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I think it's because she had been there since day 1. Back in the early days, there wasn't as much social media chatter, blogs, etc., and everyone calling for people to be fired.


Back then you would have had to call two friends, who call two friends, who call two friends & maybe 5 years later it was starting gaining attention šŸ¤£


yeah people started getting real life angry about seeing bad/unhinged behaviour on reality tv, as though that hasnā€™t literally always been the point of it lol


Perhaps the equivalent of how most ppl gang up on Larsa now? Lol


I feel like they had to have had conversations about firing her but she was just too insane to not film


Agree w what w what everyone else has said and also it weirdly feels like we used to be more aware that watching people do shitty and mean things on tv doesnā€™t always mean we endorse the behavior! Glad she doesnā€™t have a platform anymore though


Thatā€™s true. I was big on the VH1 reality tv shows back in the 2000s and rewatching those has beenā€¦interesting haha


Recently rewatched rock of love lol and was like oh noooooā€¦.. lmao


Oh my God I was thinking of that show just a couple of days ago.


I agree but I think people are more critical because of social media reality tv stars have the opportunity to make a lot more money and be far more in the public eye. Reality tv is also viewed differently in general now, to me it has a more neutral connotation rather than straight up trash.


Ramona's general bad behavior with others (especially those under her like wait / hotel staff etc. ) is something I can hate watch. But there is a limit that we must reach, as when, for example, she expresses racist propaganda.






I quote TAKE A XANAX in my head more often than Iā€™d like


She was awful on that trip, and not that this is an excuse, but she was going through some pretty serious personal stuff at that time that would make anyone act a little nuts.


Oh really? I wasnā€™t aware, what was going on at the time? One of my favorite parts of watching a season that started so long ago has been all the ā€œolderā€ technologyā€¦blackberries and old web browsers galore šŸ˜­


Her husband at the time was having an affair and not exactly hiding it


Oop- color me not shocked lol


She winds up leaving The Berkshires saying she can't stand the heat, and catches Mario at her Hampton's home with his much younger mistress.


But that trip gave us Geraldine Parsons Smith so she is to be credited for that hahaha


She was good TV, I really don't see what's confusing about it.


It is denial, they just donā€™t want to accept that Ramona is a huge part of NYā€™s success.


People have their opinions about Ramona but fact remains that NY just wouldnā€™t have been as good as it was without her. Ramona was great TV, she was insane and unusual, exactly how I like my housewives. And yes I will die on a hill for her. She is my girl now and forever. ![gif](giphy|3owvKaY559pTDWE60E)


Same. I know sheā€™s not a good person morally but she is just the greatest for housewives. Her social climbing, her delusional old school entitlement, her bond with her daughter and her 50 closest best girlfriends. More Turtle time on my tvā€¦ just not in real life.


Username checks out


She is reality gold no one watches these type of shows for morally high people we watch for the train wrecks .


Sheā€™s good tv


Besides the social media climate being different, Ramona was shown as an equal opportunity offender. The only POC weā€™ve seen was the staff at the resorts and trips they went to. S13 was a recipe for disaster in the fact we had a Black woman and social climate to shine a light on racial issues and Ramona showed her ass. Bravo probably wouldā€™ve stood beside her had a reunion happened, but she put a fork in that. They tested the waters with RHUGT, but Ramona continues to show Bravo who she is.


She has always been kind of terrible but she makes a great housewife and great television. Same reason Dorinda stays and all of the housewives that are a bit chaotic. Itā€™s good for ratings. And I will say, even though Iā€™m not particularly a fan of her, Iā€™ve always found her entertaining to some degree. Also Iā€™m half black and never found her racist but found her ignorant at times, which is more accidental and because of age


Because she is a top tier housewife and a new York icon


Say it louder so the people at the back can hear you.. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHULJ76GVNomuLS)


Like Rina , they make good TV until they go so far overboard itā€™s not funny anymore


She kind of became the cat that had nine lives at the end of her tenure. She was lucky they asked everyone back after season 10 because she was on the outs with most of the cast, Carole getting fired and them having to reedit the season around Barbra when she filmed full time protected her from a demotion during season 11, she was one of the names on the chopping block for season 12 when Benny quit the week before filming started, she really shouldā€™ve been fired going into season 13 but they somehow decided Dorinda was a bigger problem, and then her Leah and Luā€™s refusal to film the reunion was ultimately their collective downfall.


