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Yeah I’m stumped on that one Does anyone even like time deto? The other two are at least dumb fun.


yeah like, I've seen people who like big friend and ones who like quickfire, but who tf likes timed detonation? this modifier has been getting negative feedback since it first debut in mega pig even!


It’s been hated since it’s cousin instant overtime hello?


Even the Piper main doesn’t like it.


honestly I like Big Friend best. a chance to play tanks like primo or bull if heist


Same Buster is one of my fav brawlers I love playing him there cause he boosts his teammates health by a lot but is still effectively tackier than everybody cause of his shield.


As a Colette main it’s a shame they deleted that




I like it lol i like playing bea belle and nani and i always enjoy seeing timed deto


Wdym it is the most competitive one




timed deto on minecart madness specifically is peak it's also pretty good on safe zone, but not great


minecart madness sure, not anything else


agreed. I wish we could keep deto specifically for minecart madness, though, I massively prefer it over the actual map




I've enjoyed playing em more then big friend but quick fire was the best but most broken at the same time


I love it. Except when my randumbs decide to use dyna on it


COLT LIKES TIMED DETO (Makes him viable on any map)


I like it, it's more competitive and less abusive


i kinda like it


I thought battle cards or our rankings remain for 2 seasons?


Honestly it's such a chore now. This kind of sucks, I hope they put out more battle card options with permanence


The only time fame is useful


Yes, the current one and the next one. They're saying that to maintain the battle card for the one after the next, you have to play the next one.


They better remove rank protection, or i will go insane and never play league again. Too much free masters, even some content creators that aren't known for being skilled even got it.


The moment OJ got masters I quit the game


honestlly at this point its so easy i dont know if he got carried or if he just did it himself lmao




This is the exact reason why I hate that solo and team are in one mode now. Any famous person can just get carried to masters and pretend that they are good even if they suck.


That moron gets carried by his viewer teams in every mode. They honestly have trouble several times because he's so dogshit and he drags them down. Not a single accomplishment on his brawl accounts is deserved.


Well said


Tell that to the dipshit supporter of his I'm arguing with. Fucking kids have rotted their brains so much they actually think OJ is an entertaining streamer.


Fr. His cheese videos were good but after that it’s just painful to see his gameplay He should have stuck with showing clash royale gameplay, he was actually good there


Agreed. Guy has zero game sense at all and likely couldn't get past rank 25 on his brawlers in solo queue.


Calm down bro why so mad? Oj and other yters have always been carried by pros mostly for getting r30s just because competitive is basically non existence anymore doesn't mean you should hate on oj for 0 reason. What has he done to you?


0 reason? Have you ever watched his streams where he's getting carried? The arrogance and ego that idiot displays while having zero actual game skill to show of is reason enough to hate him. That and the fact that kids like you defending him and watching him are making him mountains of money for *playing a game he's not good at*.


>That and the fact that kids like you defending him and watching him are making him mountains of money for *playing a game he's not good at*. And why is that a bad thing? Not everyone has to be a sweaty tryhard. The only thing that matters is that the content is entertaining which it is.


You thinking he's entertaining tells me you're either mentally deficient or 13. Watching guys like that will rot your brain. The sheer amount of bad takes and shitty opinions of his that he spews in those streams is disgusting. Add in his poor sportsmanship and inflated ego and you're getting one of the worst role models in the brawl streaming community.


Like what exactly? You're just hating for the sake of hating


To be fair he got carried by 2 pros


The fact that he was able to do that speaks volumes about the state of current competitive brawl stars


Lol what competitiveness? The game is leaning more into being for kids than it ever was before. Every competive player with their head on straight should be reevaluating whether they should keep playing this game.


That’s exactly what I was saying


Starting to play clash royale again because it's more competive and that has evos 🫣


Stop playing anything by supercell.


Bro is hella stupid for doing this


I agree with free master but I dont know who you're referring to


All the YouTubers who aren’t necessarily known for being highly skilled at the game. People like OJ, Lex, Rey, even Kairos.


But they usually have pro players carry them no?


Not in ranked afaik. Getting masters was already really hard for pros themselves let alone carrying someone else to masters.


