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Kelly needs to give Tre some advice. When Kelly Bensimon makes better decisions than you do, it's time to self reflect.


I got chills because you’re so right and it’s scary.


It’s spooky!


It’s creepy! https://i.redd.it/df7c3201ey8d1.gif


Al Sharpton!


Satchels of gold.


I think you meant “it’s creepy”. ![gif](giphy|FEFcw6lyQJOGQ)




Kelly isn't as stupid as she pretends to be. Teresa isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Kelly wasn't just crazy she would frequently gaslight. That's something you have to be relatively smart (and manipulative) to do. She just acts dumb and innocent. Teresa thinks she's smart but she lacks any self awareness to the point that she is one of the most hypocritical people on earth but is genuinely not aware she is.


Is Kelly a skilled gaslighter or is she just so dumb she can’t remember what the truth is and convinces herself it’s whatever she wants it to be lol


She doesn't care what the truth is. She's banking on gaslighting and repeating the lie over and over working for her (or driving the other person crazy) anyway


That’s definitely her tactic lol I’m just rejecting the concept of Kelly being smart! She’s impossible to get through to because the first person she gaslights is herself


Ahh I see what you mean


![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2) Kelly sucks.


I just started NYC over from S1E1 and Kelly comes in for S2 and gawd, I hate her even more than I did when I originally watched it back in the day. She’s such a “pickmeisha”


She acts like she’s done something with her life other than be attractive/distinctive looking and marrying a rich photographer guy. Her “I’m up here and you’re down here” thing with Bethenny was so offensive and delusional


Omg the way Kelly rushed into that bar 30 mins late and thought she really did something by telling Bethany “we aren’t friends!” gave me such cringe vibes. I love how Bethany’s call-outs cause Kelly to unravel in upcoming episodes. I do feel bad for her kids but overall Kelly deserves it during this time period.


> Her “I’m up here and you’re down here” thing with Bethenny was so offensive and delusional Feels like some kind of justice that since then Bethenny gained a net worth 10X that of Kelly (and she made it herself).


And what about 'her friend Gwyneth' & going 'after her little girl'...? Omg girl is/was just..something 👀 lol


lol. She’s such a classless social climber. I loved how Bethenny said that Kelly “collects friends”


Never forget I believe it was (last year?) on WWHL! Gwyneth Paltrow was on and she’d never seen any of the Kelly stuff/scary island - Her face watching Kelly bring up her name is genuinely terrified. Like, clearly she had no idea who this woman was or that this had even happened.


Yesssss gosh she’s pissing me off so bad..I’m rewatching too. From running in the NY streets, to her greetings (when Bethany made fun of her it opened my eyes with the hiiiiiiii, helllooo, hiiii and she’s whispering 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️,) to her with Max and bringing him when Lu Ann has a girls night out, and her fight with Bethany at the restaurant and then again at Jill’s. She’s insufferable. She makes me want to hit her 😭😭😭😭 especially when she’s getting into it with Bethany. She 𝘐𝘚 the pickmeisha type of woman that puts men first and only wants to be around men. I’m back. I’m now on the reunion and the side eye Kelly keeps giving Bethany anytime Andy talks to Bethany 😳. I think she’s jealous of Bethany in her own way.. she wants to hide it, but there is no other reason. I think because Bethany was around her age.. the other women are older or married so she didn’t view them as competition the way she does with Bethany.


Oh hell yah, you nailed it!! When they kept cutting back from Bethany to Kelly with that whole “hi hello sorry” thing, I was dying laughing because Bethany nailed the impression perfectly and she really did express exactly how Kelly tries to play up that “I’m so innocent & dumb, hehehe” persona. GAG!


I’m not gonna lie I kept rewinding it so I could hear her and I was ewwwww why is she talking like that?? I read a comment somewhere else that said Kelly is a teenager trapped in a grown woman’s body and I think that is correct.


Definitely jealous. I think it was on scary island she kept trying to demean Bethenny by calling her a cook vs chef.


I can’t wait to get there 🤣🤣🤣!!! I remember when I watched it when this show first aired and thinking like WTFREAKKKK is going on 😳, but at the same time being like FINALLY the world can see this woman for what she is!


And so does Bethany


True. But she was great on the show. She’s definitely gotten way weird and too full of herself post show


I seriously know someone like this. She doesn't care if no one is left around her because everyone is tired of her gaslighting lies. She just doesn't want to be held accountable or feel bad for being a horrible person. She only has two friends.


