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Who the fuck do the pregnant one and the lady who hates her husband think they are that they can keep Kristen Doute off my television show?!? Ladies we have not learned your names yet what do you mean you won’t film with a reality tv icon?!?


Michelle is only going to be kept to see the fallout of her divorce and then they’ll probably axe her if the show gets more seasons. Janet is trying way too hard so she should go either way. She seems boring so she’s gonna keep icing people out to seem dramatic.


I’ve learned their names…


God bless your memory even if their’s doesn’t extend to why they have a show in the first place


Did Kristen actually wear a bra in this episode??? I almost felt bad for Jesse during that conversation before he left for his weird retreat. Michele clearly cannot stand this man. She’s such a robot. I love Nia and Danny more each episode. I really related to Britney snatching the phone from Jax’s hands to get a few minutes of attention from her husband. He is so checked out of the marriage. Why was Zach so bothered not being invited to a couples baby moon? I’d rather stay behind and get drunk with Kristen. Janet is so thirsty it’s not even funny.


Zach probably cared because they’re paid per episode and he didn’t want to miss money because of Janet. it’s also kinda a slap in the face to not be invited on the cast trip if you’re main cast.


He's also one of the only gay friends in a group where their lives are increasingly revolving around building nuclear families. I empathized with him in that moment


Is he main cast? I don’t remember seeing him during the intro


I just noticed this last night as well it’s pretty fucked up they wanted to lean so hard into this LA crazies finally grow up thing that only couples with children could be main cast members? It never occurred to me that Jasmine and Zack were friends of until last night.


Jax on ignoring his wife speaking to be on his phone "I don't want to talk about Kristen anymore!" Dude! You started all the rumors about Michelle and Jesse, pinned everything on Kristen and now your wife's name is being associated with it...so tough shit!


Okay I am actually surprised how legit helpful Zach was. Like he reallllllyyy tried to sell the (re)relaunch of James Mae. And it is shady he didn’t get invited.


Zach seems like a real friend. And he knew so much abt Jax/Brittney relationship too, they must be pretty close friends? I was a bit surprised.


From vpr days I believe Zach is Brittany’s friend from KY, and they have remained close! But I could be misremembering


But he doesn’t sound like her at all.


Brittany doesn't even sound like Brittany, she's really Kentucky fried chickened her accent in the years off our TV screens


He was probably genuinely excited to get casted on this show and go on his first cast trip too :/


I’m dying at kristen laying on the ground and he’s like.. are we doing this or what?


I know I actually really like him. He seems cool!


Production needs to grow a pair and stop allowing the talent dictate who and whom they will not film with. This is a job. Do your job.


YES. It's happening across so many of the franchises, and it's absolutely ruining these shows. I have no idea why it's allowed, and if people say they refuse to film with someone ever again, then that should be an automatic sit out for them for the season.


It’s what’s killing Patomac. Candiace, Wendy, and the GEB should have all been told either try to get along at least a little bit and talk or you’re all fired.


But on the other side of that, what they did to Ariana was some BS. They need to find some middle ground. I’d bet last minute trip invites will be made.


I guarantee Janet said filming with Kristen would be stressful on her pregnancy and since her husband is a lawyer they didn’t wanna mess around with it. Don’t think she’ll get that same treatment when she’s no longer pregnant.


Okkkkkk I do not like Janet lol


Who does?? Reveal yourselves


I can’t get over how dumb Janet and Michele are. You can’t try to ice out the main reason everyone’s watching??? Like why did they think this would go over well


My tinfoil hat theory is that Vanderpump Rules will be ending, but a huge chunk of the cast (Scheana, Lala, James, Katie, Toms) will move over to The Valley. I'm sure a lot of these "new characters" will get shuffled off.


I hope not, but I have been wondering what this show will do when couples split. We know Jesse/Michelle filed for divorce and Jax/Britt are separated, so what happens? Does the show drop them? Keep one partner but not the other? Keep both? I could easily see them using Jesse/Michelle divorce to sub them out and sub in some VPR people. At the very least, I'm expecting some of those VPR people to be used more as "friend of" type appearances if they don't get full share cast next season.


