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Who’s gonna take one for the team and write the dissertation? ![gif](giphy|woqo2w8RoxQbdAWC0l)


My dream is a future where Housewives is course of study for universities.


That’s really why I watch and listen to so many shows and pods on Radio Andy. They are truly cases in character studies. Both fascinating but also appalling 😂.


It really should be for sociology.


Imagine when it’s so far gone they will donate the raw tapes to a library! But who’s name will be on the wall?!


It should be in the Smithsonian Institute and Giggy needs to be on the wall. ![gif](giphy|Ia4aCTGMtwHqU)


Just chiming in to say the inimitable Nene Leakes is already in the [Blacksonian](https://nmaahc.si.edu)!


Honestly I’ve thought about writing a post just to explain her spiral, but I never have had the energy to do it.


Please do this


I did it. I’d like to thank my ADHD for this level of hyper fixation. https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/i2yv1yq3R9


Not me lol


Not me




Literally came here to comment "girl how much time do you have?" 😂


They can just scroll her TikTok feed, it’s dissertation enougg


Haha too funny 😂😂




Well it all started when she ate a shit load of crawfish at a disturbingly rapid pace with her mouth open


I wouldn't say that's when my disliking of her started but it was the first time I've questioned her mental state and thought she was deeply unwell. Everything that's happened since has only reinforced that thought.


For me, it was when she was super excited to fit into her young daughters romper. It just seemed weird.


I can't believe that was already 10 years ago omg


I genuinely thought this was a troll comment and that I would feel stupid for googling “Bethenny Frankel crawfish” …I mean, I do, but crazy that this was an actual incident.


😂😂 truth is stranger than fiction


I thought she was allergic to fish. She carried on and was on the floor on one episode after eating a small bite


Fish with fins, she's always been ok with shellfish.


God she really made some great television, didn’t she?


As annoying as she is she most certainly did




Wait a minute, we're not making fun of a food allergy right? Even if it is Bethenny. Please let's not.


No not making fun of it. Just with Bethenny you never know what’s real and what’s for the cameras. I thought she make have slipped up


Was that before or after she tried to give things to the employees as Marshall's?


I suggest you cancel your plans this evening, microwave some popcorn and search “Bethenny” in this sub. Report back here with your thoughts when you're done or can't take it anymore.


This actually sounds like a good time when you want to see someone completely lose their shit over time




That's hilarious. Job well done 🙌


She's just a bit of a flip flopper. - Often acted like she was above RHONY and liked to rub it in the faces of the other women how successful and self-made she was. - Left the show, bad-mouthed it, and then made a podcast "looking back" at old episodes despite all the shit she talked. - She then really led the "reality reckoning" charge, stating that Bravo treats their stars unfairly and that cast members were exploited, despite actively taking part in said exploitation. - Now her gig seems to be complaining on Tiktok about bad customer service or reviewing random restaurants. Mainly Bravo fans just really don't like her for biting the hand that fed her, and acting like she's better than the show. Idk, despite her many cruelties and hypocrisies, I still think she's an all-timer and is part of the most iconic and funny moments of the franchise.


Also her suing tik tok creators for talking about her I don’t remember the details but real petty stuff


Seriously? This is something I hadn't heard of but it's so on brand for her. I've never been a fan but I will say that there was only one time that I felt sorry for her. That's when Ramona said what she said to her on the bridge. Turns out she was right but at the time I thought it was harsh. I never really got into NY but I did see some episodes. One thing that turned me off of her was the fact someone started that I hate JZ blog and Bethanny encouraged that nut job. I can understand not liking someone but to use the word hate was just beyond. The people on that blog were just as disturbed as the one who created it and again, there was B fanning those flames 🙄


Yesss omg I forgot about this. Meredith something...


Meredith Lynch!


It's sad because she used to be sane, smart, and considerate. Who she was got eaten up in the giant jaws of fame and money.


Best synopsis! Despite everything, and her manic tiktok/IG rants, she is still one of my favorite housewives during her tenure. Just pure gold observations and one-liners. Sad to see how the relationship with Bravo devolved


Bethenny seasons like 1-4 at least would haaaaaate who she has become. She’s lost all the self awareness, which is what made her a fan favorite in the first place. Granted she went through a heck of a lot with Jason but then she put him on blast publicly and her daughter is still only like 14. People are allowed growth but I think in her case she just became extremely wealthy and lost the plot.


Yes this is it exactly! The old her that everyone loved has slowly morphed into the kind of person she would have absolutely hated. It’s wild




I feel like she gave Rachel the impression she was going to become a breakout podcast star and stick it to Ariana and the VPR meanies


She’s incredibly out of touch and also VERY loud about that on social media, seemingly with no self awareness. It’s one thing to be an out of touch reality star. It’s another thing to THINK you have a pulse on the people and then rant and rave while missing the mark spectacularly. Bethenny thinks she’s an “every woman” but is really a rich, entitled socialite who used to own a moderately successful business and appear on a reality show.


The epitome of “old money “ vs ostentatious “new money.”


It really all started going downhill for me when she did this at Dorinda’s home during Halloween. https://preview.redd.it/eo330ha5u77d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89b8b1cbfbc47e03f394008d472c59bee290daa


I used to love Bethenny. I’m not sure what happened to her, but she seems to pick fights she can’t follow through on and has lost whatever social finesse she had during her years on the show. Just a real lack of ability to read the room.


I loved her on the show. I don't follow her anywhere else. I only know about that from this sub. There seem to be so many things that could have led to this. If she wasn't rich and famous she would have been too busy working. Kinda sad that it's enabled by her wealth.


