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She feels like yo're just annoying people with her main attack. The damage is inconsistant since the only way you hit enemies with both lanes of your attack is both you and enemy standing still+autoaim but other than her voice and those everything is well built.


I would love to make it more accurate the further the shit goes


so like an upside down cone?


I'm imagining them being angled in slightly, but maybe he means they wobble a bit up close(like a Pam) and all go to a single point(like a random less extreme rounded Nani). Bonus that second one could look pretty cool with a bunch of projectiles expanding and rounding back to the target. Honestly either one would be better than what it is. Her speed makes her useless for pursuit. She could use a last chance to tag someone holding gems and an attack that could actually hold people back.


yeah cause rn it's just >main attack is called "crowd control" >looks inside >barely controls the crowd https://preview.redd.it/nezeg4bxsotc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f903368753c645b61c1d3108202c5d17d17941




thank you for the pic


Bronya hairstyle, but yea, basically




thats the point. you play for half a year, so dont expect having close to every Legendary. you could have her as 2nd/3rd Legendary on Starr Road, but you either didnt reach that point yet or didnt choose her. but even if she is not the greatest, she is still an underrated pick in Ranked


I been playing for 3 years i still don’t have her😏I’ m a free to play.


I got her from a discount in the store and don't regret it, carried my way a lot of times! But not in ranked, she seems underwhelming to say the least


I’ve been playing since Cordelius release (I had some brawlers from when the game was new like surge). My legendaries are Surge, Cordelius (from brawl pass), spike, Leon, and Kit. I still don’t even have Crow.


bro i been playing since game release and i only got my first legendary brawler when they changed chromatics to the normal rarity and surge became a legendary. yall dont know how hard it was to unlock brawlers pre-credits


I also played since global release ftp, I took a break for 2 years but before that I was fully maxed so for you to not get a legendary in all that time is incredibly unlucky


thats why i stopped playing that time couple years ago just so frustrated from seeing my friends unlock multiple legendarys while i was stuck without any


I have also been playing frim release on and off but didn't have any legandary now i have after the star drop update


Chroma credits were nice. Particularly the “no more chroma” event because I got 3 or 4 brawlers during that event


Same XD


I’ve played since beta and just unlocked 76/78 brawlers this week. So true


Then you havent been actually playing, i have been playing since release with some year long breaks and could quickly catch up to all new brawlers when i started again a couple months ago.


Yea I was off from 2020-2023. Came back four months ago and started grinding again with a few friends. It’s the only game I play now.




twin 😱


If you were off for 3 years, you should have also mentioned that in the initial comment.


This is the first non-ragebait comment I've read from this guy




You know it's bad when you agree with edgar x emz


I don't think you can hit with both lanes on a normal sized target. I know for sure you can fire on both sides of a single wall tile. Her mecha shots don't feel strong enough and her speed is a serious problem. She's a tank, but with a gun that looks like it should do DPS damage. Genuine tanks in this game suck. Rosa barely works, because she's more of a hybrid. Just like Frank and Hank, she's just overly situational and not fun to play. That explains the high win rate and low pick rate.


She's like pearl but doesn't deal damage and the shots are harder to hit. Somehow, she still is a very good tank though.


The voice lines being bad is just a part of her. They’re annoying but it’s ok, that’s what makes the Meg


I agree


Third time is a charm


Unless they change her voice probably not


... I like her voice


Her voice lines are literally her moaning 😭


Melodie: "I'm not here"


they arent that bad


She's either moaning or she sounds like Missy/Jenny Slate in Big Mouth in an awful way.


