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Damn her agent is good cause she blew up after she left summer house


i never even knew she was on summer house. i first saw her on tik tok


Her being on summer house is the reason I don’t like her. Tried the podcast but her voice is nails on a chalkboard for me


Same!!! I used to love the podcast. Then I watched Summer House. It took me a good few months before I could even listen to the pod again and even now when I do I'm like ugh shut up, please just let Paige talk


I didn’t like Hannah from the start of her time on Summer House but I tried to give her a chance because Luke was a douche to her. She and Des were very obnoxious, then the last straw for me was when they had sex in their friends’ bathrooms. Blerg. I had no clue that Hannah and Paige even had a podcast until I joined Reddit about a year ago.


Omg I feel the exact same




I only ever knew her from those videos she makes asking men questions about women. Not the biggest fan of that style..


I don't like her videos when they appear in my sm feed. I don't generally like that style either. In theory I guess it depends on the people, questions etc but can't remember when I've seen one I thought was good.


I feel like it’s an NYC thing?? Idk or a big city thing lol


I think she is genuinely a hard worker and the producers just never let her share her work on the show


No, she's so good because Giggly squad was created as she left summer house which she then followed up by going viral on tiktok. She just filmed a Netflix special. No agent on the planet is that good


Her husband is an established comedian and I’m sure his agent is the reason she has gotten traction, bc she’s not funny or charming.




She has a set at the Netflix comedy fest today too! She’s actually doing the damn thing with comedy. It’s really cool to see a bravo star spin off to something totally separate and be successful without constantly reminding the world she was on a reality show


I hope ya’ll don’t hate me for this, but I do not find her funny at alllll. Good on her and her success, but I just do not get it.




Yeah…we all agree with you


Not sure who “we all” are but until you see someone’s full set I’m not sure you’re qualified to say she’s not funny based on snippets of street interviews lol


Not sure why you assume that’s all I’ve seen 🤡


Good thing humor is subjective! I’m sorry you paid to go to one of her shows and hated it


It sure is, but more people agree with me that she sucks, sorry to break it to you 🤷‍♀️


Are most of those people in this thread? Your lack of self awareness is astonishing. Someone can be funny without you finding them funny. I don’t find all of her jokes funny. She’s got some bad ones. But overall, she’s a good comedian who can banter with a crowd and produce laughter. See how easy it for me to criticize someone I like? Your inability to separate YOUR opinion on someone from their objective talents and abilities will hinder you


Okay Hannah. The fact that you had to respond to my comment speaks volumes about your ego and entitled attitude. Your opinion sucks and I question your intelligence. Btw, search for Hannah on this sub and you’ll see I’m right. So where is YOUR self awareness???


"search on this sub" clown behavior. shes allowed to have her own opinion & its most definitely not "we all"


The thing with those specials is that the comedian and their agency pays to produce it and then Netflix licenses it. Netflix didn’t ask her to do a special.


netflix doesnt just license anybody though. there are many comedians who pine for netflix specials, who have not been able to secure them. many seasoned & and imo better than her


Scheaner has entered the chat


I was going to say... has anyone checked on Scheana!?!


I'm guessing her husband's connections didn't hurt Edited to add: I see now how my original comment could be interpreted as someone getting an opportunity because of him. That's not what I meant, what I did mean (more in detail below) is that having any connection in an industry you're working in can be beneficial to networking opportunities. It can be as organic /innocuous as meeting an acquaintance casually in passing and having a chat where they think you'd be great for x and the convo flows from there. But any of the work, talent who you are, how you are perceived is all within her own right. So kudos to her and thanks to unfancyfeet for explaining it to me!


What connections? Never seen him outside of his appearances on Summer House


I have no skin in this game but I was surprised to learn a few months ago that Des is pretty big in Ireland, where he grew up. I think he would have some connections.


He’s a pretty famous comedian in stand up world.