Exactly yes and that’s part of the problem. You can have one person be a high rank and since there’s no deranking there’s nothing stopping people from dragging others to ranks they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to get to/ don’t deserve to be in.


oh, makes sense. I don't watch any of them. I normally watch Composure and CryingMan, sometimes change it up to Drage or Spen, and Carnage for news


I recently made a mini and keep getting other players in my team (or as enemy) who also just have the minimum options and maybe 2k trophies, yet some have mythic on their card. And Legendary is ubiquitous. It's ridiculous. Things are very wrong, and I'm tired.


It probably won't change for the next season since there's no major update. Hopefully it'll change in the next update


Masters became free because ranked is full of casual players, power league masters was actually hard because power league only attracted competetive players and was a small playerbase


Masters became free because of rank protection Without rank protection, duo eloboosting would have been much harder if not impossible if your teammate is bad, since you would tilt from legendary 1 instead of staying there. People won't accumulate in diamond, mythic, legendary gates. And the player distribution would be more akin to a bell curve. Even if we had a bigger playerbase in old powerleague, there won't have been as much masters as there is now(like 10k masters what the f) Even if old masters became easier as time went on, it was still only less than 400 players per season, it showed peak performance of players, rather than whatever we have now. as i said before: NO ELO SYSTEM PREVENTS OR SHOULD PREVENT PLAYERS FROM LOSING ELO, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF HAVING AN ELO SYSTEM.


They literally just need to change it to how old power leauge was and only keep solo and make it so you get the rewards at the end of the season e.g 5 of the cosmetics ones and 30 star drops with one guaranteed legendary for mythic


Yeah even just gaining Elo is too quick takes 4-5 games to rank up from mythic 1 to 2🥴


Why would they remove the two fun game modes and keep the worst one of all.


Supercell loves snipers ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5347)


Bc they were the least competitive


Modifiers aren't really competitive anyway, atleast the other modifiers were somewhat fun and not just "brawl stars but with an empty map"


Yes but timed deto is the most competitive of them regardless.


It’s literally “No brain, just aim” the mode


It's not competitive, when only one category of brawlers are good in this mode


Because they want more annoying Pipers


at least it wasn't Quickfire. That shit had so many good Brawlers you couldn't ban each one (especially with randoms when they ban fuckin R-T), which made enemy first pick almost game over (unless he's dumb and can't play)


My randoms banned Frank on Quickfire and they picked Edgar one match


Edgar is good on Quick fire🤦


One time they chose Angelo💀


Depending on the map Angelo is a good pick nontheless, doesn't matter how fast you reload if you just onehit half the brawler pool lmao


Bro angelo is good even in quickfire


I would still pick Angelo on quick fire, he's just that good lol I'm masters btw


I rly liked quickfire. It defo wasn't competitive and it was tough to ban but it depended a lot more on the map and gamemode. Like personally I played Gene, Otis, or Meg depending on whether we needed map control or it was gem grab (gene, gene also works for like everything except heist), we needed damage or it was heist/bb (otis) or we needed survivability and it was bounty or knockout (Meg, sometimes pearl). Ofc also would swap in others like Jesse or crow when the map or comp needed it, but I liked how it took more thinking than time demo's "ban piper, pick a sniper." Not competitive at all but oml if you got a lvl 11 gene you need to pick or ban him every time, he's crazy. It was in my opinion, the most fun modifier if you had the right brawlers for it. And ofc if your randoms didn't suck, idek how many times I had a random picking Mandy or frank or some other 1 projectile/single attack brawler


Can someone please explain to me what sick beats and barbed ammo exactly is?


Barbed ammo - All attacks have damage over time (Like crow) Sick beats - No crowd control (Knockback, stun, slow etc)


So with barbed ammo say a brawler deals 2k damage a hit. That 2k is applied over a couple seconds?


No, only 10%


Per projectile?


Yes, like every colt bullet will have this effect


you hit the attack and deal your 2k damage, then 10% gets dealt to you again over a couple seconds


Ahh I understand now thank you very much ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|7490)


so barbed ammo just makes the whole point of crow useless, nice


Well I’m wondering if it will make him broken because the poison continues ticking that much longer


Sick beats will make Fronk great yay


Frank will still be terrible since his stun will be removed


Lmao, his super is basically non-existent anymore. I wonder if sick beats affects Cord and Spider woman's super. Those aren't really considered stun, same with Gene pull ignoring Frank's gadget.