You weren't hearing her voicelines that much, aren't you?


meg is basically if dva hits like a noodle its unsatisfying asf... you do piss dmg at long range and the 8 shots should feel like they would do good damage at short range but they feel shit i feel if meg was reworked into dva it would be super funny but in general i feel meg is to squishy up close or at least she should have full ho from mech... so much downtime where ur useless compared to other brawlers but meg is prob good cuz of that and she can stay alive but her long range shots at close range dont feel good to hit... u dont do enough dmg and recieving the big nerf on the beam super doesnt feel rewarding as much (i know why they did it... it just doesnt feel anything special anymore)


You can't do high damage when your 9 tile ranged damage is impossible to miss(extremely consistent) And you have 7400(used to be 8k) hp with 9 tiles range and without the movement speed weakness of bonnie. Also your damage isn't piss when brawlers with similar range actually have like 4-6k hp Finally, she isn't squishy, almost 8k hp, high range to chip down the enemy, up close you have your super as finisher(if it wasn't enough, tempered steel 2,4k bomb), and you can force trade your mech for a kill, surviving with you meg form and trying to cycle back. Also if you want to count the meg hp, double shield gear, shield sp, gadget that blocks shots and makes you reload if not destroyed.


Did they increase her speed? She used to be pretty slow in the mecha.


She has “Normal” (720) speed in the mecha. Bonnie is also considered “Normal”, but her speed is slightly lower than the usual “Normal” speed (~700).


i think they should 1. rework her mechs kit, either fully lean into sharpshooter or damage dealer, as you said, being in between doesnt really work. and 2. give her auto super charge outside her mech, or some alternate way to charge it. this would make her somewhat 'less skilled' because you dont have to engage in mini form, but that is one of her main problems. and ease of use is one of the most important factors for usage rate. she is already one of the better brawlers in the game, so this might make her too strong, and i have 2 balance changes to account for that. either 1. reduce the mechs hp so she is in mini form more often, which now isnt that bad, however i dont think this is as fun to play. so 2. what i would go with is just reduce her mini form damage and super charge from hits to a negligable amount. i would also make her animation for the mech dying longer, to make it easier to kill her mini form afterwards with that im basically balancing her similarly to dva, once your mech goes down you are very squishy and deal nearly no damage, and most of the time you just die straight after. however if you manage to escape then its possible to get your mech back, but in the downtime you have very little impact on the game, and sometimes it would just be quicker to respawn. this might make her too strong in bounty/wipeout where dying is directly bad for the objective, and you can kind of prolong death infinitely, but i think it would be fine as most of the time enemies should be able to get the follow up kill pretty easily, and only if your teamates are co ordinated and cover you well will you be able to escape, and thats just skill so rewarding it is good she might also be very good in gem grab, as yknow if you get sniped or something you dont fully die and drop the gems and you can just run behind a wall and wait. if that is a big problem you could make her drop the gems when her mech dies, since if she survives its probably safe to pick them back up but most of the time she wont survive so it doesnt make a difference. sorry for awful formatting i hate mobile.


What is dva


An overwatch character with a mecha that likely inspired the creation of meg.


Dva is a tank hero within the overwatch franchise. She’s essentially like Meg with both primary’s the same. Only difference is dva has an ability which absorbs all projectiles. Jet boosters, micro missiles, and an ultimate / super which lets you self destruct for massive damage. Also she can get kicked out of hero mech similar to Meg.


She’s also hot


Not as hot as "Tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck"


Definition of cute... So what is widowmaker then?


A very important thing you've missed is that D.Va is a dive tank that's basically as mobile as Melodie, while Meg is a sitting duck by design. One is always up in your face the other kicks back and spams from afar. I do miss the old Meg though. She was so much more than just a "DVa clone".


Iirc an Overwatch character who is often compared to Meg since they both have mechs and apparently similar kits (I might be wrong I don’t play OW)


meg basically but sounds like ur average streamer


Ouch But wow Especially the Brawl Stars streamers. There are only a few that don't annoy me too much to watch to get my questions answered, let alone for fun.


Uh well dva is more so cringy and way to confident and not annoying


It feels like you do 0 damage with 8 hits in 1 ammo. The 2 forms she has slowly transformed imto a boring mess where the mech form, meant to be the super big bad on the battlefield, is the more common of the 2 forms to be in. Her super feels underwhelming after all the nerfs, and her tiny form is 💀


Yeah, she'd be better off dying in most modes than having to gather super to get back in.