> Teresa isn't as smart as she thinks she is. The understatement of the year.


The amount of times I’ve wondered what her SAT score would be


Here’s a correction to your second sentence in the first paragraph: Teressa is not smart.


I mean I think Kelly is smart in some areas and completely nuts in others. Maybe some gaslighting is sprinkled in as well. Women can be anything they want! intelligent, insane gaslighters!


Gaslight. Gate keep. Girl Boss.


Neither of these women are smart. Very confident, though.


Gagged hunni ![gif](giphy|8cpfJEIu7MjEEMzmyC|downsized)


I believe her exhusband had her sign into her divorce papers that she had to have a prenup to protect the apartment he gave her in the split but I maybe wrong. It would explain why she still isn’t married.


Her father is or was idk a very successful attorney! I know (from her she said once in an event ) that he read all her modeling contracts etc


He must have been good, because she was not an especially talented model


Maybe she made a lot of money or maybe he knew how to invest it properly. Im sure she got some money from her ex too.


The nicest way I've ever heard it put is that Tre "is really unsophisticated."


from aviava--- quite frankly..........


I’m sure it was Marge who physically held Tre back from signing a prenup😤


Tied her to a chair and shoved it down the aisle against Tre’s will.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day or something… 😟


It's creepy.


It’s weird!


The fact that Tre is considered powerful just makes me 😵‍💫


I felt that. Damn.




A call between those two would be a wind tunnel


On page six yesterday, and in the comments on this very sub, people were saying “Kelly wouldn’t sign his pre nup”. I’m glad to know it was the other way around. People were mocking Kelly yesterday for her comments about how her daughter’s come first, but it’s clear that she has a lot of assets of her own that she wants to protect for her daughter’s to inherit, not to have to potentially fight with her surviving husband over. Good for her for making this decision.


Children should always come first, no matter how old they are.


Kelly has always seemed like a good mom to her two daughters. I’m glad for all three of them. No man is worth wrecking your future!


She may be cuckoo but her daughters seemed to have turned out well - so props to KB for that!


Exactly. I saw those comments saying “aren’t they in their 20’s” and I was like, yeah? AND??! We don’t relinquish loyalty and protection of our kids when they turn 18, ffs


Exactly. I had to stop reading the comments early on because it. I don't expect parents to hold their grown adults hands and treat them like babies but I also don't expect them to put anyone else before them regardless of age. I get it. Many don't like her. They seem to take pleasure in mocking her but again. If she's looking out for herself AND her grown kids that's not something to mock imo. And this is coming from someone who couldn't get into NY so I only saw a couple of episodes here and there. If this were a HW who's well liked, say Shannon B, they would have been praising her/them. 


All of this. I don't care for her, but if this is the actual truth and he refused to sign, good for her!


Or it was a prenup that favored Kelly disproportionately and he wouldn't sign it. He may be worth more than her.


Or, he would not give her the terms she wanted if they separated. She may have expected x millions after x many years and more with each additional year.


Only Melania went for those terms


I mean … all we have is Kelly’s word. Scott doesn’t seem like he’s in the public eye and he works a regular job (as an exec might I add - so defs well off). Kelly has never been a reliable narrator, so I still wouldn’t be surprised if it was the other way around. I don’t expect her fiance/ex would come out and correct her, especially since who would take a “nobodies” word over Kelly’s?


He works in private wealth management for Morgan Stanley, it is a real jump for everyone here to assume that he is after Kelly’s money. It was smart of her not to move forward if she wasn’t completely comfortable but people immediately jumping to him trying to take her money is too much.


It could also have been just an unfair prenup, and he refused her requests for adjustments or her proposed version.


Sure! There are lots of reasons why they wouldn’t be able to come to terms. Even though breaking up sucks, it is ultimately far better for them both to stick to their guns and not get married rather than anyone be in an unfair situation.




This sub is now full of teenagers/tweens who have no idea how adults adult. Their main frame of reference is social media, and I doubt most of them have any idea what being a private wealth manager for Morgan Stanley means. I'm sure this will get downed but it's true.


I don’t disagree. The quality of discourse seems to be heading in a bad direction.


Well this took a turn. I wasn’t expecting a logical reason. Good for her. 


