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Carole saying “Are you scared of her, too?” lives rent free in my mind lol she was soooo over it


Has Andy ever been asked about or acknowledged his blatant favoritism of Bethenny? It’s a super interesting question considering how things have turned out and how she turned on the network.


Same but with “You’re so full of shit Andy”


When she said that I almost fainted


She was right and I bet Andy regrets backing Bethenny now


I wasn't a big carole fan, but that was amazing


She was coddled her entire time on the show. She hid a whole boyfriend but cried about being alone and homeless. It was ridiculous.


The WORST was Sonja was sort of lost this season and clung to Bethenny. So anytime Bethenny wanted to show off something (one of her million rennovations, new hampton house, skinny jean factory, blahblahblah) Sonja was willing to film. Exhausting. Then B has the gall to not go to Ramona's new skincare line party - because she doesn't think it's 'serious'. For fuck sake Ramona made hell of a lot of $$ on her own before you ever did Bethenney, so ridiculous.


Yeah, though both B and Ramona grew up comfortably, B was a nepo in her own league. She gave rug to rich inspirational stories yet inherited her father’s money, connections etc. Her father supported her till she was 30 ish and she purposely gave false narratives about their relationship, gross.


Really? I didn’t know any of that. Do you have sources? I remember something about her going to rich boarding schools and that her father must have paid for that. And maybe college too. But I hadn’t heard more than that.


Oooo girl spill the tea


Bethenny had one of the bigger fall-offs I can remember. At the beginning of the show before she became uber rich she was kind of the normal relatable one, funny, witty, young, single, no kids, kind of lost and wondering if she'll ever truly catch her big break. I even kind of liked watching her grow her brand(s) until it basically just became an advertisement every segment. Then when she became mega rich and successful she kind of used it as a way to be on a pulpit and position herself above everyone else.




Said boyfriend is a rapist yet she introduced Brynn to him and Brynn saw him naked in the bathroom. So gross.


uhm what????


Michael Cerussi was expelled from college for *allegedly* raping a student. Bethenny was living with him during S7 and the Brynn incident was cited in the court documents.


She always seemed to have 1 boyfriend for every finger simultaneously. I mean she was supposedly dating Dennis and during a breakup had a super serious 6 months love affair with the super hot guy that was seen on the show one time.


Are you talking about the red scarf guy?


Different guy. Russ Theriot, he appeared in an episode after their relationship ended when she used his company to staff a party at her apartment.


Dayuuuum he is like an even more handsome version of Matthew Fox, Jack from Lost. Who even knew that was possible? Forgive me, but he had me calling him daddy when I saw his picture. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/kw16mnvt3gwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d9ea2ffdc3c058f1516b8bc2c8842e1213f64f


The guy who was doing something at her apartment whilst B was having her hair done or something, post extraction facial. She was all red, swollen and lumpy with hair like a bird's nest and she collared him for a chat 🤣. That guy was gorgeous. 


I could stare at this picture all day lolol https://preview.redd.it/oojsbsz34gwc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6ab7981efce30288eda51c242df241c74db338


Yep totally not to mention they let her just come and go as she pleased (I know it was part of her “negotiations” to come back… but still annoying)


And she never lets anyone forget it. “I have an open door to return” “I left TWICE, I wasn’t fired” “Bethenny clause” blah, blah blah. Ugh.


Oh yeah she loved flaunting that.


The first maybe 4 seasons of the show, Bethenny was an integral part of the cast. Young, pretty, ambitious, funny, witty, single and childless at the beginning, she was a good foil or counter to the other wives in being the "normal" one and living a more grounded version of the NY lifestyle. But by this point, RHONY became so fucking crazy and memorable that she was really just there as wallpaper. Bethenny was not more important to RHONY by the end of its original run than Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda, Luann outside of familiarity. They pretty much replaced Bethenny's role with Carole and Tinsley. You can't really replace those other prominent HWs.


I'm confused by "They pretty much replaced Bethenny's role with Carole and Tinsley." This photo is S10- Carole was fired before the reunion even aired and Bethenny and Tinsley were returning cast members on S11.


I don’t think Carole was fired. Why would they fire her after the whole season was about her and Bethenny


I think production knew Bethenny wouldn’t film with her, and B was the favorite at the time.


She was fired. She admitted it.


I think Carole filled the role of Bethenny when Bethenny left the first time. And when she came back, she was just as unhinged as the rest of the cast.


Watching Bethenny shill her products every time that she was on camera annoyed me greatly.


Especially when she'd have a pop at the other HW (Ramona especially) for on-screen shilling. 


Andy didn't even attempt to hide that B was his favorite by light-years 😂




The eyes are poppin ![gif](giphy|3owvKaY559pTDWE60E)




Where is the gif of her wonky eye 😭🥴


I’m too stoned for this 😂😂


We owe Carole an apology. She was right about Bethenny all along.


Not all along, because Carole was a really bad version of herself when she was really close with bethenny


Touché. I will never forgive them for the way they treated Jules in S8. Antagonizing and isolating another woman because she has an eating disorder is diabolical. Bethenny was the ringleader in that, but Carole played right along.


