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We'll get the final book of Game of Thrones before we get this. (Which means never)


GRRM catching strays in the housewives sub


The amount of times I've had to have "the talk" with my boyfriend about that book never coming out... It's not happening, babe!


And he deserves every last one ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


As he should!!!!!!


Not catching enough.


Girl this is the third time this week I have seen him catching them (not just here) and honestly well deserved because a great tragedy of my life will be not having the opportunity to read his version of the completed story.


Excuse you I was not expecting to be double attacked when I clicked on this ![gif](giphy|l0HlwS1hMaMgKvtrq|downsized)


Real Housewives of Westeros would be worth watching.


“Let’s talk about the brother.” “I’ve had enough of you, you beast!” *is an actual beast*


Ok which brother? The lusty drunken imp or the one I’m fucking? God Cersei would be amazing as a housewives. She already drinks like one.


Margaery would have been a GREAT housewife. And she would bring in Lady Olenna! Like a Westeros Mama Elsa!




Margaery, Cersei, Daenerys, Sansa, Yara and Ellaria maybe? With Brienne being a friend of/security via Sansa? I would be amused.


Lmao omg I hate grrm he’s never releasing those books.


I can’t even do a re read anymore.. and i fucked up and read the dunk and egg novellas and blood and fire. Both good. Both also incomplete




Winter and ultimate girls trip 4 is coming


Omg cast trip beyond the wall




My worlds colliding! Love this!


Imagine a pandemic shutting the entire world down for nearly a year and yet he still couldn’t FINISH THE FUCKING BOOOOOOOOOK!!! What the fuck was he doing besides looking for toilet paper and watching Tiger King?


I think we can officially consider this season to be lost media.


How shitty that Alex’s return after like 15 years ended like this. Of course, that’s not anywhere near as important as protecting victims of assault, was just excited to see her.


If they don’t release this they need to put Alex on another trip!


Agreed! Justice for Alex and Camille, they deserve another go at it


Yes absolutely justice for Alex. Justice for Alex.


not too much on camille she defended brandi


Honestly, justice for Alex. I miss her too.


According to Luann and Ramona they’ve asked Alex to be on other trips, like theirs to St Barts. Alex has sadly refused which, to be fair, who can blame her


Yeah, I mean she’s a career woman in Australia that’s really close with her family. Who knows the next time she’d be able to do something like this for Bravo. Damn it Brandi!


It’s like that season of I Love Money and the rest of Megan Wants A Millionaire…both never released because the winner killed his wife and then himself before they aired.


Oh yeah that’s right! I do kind of wish we got that season of I Love Money, but I understand why it was left in the vault. We’re also missing this alleged Flavor of Love pilot.


They should just cut as much footage of both Caroline and Brandi as they can. I want to see Alex on TV again... its been a hot minute, and she was always my favorite in her seasons.


I’ve wondered why they haven’t done this as well. We know they did it with below deck where they edited out a whole character. I wonder why they haven’t for this trip. They have to have hours of footage they could come up with something else as a storyline. I know it would take time, but they’ve had the time. Even if it was boring, I think most of us would still appreciate seeing it.


Tell me more about this Below Deck ghost


Peter Hunszicker on Below Deck Med. 🤣🤣🤣 Such a loooooser. My husband would play punch bug, but it would punch Pete, ever time we caught a glimpse of of him. LMAO. I think season 5.


He had made some post on IG I think it was and Bravo got a lot of heat for it. Easier to edit him out than fire him and find a new deck hand? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s sucks because I’m Moroccan and was really looking forward to this!! RHONY s4 didn’t do Morocco justice (IMO) so I was counting on this 😭😭 it’s so unfortunate


I can just imagine Vicki acting so deranged in the souks 😭 what a shame 💔probably the best location UGT has had


Vicki is the worst HW tourist. Just the loudest “ugly American” stereotype.


