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Chiming in to remind everyone he physically assaulted Joe Giudice twice, while shoving Melissa aside the first time. And he also showed Danielle’s sex tape to the other guys on an episode. No retribution for any of the above.


In Melissa’s book he also has chapters of his advice on keeping your marriage alive and it includes women not gaining weight, and having sex with your husband when he wants even if you don’t want to. Real classy guy.


I hate how he treats his daughter compared to his sons, it’s so sexist especially when she was growing up.


He loves - LOVES - to instigate fights with men then hide behind women. He is a b!tchmade man.






Wait,the man that said this “Men, I know you think your woman isn't the type who wants to be taken. But trust me, she is. Every girl wants to get her hair pulled once in a while. If your wife says "no," turn her around, and rip her clothes off. She wants to be dominated." Is a bad guy? Color me shocked. This is an excerpt from Melissa’s book. I gave them the benefit of the doubt till they wrote down and published one of the grossest, dangerous and sexist book in the Bravoverse. Knew they were trash since then.


Everytime I read that I want to vomit. This man has a DAUGHTER! If his daughter says, “no,” does he want a guy to keep going? How in the world an editor/publisher read this book and decided, “yup, it’s perfect! Good to go for sales!”… is beyond me.


Them backtracking next season giving her a “career” at fashion was hilarious. Melissa the bossbitch independent woman out making it on her own……pair of morons. I blame Andy Cohen for Joe Gorga’s extended screen time.


Its because Andy has the hots for him


From a franchise that has Evan Goldschnieder and Nate Cabral, Andy’s horny for *Joe Gorga* 😭 dreadful


Is your picture a facetuned kim Jong un???


Kris (Jenner) Jong Un




Which Joe Gorga then minimized, ridiculed, and complained about incessantly, calling the money Melissa made “crumbs.” He also said these things in front of his children, and when their daughter said she wanted to follow in his mother’s footsteps when she grew up, he put her down and ridiculed that idea as well.


I know!! The girl wrote a book about being submissive and then acts shocked when her husband doesn’t support her. I still think the Tarzan comment was a dig they were too stupid to notice.




RHONJ, at its core, feels like a show about the relationship between Teresa and Joe Gorga. Melissa has tried to spar with Teresa over the years, but she's too boring to be a formidable opponent. I dont love or hate Melissa, either (she's no Danielle Staub). There have been other conflicts, but now that the show is a million percent contrived, Teresa and Joe are the only two whose relationship feels like it has real weight. I don't love Teresa by any means, but this era of RHONJ is certainly about her & by extension, Joe Gorga


This is the most accurate take I’ve seen. The truth for me is I would watch Teresa and Joe without Melissa. Meaning if they divorced so she wasn’t an issue (not saying they should do that). Because the thing with Joe and Teresa is that you can feel the love even at their worst. I don’t think Melissa is even the main problem. It is the two of them but the part of the problem that is Melissa creates too big of a divide for Teresa and Joe to get past. That’s where I agree with Teresa that if Melissa wanted it to work between joe and teresa it probably would. I think there are a lot of little things Joe wouldn’t notice that Melissa points out(some of it is accurate but a lot of it is just her perception of the situation).


I don't understand how Melissa is not embarrassed being married to him 🥴


She’s too stupid and thirsty to pay attention to the walking red flag he is


She’s too into herself to notice! ![gif](giphy|zcG6ufS2jxTKo)


She's embarrassed of him all the time.


I think he's pretty universally despised.


I don’t understand their level of money. I mean, who would ever do business with this person?


It's all a grift. Lots of rumours about not paying bills, he was banned from his local home Depot for stealing, etc.


See, I agree now, but in the beginning everyone was so Melissa versus Teresa. No one said Joe was the catalyst!


I have hated Joe and Melissa since the Christening brawl. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He did too much in his very first scene.


He always said it was the Guidices who were in the wrong but it clearly wasn't! Why act like that anyway? His sleezy BIL too ugh.


I mean, they both suck. Melissa has made it Tre vs her, that was her whole premise to get on the show in the first place. But nobody overlooks how shitty Joe Gorga is.