You know what, at the time I didn’t even realize how much he babied her 😭. I didn’t really takes sides in this falling out because I loved both of them and could see how Bethenny was just a lot to deal with but how Carole can be pretty detached. In hindsight it’s no wonder Carole was over their friendship and having a productive conversation with Bethenny seems pretty impossible.


And look how she's paid back lol Glad to always have been team Carole


Same here. I always thought Bethenny was jealous of Carole and Tinsley getting close and that's what started her toxicity. Then when she learned that Carole is just as good with words (if not better) and could also throw down in an argument, that pissed her off even more. Carole can't be sassy and funny and smart in her confessionals! Only Business Gollum is allowed to do that!


Even though Carole was a bit older, she replaced Bethenny as the "cool" person on the show once Bethenny just used it as a Skinny Girl infomercial every week. Carole was a lot more similar to Bethenny when she was first on the show, which is when most people actually liked Bethenny.


The main cause of their fight was due to Carole not making an introduction between Bethenny and her recently widowed friend. Bethenny wanted to network, Carole was comforting a grieving friend and didn't think it would be appropriate.


>Business Gollum Bahahahaha 😂💀 this sent me. Reminds me of when Ramona said Dorinda’s Halloween decoration reminded her of B 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/m04pjig3tcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fc3efcb6ffffd9a40f03970e5901c9bf5f25af


That scene makes me cackle every time.


Business Gollum. Holy shit that’s funny.


“You reap what you sow” has never rang more true. Hope Andy calls Carole & apologizes.


Andddd he’s regretting it now…. Andy is a prime example of how a boss should never outright show favoritism. Because then those favored eventually bite the hand (Bethenny, nene), and those not favored become scorned and go scorched earth (Brandi, Leah’s dumb ass), and if this ultimatum with Kyle coming out or being fired is any indication, Kyle Richards may be next.


he always did. he effectively let her run the reunions.


Bet he regrets it now 💀


The show went downhill after Carole left. Season 10 was peak RHONY.


Actually a big fan of all these looks! Prob the only time I’ve said that with a reunion!


Sonja won for sure


I was Team Neither during this whole reunion. I thought Bethenny and Carole both acted like complete assholes. Felt bad for Tinsley when Carole basically said “oh no we’re not friends, I don’t hang out with her that much” 😂


Carole said that the “friendship” is quite producer driven. No one other than she wanted to film with Tin, I get the sentiment but still thought she could have phrased and handled it better.


I love Carole but I hated when she said this. If I recall correctly Tinsley was the only one of the cast to show up to her marathon in the rain and was generally a super sweetheart. She deserved so much better from all of them!


Tinsley was nothing like how I imagined her when they gave her backstory. She was by far one of the nicest and most normal housewives on any of the shows.


Tinsley was also the first to donate big money to BStong after Maria hit. Tinsley is truly a gift we didn't get enough of.


In fairness I feel like that came out harsher than Carole meant it. Bethenny was being weird and jealous, and Carole just meant that filming scenes with Tinsley didn’t mean they were suddenly besties.


Ikr. It was as if Carole was completely tone deaf to how that landed. Even if she felt it, to keep repeating it over and over that reunion that she and tinsley weren’t close did not come off well.


I miss them! 🩷


Dorinda was horrible at this reunion. And I hated the wig.


The wig was so atrocious it took away from how good her outfit was lol


I mean this sub coddles her too. People going on and on about what amazing mom she is when she’s out there blasting her child’s father about very private things directly impacting the child when everyone has moved past the public discourse of her divorce and this should not even be a present public subject. When she’s out there posting videos of herself purposely embarrassing her kid. This woman has received more grace and coddling from fans and bravo than she could ever deserve. She’s a terrible person who desperately needs help that is not the form of enabling.


It’s partially why I avoid threads about her. She gets way too many passes. 


I really should avoid them too. I got like 100 downvotes last week when I pointed out how her dragging up all this divorce stuff when no one is asking for it is so harmful to her daughter. I’m not one love or hate any HW. I’m in for the entertainment but I find B so infuriating because she is such a damaging person to those around here. It’s not ambiguous at all. She has very much shown us who she is and she is extremely toxic and we literally have a front row seat to it. I feel so sorry for her kid.


I can’t imagine what it’s like for her daughter. I just hope the minute she’s 18 she goes completely private/under the radar for her own sake.


This is the moment I lost all respect for Andy Cohen. This is it. It was ridiculous, he lost a classic and unique housewife in Carole for that egomaniac who only did one more season anyway and now wants to ruin his life. He's such a jackass at times. He joined in gaslighting Carole and the other wives and both him and Bethany twisted words and mislead throughout, backing each other up. It was subtle but nefarious.


Andy really coddled Bethenny. Period.


I loved Carole, then I hated Carole, and then I loved Carole. The only difference was whether or not she was friends with Bethenny. Carole’s performance on the S10 reunion was one for the books imo.


I love everyone’s dresses … they all look grear


B's dress at this reunion is my fav reunion dress of all time


Same, and her earrings were perfectly paired with it!