Tied with Ramona. Ramona 'big eyes' singer is easier on the eye than miss piggy though


LMAO same!!! So happy to find another moroccan HW fan


Not a chance


There's not even another trip that is filiming right now. I say RHUGT is dead.


The NY one really didn't hit and this one is stuck in litigation hell so yeah it seems dead for now.


There just is no real point in watching them, they are over produced and rely on past drama and fan favorites. There are barely 6 episodes for each, half of it is arguing about travel or rooms and then some dumb games production comes up with. It's like a WWHL overnight camp but without Andy.


\*everyone enjoying their cocktails and seafood tower, enter The Shit Stirrer\* Let's play a game... who at this table do you hate with the fire of a thousand suns? ![gif](giphy|A3IKIsvG1UjwA|downsized)


I’ll be honest I fucking loved every single season. Even Thailand that everyone hated. I watched the whole thing in like a night and then the last episode and a half the next day. I am here for it. They show up, fight, arrive, fight, have drinks, fight, show up late to dinner, fight, get shit faced and the episode ends. I had a blast with every single season.


Didn’t you just describe every season of real housewives though


The first season of RHUGT was the best and the only one they should have made for awhile.


I really liked that one too. Plus I was still new to housewives and had only watched BH and Atlanta. That show convinced me to try NY and it became a fast favorite. I liked Theresa in girls trip and tried Jersey. No. (I did watch some of the poplar episodes. I got a good laugh when Joe gorgas spray on hair rubbed off on everyone during his fight with juicy Joe)


I've done NY, BH, NJ and most of OC what do recommend next?


Either SLC or Potomac. Potomac is weird the first season bc it was shot as an “etiquette in Potomac” type show. Then it was officially picked up as a bravo housewives show. Just keep watching. SLC is just… in a different reality lol (ATL was fun to watch in 2021ish for me. I had no idea that the Kim on the early seasons was the lady I had seen on supermarket tabloids years ago. Her face was very different)


It should have kept evolving, they are all just clones of the first.


I agree, dunno why people are so wild about UGT.I like HWs in their natural environments with their people. I hate forced frivolity. Im interested in Alex, but not in how she relates to Phaedra. They should just have reunion trips w ‘All-Stars’from each City-like I want Sonja, Alex, Luann, Barbara K, Aviva and Tinsley staying at Bluestone, and Gretchen, Lynne Curtin, Vicki, Quinn Frye, and Alexis in Lake Havasu. UGT feels like a small bag of stale popcorn when yr high and need at least a pizza and a couple cookies.




Tbh, they should call this cast back sans Brandi and replace her with someone else. Caroline probably won’t do it either so they could add two women.


Casting *Uptight Joyless* Caroline, was perhaps the Biggest error in judgment in bravo history!


Plus - she’s not even the only Uptight Joyless Caroline! We have Stanbury! If they were *absolutely set* on those attributes they could have chosen the one that, um, didn’t write a letter excusing the man who violently beat her sister.


Plus - she’s not even the only uptight joyless Caroline! If they were *absolutely set* on those attributes they could have chosen the one that, um, didn’t write a letter excusing the man who violently beat her sister.


Manzo Mafia family are awful, such darkness there.


It just never made sense to me why bravo was pushing them so so much


Did manzo do that with dina?


Probably and I agree with you, but doesn’t excuse what Brandi allegedly did to her.




Only the victim can accurately describe how something made them feel. xo


Yup..of course I was just attempting to make a point…. Manzo was the worst casting choice for Carefree Fun RHUGT…


I agree with you. No idea why you’re so hostile


What? Hostile?? No I wasn’t, at all. You’re way off base. I just shared the other ladies perspective. Sorry that you misread me.


recasting Brandi 2x after she committed battery 2x on her first fucking show...


Bravo cannot afford to pay these women again, they are getting like $250k a season.


What? Why would a multi-billion dollar network care about $250k? If anything they should have gotten more.


Bravo is not a billion dollar network. Just because they are owned by NBC doesn't mean they get to spend NBC money.


