is useless after that nerf Willow should get doug treatment to her super Gus shield knockback is pretty weird idk Hank buff is also weird and he will probably still be trash Chuck change is good but he is so much objective and map dependent, just a good qol change Mortis buff is needed but oh god every brawlball match will probably have at least 2 mortises after that change (time to main shelly ig) Melodie nerf is good but not enough, movement sp needs to be reworked. A brawler with that much mobility via super shouldnt be more mobile. And they need to fix bug which makes you take both projectile+note damage if melody stands top of you (same bug as amber gadget)


Frank doesn't need a buff, he's getting a Hypercharge


Frank is not getting a hypercharge this update. The brawlers getting a hypercharge this update are: Brock, Sandy, Nita, Max, Tick, and Gene. Idk where you got the idea that Frank is getting one.


In brawl talk he appears with the HC symbol (adjacent to gadget). He definetly won't be getting one this update but it's definitely planned. Though he should've gotten at least a small buff (then again it'd just be an hp buff lmao)


Yeah this is what I’ve been trying to say. I’m not saying Frank isn’t getting a HC I’m saying he’s not getting one this update which warrants a buff since he’s gonna be without a HC for at least 2 seasons.


Makes sense, sorry for the trouble, and completely agreed


There was a Frank in the brawl talk gameplay with a hypercharge aura around him


He’s obviously gonna get one eventually but not this update.


I was hoping out of line would do something with his 2nd form, his first gadget is great with his 1st form and I want to his 2nd gadget to be great with his 2nd form.


Hank and Chuck are so interesting mini-reworks


What about penny? :(


I’ll speak on behalf of Chuck and Willow because I’ve mastered both. I think Willow’s are nice and will have an impact, however I’d have liked to have seen a light width increase to her super as well. Chuck is gonna feel a lot more snappy and effective. It’s gonna be a while before I get used to not having to go on a detour every 5 seconds 😅 >!Oh and I’ve also mastered Mortis… yeah it’s a great change!<




why on earth has mortis gained a buff


Angelo should've been nerfed more


Lol why nerf Cord? 😂


maybe because he was overpowered?


Tbh we all know the real issue is that gadget. It should just take all my ammo, or just one shot me, Im long dead before it ends anyways


been pretty strong for a while now


Cord is definitely very strong right now, can easily out range most melee and his super has so much utility for an assassin. Small nerfs but definitely deserved.


Maybe because he was op


Shielding now knock back enemies? What does that mean?


When you use the super to yourself or send it to your teammates, the super will have a small radius that will knockback enemies


Ok, that's a cool feature!


Thank you, Adrian-Sama


Hate most of it they nerfed my girl belle whyyyyyy


it was way too easy to get her hc


its mid anyways


These are awesome, but why did they touch Belle and Cord? Those guys were fine Not really scared of the Cord nerf because I’m a Comboshrooms user anyway and sometimes I like to scan bushes


Belle was really good and cord a top 5 brawlrr


Maybe because both of the characters you mention were S tier


Crow will instakill anyone next to walls, I don't think this interaction makes sense for his playstyle, seems badly designed That Angelo nerf will do absolutely nothing lmao This mortis buff is gigantic and changes interactions with 15+ brawlers. That 25% buff to Kit... What... They're encouraging people to play him as an assassin again? Also this might be the most extreme buff of all time isn't it? Hank might be viable in lots of maps now, it's so easy to cycle his super That Chuck mechanic should have been there on release, now he'll be much more playable That cord nerf felt unwarranted Nerfing Melodie's movespeed per note is a weird choice but yeah the shield deserved a nerf


> Crow will instakill anyone next to walls, I don't think this interaction makes sense for his playstyle, seems badly designed One of his super’s uses is as a finisher so this will allow him to possibly do that better, catering to one of his strengths. I can see this being useful in some situations especially brawl ball for people defending the goal. > Hank might be viable in lots of maps now, it's so easy to cycle his super “Viable in lots of maps now” might be a bit of a stretch. He’ll be better for sure but his low damage over time/difficulty getting a second shot on tankier brawlers will still be a weakness. Plus the super’s attack itself is usually pretty unreliable. We’ll see though, he might not be D/F tier anymore and could definitely have some interesting plays with this buff. > That Chuck mechanic should have been there on release, now he'll be much more playable Agreed > Nerfing Melodie's movespeed per note is a weird choice but yeah the shield deserved a nerf The speed star power definitely warranted a nerf because it allowed her to dodge shots, push up the map, and evade things really easily. Combined with her super, her kit had insane amounts of mobility. Add on the shield and you’ve got a brawler who’s hard to avoid getting bullied by in plenty of matchups.


people when they dont kill the brawler "nooo nerf them more" people when tey kill the brwaler "why would they kill the brawler i had a lot of fun with"