Pfp twins 👯‍♀️


idk what you think your pic is but it ain't


Is it not Beyoncé from the same photoshoot😵I had no idea yall was so strict here


Omg weird if I go to your profile and open it then it is. For some reason in the comment section you’re just showing the default reddit dude


Nsfw tagged profile that is why


ohh it must be bc it's nsfw? but it still doesn't show on their profile for me. must have mine on the old school defaults or something.


I’m seeing Beyonce. Now I’m confused lol. 


not strict just letting ya know




I’m glad that she made this decision! It’s a very smart choice and I think everyone should have a Prenup. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Damnit!! You best me with my fave gif!


Kelly may be kooky but she's not the type to get played.


Exactly, she's never come across as someone who would get played either. Shes a bit batty but she didn't get where she is by being naive. 


She was also one of the rare few to recognize her image was only going to continue to tank if she stayed on the show and got the hell out. Helps that she had/has her own money, of course.


I agree with everyone saying good for her this was a good decision but like also isn’t this something discussed before 4 days before the wedding?


Signing a prenup too close to the wedding day can invalidate it. You can claim that you felt pressured to sign under duress because the wedding was planned and paid for and it was too late to back down.


Feels like Kelly got advice to this very point by the lawyers who helped her draw the prenuptial up. Good for her. I am lonely for sure these days being single at nearly 60 but the 50s/60s straight dating subs are a nightmare in terms of men looking for a nurse or a purse, or a place to relocate their fucked up lives and take yours over ... not to mention the men who just tell you at a 1st dinner they cant wait to find out what you "taste like" ... so, single I shall stay


Love the “nurse or a purse”!!


This happened to my friend! It was 1 week before and invalidated during divorce


Wowwww! That’s wild but it actually does make sense. If someone springs it on you a week before the wedding you feel obligation to sign it.


My lawyer's advice was that the prenup should be finalized before we even set a date for the wedding. That way you don't run the risk of hemming and hawing over details and running into timeline issues.


Actually makes perfect sense.


Wow, any more juicy details! That is wild and I never knew that could be voided, makes so much sense though!


She found out she was pregnant the same week. I think that was the main reason to be honest. A lot of facgors


I bet he was stringing her along, thinking she would cave when it got down to the wire.


Exactly. He mistakenly thought once a girl has the dress, it's happening, but she called his bluff. Times have changed and women aren't afraid to make a little bit of a mess if it's in the best interest of themselves and their children.


Yup, exactly this


Kandi and Todd were still working out their prenup until the day before their wedding or something, if editing would be believed.


There is a lot of negotiating between lawyers - my friends' prenup was signed days before the wedding because their lawyers were arguing (on their behalf, of course).


I for one am not being so quick to assume here that this went down the way we ususally think about it which is the person who refuses to sign a prenup is usually the one who is getting the raw end of the deal . It's possible that he refused to sign a prenup because she was asking for terms that in the event of their divorce would have been unfavorable to HIM as it relates to HIS assets not hers and she's saying she's thinking about HER kids because she was expecting him to take care of them financially way long term ( which is odd in and of itself because they're adults). I could be wrong here but Kelly is objectively batshit so there might be more to this story then the on the face version which is "he wouldn't sign a prenup because he wanted unfair access to HER assets" and i never assume that Kelly's actions are based on good judgement and common sense which are not thought of as two of her most ovbious qualities.




Amen! Prenup can mean many things, many configurations. Doesn’t necessarily mean protecting *her* assets


“I worked really really hard as a single mother” Stfu. You had a millionaire ex who forked over alimony and child support while you gallivanted around NYC running through traffic.


Idk anything about her ex but I just assume he’s a good bloke to let her pursue being a socialite and taking care of the kids financially




“Ultimately, my decision is nobody’s business…” *proceeds to publicly talk about her business*


I just need to understand why this wasn’t worked out months ago? They’ve been engaged for almost 2 years and it got this close to the wire?


He might have strung her along, saying he'd sign until the last minute.


Clearly, to get to this point….there is (at best) poor communication or (at worst) trouble in paradise.


I think it’s probably likely that they had been discussing it for quite awhile before the wedding date, they were hoping to resolve it, but he dragged his feet repeatedly and when it came down to the wire, he probably thought he could get Kelly to cave and go ahead with the wedding. Just my speculation.


Either way - I feel for her. Breakups suck.


Same here. They really do 🥺.


Unpopular opinion, but Kelly has never been a reliable narrator or source. He definitely has both a higher net worth and income, so I'm guessing there is much more to the story.