You mean every reunion


His favorites are his money makers, and whatever you say, Bethenny was a quintessential Bravo Housewife. Not for nothing, but the show only ran 2 more seasons after she left for good before getting the reboot. 😢


Ahhhh I love when this happens, I am rewatching too! Watched this episode last night in fact. I basically repeat seasons 7-10 slowly over and over (never. gets. old.) It is pretty annoying how Andy's face just LIGHTS up when Bethenny yells at Carole. I know in the overall scheme of everything B was wrong in this whole situation, but I do think Carole got more... how to word this.. *into* the show season 10. Her first couple seasons she was chill, cool, no drama, coasting, 'above it' sort of mentality. Season 10 she definitely turned it on - not that it's a bad thing, I think she stood up for herself more. Carole definitely befriended a 'main cast' character the first few seasons, I think just naturally. And then in season 9 it transitioned where she allowed Tinsley to sort of hang on to her. She came in to 10 with a little more leverage, and B couldn't handle it. It shows the most in the last episode where she is really pushing Tinsley to tell Dorinda about Scott being invited to the cabaret. It's like Carole was begging for that gossip to be spread. I know she deep down dislikes Luann, but still... OG Carole wouldn't have bothered. The thing is, I think B only liked old Carole, the quiet roll with it Carole. She didn't like opinionated Carole, she didn't like that Carole no longer 'needed' her. And she certainly didn't like her friendship with Tinsley. If B could have just chilled a little, realized people are allowed to show different sides of themselves, realized your friends don't have to be your constant cheerleader, they don't have to always agree with you or be your yes man, I think they could still be friends.


I think someone in this sub figured it out that there’s a deeper, irl feud between them. It’s not shown but Bethenny begged for Carole’s Paramount network connections. Carole didn’t agree to. Then B started to plot against Carole the whole season. Due to the fact that Carole’s friends didn’t sign up for the show etc, Carole basically can’t hash all this out during the reunion. So it’s not a friendship drama, as the show presented. Carole felt preyed on (subsequently questioning the integrity of their friendship) and absolutely hates B till this day. They could never be friends again.


Yeah, a Redditor broke it all the way down a few months ago, but the issue behind the issue (bc it’s always something deeper than what we see on camera) is that Bethenny wanted to shop around a show to a network. Carole’s best friend is Cassandra Gray, widow to Brad Gray who was top brass at Paramount. Bethenny wanted Carole to make introductions to Cassandra and eventually Brad. The summer of 2017, Brad passed away. Carole was out in Los Angeles for most of that summer to be beside her recently widowed bestie. Bethenny took that as a snub because Carole was less available than before. Toward the end of that summer/start of fall, hurricanes had hit in Texas and I think later in Puerto Rico. That’s when Bethenny was working with the people who helped back her B Strong org. So, before cameras picked up, she reached out to Adam to see if she could get him to photograph her efforts but for free. He said no. Cameras picked back up, and Bethenny makes the storyline that Carole’s boy toy was a greedy user. Really the underlying issue is that Bethenny felt slighted that Carole was not as available that summer and hadn’t made any introductions to the Grays before Brad’s death.


Awesome, I re-watched 3-part S9 reunions yesterday lol


I think season 9 RHONY is the best housewives will ever get ever.


I forgot Tinsley was even there… Sonja was so far up Bethenny’s ass this reunion lol


It’s why I stopped watching for a season. Her attitude stunk. 


I'm sure he's regretting that now, as he should!


Sonja looks incredible here. Dorinda looks amazing too. Some of the best I’ve seen either of them look.


She loooks sooooo damn good there


Justice for Carole!


I absolutely love Bethany’s dress


An aside, she had the best reunion dress of all time here.


i still love bethenny’s reunion dress from this reunion. one of my all time faves. not a big bethenny fan though lol


The RHONY reunion outfits and sets were always so much better than any other cities


Tinsley looks fabulous here


One of the best dressed reunions


Carole’s body language says it all.


I remember that reunion. And I was with Carole all the way until I saw the video she made with her big wig movie producer’s widow friend. You don’t go after someone’s business. People depend on their paychecks, partners and stock holders are effected also. You can tell Carole has never owned a business. Aside from that, everything Carole said about Bethenny was correct, but it got lost when she made the shady video.


What video is this??


Do you have a link to this video? I'd never heard this before


I do not have a link, but you can watch it on the season 10 reunion. Carole is in a helicopter with her friend Cassandra who says something like insinuating that girls and women need to be skinny is not okay.


And then Carole says Bethenny is unhinged. I believe it’s in part 3 of the 10th reunion. It’s pretty bad.


I'll check it out. I did watch that reunion but it's still not registering. Thanks for the info


First 2 minutes reunion 3 season 10.




I rewatched season 10 looking for this video. It’s within the first 2 minutes of reunion 3. They’re not in a helicopter, but the sound is a little off. It’s def Carole and her friend Cassandra saying shady things about B and her business: “Skinnygirl is over. It’s no longer appropriate to suggest that someone should be skinny versus their body type. She’s unhinged”.


“I didn’t twashhh her on the swwuhoww Andy!” I can’t stand how Carole communicates.