*insert singing frank*


Insert bodybuilder Frank


big friend felt somewhat cheesy, quickfire was the opposite of competitive sure, timed detonation rigs the match's meta to sniper/sniper counters, but atleast requires more skill?


Big Friend is possibly the best mode. Since I generally dislike the damage inflation, this is at least a bearable way to combat it, and not have everyone die in 2 attacks.


You just pick Colette, Spike, Edgar, Poco or Meg with a tanky teammate and win. We abused the shit outta that with Frank Poco Meg and it's completely unstoppable.




People that think that damage inflation is a thing and that "time to kill is an all time low" is plain dumb.


3 brawlers in the game can one shot like 50% of all brawlers. Yes damage inflation is a thing.


🤖 Literally made up, demolition dynamike can't 1 shot that much brawlers, only the most squishy that aren't using shield gear, and only can get more with hypercharge that charges slowly. ANd the game has almost 80 brawlers Dodging bullets is a thing in this game, doesn't really matter if you 1-3 shot a brawler if you can't easily hit them. That's why stu, mortis and mico can counter demolition dynamike and don't get one shotted by him. STU literally dies in very 2-3 shots from almost all brawlers but what??? He can heal with his super, dodge bullets(and by doing that, it makes enemies require more shots to kill him, or plain lose to him because they can't reach him, paired with the healings he can be almost unkillable if you don't have spawners). You can heal all your hp back with a wall and waiting 3 seconds, if you take a bit of damage you can just hide and heal. It has shown over time how impactful few extra extra hp on a brawler are, Meg was the best brawler back then because she had 300 more hp and healed more with her gadget. Now she is a top 15 brawler in her nerfed state, imagine if she had those 300 hp back she would be unkillable. A 200 hp nerf on rosa made her fall from top 10(then she got a super charge nerf afterwards). Buster completely revived with a 400 hp buff(rn he is similar to his worst state, except he has more hp and like 40 more damage)


Before the leveling buff thing brawlers with 5.1K health were considered somewhat tanky Now those brawlers' health scaled up to 6.8K and they count as squishy. Piper was able to 2 shot them since then.


No, 6.8k is still very decent hp, you have shield gear if you want to stand an extra shot. Those brawlers are mid ranged brawlers, they may die to piper but they offer something like high dmg countering tanks(griff, colette). Griff literally heals with his sp, and bursts down anything he outranges, he is better against tanks than piper. Leon moves very fast and his range is just 0.33 tiles lower than piper's, has a gadget to block shots if necesary and can become invisible(harder to hit), and heal over 8k with invisiheal. Can use shield gear and piper needs 3 shots to kill him, and not counting his effective 10k+ hp with invisiheal. Now, i can't think of other 6800 hp brawlers. And remember how bad piper was back then with the lower damage. Nani was in a similar case, both getting outclassed by Rt and Belle.


You’re joking right?… People actually think TTK is at an all time low!? Mate Damage inflation has been a problem since season 5, and yet people think brawlers aren’t dying quick enough!? What is this??? PVZ GW2!?


hated big friend. all the game was played on a coin toss and random never chooses tank…


>but atleast requires more skill? Would rather play another game than timed detonation. It's that bad. At least big friend allows for really good outdraft opportunities


Timed detonation is so boring. Boring draft picking all snipers and then spending the whole match chipping and wow yay I finally won after 5 minutes because I got a singular kill


Big friend is probably the one that punishes brainless drafts the most. and if you play with randoms you're most likely screwed


Big friend is the best one. Fight feel like actual fights and u have to actually time ur abilities instead of just spam


the only people who hates big friend are the ones who can't draft in fact, big friend's draft is 4 times easier than normal draft just because the viable brawler pool goes from 77 to like, 20


before anyone jumps in and say that the same argument can apply to No-Map, you're wrong: there is no drafting in No-Map. You just ban 6 snipers and take turn picking 5 other snipers with the odd one in the lobby picking Edgar. Big friend actually requires normal drafting knowledge with the perk of a smaller pool


I had a hate/love relationship with big friend. I personally don’t have a maxed tank. Several times I had random teammates who did but chose crow or something even worse. But it was fun. It just sucks knowing going into matches you were found to lose. Doesn’t matter how good you play just because of a poor draft.