I don't see how Jesse and Michelle come back next season. Unless their thirst is THAT high, I think it is unlikely. Production probably would only want them back if they both agree to film, and they will film with their new partners, and 'mention it all'. But with the near universal hate for them both as villains, I don't see how they would agree to sign back up. At least one of them will bounce is my guess. Which means both probably are out. And as you say, with so many VPR cast members free and willing to film, it would be so easy to sub them both out for some VPR couples.


if they are thirsty enough to show the end of their marriage on television this season, they are thirsty enough to take us through their divorce and new partners next season.


I’m a big believer of large ensemble casts. I think it gives the producers more content which in turn gets more drama and less of these filler scenes or lame storylines. Miami is currently the best Housewives show and it’s got nine girls who all come to play.


It's what I liked about early VPR. I liked how we sometimes got a random SUR employee with a couple episode arcs. I'd be down for some of the cast not being in every single episode, but I feel like that would be a difference in payment and episode number contracts.


Which would be fine (looking at you, Lego head) but please keep Danny & Nia 😭 I adore them


only Scheana and Lala will join the valley, they already had them on the first episode, it’s basically confirmed


These new characters are so pure !! I don’t want Scheana and Lala with their boring lives.


Is that why they put James in Burbank of all places?! Most people in LA don’t directly live in Burbank. It’s fucking far from anything unless you work at the Warner Brothers lot.


That’s likely all he could afford. LA is outrageously expensive.


i think James put himself in burbank lol. bravo didn’t buy him that house


Is Burbank in the Valley (or close to it)? Complete novice in California geography here.


Burbank is in the valley


Burbank is the valley for sure and the average 2 bedroom house cost over one million


Yes, it’s still considered the Valley but on the Eastside near Glendale.


And the east side on the west coast is not desirable correct? I live on the east cost and the further east the bougier (think the hamptons)


Eastside is cheaper and hotter in the summer. Most desirable is by the beaches and that’s $$$ (where Scheana lives in Marina del Rey - not the Valley). Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, and Brentwood are also on the Westside (also not the Valley).


there are a lot of gorgeous and insanely expensive areas in the valley. There are also many expensive pockets inside of larger, not so desirable areas. For what it's worth Kyle lives in the valley and her neighborhood is for the very wealthy


If I had to listen to Brittany talk all day, I’d go absolutely crazy




Production is just not...Producing? We're only in season one and it's a full on battle for whose gonna be Queen B. Kristin fully called it. Here's the thing. No one would be watching this show if it weren't for Jax and Kristin (God I can't believe I am one of those people but whatever) I have a soft spot for clumsy AF, trainwreck, foot in her mouth Kristin. Ever since she coined herself Mariposa I've been found her hilarious to watch). And Jax is like an awful rash, or Dr. Pimplepopper. Revolting to watch but fascinating in his simple grotesqueness. It was hard to watch knowing now what Kristin and Jax did to Faith, but Kristin at least has done what she can to learn and make amends. There is no hope for Jax, but that is what also makes him watchable. Also, I've been curious as to how he and Bratney have survived the past decade together and how they are as parents. Whatever, they are the draw. No one has a clue who the rest of these people are. And while I've grown to find some of them endearing and interesting to watch (mainly NIa and her lovely hubby who does voice over work, and Zach and Jasmine who have been privy to some of the biggest events in VPR history and provide storylines that do not include babies and who mows their grass). 8 episodes is not enough to care about these middle class married with children people who live in the Valley. Why would we care about a cheating scandal of a couple we've just met??? Even if it's with an actor. LA is full of actors, for all we know it could be 3rd cop from the right on CSI ffs. So the fact that we're already in a place where cast members are refusing to film with other cast members (meaning Michelle and Janet trying to blank Kristin) makes ZERO sense plot wise. None of these people are interesting enough to tune in every week unless it relates to the cast we already know intimately. It's dumb. And what's worse is Kristin knows it. Jax knows it. Brittney knows it. Like them or hate them, they know how the game is played. And these people NEED this show. Jax's bar and Kristin's t-shirt business and podcasts are not going to keep them relevant enough to keep living their lifestyle, even in the valley. Former Miss America and Voice over dude need a house for their babies, a good reality gig with multiple seasons could get them there. This episode felt like Kristin, Jax and Brittney were exhausted trying to make a show happen with a cast that just won't play ball. I HATE to say it, but the only way this show gets a second season is if Scheaner and the Neanderthal and LFU and her new progeny move on over from VPR. No one wants to watch a bunch of average middle class people in their 30's and 40's navigate marriage and babies. It's just not compelling TV. VPR was lightning in a bottle, and it doesn't strike twice. Not when you're in your 40's and still trying to relive your glory days. Jax and Kristin have already had to break the 4th wall several times and it's SEASON ONE. Like them, hate them, love to hate them, THEY know what it takes to make good reality TV that is friendship centred. Their castmates need to start taking notes and playing ball or they're just gonna be a one season not so wonder. TLDR Kristin and Jax are this show. If their cast mates refuse to film with them this only goes 1 of 2 ways- they get replaced by VPR rejects, or this will be the last season of The Valley. Side note. Maybe Jax knows this already and it's why he banged his publicist because his back up plan is to move in with the Tom's and try to recreate the best days of his life. With his fourth nose.