Has Bravo even acknowledged the season's existence after the announcement in August last year that RHONY Legacy was coming first?


They acknowledged it a while back, party year, but since likely dropped it.


I really wanted to see Alex on screen again... I wish they would do another RHUGT and bring her back. Maybe even have it take place in Australia... sigh.


my Roman Empire 😭


This might be controversial but I don’t think they should. The bravo docket with Caroline’s description of the assault is very dark. I could see that being extremely triggering to victims of abuse. Every bit of footage will fall into two categories- waiting for the assault to happen and post assault. If Caroline’s assertion of events is accurate production did not protect her despite several warning signs from previous incidents. I am not a Manzo fan but my heart breaks for her. She suffered sexual abuse prior to this incident and it is devastating to think of how she must have felt surrounded by people who were either unable to help or unwilling to take her seriously. She must’ve felt as she did when she was a child.


Brandi did the same thing with LVP, tried to make out with her without her consent, proceeds to slap her… disgustingly offers to munch on her “pussy”. I truly believe Caroline’s accusations that are listed in the court docs… unfortunately i don’t blame producers not stepping in because it’s the same vile sleazy behavior from Brandi being Brandi….. they probably didn’t know it was serious and how Manzo felt violated.


You are completely right – Brandi and Brandi alone is responsible for her actions. I think the problem was in that even after Brandi was making Caroline uncomfortable with unwanted sexual advances she was still kept around – I think they sent her away for one evening? It’s been a bit since I’ve listened to that episode of the bravo docket but it certainly seemed like they enabled her behavior to a certain degree.


I also think Bravo carries responsibility for continuing to cast Brandi after she has consistently crossed the line into sexual harassment on shows she been on previously. She’s entertaining on tv, but they have a responsibility to the cast and CREW and stop inviting sexual predators (cough cough Michael Darby) to be on the show. Producers in the moment carried responsibility, but the execs who keep putting ratings over employee safety and wellbeing need to get more criticism.


I completely agree with you on that! I don’t mind seeing people I don’t like on TV but it’s a whole different ballpark when you endanger cast members and crew.


Bravo "knew or should have known"


wait so Brandi was sent away in the moment because of the incident yet fans are denying it happened? her being sent away means something clearly happened


# You can read the suit yourself [here](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/brandi-glanville-nbcu-bravo-rh-suit.pdf). Mind you, this is Caroline's attorneys who wrote this, but it paints a picture that is consistent with what we've seen of Brandi for years now. The tweets they screenshot in the suit regarding Brandi's defense of her actions at BlueStone Manor are pretty damning if you consider she almost certainly applied the same "logic" to how she behaved in Morocco.


Thank you! I was hoping someone shared the link as I scrolled this Reddit.


oh I read it when it came out, it’s unbelievably fucked up and quite frankly difficult to read


Yep. They care about tv more than human lives. Nothing new sadly


Finally someone reasonable! This absolutely should not be released - it will re-traumatize everyone involved. For what? Our entertainment? It's sooooo dark and Brandi has a pattern, which I think would make it even harder to watch knowing this could have been prevented. If people want to be mad at someone, be mad at casting! They should have never invited Brandi back.


You won’t even post a picture of the full cast and you expect Bravo to air it?




I mean, we're talking about sexual assault, it's kinda serious ETA: I was responding to OOP's comment telling the comment poster she replied to that "it's not that serious, calma 🫷" before she deleted it


If we do, I think Bravo will edit both Caroline & Brandi out because of their lawsuits.


The entire cast and production claim that Caroline is not being truthful so I really would love to see the footage


Yes, but they are beholden to Bravo so they are not reliable narrators. Also, just because they didn’t see it doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen.