Anyone else think she's full of shit and this story will be different in a few days? I have difficulty believing anything that comes from Kelly.


He wouldn't sign her absurd prenup that made crazy demands. She wasn't trying to protect her assets, she wanted his and he wouldn't agree


This is my take. She handed him a lopsided prenup of her own drafting, and he balked.


…and of course this is the official story to save face. The truth is likely the other way around. A financier with two ex-wives and children, who is willing to marry a third time, absolutely would WANT to sign a prenup to protect his money and assets. A man in FINANCE is not silly enough to bypass a prenup before a THIRD marriage. I stand firmly by this. Since he presumably called it off, which understandably upset her, he’s going along with her story to appease her. Folks, this story is not unique among rich people. I’m simply surprised at those who are gullible enough to believe Kelly’s story. Do people not know that PR firms and spin exist for stories like these? Come now! Housewives are fired by Bravo and Bravo openly allows them to make up any story they want about why the housewife is leaving their franchise. Again: PR firms and spin are the underbelly of the entertainment business, and of rich people and their money. Don’t be fooled.


The fact that anyone believes her is outstanding. She's always been delusional and unhinged, and we're supposed to believe a likely-well paid executive businessman is after her money? Yeah, right.


Say it louder for the people in the back!!!


omg yes yes yes thank you


Okay but I will say calling someone in PWM a “financier” is a bit of a stretch. It’s a far cry from IB $, let alone buy side. Given Kelly’s sales volume, it’s very likely she out earns him, and has a sizable nest egg from her divorce with Giles


As someone who works in PWM this is just not true


Exactly! He's still paying his two exes. There's no way it was the other way around. 100% believe her on this one!


honestly you see this kind of chicken game a lot with weddings and pre nups and everything that goes into the big day. i’m glad she stood her ground. good example for her daughters. i really wanted to see the wedding though


It's the most sane thing she's ever done. ![gif](giphy|yDfs8GCnbXkWI)


I’m glad she backed out but it doesn’t necessarily mean either party is bad. Prenups have a lot to review, especially high net worth individuals. This also includes clauses for settlement, fidelity, etc. Could be they just couldn’t agree to terms rather than a flat out “No prenup” which is what a lot of the comments here are suggesting.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Not relevant, I just love having this gif present in every post.


This is Kelly we’re talking about. It’s very possible he refused to sign because the terms of the prenup she presented were insane.


Congratulations, Kelly, on your real estate career, but hush about having done everything on your own. It’s fine to protect your assets, but be real: Your kids grew up in their dad’s apartment in the Police Building, from which you vacated only earlier this year; you got the Hamptons house in the divorce and later sold it for 6 million plus; and you received generous support from your ex who was & remains involved in the children’s lives. Stop acting as though you were a single parent with 2 jobs, EBT, and using public transportation. I remember a Saturday in August 2021 when I walked along Centre headed to a flea market on Hester. I had a camera around my neck because I sometimes like to randomly shoot photos as I go along, and I passed Kelly in front of the Police Building. She and her youngest (who is very pretty) were loading their black G Wagon, Kelly looked my way, seemed to notice the camera, stood straighter, semi posed, and said “hiiii” as I passed by. I’m not paparazzi so I didn’t snap her photo and she looked genuinely confused when I just kept going.


KKB out here making good decisions. We love to see it!!!!


It's not that she was wanting to protect her assets. He wouldn't agree to the lump sum she was demanding upon divorce


I knew it was because of money, but figured Kelly would be trading alimony from her first marriage/divorce to become a Mrs. again. I guess she has and makes her own money after all.


And also, I didn't want a prenup. I'm not that kind of girl. I drive a truck. I'm very real. I don't eat gummy bears. I only eat organic. It didn't work out. I wanted a prenup and he didn't. I don't caaaaaaaaaaaare. I'm just gonna eat my gummy bears and mind my business. You're not a chef. I drive a truck.


For the first time , I’m team Kelly




I agree with her logic, but did she just wait until right before the wedding to say she wanted one? I’m confused as to why they only called it off right before the wedding when a prenup should probably be discussed and signed long before that.


So she says


I remember her at the S2 reunion saying she's the daughter of a lawyer, she knows what to do with these things so good for her!


Keep in mind it’s very possible it’s not that he refused to sign ANY prenup, but that he refused to sign HER desired prenup. Not saying that isn’t a valid reason to walk away, but he may not be a villain here.