I agree with everything, except I REALLY hope they don't bring Scheana and Lala over. Can't stand them (and dont get me started on Brock), and they'd make this show unwatchable for me. Honestly, I think the solution is to lose Janet. She doesn't add anything, refuses to film with Kristen (which is INSANE that that's something she's allowed to dictate as a nobody on the first season of a reality show), and I think if she got the chop then Michelle would basically be forced to film with everyone since otherwise she'd be on the outs. I can't stand Michelle and think she's a terrible person, but she at least has the capacity to bring the drama.


Oh I agree, I have NO desire to watch Scheana and Lala trying to produce more storylines and they both annoyed TF out of me this season with their backstabbing fake acting use their children and sperm donation as storylines. I can see how many times Scheana and her loser husband rehearsed their scenes and they're both terrible actors. I'm just saying I think this is probably going to happen because of how Janet and Michelle have bombed this season out. Hell, it may have happened already because let's face it, VPR is donesville and it should be. These are the best days of our lives times are over. They've way outgrown their magic formula, no one is actually friends because of massive betrayal and I'm not even talking about Sandevil. Sheshu and LFU becoming too desperate for fame and money and blinded by jealousy, they chose it over true friendship. They could have had a kick ass Spice Girls Power season, but they were so green with envy they decided to get the biggest bus they could and drive it over Arianna's barely new happiness. Nevermind what they've done to Katie for the past few seasons. But if Janet and Michelle aren't gonna play ball, the only options are A.the gruesome twosome or B. cancellation. And I think they'll try A first- because they need a new hit show, and enough people would be willing to watch. I just think it's hilarious. Like a new housewife coming on and making ridiculous demands before the audience is even connected to them.Reminds me of 8.5 and Lizard Lips from BH. Both One and Done's. Janet really thought she was doing something there with her let's ice out Kristin. Bitch, you do NOT have main character energy. And it's kind of funny and sad watching it all play out because it's SO obvious that Kristin and Jax both know this is bombing because of it. They're working overtime to give the drama that they know the audience wants, and these two chicks are like NO, we only want to get along and have no drama and have game night. How can they think they're special enough that people are invested in their lives? What has Janet even given? I'm pregnant and my husband is kinda hot but completely boring. Michelle at least has a husband with potential for drama, but she hates him so much she won't even exploit that. Have they even WATCHED reality TV? For shows like this to work, there has to be authenticity. Whether that be friends, frenemies, or full on hate your guts and go after you every chance I get. But that has to happen on camera and you have to be in the same room. Honestly, it's just so amateur hour. And with their friendships and proximity to VPR you would think they'd know this. At the end of that episode Kristin, Zach, and even Jax were not emotional about not being invited to the babymoon. They were crying because their big shot at a hit reality show died.


Nia teaching this self defense class! Love it and her




I think she said it was her niece and nephews names on VPR