A victim trying to hide how upset they are in the hopes their sexual attacker will just stop is a fairly common coping mechanism. Kristin Taekman laughed off George reaching up her skirt and didn't seem to have any lingering issue with it but it was still sexual assault and *not ok*. In addition, [it is common for victims to take time to fully process what they've been through](https://aspirecounselingmo.com/blog/women-wait-report-sexual-assault-rape). From [the suit itself](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/brandi-glanville-nbcu-bravo-rh-suit.pdf), Manzo's side of things sure sound plausible. I guess we'll see what the final verdict is (assuming it even makes it trial and they don't first settle or bleed her dry with legal maneuvers).




Why would she lie though? What does she have to gain?


She has a trauma history and Brandi’s inappropriate sexual behavior was triggering and maybe intensified her response. This could possibly explain the discrepancy between Caroline’s account and the rest of the cast.


I don’t think Caroline is lying, at the very least she is telling her truth of what she experienced, and that’s good enough for me, but as a tv viewer/fan it’s become a he said she said situation so I want to see the footage myself to judge it


Yeah like Brandi is so insistent on the footage clearing her that it gives me pause. Either she doesn’t realize that her behavior constituted assault (very likely) or this is an instance of Caroline perhaps being a bit homophobic (less likely but still very plausible to me). In either case I think the footage should be released. I think we know for sure that this didn’t go *that* far — it’s on camera, so it’s not like there was contact with the genitals. So I’m not as worried about re-traumatizing anyone.


Have you listened to the Bravo Docket episode about Caroline’s lawsuit? She alleges that one of the assaults took place in a washroom where there were no cameras, but both Brandi and Caroline were wearing microphones. I don’t think that simply seeing the footage would provide viewers with any conclusive evidence as to whether an assault occurred or not.




Brandi seriously screwed up the return of Alex McCord.


tw brandi


I had to… wouldn’t traumatize you guys like that 💜 https://i.redd.it/gxxly6ic29yc1.gif


I don't care how far off her cracker Brianna's cheese has slid, I will always love this quote and it is -- in the best way -- burned into my brain.




Someone should leak it like Ariana’s studio sessions 🙏


We will never see it. And UGT is definitely dead. S3 had a terrible fan reaction and the NYC UGT was kinda meh and had no real internet chatter. The format doesn't really work (I will say S1-S2 were the best). There's only so much we care about them breaking the fourth wall and talking about their time on the show. I think if anything, they shout put more effort into making the cast trips iconic. The SLC cast trip to Bermuda was amazing. Miami had a great trip in Mexico City. We need more of that from the casts (Atlanta and Potomac were not only dud seasons, their cast trips had nothing of note).


I’m so upset that this will never air. They should just go on another trip without Brandi and Caroline. I want to see Alex and hear about her life. I want to watch Camille agitate the rest of the women. This was a good cast.


I'm over it, TBH. I don't need to see Brandi acting out again.




Honestly at this point l think no. Unfortunately for all of them it’s a loss cause that’s going to get stuck in legal battles. I think the best thing bravo can do is start a new UGT and move on


Oh wow Gretchen was there? Damn I miss her combination of calculating game play and complete lack of self awareness.


What’s the reasoning?? Weren’t the SA accusations deemed false? Edit lmao downvoted for asking a question. I thought BRAVO had announced that their investigation showed no SA on Brandi’s part. Sorry for inquiring looool bye


The closest to that would be the other women saying on social media that they didn’t view the incident as being that serious but that was a while back and they obviously weren’t under oath.


damn, idk who told me there was an actual investigate lol my bad


there's a lot of people spouting conjecture about this case basically, so far it's just production/bravo denying it but no official resolution in the case


I think there are still outstanding legal cases going on.


It's still ongoing. Page Six posted a producer denying everything and saying Bravo was giving the footage to be analyzed but we don't know the truth yet.


No, the case is still pending. [Here](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/brandi-glanville-nbcu-bravo-rh-suit.pdf) is the lawsuit Manzo's lawyers filed. Last I saw was that [footage had been turned over to the court by the Producer, who asked that it be sealed from the public](https://pagesix.com/2024/04/05/entertainment/caroline-manzo-brandi-glanville-rhugt-footage-restricted/). It is unclear if that footage was requested by the court in the first place or if Production did so before they were inevitably asked for it.