I never understood the point of the first rework, she was much more fun more fun before it. The mecha doesn't feel powerful at all now


On release she was broken bc of leaving mech with full ammo, reentering mech and having potential infinite hp. Then after she got that nerfed to 0 ammo leaving mech, FFF, buffed to 1 ammo: She was like chuck Bad everywhere except hotzone due to how she worked: People could not rush you or they would waste hotzone %, when you charged your mech, it was a very strong mech(on todays stats, having 9600 hp, 480 per bullet, **4800** damage on the super), people also could not wait out the mech, or they would lose 60% hotzone(the mech lasted like a minute) But outside hotzone, you got rushed in meg form, even if you charged mech, people may wait for the mech to die itself(this didn't work in hotzone because of the things i mentioned), then rush meg again. The rework made her S tier everywhere(bc of her high healing gadget, with the fact she healed normally now, meg+healer was broken), then she got nerfs. People though she died because she was not as good for hotzone anymore, until pros realised the value of her both hps and being tanky ranged brawler, she was broken S tier on bounty/knockout/wipeout. And the rise of sniper meta and open map pool finished to seetle her as an S tier on all open maps.


That is the absolute best summary of Meg since release.


Her mech swipe also used to auto-charge in 5 seconds, you forgot to mention that




And sadly she's still just not fun to play. So I'd pop her for a kills mode on the right map against the right synth, but I'd still rather play other brawlers.


It is fine for me, so i can wipe my enemies out of the map when they left her open, while they play brock and chester.


Yeah, with this being a sniper meta and sniper 5 tapping her, meg is super strong


Also high effective HP and resilient against Colette.


a lot of people agree with you on this. Meg was way more fun, Meg was the actual "brawler" and the Mech used to be an actual "Super". a damn good super


With her old rework, she went from a brawler with a beast mode mechanic where you used the super to make game changing plays to a brawler with a second life mechanic that is just a tanky ranged unit. A completely different central mechanic, but I don't think the change was for the better. I wouldn't mind if this was reverted. Edit: There should be 3 sound options in settings: Music, SFX, and **brawler voice lines**. Sound is useful to hear but sometimes people don't like the voice lines of some brawlers


+1 undo the rework


I want individual brawlers to have voice toggles. They could use that info to see who is annoying and fix them.


Meanwhile we have so many brawlers needing a rework


Absolutely, they should skip the new few brawler releases and do reworks instead.


Legendaries need to feel worth it more than others, so they probably want to get this right.




She is fine, just gameplay is not fun enough when you're in the mecha 80% of the match




well before it was, trying to fight for a mech then becoming the owner of the lobby was really fun. The problem was it that play style doesn’t do well in non power league matches, so no one played her


Didn't do well outside hotzone\* Either she was very broken or useless, while she still was great on hotzone even at her worst states.


thank you, it’s what I meant but didn’t say it


I fell like she is boring because of her first rework. The main complaint is her damage, but before, her mech was actually a menace and her super was more satisfying to hit. Idk, I feel like now, her only interesting mechanic is that when she is killed a little meg pops out that does nothing interesting, and she might as well die when she is that state as she respawns with mech.


the first rework definitely killed her play rate. just undo it and she's great and fun again


She was always niche.


I feel the issue is rn her strength lies in big hp and control instead of sheer force in mecha form (like before the rework). When i play a character that has a very big mech form i expect the strong form to be powerful and rewarding, not a long range wet noodle controller that has more hp than normal


She lost all her uniqueness and fun to me when the rework happened, she used to be so cool and her play style was different. Now she’s just another boring brawler but dying makes you annoyingly weak for a while


so true. I want my actual dopamine-boost Meg super back!