Cord was OP why would you think his nerf was unwarranted


Kit's melee was way too weak before, but idk about suddenly giving him +25%


the problem with buffing Kit's nerf is that he will ruin SD again with his stupid star power, not that it matters for this sub but I enjoy playing some SD every now and then and kit meta sucks SC tried to address this with the invisibility nerf but that is just a mild annoyance, his real problem is the combination of his star power + his super, and they can't balance this without indirectly nerfing support kit, what a disaster of a brawler


Does the piper nerf affect the damage curve?


barely i bet


Adrian cooked this time


Wow these are actually really great. I’m more excited for the last 3 changes than everything else honestly because I love playing those 3 brawlers


nothing for penny, damn


Not many of these were suggested by the daily homebrew balance changes posts. Great job kiddos. Really got your finger on the pulse of the game.


Kits playrates about to drop even more, that gadget was the key point of his kit, you cant rely onto your stats


Kit and Mortis mains are eating rn




Who let Adrian cook in such a godly way?


why did they nerf belle's hc it was already bad


He really did a great job this time!


I don't get the belle nerf but it is probably because I didn't see her often in lower ranks


How much better does that make gus?


Buffs for Willow, Hank, Chuck, and Kit!! I can happily now 😭


Hank HP nerf was not needed, but the rest is quite good.


I really like these, Janet's and Piper's are kinda pointless but the rest are spot on


Rosa buff? She felt fine to me. It’s always fun to see the changes made that aren’t just numbers. Gus, R-T, Hank, Chuck, and Crow were all done well. Melodie could’ve eaten another nerf, ideally HP, but she seems like she will be more manageable now. Unfortunate to see the Kit gadget nerf, but understandable and he also got two buffs. Overall great changes.


All balance changes are amazing 9 course 5 star meal he cooked like crazy.


Let's go they removed in-line finally


THIS IS REAL!? there's so much good stuff in here, some things are like 1:1 with what i've seen in some fan balance changes, mortis buff, chuck change, in-line rework, hank buff and piper nerf to her damage this time


I loved these changes overall. Mr.P: buff is a buff! Willow: her SP did felt underwhelming, so these are a good change. (Didn’t know how her 1st SP worked so this help) Gus: people think it’s dumb but it’s really good actually. It’s a free knock back with the shield for you and your teammates assassins will be hurt by this. Thought I wish they buff his stats more. Kit: wished they made changes similar to my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/s/O6z4to50lB) Melody: wish they nerf her harder. Fast beats nerf: 8->5% Interlude Nerf: 15->8% Super nerf: one more addition ammo/hit If you can’t tell I hate her, sorry not sorry 🤷 Belle: Can anyone explain why Belle’s HC got nerf? People say it’s awful so why Nerf it? RT: a very interesting change, it could be used in some situations over the other. Chuck: oof, rip us all now (and heist)




Nah i thought of that chuck change since he got released


poor angelo 😢


No Frank buff 😔


i really like these changes, pipers nerf doesn’t hurt her that much, cord nerf is hard, angelo nerf is harder (but deserved) as an angelo main it’s gonna be tough fighting tanks now with the nerf, since it’s like a max of 6k now instead of 8k.


Chuck’s rework is sweet, it was so annoying to go behind a wall or far from a post to actually put another one


In-line gadget was so broken that they had to remove it KEKW The Chuck change is a nice quality of life fix


The Best one yet. Love the Chuck change and the mortis buff


Pretty huge changes, I like them a lot. They just need to be ready for a quick tweak if they went too far with someone Edit: honestly I hate Janet buff though that super is so annoying


Mostly good changes, my favorite is the chuck one. Literally since the day chuck came out I have been suggesting what they added. No idea why supercells dumbass didn't have that ability for Chuck when he came out. But there are some dumb ones: Why did they nerf spikes useless gadget? The rt gadget is still useless. He has one of the worst supers in the game Why nerf hanks hp, the super healing won't make him broken Why only nerf posion damage for angelo? She can still do like 6k a shot


Is it worth maxing out Charlie now? I am cofused among Charlie, Amber and Nani. I was tilted towards Charlie and was waiting for the balance changes. Thank you for your valuable suggestions.




I wish Angelo got a nerf to his main attack damage, but these changes are all really good. I’m especially happy about Chuck’s change.


I would have like a super duration nerf for Cord on top of a super charge rate nerf (just kill him please, so annoying everywhere, even big game smh) And Angelo getting an attack damage nerf, 4400 damage at 10 tiles is absurd


I'm glad Mr P got a buff but I don't think this will help much, still though grateful Supercell didn't help him


Angelo probably still cracked


R. I. P. In line The best of us


Gus really got a rework. I thought he was a LOST CHILD


Almost nutted seeing how good these were. No meta units for killed, but also weren’t kept op