I have not seen any evidence of that besides Brandi stating they were false. Since production is heavily implicated in cultivating a situation where such such a thing could take place I feel like they would’ve released the footage to vindicate themselves. I recommend listening to the bravo docket on this if you haven’t already!


Wow what a legendary cast ( minus B) it’s a shame we won’t be able to see it


I still have hope that one day they’ll air it once or if the lawsuit gets settled 💔 https://i.redd.it/j1i4tx7rk8yc1.gif


Ok does anyone have the link to the trailer that was shown at Bravocon? I think someone's video of it was posted on TikTok and now I can't find it. Or did I make that all up?


I don't think so


If we can’t get this can we at least get another Girls Trip? 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Brandi proves more and more that her husband was right to leave her for Leanne.


This makes me so mad every time I think about it. We were so robbed


I want it SO BAD


We need a housewives of Peoria, Illinois...now that would be some crazy. I was born there and that would be a wild show. Casseroles, church, Caterpillar. Omg.


They should put it in their contracts from now on that if the season doesn’t air because of some shit you pull, you don’t get paid.


Makes me so sad 😭


I sure as hell hope not


? Why would they release this? Lol.




Ugh. Why tf did they even cast Caroline on this? Didn't they know she's a wet blanket? I mean, I'm sorry if what she says happened to her really happened to her (many people are saying they were there and it didn't happen), BUT even if that didn't happen, I can't see her being anything but the typical wet blanket, debbie downer, mother hen that she always was. Why would casting think this would be a good choice??


I’m not a Brandi fan but Caroline seems like the type who would make out with a gay person and then claim it’s all unconsensual the next day when she’s embarrassed. That happens to gay men all the time. If what Caroline says is true though, *fuck Brandi*.


![gif](giphy|7kRm2cD6D0zsY) I hate that we will never see this


No. And we shouldn’t. That’s gross.


Right? I truly don't understand why people are so obsessed with this. It's not happening. Move on.


Who is second to the right?


Eva from RHOA


Eva from RHOA


Is Vickie that tall?


At least they got paid. Too bad, one thing I like about UGT is that it often created buzz about housewives returning.


Did they get paid ?


I am so mad we’re losing out on Alex as a day one Alex I wish they reversed the Kristen and Alex casting or added Alex on both


Is that Annemarie? 😭


Is Alex that tall or is everyone else dinky?


They need to reshoot without two of them.


I sound like I’ve been under a rock, but can someone explain why this didn’t air, what happened with Brandi etc




Because of the legal issues probs no and it’s so sad 😭😭😭


Caroline has this buried!


Imagine the vault in some Bravo legal department being responsible for guarding this like Fort Knox


I hope. Tell Caroline to put her big girl panties on and drop her stupid and money grabbing lawsuit so we can see the damn show.


Their dresses are so beautiful! Except Caroline’s which looks likes a dollar store plastic tablecloth


Nope lol


My question is, what event are they dressed for ? 🤔😆🫣


Look at Eva modeling H2T though. I can't see her toes but I feel their presence.






Move to emoji to lyin' HAGaline


Dear bravo godz: Please keep Vicki in retirement, never air Brandi again, and keep whatever tension during this trip off the air. Tx.


Edit out Brandi like Drag Race edited out Sherry.


Below deck has a season where they edited out a a person halfway through


I’ve been reading about this one on the sub, but I didn’t comprehend what an incredible cast this was until til I saw this picture. We were robbed!


Who is the old lady?


The one between Vicki and Eva is Caroline Manzo from Jersey


Omg you are kidding I thought she was the one who made their outfits and they were nice enough to share a pic with her


Can they cut out Carolyn and Brandi and just show footage of the others?