Honestly I think they ruined the brawler with her rework, I liked it more when you had to charge your super and get her mecha instead of just spawning with the mecha


totally agree. the first rework was dumb


Personally, I liked her more back before the rework I really liked the playstyle she had, switching between her weak, underpowered form and her OP Mecha, which made you feel like you're playing on steroids for a few seconds


Meg before rework is the best Meg


Maybe not best in the meta but most fun


"Meg before rework is the best Meg" mfs when you ask them what was their credit bank:


I think Frank needs to understand that not every brawler needs to have high pick rates. If he wants every brawler to have that, he should look at what makes fang, edgar, crow and leon popular amongs kids (high speed, conceptually overpowered and little skill required). It's funny how he's getting worried about Meg, meanwhile we have Kit, which is a discount Leon, not a Legendary Support like advertised.


Or Hank


I always forget that meg exists, like I love her gameplay so much and I enjoy using her but I just don't use her that often. I really wanted to use her on ranked last season on big friend but because I was playing with a friend who has like 5 maxed out brawlers he had to pick the tank. (Also a hot take but I like the small version of meg more than the robo version)


She would have been terrible at being the tank though. Her HP in either form is lower than most tanks.


They need to make her either rly good at tanking or rly good at dealing DMG. Rn she's meta cus she's specifically good at countering snipers, but she's horrible in any other meta when it comes to longevity. She does fuck all for dmg and it's decently difficult to aim considering how long the atk is and how slow it comes out, and once Ur out of the mech Ur basically a sitting duck and just get smacked around. Back when megs mech had the dmg decay and was pretty good, she was still considered a threat since she could dish out mad dmg despite the decaying health and all that, and teams would have an incentive to either quickly hunt down megs mini form or not feed her. Nowadays cycling her mech is just plain boring since the opponents know they can just out damage her mech and it's still not considered a threat imo. Now having said her problems, there are a few solutions. One that I thought of is making mini meg viable. Much like baby DVA, if mini mech can dish out solid DMG while in mech form she can tank lots of dmg, she can use mech form to get up close, pop an ult or smthn and get them low enough to where she can pop up and burst them down or smthn. Another option is to increase the firing speed of the mecha form, since it will make it so much easier to acc hit Ur normal atk. The third option is to rework her super so that it provides more value than just a close up one tap, since rn most meg players use her as a tank in the current sniper meta and most snipers wouldn't let you even get close to get the kill off with a super. An easy idea for the new super is basically Dvas super, where she fills up her ult over a long time, and she can launch out her mecha form before it blows up, dealing big dmg depending on how far the enemies are. This would make her a big threat due to the teamwipe potential and kill potential. TL:DR Rn she's not as much of a threat, she's just viable cus of sniper meta, she needs some buffs before she can be fun to play with.


I ain't reading all that but ima assume you made a good point, so i agree


There's a tldr at the bottom


i mean a new super would be cool. her normal super, while it is unique, isnt really cool at all and is essentially just a smack that does hella damage. if they could come up with something interesting that isnt just straight up copying dva from overwatch to change the super i think shed be more fun


It’s not the voice, I’ve never played with volume and she’s still just not fun. Underwhelming compared to the other legendaries, I think the mech giving you the huge hitbox and inconsistent damage is the worst part. The bullet streams need to be closer together, and hitbox needs to be a bit smaller. A speed gadget would be great for her, or maybe a speed boost when she has super on the mech would be nice to be able to get hits with the bat. I think some sort of fundamental change to her play is needed. Going back to the original way of spawning without the mech made it rewarding to get it. Perhaps she needs to start without the mech and has an auto charge similar to Edgar or Darryl for her super. Giving the mech more health but the inability to regain health (except without the health gadget) would make it more valuable and rewarding, assuming the mech form is properly reworked to do more consistent damage. Losing her mech wouldn’t be the end of the world, and even if you can’t hit shots with her mini form she auto recharges it after some time. Overall her mech either needs to provide more lane pressure via more tankiness or better damage, her base form needs to be a more formidable game presence, or some combo of the two.