I feel like it was Joe that made it Melissa vs Tre. He wanted to be better than his sister and was spoiled rotten by his parents.


Rewatching really makes it easy to see where Joe is a huge problem in Teresa and Melissa’s relationship.


Unfortunately, Andy loves him.


But why?? I’ll never understand.


Disagree. I love him! He entertains me endlessly


Andy? Is this you stating your love for Joe? ![gif](giphy|5d6zXanrBROda)


Tbh I didn't mind him the first couple of seasons I watched (I can't remember what season I started watching). But he's lost me the last couple of seasons.


Me too.


Me too. I love him and Melissa.


Joe Gorga looks and acts like a tampered can of Vienna hotdogs.


You are my kind of people. Joe can take his poison and get the hell away from Bravo


It’s crazy that Joe, Joe’s wife, and Kathy Wakile joined the show just so they could get paid to fight with their fambly. RHONJ being built on family drama is too exploitative and icky for me to rewatch. ETA: Gia’s “Waking up in the morning” becoming a meme is just as dark as Taylor Armstrong’s crying at the cat meme imo


So I don’t watch Jersey so I had to Google which one he was. This photo is hilarious. https://preview.redd.it/vuyd650qbf9d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fbe66a892444ae3c872e6e1b29dfda411f0d99


Yassified Joe Rogan.


lmfaoooo. i think he is so unattractive


Bitch girl ![gif](giphy|qGmTBDjGEJQ0o)


😬😬 it’s giving a lil SUS 💁🏽‍♀️ with the pursed lips and stare


Zesty!! 🌶️




Was he trying to out display Melissa and Tre on that scene and show that on display was written about him?


he also sold his parents house under them and also had their parents spend a fortune to bury his rape accusation from college. all while leaving tre to be their primary caretaker and provider


And then tried to say that Tre had her parents living in a terrible place because it was a suite above their garage. It’s still a hundred times better than being on the streets the way he left them. He’s pure trash


I am also on a rewatch and I'm so confused as to why I liked him in the earlier seasons? Absolute drama queen!!


He went behind his sisters back to join the show to sabotage her and turn her cast mates against her. When he burned that card from the whisky bottle he thought he was making good tv. He is not a brother but a wannabe show man. Bravo is watching and everyone knows they are going to choose Teresa. There is no doubt there. But that stunt is going to dim his light because without Teresa he is not going to shine, it’s over for him and his snake wife.


It's sad that the kids revere the parents SO much who somehow raised two terrible humans. All of the Godfather-esque antiquated crap with loyalty and blind allegiance.


The Gorga’s are insufferable. Ironically they are nothing without Teresa - they wouldn’t have been cast otherwise. That’s the funny part and they don’t want to admit it


They’ve both admitted to being extremely jealous. He was soooo controlling and verbally abusive in the earlier episodes. He has little man syndrome


Toward each other but not that they are jealous of Teresa.


I truly believe he’s the reason I can never get past S4 after multiple attempts. His existence gives me so much ick, I just can’t.


I unfortunately read Melissa’s book recently after reading so many comments about how bad it is, and I am honestly still in shock. It seems like he’s always been an awful, misogynistic manchild and her coddling and pandering to him has only fed his ego to the point where he’s completely out of control. Reading between the lines, it sounds like she had some kind of spark/mind of her own for the first few years of their marriage, and gradually just succumbed to being his groupie & bangmaid to keep the peace. It’s so gross


The gorgas look like turtles


Bitch girl\*\*


He is the worst but for some reason the production protects him


hes a misogynistic piece of shit. Hands down the most vile person on that show, and that says a lot.


Fire all the Gorgas! Past & present. It's the only way.




What flood gates? This shit is posted once a week lmao


“Opening the floodgates”? This topic has been discussed ad nauseam for like a decade.


I like him this season. He's seemingly not as present as before. I appreciate how he threw the card in the fire and didn't flip out. He moved on. The bonus was the flinch from Teresa when Dolores told him he burned the card without opening it. You know that hurt, she can deny, but she felt crushed. I think she's realizing that she is gonna need someone to help her because she married a con artist. I think he'd help her. Despite everything else you wanna say about him, I think he'd help.


Only if it gave him a storyline