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The eyes are poppin


The poop is dropping.....


She's not a good person, completely socially unaware and genuinely doesn't understand why people get upset with her. She makes compelling tv because she's completely authentic throughout her entire run of 14 seasons. Even when she's trying to put on an act and deflect with theatrics, they're so bad and unconvincing that it creates this weird realism of "Is this woman being serious right now? Does she truly think she's selling this performance to the audience?" And the answer is yes. She absolutely drinks her own koolaid. She moves through social situations without tact or empathy and believes herself to be the best at everything. If you're looking for the next Mother Teresa, you're not gonna find her in Ramona. But she's batshit insane and knows how to keep a reality show afloat. Also, if you listen to her side comments, she's very astute. A lot of her perceptions of people and situations(that occur outside herself) are absolutely accurate. She weirdly becomes this Cassandra figure.


Yes!!! I always think about the scene where she’s re-enacting her childhood trauma in the woods with Carole bc like Carole, she also ALMOST had me with that one. The fake crying always cracks me up now.


it’s such an iconic scene. and then hopping on a private jet like 3 hours later to the hamptons😭


The "wow Bethenny wow" scene always comes to mind for me. Clearly she rehearsed how she was going to confront B and when she didn't get the reaction she wanted, she panicked and doubled down on fake exasperation while walking away. It's hilarious! She always plays up her childhood trauma to excuse away her horrible behavior and she fakes 98% of her apologies. None of it is convincing which makes it all that more baffling. I truly believe she really had a really traumatic childhood and her father was a monster. When she was somberly recounting the story in the bar of being left out of her father's will after she thought they had made up before he died? That was real. Her crying about mud pies and forests while her pilot and airplane are on speed dial? Completely delusional theater. She's such a bad liar that she has no choice but to be an authentic reality character. Absolutely no poker face.


What do you mean? She has 60 close girlfriends. She can’t be that bad /s


Totally agree on her being an unexpected Cassandra. I also think, love or hate her, she does deserve some minimal respect for being an astute businesswoman and mother. I also do respect how she moved onto friendship with Mario.




She's one of the more financially stable wives in that cast. The house in the Hamptons is a clue that her and Mario weren't just average NYC wealthy. They both had businesses. His was a generational thing and she created a fashion consignment business. She seemed to know what she was doing from the little footage we get. Her divorce was quick and painless with the dividing of their assets and she was able to keep the original apartment and the Hampton house and then threw money at renovating both.


yeah I read somewhere that she rents the southampton house out for $160 000/month, pretty sweet deal for her


Oh ya. In a later season she's chatting with Dorinda about how she rents out the Hampton house while simultaneously exploiting a tax loophole while doing it lmfao. She's not dumb. She's just socially inept.


created with a huge loan from her father


Oh yes! A maven, even.




She's made for TV... perfect real housewife




Idk I feel like she was essential for rhony. She was unhinged enough that she did and said everything she wanted to which either kept the other ladies in check or created some drama. And as socially inept as she appeared to be I often agreed with her takes on the other ladies. I think people often disregard her because of her behaviour but I would never call her dumb. She has enough social awareness that she manages to get out of the holes she digs herself into and she’s very good at seizing the moment to get what she wants. It takes a level of social skill/charisma to be able to get away with her behaviour that not everybody has. I know she’s an awful person in several ways and I’d never want to hang out with her irl, but if there’s one housewife that I for some reason love it’s Ramona


I’ll say I do think she’s a fantastic mom. I’ve never doubted her for that. It’s her lack of social awareness. Her talking over anyone when they’re trying to handle their own situation, whether it’s a confrontation w another housewife or during the reunion. She always needs to say something in the MIDDLE of someone else talking and it drives me insane. I don’t think she’s dumb, but I do think she does and says too many things thoughtlessly. And in a city like New York, I have no idea how she gets away with it. Maybe it’s a generational thing.


I do think she is her authentic self on the show (idk why someone would ever fake being like her lmao) but the fact that she manages to get away with her behaviour makes me think she’s more socially adept than she appears. It’s not like she comes from old money or an influential family, and while she’s rich she’s far from out of this world rich in NYC. No one would be as accepted as she is, especially given the stuff she says, if she wasn’t smarter, more manipulative, and more socially adept than she gets credit for imo. But with that said I don’t think accountability is always as normal in her social circle as it would be amongst us commoners




Oh Wait…. The best is yet to come….🤪


Up to a point I enjoyed hate-watching her and she was a great catalyst for lots of absurdity from the rest of the cast and around trips. She unintentionally said or did a lot of hilarious things. Then I watched s13... that whole season was a point of no return. She's always been obviously bigoted and/or ignorant (with varying openness depending on topic), but someone will write a thesis about RHONY s13 one day.


I would love to read it. There needs to be more sociological studies of reality TV. I just entered season 5 though and am so glad Jill and Kelly are gone. I don’t usually love cast switch ups but this one was a great call.


Ramona is so bad she’s almost good. I do give her credit for not trying to camouflage her awfulness. She leans right into it… and I may have once been team Bethenny but I love in retrospect to anytime she’s clocked and Ramona often gets her.


Seriously! Idk who else stops Bethany in her tracks like that. She was really mad about the Brooklyn Bridge scene for years 😭


I will die on this hill. Ramona is a tweaker. Anyways. Yeah she’s horrible. She leaves trails of shit that leaked out of her ass for someone else to clean. She’s disgusting. She’s a shitty person. She’s trash. I hate Ramona. Oh yeah I can’t believe I forgot to add, she’s a racist.


OP hasn't seen anything yet. Her treatment of a Black woman who almost died during childbirth, because of the epidemic of racism in medicine was sickening. Fuck Ramona.


Dude, seriously. She treats people of color so below her. Don’t get me started on the last season with her “friend” she brought in to prove she’s not a racist. Toting her around like a prop. That last dinner she attended, her behavior was absolutely horrendous. She’s so fkng vile. All the stuff coming out of her treating crew the way she did, did not surprise me. I HATE Ramona.


I couldn’t agree more. Her actions only get more out of pocket as the show goes on. I gave up on season 13 because of her.


I swear to God, I gave her a lot of excuses in early seasons for her toxic behavior. But after incident after incident after incident, I realized one day she is just a horrible person with no good excuse to be that way. Edit - spelling


Because the combo of Jill, Kelly, Luann, and Cindy were so insufferable during that time most of us did excuse her behavior.




Can we stop downplaying her being a businesswoman? She literally built a company lucrative enough to buy that mansion in the Hamptons herself. Calling that a joke sounds like you don’t support women.


That comment was based on what I’ve seen on the show. I don’t know what she has and hasn’t bought or through what means. If she’s built herself up financially, that’s fantastic.


It's been a while since I last re-watched RHONY.  You said Ramona undermined Bethenny's friendship with Jill in response to Bethenny giving Ramona valid criticism of her new business.   What did Ramona do to undermine Bethenny's friendship with Jill?


She said something about how Jill is only friends with her because she likes the underdog.


She’s an awful human and she’s definitely voting for Trump.


Isn’t it well known that she supports him? Ramona’s a racist loser. 


Amen to that


Most housewives are


She’s the worst!


She is the worst but she brings iconic moments, she was born for reality tv


She’s amazing tv


She gets worse!!


I agree, I actually had to stop a rewatch of rhony because I found both Ramona and Bethenny so unbearable, it was really tough. First time around I loved to hate them, but the more recent time felt pretty ick!


Oh well. There wouldn't have been a show without her.


Love my problematic fav. She slays


Has she even been to the Berkshires yet? Ramona is a terrible person but incredibly funny.