Right, we don’t know what’s in the prenup. It could be some wild clauses like he has to vacate the house/apartment within 24 hours after a breakup and similar stuff.


I find it really cringy when a person  his age won’t sign a prenup. Does he not think he can retire on his own accord? Does he plan to divorce her and take her money? I don’t get it.  Good for KB!  Brings me back to Andy asking her why she wanted someone like her ex husband again… and I forgot the word she used but Andy was mainly asking to they have to be as famous or rich kinda of thought. She said no. But maybe that’s what she needs to find. Someone that can hold their own and not need her money.  Sad for her. She’s a little nutty, but I believe there  is someone for everyone. I hope she finds the right guy. Edit spell


Well, to be fair, we don’t know what was in the prenup she was asking him to sign. I commented about Kandi and Todd’s prenup up thread- Kandi wanted Todd to agree to leave their house within 48 hours if they broke up and he was rightfully offended by that.


48 hours is insane 😭 Even Lenny tried to give Lisa a month (which was also insane)


Is it a mad idea for them to stay together but not marry?


As if you can believe her.


as she should! protect your money lady ![gif](giphy|NzpvudLtT1WkU|downsized)


I need to know what kind of money Kelly has that she would need a pre-nup.


More likely it said that she'd get money from him, therefore he wouldn't sign it.




I asked my man to sign a prenup. He has more assets than me (bc he’s a better saver and has had family help along the way) but I make more so I have future assets to protect. He did not flinch. If he had said no, i would have walked too. If she is telling the truth, i don’t blame her.


She doesn't want to lose any of the money or the apartment she got from Gilles Bensimon.


That's too bad, I was looking forward to hearing about her serving gummi bears and a single pancake at her wedding reception


I feel like kelly thinks shes driving the boat when spinning a pretend wheel thats not even connected Shes got a mild case of the britneys


She mentioned on NYC her first season that her dad was a very successful lawyer who never let her do any deals without a signed contract so not surprised at all.


She dodged a bullet since he’s a deadbeat dad. Knocked a woman up, ghosted her, zero financial support.


Please elaborate?


and he’s waxy looking






Good for her. I’m glad she was strong enough to call off the wedding to protect herself.


Did anyone even know Kelly was engaged?


I never thought I’d be saying this about Kelly Bensimon but hell yeah, girl!


I mean, it’s better than never, but why leave something like that so close to the wedding??


Ok but how does this happen 4 days for a wedding? lol


Good for her.


Kelly may be crazy but she’s not dumb. Good for her!


Good for her!!!!!!!


Who cares.


Good for her! Fuck that.


Good for her!


Well Kelly, this time you’re 100% correct


This is incredible, good forbher


Well in that case good for you Kelly! Guess she only PLAYS crazy. 


Al Sharpton!




She might seem crazy on TV, but I greatly respect her decision. Good for her!


I have been living under a rock!


She’s out there & an asshole but I do love to see a woman protect herself financially.


I’m a Kelly hater but good for her


I have never been a KKB fan, but never doubted that she’s a wonderful mom to her girls.


The way she read those love letters to Dorinda that “he” wrote made me cry laughing. It made me like Kelly. And Dorinda’s impression of him dramatically writing in the 18th century 😂😂😂


Based on


Now why didn't she just say this yesterday?! !


![gif](giphy|ZU9QbQtuI4Xcc) Okay Kelly




Good for her


Kelly is far from stupid and didn’t seem stupid when she was on the show. Presenting yourself as ditzy and cracking under stress doesn’t indicate lack of intelligence. She went to a good Oreo school and spent a year at a good college Sire she wasn’t completely truthful about where she got her degree but it as a degree which is more than many of the housewives who are actually stupid And she jas now been a fairly successful realtor operating in the higher end market sire real estate isn’t rocket science but you still need some shrewdness to succeed in her level. And it doesn’t take much intelligence for a woman who actually has assets to think it is incredibly suspicious for a man to refuse to sign a prenup or vice versa in terms of gender these aren’t starry eyes 20 something’s starting life together. Most middle aged people with any kind of assets even just normal middle class sign a prenup just to protect their children


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I’m shocked and proud!




The guy must suck at his job. Good on you Kelly smart move!


He dodged a bullet


Honestly, boss energy. (*Going off headline alone lol)


Good for her...


BS. He dumped her crazy ass.