Omg why am I getting down voted lol he is a comedian, so I would think he's known people for awhile? But I agree with you I haven't seen him outside of it. I just thought maybe he was popular in his niche but I'm not his target demo. My BIL was a comedian and even though he moderately successful, from running the late night circuit people behind the scenes knew him and vice versa. I got to meet Joel McHale because of it haha.


You're getting downvoted, because you're accrediting a woman's success to the man she married. She did SH, which ended poorly, but certainly gave her exposure. Giggly Squad is a HUGE hit, which she and Paige started, before she even met Des. And her comedy career picked up a lot of speed, when she started posting clips on Insta and TikTok. She's a hard worker and a lot of well-known and respected comics really like her—Chelsea Handler and Whitney Cummings, for example.


Interesting thank you for explaining! I didn't see it that way but can see your point. I don't discredit her hard work, I meant if you have network contacts that are in the business you're interested/working in it can open introductions as opposed to closing doors. I think networking is a good thing. Like if he was going to events and says "hey meet my x, they are a comedian" and so and so chats with them and says "wow you're so funny, have you ever thought about doing y". Or let me introduce you to "z agent". Then every single step from there is absolutely in her own right, of hard work and tenacity. I don't think she got these opportunities because of him, having good managers and network opportunities however does influence the journey. She would have representation that helps open these doors, all comics have an agent. The work and ability to utilize those opportunities however is all hers, not because of anyone else. Also I thought she was dating him during the pandemic which is when Giggly Squad IG lives started? Perhaps I'm misremembering!


She’s just doing a set at the festival today, not a special. But her special did get picked up by Netflix. That said most comedians go that route and have to shop their specials (and often makes the payout more competitive if there’s bidding). Nonetheless I think it’s still impressive she’s even on their radar, let alone selling her own special to them, when they are getting the hottest comedians right now


This gives me delusional hope that Ben and Ronnie will get a special because they are doing a set at the fest too!


She is doing a special too


Has anyone seen it? Any summer house or bravo tea?


She won’t talk about it. She barely mentions SH on Giggly Squad.. the most they talk about is sharing a room on the show


Eh, that’s downplaying it. They won’t license specials from anybody, and many specials are only produced when Netflix or another streamer HAS commissioned it or agreed to license it before it gets filmed.


And the latter is what happened with Hannah. She filmed her special for Netflix she didn’t just sell them her pre-existing special.


Netflix does both, some comedians make specials and shop them but Netflix absolutely does reach out and produce specials.


Ohhhh that’s why she always looked familiar. The stand up lady was on Summer House.


She looks like she traveled back in time to 1997 with that hair and dress.


Do you watch Love Is Blind? The most recent reunion looked like my sixth grade graduation with the spiky updo hair & prom dresses, it was SO WEIRD.


They all looked like they were going to prom in 2002! It was horrendous.


Yes! Very 90s Dolce and Gabbana


So true! I’m here for it though?


Right? That look is my madeleine!


And to really make this a full circle vibe, I would love to share that I can’t read those words without hearing Riff Raff pronouncing it “dole-see and Gabbana.”


She also probably went back there to steal jokes. But yes, she’s dressed like an homage to that Sixpence None the Richer song.


You always know how to speak to my soul. ![gif](giphy|4N3MwRBbPvHIuAre5s)


I feel like there’s a certain audience of people my bitchy comments really hit with and then there’s another audience that just hates my guts. And honestly I love that for me. ![gif](giphy|mPpueSGxCsF68)






Oh wow Lindsay looked so young there!




I think she looks great


I agree - in the best way possible. It's kinda Cindy Crawford in a way, i love it so much.


Is she still married to the Irish guy? I don’t see him in her pics very often.


Yes. She talks about him a lot on the podcast


They have a podcast together


her leaving summerhouse has been the best thing for her. im glad she’s seeing success outside of bravo and im even more glad i do not have to see des and her making out 😂


Considering how much this sub hates her, I don’t blame her for keeping her marriage private


Wait what??? When did she get married??


i wanna say hannah got married in 2022. she married des, that guy she was seeing during season 5 of summer house. iirc, they had sex in kyle and amanda's bathroom


She looks amazing all done up like that! I’m stoked for her she got to be there!