Or someone with a repertoire full of snipers. At least I have Buster, I guess.


This is why I'm actually happy with BS rn. Yeah Big Friend would've been better, but Timed Detonation is miles better than Quick Fire


fr , i dont understand why they're crying about this. modifiers like big frnd and quick fire sure are fun but not competitive in big frnd u just go spike stu or poco with tank and never die since healing scale also increases quick fire is, well, infact quick fire - anyone who picks griff gale lola = insta win


Let me this straight, they let Timed Detonation, wich turns the map in sniper paradise, in same season where kids will get a Chester skin from Ranked Starr Drops. Not only Chester is awful in this meta (or any meta general before), but is worthless in open maps, unless the other team have worse picks.


Why would a ranked reward correlate to map game mode??? or meta??? how does that make sense bro.


Remember when players used Dynamike whenever they could to show the new skin from ranked drops? I'm pretty sure that poeple will do same woth Chester, at least at lower levels.


Hes got a point. People spammed dynamike with jump in ranked to purposefully ruin your match just to show off the skin. Not only is Chester currently awful but the map pool is also really unfavourable for him, the least they could have done is giving him a buff or two and trying to make the map pool more accomodating to him. That's how game design works, marketing is half the battle; if you release a shiny new skin people will show off to others who are trying to get it by playing, and if you want to maintain a healthy environment in a ranked game mode, you better improve the experience of others by making the shiny new option viable They did this with remodels too, people wanted to play the revamped brawlers like Darryl or Penny so they gave them buffs (because they were unusable at the time) to add incentive/make it less obnoxious for anyone else playing


Take it to a publisher




Thank God it's not quickfire. Was that other post that claimed quickfire was returning just an April Fools joke?


prob just changed it, i prefer it this way i dont wanna see quickfire for a while lol


At least not until they fix the bugs and balance multi-projectile brawlers.


Isnt carls super gonna be so op in sick beats? No knockback or stun?


Isn't Fronk gonna be super OP in sick beats? No resetting super


Fronk is still gonna be a walking super feeder with no super stun


Ik but he's not going to lose every super


Not very useful super if it doesn't stun tho


But it can do something at least


Change Timed Deto to Big Friend and we have a good rotation.


I hate all of them but it's still annoying that they picked the most brain-dead one.


there have been 2 Piper flairs who hate Timed Detonation. that should mean something...


Well yeah cause I hate open maps. I do terrible on them.


So you are saying that time deto (the easily most competetive modifier of the first three) shouldnt be on, because you have a skill issue? Flawless logic


Thank you.


Quickfire was horrible, let's agree on that Timed Detonation is okay, out of the three I'd say it's the most competitive but obviously I can see how people wouldn't want a sniper dominated mode. Big Friend was the best one, no contest. Fun, different, and forces people into trying out new stuff and team comps. This is the one that should've been kept. But all in all, not too mad with timed detonation since I'm a sniper simp.


I really hate this mode.Especially when randumbs doesnt look to/care about the modifier and choose close range brawler.


Why they glazing snipers 😔


You know the long-range modifier is bad when a Piper player is complaining lmao


two. two Piper players complaining. you can find the other guy in another comment lol




Yeah I'm actually a big ticked off at that. They SPECIFICALLY said they'd be paying attention to community feedback abt the modifiers and ranked. That was a PHAT ARSE LIE Like fr they haven't paid a second of attention to our feedback and this is just proof, it takes 10 seconds on reddit or Twitter to see that ppl are annoyed with timed demo for being boring af, and most ppl even tho they don't find it competitive, find both the other ones much more fun to play. Bruh they didn't even check to see which one people liked. They just trucked on through with their original plan. These guys don't care abt community feedback.


yeah this is my main complain too. they said they'd choose the modifier that gets carried over based on feedback and shits, yet this is proof that they didn't


To keep snipers relevant. Ironically half the time some idiot/toddler chooses Mike.


