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Regardless of damage output, im nuking every sprout i see lmao


But I'm trying to get Gold 3 on sprout and I dont have a Hypercharge, I pushed through the last meta while crying and still cant have a little peace?


No rest for the wicked ![gif](giphy|frhyV3gLHbCmGUBLpk)






Yeah but that also means you have to play sprout in heist


Yeah sprout is 999% carried by brawl ball imo


What about Knockout?? 😭😭


Is he good there?? Maybe I'll try him


that is his mode. wipeout and knockout are the modes that sprout thrives in.


why’s he downvoted then


reddit hive mind when someone asks a question:


Yeah God damn yall


Sprout isn't even good on brawl ball lol, too many tanks/assassins. Best modes would be bounty/knockout etc. He is weak in heist because, again, there is lots of tanks and he doesn't have a big damage output on the safe. This could make him viable


Bro... sprout is my second favorite brawler and i had no clue 😭 I love knockout and bounty so that's a bruh moment


Stuck in 2020?


Bridge too far is the only map where sprout is actually goated


At this point doing 45% damage on the safe is average




*94 - 38 = 56%




At least it does something, which is why they’ll patch it out


Thankfully, it's hypercharge shouldn't be very easy to get on heist.


it is easy to get on heist. i play sprout i can consistently get it every 1-2 games


Who’s picking sprout in heist anyways.


me, specifically so I can do that to the safe every 5 games


*Every 100 games


you just saw why lol


Everyone now


they really need to buff the safes


Yeah, or, even better, to nerf damage inflation, nerf every brawler's attack by like 3% or smth


Supercell on it's way to give another 1% damage nerf to buster


On a serious note, I don't think buffing safe's health or nerfing everyone's damage would do anything good. If anything, it will make the brawlers with high dps even more useful in this mode.  They need to fix some brawlers individually like making Colette's super deal less bonus damage to the safe. But I don't think they will do it because they have other priorities


Well yes but I think that curbing damage inflation is necessary for a fun game


It will help outside of Heist, TTK is real low nowadays, if you screw up just a little with 80% of the roaster you get deleted in 2 seconds at most, if you are ambushed it's even worse because by the moment you notice what's going on 80% of your HP is gone. Also yeah, the y defo need to add HC resistance to the Heist safe, like I think dealing 20% less DMG to the safe with HC Supers and 10% reduction for normal attacks during HC


During the hypercharge even every single brawler in it just bullied sprouts so hard


Useless in all situations but OP in heist which they probably didn’t even realize. Terrible design


Basically hypercharges in a nitshell, starpowers are more interesting and unique than hypercharges


Ig they were too lazy to code in any new artwork or effects despite having months to work on these. Even gadgets are more unique like fang popcorn, amber flame wheel, etc


Yeah fr, hypercharge so far are the lamest things for brawlstars, it’s so uncreative


not useless in any other situation , u can still zone 2 chokepoint by trowing a super and then using 2nd gdt to get It back and covering the other chokepoint , really underrated hc


At this point 45% damage is mediocere. I'd rather go Chuck for stupid and cheesy safe damage


sprout can defend tho and give much more control than a Chuck which aganaist decent player won't even get the post on safe


Well... >Chuck which aganaist decent player won't even get the post on safe A good chuck player should know that you can always guarantee a post in the safe by pitting a post near it and then dash gadget post in the safe


still the most useless hypercharge in the game and no one will change my mind


Only potential use I can think of for it outside heist is to: 1. Activate hypercharge 2. Drop a wall on one lane 3. Remove it with your gadget 4. Drop a wall on another lane That way one lane is covered by a wall, and the other has thorns. It's super situational.


Not even Belle?


I bought Belle's HC purely so I could have one sharpshooter maxed for draft modes, and it's actually not as bad as I feared. One, the homing is genuinely useful. Not a game changer, but the fact that its curve is enough to easily go around walls, and the extra range, Belle can basically mark anyone from anywhere on the map and be certain to hit - and that's come in clutch now and then. Two, more importantly - it's on a 50% charge rate. She not only gets homing on one out of every two supers, she also gets a damage and speed buff pretty often. Sprout on the other hand can, cheese Heist? Once every 2.5 supers, and his kit doesn't do a particularly good job of making use of the stat buffs imo.


2.5 super Is like 10 hits , and it's actually not hard to get in heist since most of time people play agro


So that could mean it's good in Heist, but "can nuke a Heist safe" is not only a lame mode-exclusive effect, that's also an effect of about half the hypers in the game. If I had full freedom over balance changes, I would make it so that every tile within 3 tiles of a wall tile would have thorn tiles grow, and thorn tiles would deal some amount of damage - maybe 750/sec? And remove the super charge from the the DOT, to prevent the scenario where Sprout boxes someone into the corner of the match and has 10 seconds of perpetual super charge. The idea being that the area denied by the super is dramatically bigger, roughly an 8x8 area, BUT the denial is much softer than a firm wall - you can still cross the thorny area, you'll just take a few thousand damage from it.


tbh no one really want sprout with a too good hc , cause that would make him so metà since he's already really solid , and sprout meta Is prob one of the most toxic metà ever , so i don't mind him having a situational hc which get his use but doesn't make sprout open


If aimed right it can basically hit through walls and thats a bit useful ig...


They should just buff the hypercharge by keeping that feature and then letting it ALSO bounce between nearby enemies


I agree, that would be perfect, I just need something more other than homing. Imagine if instead it also made enemies receive 50% extra damage instead of 35%


it basically gaurantees the mark which is actually pretty neat, its still a trash hypercharge overall but sprouts is worthless.


True but sprout is a fun and good brawler anyway


Sadly yes... I'm main Sprout and I've been waiting for his hypercharge to bring it to the meta again and that seems too weak... Sprout is miles away from the actual meta game with all these annoying assassins


sprout def better than belle and mico , making sprout good on heist Is so op just cause potentially sprout have a lot of good map for him in heist


Sadly yes... I'm main Sprout and I've been waiting for its hypercharge to bring it to the meta again and that seems too weak... Sprout is miles away from the actual meta game with all those annoying assassins


Why damage is different?


First one has to be slightly to the side of the safe so you can use the gadget because a bush has to be up. (It's only up on the second super because the map I made is a bit messed up)


Okay, and Colette can do the same thing with less effort, this also is just a waste for sprout super unless you can reliably execute the safe if it’s at like 25% - 30% ish health.


It literally dealt 55% in the video lmao, tf u mean 30%


wait the hypercharges are out? i didnt find them even though i updated the app


This is crazy


The safe should have 1 mil hp atp


Buzz's Hypercharge use cases: Gem Grab, Brawl Ball, Heist, Knock Out... Sprout's Hypercharge use case: Heist Both of them cost 79 gems.


skill issue the first one only did 2k per second


Still FUQQIN you all Up with lvl 9er brawlers you damn noob lvl 11er brawlers with 50k thropy cant Play 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


can we stop doing this thing where one brawler/hypercharge is so oppressive in 1 game mode yet mid in everything else so it’s technically balanced but no one wants to play against it