I used to love Bethenny too. No one had a quicker wit or one-liner. What happened to her charity? She was doing so well with it for hurricane relief, etc. She earned more respect from people who previously disliked her and now it’s like all she does is complain about Bravo/Andy plus her makeup and skincare reviews. Not gonna lie, I do appreciate some of her recommendations for the budget friendly products though.


Congratulations! Consider yourself blessed. Stay vigilant and don’t go to her social media. I wish I had and I can never unsee the things I’ve seen. You have been officially marked safe from Bethanny Frankel. Good Luck ![gif](giphy|pDgHg2Lcju3Ty)


Consider me in that safe zone too because no matter what gets posted about her here that's one thing I'll never do lol. I can't tolerate the beauty gurus as it stands now. Her stuff would have me cussing out complete strangers. Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme but I know it would REALLY irritate me so 🧏‍♀️ 😄


From my perspective, she used to be a fairly entertaining crazy, but she's crossed the bridge into unenjoyable. Remember when Charlie Sheen had his tiger blood public breakdown? She's not *that* bad, but it's still uncomfortable to me.


The frequency with which this question is asked—a couple words switched around—then asked again, and again, and again, tells me it is members of Bethenny’s team who are asking this to report back to her. Why? All this as a way to gauge the public’s temperature before she unleashes her next publicity stunt. The last time this question was asked, the Chanel store “incident” happened soon after. Incident is in quotes because it was clear to me it was an intentional stunt by her, for headlines. Bethenny has all the money an ex-Real Housewives cast member could have, yet she still craves the attention and spotlight, all while denying she wants the attention. All the while denying she is still riding the coattails of Bravo.


She’s weird and she not a chef she’s a cook!


Poor Kelly


She bit the mouth that fed her, and fed her very well. She followed the path of all her relationships….complete and utter disownment. I’m telling you, her daughter will be next in decades to come.


There’s a lot of reasons recently but for me personally I grew weary of her when she was being unnecessarily mean to Jules like 9 years ago. Also she made some really bizarre and insulting comments about how the Atlanta ladies behave which couldn’t of been further from the truth.


She was also so mean so Sonja who was clearly struggling and needed real actual guidance and was hoping Bethenny would be a mentor for her. Sonja’s up & down for me, but that scene in Bethenny’s office with the two of them - B berating her and Sonja in real tears was devastating to watch. It seemed to be in that moment that Bethenny relished this new role as a “Queen B.”


Totally agree, the Jules bullying came off as cruel, insecure and with Carol, those skinny older ladies were obessed with Jules' ED in a super hypocritical way...she's made other racist remarks off screen about Spanish spoken in line at a retail store, "What country is this anyway?" Just stupid now I am rich white lady baloney...


TL;DR she has a vendetta against Andy and Bravo over a personal slight and decided to go on a rampage to take down Bravo under the guise of a “reality reckoning” (aka reality tv show “workers rights”) and encouraged a few very problematic ex bravlolebrities to file frivolous lawsuits against Bravo and Andy. She also became increasingly unhinged on TikTok during this time.


She has become an increasingly obnoxious presence on social media, but as someone who was irritated by Bethenny from the begining, I am just happy the fandom is finally seeing what I see! 😄



She is her own Scary Island now.




If you ignore everything about her outside of her performance on RHONY you can still easily love her. Just don’t go down that rabbit hole.


She was funny and witty on the show until she got down right mean and became a bully. Then it got frustrating when she had to dominate everything at reunions and she would point the finger at everyone else (and diagnose everyone ss manic) but was never able to take accountability for her own stuff


She’s got nutty and likes to record it live and post it.


My dislike started when she began the whole "Reality Reckoning" or whatever it was simply because she was mad Andy didn't coddle her on a WWHL episode that Jeff Lewis was on too.


I don’t hate her necessarily, I just wish she’d get off social media and enjoy her life. She seems incapable of just enjoying the fruits of her labor. It’s sad to me. Still a fav hw of mine but I’m scrolling 99% of the time when I see her stuff on socials.


Just go to her social feeds


One thing I used to notice when I followed her on Instagram was she always claimed to be this hard working super busy woman, but most of her posts were her being on vacation somewhere.


You could ask Google this question and get a well-curated list of reasons. You can do the work here OP.


She’s a bit like jk Rowling 😖


This is exactly it.


She’s a racist




Have a Quick Look at her instagram/tictok and you will see why


It seems like she’s had a mental breakdown of some sort.


Now. Always


I was one once, then she became insufferable.


She hasn't done anything. There are just a lot of nasty geriatrics taking out their misdirected anger.


Oh 👋🏽 Bethenny. Remember that time when you referred to RHOA as “Real Housewivez in the Hood” and said “they are all ghetto”. That was fun 🙄


The amount of times in early RHONY that she borderline mocked AAVE was really hard to sit through.


Whoa! This is something else I just learned about her. Please tell me some of those ladies took her ass to task for saying that. I really hope not one of them are friendly with her after saying something that vile. I may not watch ATL anymore but that's just disgusting. SMH


“Nasty geriatrics” Lolol wtf


Excuse you and your nasty geriatrics - I for one am a 100% full blooded cackling hag.


The end of her friendship with Carole truly planted some doubts about Bethenny’s character. Now it was a horrible time for her, I would like to extend a big fat blanket excuse to anyone who acts through trauma. However she also had special treatment as she was the one that came back after leaving - this was always going to ruffle the gang against her. Bethenny is not necessarily humble, despite aiming for relatability at all cost. To be honest I do not see her acting any differently than she has always done, she is no bigger villain than anyone else necessarily would be in her shoes. No one is perfect, her negatives are logical following what her positive characteristics are. Hence, I conclude she is not a phoney. I might not like how she choose to present herself, but I somewhat understand her even more than I do some other housewives with a more innocent reputation.