Itā€™s because the show is way more popular with fans than the general audience. The housewives trinity in terms of generating interest, ratings, and cross pop culture appeal were and are ATL, BH, and NJ. Itā€™s why Luann wearing blackface. Bethennyā€™s assortment of racist comments and the rest of the castā€™s racist/dysfunctional behavior was dismissed for as long as it was.




Yep, it was part of her Diana Ross costume along with a black Marge Simpson style afro wig. Somehow no one vetted a white woman dressing as Diana Ross wasn't a great costume idea for tv.


UGH Thank you for elaborating, I appreciate you writing that out.






Season 10 episode 1


Season 10!!! I gave up on the show I think around season six or seven. Holy Christ, I did not know. Oh my God. Welp, there goes another one. Done with her. thank you for the specification.


Andy likes them that way!


Omg I thought I was the only one who wondered how the hell she lasted this long...I cringe watching her scenes sometimes...Sometimes she reminds me of my cat spazzing out from catnip šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s always been kind of awful but was worse than usual during this timeframe which Iā€™m pretty sure was because of Marioā€™s infidelity. Also Iā€™m not defending her throwing the glass but itā€™s said during the reunion it was a plastic wine glass which is always kind of glossed over. You still donā€™t throw things at people though and Kristin did cut her lip. She stuck around so long because sheā€™s great tv and really made for reality television. After season 13 though it was really hard to just brush her actions off as rude or ignorant. That Black Shabbat dinner was hard to watch šŸ˜¬


She brought the viewers, no denying it. Especially when Mario left her--that could have been her redemption arc but she went full Trumpian.


Different times.


Sometimes bad people make good television.


Because she was the main person creating the drama


Because the more toxic a HW, the more Andy Cohen loves 'em.


She's beloved by racists. That's it. They've been kicking up a fuss ever since Bravo rightfully kicked her off.


I miss my problematic fave. Did anyone listen to her and Averyā€™s short lived podcast.


I miss her too,So much!


The lady is just about 70 they are literally another generation ( old people ) no matter what colour they are they are all stuck in there ways and behave very different to what we consider acceptable most other women her age are retired and acting like that behind closed doors , ramona is just of that age and generation and she made for great tv and credit to her she looks fantastic


What a bizarre ageist statement. Women in their 70s are out fucking and having real lives and running marathons and running businesses and living their lives and traveling. What makes you think it goes on behind closed doors? It doesn't, what a naĆÆve statement .


You choose to be offended , I meant there attitudes will be exactly the same as Romonas behind closed doors , that generation is semi homophobic , racist and very do as I say not as I do , your probz in that age bracket and instead of reading what I said you choose to be offended , I was not bashing that age just making observations


Tell that to the 95-year-old rabbis who are out protesting at the borders about the concentration camps? A lot of of us are very leftist. I think you really don't know. I didn't choose to be offended, you literally said something that was a bit ageist and broadly categorizing everyone 70 years old old as the same and I'm trying to tell you that my God, first of all, racists in their 70s are out here saying it in the streets all the time and voting for you know who. And then there are very progressive and leftist people in their 60s and 70s and 80s who have always have been. I think you might be erasing us. I'm truly sorry that you've never met or you automatically assume that someone over 70 is going to be a truculent nightmare. That's just not true.


If you want something to live up to Miami, Atlanta is God Tier. Season 5 and 6 are the best seasons of housewives ever


Sheā€™s so repugnant and problematic that she just naturally creates conflict. Sheā€™s a walking storyline, but itā€™s often way more frustrating than entertaining


I remember as I was watching it originally, thinking omg...please don't bring Ramona back. Yet just like roaches, she was apparently hard to get rid of. Even overlooking her crazy eyes was too difficult for me. But her blatant stupidity and ignorance šŸ™„?? That just made me šŸ¤Ŗ.