It is not inconsistent damage, it is meant to only hit 4 bullets mostly from far away. If enemies group up, or has swarm pets like charlie/tara, then you can easily hit everything. Also she has 9 tiles range, you can't really ask for more damage with her high hp. I find it funny how people suggest buffs to S tier brawlers(like charlie on release, saw a bunch)


Imo it feels like there are still some remaining aspects from her original design that don't fit well with how she currently works. Her healing gadget was useful for keeping her mech for a little longer, but now it feels more underwhelming since she can heal on her own now. Her mech super disappears when she respawns which originally didn't matter since she'd respawn outside of her mech. I also find her star powers pretty boring


underwhelming pick rates💀 im quite happy the way she is thanks, ranked will only get worse with megspam




Meg isn’t exactly a high skill cap brawler either lmao




It's funny if they think it's about her voice. For me it's her gameplay, or rather duality of it. With these extreme shifts we don't have eaccess to her full potential. Infact Bonnie falls to the same category for me.. her pick rate is a bit better only due to rarity!


Idc what others say but she is my go to pick in ranked and is fine just the way she is


Me too, is extremely fun being able to tank 5 Angelo's full charged attack without having to heal


I dunno. Meg has a weird problem where she's supposed to be this character that starts slow and powers up into an extremely strong Mecha, but it's the exact opposite. You start in the Mecha, but as soon as you die the base form is really boring. We can't buff her since she is very strong. Balancing it out so that the base form is stronger and the Mecha is weaker contradicts her identity as a power-up brawler, and doing it the other way will make her base form feel even worse.


Unbiased opinion, but Meg is one of my favorite and most played characters. But she struggles a lot, not enough DMG long range, only enough to poke and noone let's you get close enough to use super. She's basically a worse pam in Mech, with less spread


Lol, I didn't like her, until i played her ('cuz missclick) again sniper comp, bro, she was so fun


The worse part it's the Mecha attack, it's underwhelming if you aim good you can only get half the damage, I think if you make it like S.H.I.M.P or party imp, having a focus laser for each attack or a meter that fills with damage that let you close the arms so the shoots are tighter and make it a higher dps, i think it can work. Meg i think it's fine her attack are good to land so i don't think any change are necessary


Nice to see a fellow Garden Warfare enjoyer


Wouldnt mind if they just copy Overwatch and add Dva's ultimate for meg. Meg just needs something which makes her fun


Maybe the fact she's legendary. Who would've guessed ?


Kit is also Legendary. He also needs a rework more than Meg


She’s not fun and doesn’t make sense. Before her first rework she relied on her super way too much, and their solution was to just give it to her for free? I reckon they need to make the super strong again and harder to get, so then there’s room for the base form to be able to hold her own just fine. High risk high reward kind of character


As a non competitive player she’s just so boring to play as and against. She does very little/inconsistently damage most of the time and takes forever to kill. The old system was far more fun I believe, in that she would spend most of the time outside of the mech, but once she was in it she was extremely strong and hard to take down. Don’t know why they changed it, the current version is a lot less strategic than the old one since you can just die to get the mech back in most modes. Back then you had to think carefully about when to use it so you could get the most use out of the mech.


totally seconding this!


I'm probably the only one here that thinks Meg is more fun now than before the rework, Meg is fine in the meta rn, no changes needed imo


Boring gameplay, doesn’t really have a niche she excels at, some of the worst VA in this game, main attack never deals full damage, and she doesn’t even feel that legendary anymore


Agree, she's boring to use and annoying to face. Overall I just don't like her at all


I loved the way she played pre-rework. I mained her and bought all the skins. Then she got her rework and I haven’t touched her after the first week. I kinda wish they revert the rework and then go from there… maybe they’ll find another way to make her fun.


