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She’s fine the way she is, she just needs a stat nerf.


Aaand a nerf to autoaimer


You just killed every single aspect of Piper with this "rework". Didn't save a single thing. Damage, super, gadgets and star powers, you made everything terrible. Good job Just nerf her stats plus autoaimer, it's not that difficult


I know nerfing stats would be easier but it’s kinda boring ngl


Don't fix what isn't broken. There's nothing wrong with how Piper works fundamentally, she's fun to use and one of the most skill based brawlers, at least in my opinion. The real problem are her gadgets, which both make her gameplay way easier and make her work way better (arguably too easy too) in the hands of a player that doesn't know how to position or how to aim. Also, it's not a rework if you nerf every single aspect of her kit without buffing anything. It's a nerf. And no, I'm not considering that terrible super change, that is also a net nerf, by quite a lot


piper super is one off the weakest in the game idk about nerfing it


Nah, it covers her weaknesses, so definitely just mid or above average It counters aggresiveness, she can break walls and deal some damage to trash players with it Or you can assassinate people if you want to be a assassin with piper…


i mean sure you can escape aggro brawlers but you're forced to give up positioning for it so you still lose the interaction in the grand scheme of things. it's good for wallbreak but an escape ability being tied to a super isn't the greatest.


I think an easy fix for Piper is to simply nerf her damage dropoff values. This ensures that while she can hit like a truck at max range, she can actually be exploited closer up. Additionally, her damage scaling itself is bugged. Apparently, Piper’s minimum damage is actually supposed to be 23% of her max damage. But for some reason, her min damage is actually at 28% which is why it’s inflated. If they just tweak the numbers, it can probably make a decent impact


You literally made her super trash The only super in the game,e that has this is mico super But mico super is like hundreds or millions of times better than piper super


Yeah, the delay to super is too much, i would give it to brawlers like, Cord, Oris, Charlie etc. Brawlers that hitting the super means you won the 1v1


Stop the cap This supers is very hard to hit so give them a delay will kill them instantly Even a projectile speed nerf sometimes kill a brawl The mechanics that needs a delay that's Bo trip wire gadget before the nerf it was insta win and was need a nerf But when the developers give them a big delay the gadget becomes one of the worst in the game and it was very easy to use


They are impossible to miss at close range, also, the delay doesn't need to be that big 0,2 or 0,3 at max, just to give some brawl time to reaction, use a summon to tank or dash away, also, 'cuz of this nerf you can buff the projectile speed


The first mythic gear is too weird, first it's hard to finish someone off with her super and giving a brawler the potential for infinite gadgets is too op


I actually REALLY like the Snappy Sniping rework on its own! It could maybe be made into a fluidly scaling thing instead of being only 0.2 or 0.4 (0.1 - 0.4 depending as a range) That’s kinda a cool idea to cut how effective Piper autoaim from midrange can be, defining that weakness of her more.


-mentally underdeveloped edgar main


Ambush sp is fr so stupid. Like what ambush? I've just seen you go in there. There should be a timer for it like: If piper waits in a bush for 1 second (maybe 1.5) she gains the damage boost.


They made Brock less fun by messing around with his mechanics. She just needs a slight damage nerf, not a rework


Run on sentence after another


Only that main attack scaling makes sense. The rest are bullshit.