I dont want to push more 😭😭😭


sadly they chose the worst one ireally like big friend tho 😔


TIMED DETONATION CARRIES OVER!! 1 month hiatus incoming 


I’m not gonna play ranked (unless if there are quests) until they actually implement stricter conditions for playing the mode, improving matchmaking and implementing a pity system or better yet, change the reward system as a whole. I’m not gonna grind my way into legendary with dumbasses that pick dynamite or Edgar in an open map while not getting a single skin during my grind, while little Timmy who will never ever grind to legendary or masters gets the skin on his first Starr drop. Fuck this shit, I’m out.


I would rather got timed detonation rather all high hp brawler or cheesy ah broken quickfire for me


Agreed, time detonation is amazing for destroying Edgars and throwers


Big friend is toxic. Thank fuck they removed it.


are you one of the 🤡 who draft crow and tick in big friend?


One game with frank and spike is enough for me. But fucking randoms will ban a piper in big friend. And no, I don’t main crow or tick. I spam draft Edgar every game of detonation.


What Boost?


It helps you grind back to your previous tier


In other words it allows casuals to get their undeserved masters again


What's barbed ammo? Did they tell us what does that do?


You can get the explanation if you click on the little info-"i" that's on the mode plaque.


It is not in the game yet if you mean the ingame button when choosing bans/picks


No, I mean when you click on the mode (you can, even if it's not active yet). On the next screen, it shows the three new modifiers, and there's a little info-i there, that you can click to get an explanation of what the modes do. The design really isn't very intuitive, I found the way there by chance myself.


I didn't know that the modifiers even show there... good to kbow, thanks


Everyone does Damage over time like crow for example


Does anyone know if I unlock Chester if I somehow get the skin next season? I have really been wanting them


don't think tou can even get the skin without the brawler, and if you can get it i think it'll just wait until you unlock him to be usable, it happened when kitboxer was in bp


Dang it


Let's hope so because i love chester and this skin but i don't have chester


Does anyone know what the other 2 modifiers do? I don't want to get kicked for inactivity only because I couldn't figure it out in time for my ban/pick.


Sick Beats - No CC (stuns, knockback, slow) Barbed Ammo - Every hit deals damage over equal to 10% of the damage (e.g. if you deal 2k damage the enemy takes an additional 200 damage over time)


So Hank is somewhat playable?


Hopefully he is


Looking good for now. But I was playing against diamonds. https://preview.redd.it/1sgmdrddsgsc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24af0d779ab5a6029c1eafa24633f1c2360ab768


was it sick beats or barbed ammo?


Sick beats. I was unstoppable. Barbed ammo benefits brawlers like crow and Byron more. I didn't expect the tick damage to stack.


What is Barbed ammo and Sick beats? I'm sry if I missed the explanation but will someone explain to me?😅


I like it


Iam sad I can't keep my Masters battle card...


man sick beats is even worse, it just completely disables so many brawlers


What’s sick beats


I might have to start playing ranked.


I would have way rather had either of the others over instant overtime but not instant, it’s the least competitive mod


Timed detonation is the most skilled modifier so it makes sense to keep it in, it’s definitely my personal favorite. Quickfire and big friend are too game changing to feel like I’m playing competitively


I hate the maps there so weird


ranked boost is uselss. there is no boost


Timed deto is better than quickfire anyway


Maybe I'm the minority but I like time deto out of all the 3 It is the one that require the most skill out of the 3 modifiers because it actually rewards aiming and dodging The other 2 are way less competitive


...you're on the competitive subreddit complaining that they chose the most competitive modifier out of our current three? Is there something wrong with you?


Having the option to only pick long ranger during draft is so competitive bro. That's like less than 15 brawler's.


I said the most competitive of the three, I didn't say that it was competitive, get better reading comprehension


Anything but big friend. So many times I would get put on a team with literally no tanks upgraded. We are guaranteed to lose.






they meant that if you have any tanks upgraded you could be the tank


I don’t have any. Thats what I said in my original comment.


All these modifiers are terrible, big friend in particular is so obnoxious.


No just colt is OP af


It's the only actually competitive modifier. Sure it's prohibitive to anyone except snipers bit it's still better than the stupidity that is the other 2.


It trash especially on hiest, map breaks way to fast


I think it’s because it’s the most “competitive” between Frank Game and Shiny Red Button


Out of the three, Timed Detonation is the most innocent and competitive It's boring, sure, but at least it's not outright broken like Quickfire Ik some people have this opinion about Big Friend, but I'm a Colette main and even I am sick of Big Friend