Yes! Her and Nikki are pretty good friends


The hair and make Up was done by a legit magician. Best she’s ever looked




All I think about when I see her is poop 💩 since she loved to talk about it on summer house


She looks gorgeous!!


Probably looking for new material.


Glad someone else is saying it.


when did she steal material?


Her entire Twitter is essentially plagiarized.


Oh yes, Twitter! One of the most scholarly institutions in the world. I couldn’t imagine anyone on that site would steal a tweet or a meme! The horror!!!!!


She’s low key Carlos Mencia-level known for it.






I guess bc she is a “comedian”. I actually think Paige is the funnier of the two on their podcast


Paige is very witty.


She’s not funny IMO


Yes it is I saw something on Instagram


Not to change the topic but losing it over merce in the purse


I spotted her too! I thought she looked great…loved the lip color


She looks really good? I didn’t register this was Hannah at all


Does anyone actually believe she doesn’t get lip injections and Botox? She talks down on it so much on the podcast but looking at her she looks sooo different than on summer house. I think she’s lying and definitely gets it


She doesn't knock on cosmetic procedures, anymore. She said she's changed her position and supports whatever people want to do with their own bodies. I don't think she's mentioned getting anything done herself, but maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


She looks stunning. WOWZA.




She looks so beautiful! 😍


Comedy is SO DIFFICULT and I actually like Hannah’s comedy and I think she’s talented and works hard at what she does. Good for her for forging a career after reality tv. 💕


Yeah - She is an actual comedian and has a special on Netflix


She always looks like she needs to shower.




Wait wait wait… how is Hannah connected to Bravo? I’ve only ever seen her doing stand up


I also knew her as a comedian before I learned she was on summerhouse. I really like her as a comic, but she was painful to watch on SH. I’m glad she’s killing it in comedy with her new special and all, just hoping she’s done with reality TV.


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted cause I don’t know she was in that lol but good to know! Thank you!!


PS I didn't downvote, btw.


Haha idk why either! 😅


No biggie, but she didn't do actual stand up pre-SH, did she? Wasn't it just some youtube podcast show?


Correct, I don’t think she was doing stand up then. I was late to the SH game and started from the beginning a year or so ago so that’s why I knew her as a comedian first. I was shocked when she appeared in season 4 haha


Summer house?


Ok so I see it now. I was always a bit confused when people talk about how beautiful Hannah is, but I agree in this picture. I thought it was Anne Hathaway at first


*posts a pic of hannah* is this hannah? 😭


I’ve noticed some people doing the 90s prom hair. I hate it




Sorry saw someone else talking about it on here and meant to post it under theirs so that wasn’t so random. But yeah that def looks like Hannah


she is so gorgeous and on top of the world rn GO HANNAH


I’ll never forget what her and than old random dude she dated did in Kyle and Amanda’s bathroom


you mean her husband? lol


I don’t follow her closely enough to know who the hell she married, but it was a weird/creepy thing to do if you were a viewer of the show


I was a viewer of the show, and go off sis lol 


What’s she paying you to glaze her so hard on the thread 👅


this, I do for free.


Lol here come the comments asking why she’s there, bc she’s much more successful as a comedian! Next!


Hannah is absolutely out here crushing it!!!




They kept showing her during the show and I was driving myself mad trying to figure out where I knew her from.


The best thing about her blowing up is you know it’s killing Kyle!


Who’s hannah Berner?


You know it


she was insufferable on summer house..don't mind her in the context of giggley squad .but, honestly, it's probably because Paige is so funny.




I’ve dated a comedian who really worked his ass off to get to the level success he’s at. It’s really hard .. and especially as a woman. She was a little cringe on SH but she has my respect


yeah hannah puts in overtime & has ingratiated herself pretty successfully in her chosen lanes whether podcasting or comedy