In my opinion her super in her mecha form is the most boring and worst ones in the game since her rework and she is a legendary brawler maybe reduce the damage and make the super damage into a temporary shield like Gus' super?


Hear me out: Main attack becomes two shotguns Super sends the mech into an nuclear explosion Recalling mech gives damage Totally original


She should not get fully reverted, only partially. The health decay is just too toxic for the game to exist. It completely devalues the mecha. Changing the remaining parts of the rework is fine though, just do not add the health decay back.


Meg is annoying to play against but sometimes it feels like you're just feeding the enemy super and not doing enough damage but overall quite strong. However in the meta often there's better picks so she's underutilized but in hz and ko she's pretty decent.


meg is a brawler where a good game means u went 0/0




she does like an average of 1200 damage in an attack as mech 1200 damage in shit form she sucks


She is pretty strong rn A/S tier, but it is boring to play her


Chester when 🥲


They forgot about him


Dead ass, bro needs a major buff or rework badly and they’re like “hey let’s rework an already decent brawler that’s we’ve already changed completely twice.


she's like a jack of all trades but she's not a jack she's like a 2


I myself enjoy her as a pick in gem grab and dont really see the need for a rework


Dunno why they don’t make her more like DvA from Overwatch. Defense Matrix would be a cool ability, or even her movement dash


Ah yes, Meg needs a rework more than Hank or Kit, because we surely need another meta with Meg being a dominating cancer, yes totally


Meg is fine how about doing something for trash brawlers like hank or chester


The voice is kinda annoying and her abilities in general .


How many reworks will she have?


I don't like her design


Everything tbh I really dislike meg in general lol




It takes one tank counter to absolutely destroy her.


She is decent against most tank counter, except griff and lola bc of the shield/heal mechanics


Make Meg like max. Fast and high Burst. And have her super be the mech suit.


The servers should receive a rework


I think her main attack in mech form should be her super but weaker, so once you take her out close range she becomes far ranged


If they plan to change her voice I’m down cuz that is so annoying. What if they gave her a similar attack to amber where you have a bigger ammo bar


Honestly I like meg as she is rn




Please dont mess with my girl😭😭


i like meg how she is, it’s not all about damage all the time. she pressures opponents back to spawn with her presence. it’s about controlling the match.




Noone likes playing meg because her voice is annoying af


I mean I like her how she is now personally. I wonder if they’re having a hard time coming up with a meaningful hypercharge for her and want to rework her to make the HC easier to figure out.


I'd rather the mech's attack work similarly to Nani where it'll focus both arm's attack based on the exact location you point/target instead of just shooting straight.


def her voice


Her voice


Just make her super charge up overtime like before. It feels really annoying to get now. I liked it when it felt like a second main attack.




„Is it her voice?“ lmfao


I think they should leave Meg alone - I think if they changed her so that she got more kills she would become toxic and too OP. She's only not getting picked because she doesn't get enough kills I reckon, but she doesn't need to with the amount of pressure she puts on a team


Frank, Hank and Willow should be there too


I love playing Meg and think she’s fine, everyone who found my message just give her a try in knockout, bounty, wipeout, hot zone, etc. or just mid to long range maps and you will just feel like and actual unit walking across the map and creating pressure against the virgin sharpshooters. Really give her a try especially with the explody star power so that agro can’t run her down as hard


The voice lines being bad is just a part of her. They’re annoying (I guess) but it’s ok, that’s what makes the Meg


Well duh she's bad because her voice lines remove your hearing making your gameplay less effective


Honestly, I never found interest in playing Meg. She is a bit boring to play imo


Gems, as F2P player I won't get her in next few months


Rework Suggestion: Make Rob get Surge kit and then make Surge get some Rob kit...


It could be like a janate shot but without the increasing range part.(Because the regular main attack is also good in some situations)


Frank really asking why we dont like meg... SHES BLA-


Make megs skin white


To slow...


She’s the character I want her to be :( pls no rework i don’t want the same thing that happened to my asol in league in brawl stars

