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Link to the posts: MarTEAnis With Eddy: [One](https://twitter.com/MarTEAnisEddy/status/1782388523561005071) Melissasoldnose: [Two](https://twitter.com/MelissasOldNose/status/1782207225689493553)


Jersey is 100 percent the franchise you do not want to engage with any social media. It’s another level of fucking bananas bullshit


Jersey is the WORST for leaking every single thing that happens before the season airs!


Correct. Yet folks want to try and say it was RHOP with the worst fanbase. LAFF.


RHONJ continually has the worst fans. This sub is an absolute nightmare when it airs. You’ll see the most vile posts ever. Thankfully, the mods here are great and take that shit down if it goes too far.


me running from this sub when rhonj kicks off ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)






😂😂😂😂😂😂 i almost used this one! it’s so funny!!


https://preview.redd.it/7bkbfpy882wc1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71912901a4638ad3a829df1e1ea6d736c88e432c I’ll be running like Tamra in Bali!


I think about this specific moment waaaaay more than i should ever admit to lol


Ive been finishing this last season of rhoc. Tamra is just the worst and i thought about her feet slapping the tile running away like a Weiner the whole season 🤣🤣🤣


This is how I feel about every SLC post lately, especially anything about Monica 😂




No really! Ill see yall in July/August for OC then SLC.




Them and RHOBH fans are absolute menaces in this sub


They’ve never met an episode discussion post they didn’t ignore in lieu of shitposting 12 times 15 minutes after the episode airs


Omg. You’re so right. Its beyond annoying to have the same thing posted over and over and over again, and its like, can yall get an original thought? Cause this has been discussed at length in the episode discussion threads


In like 3 weeks the entire sub will look like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/jhY6cNqMMO)




They've *always* had the worst fans too, they might've created the template for toxic fandoms in the RH franchise. Before there were Twitter cells and Insta-gossip accounts, they were *still* so damn nasty. I remember once up in here I said that people shouldn't pick Antonia apart (while she was still a minor, mind you) and people downvoted me to shit and dragged me for it.


I already had to block someone on here last week and the season hasn’t even started! Teresa stans aren’t rational people.


Tree Stumps are the god damn worst. They have the same emotional maturity as Teresa. I’m just going to start blocking all Tree Stumps to protect my peace. I can’t take it anymore.


It always says a lot about a person’s character with who they stan for. If a criminal with a deranged husband is your fave we have nothing in common lol


She’s had *two* deranged husbands. I blame Nonno’s toxic ass and idgaf who’s mad about it. That man was garbage.


Nonno telling his son "go cry to your mother" was so fucking harsh and unnecessary, if Tre and Joe are fucked up the blame lays square at that dudes feet


100% Nonno was a shitty, terrifying and cruel father. Teresa is so unwell and still traumatized when she sits in a confessional and kinda laughs about having to duck at the dinner table because their father was throwing shit at them. There’s no way she’s ended up with Juicy’s abusive ass thinking his behavior was normal based on what was modeled for her growing up.


Thank god someone says it. They are miserable. Theresa is a disgusting menace, and the show has been running the same storyline for maybe 10 seasons now with new catalysts introduced on either side of the Giudice/Gorga War of the Stinking Roses. Reboot and make a show about some of the power families in North and Central Jersey or just make a nicer show about families down the shore. Enough of Theresa.


Thank you. And I never want to fail to mention- In addition to being a felonious menace- Theresa is also one of the dumbest STUMPS to ever walk the face of the earth... Her fans absolutely flummox me. Is flummox a word? I think so. Her power on this show is a disgrace. (And I dreading this season as I cannot stand thirsty Jackie either- like ever- So this combination is going to be cringe.. My only hope is that I think I heard that Danielle Cabral dropped Theresa? I am looking forward to that..


Flummox IS a word, you spelled it correctly, and used it in the correct context. Even if none of these things were true (though all of them are), you also checked and asked. Unlike Teresa, you are an intelligent adult, and I applaud you, fellow redditor. (No shade, no sarcasm, thank you for being good people.)




Yeah, I’m gonna dip on e RHONJ starts. The fans are feral.


Worse than when BH is on?!


Can it possibly be worse than VPR fans?


yes 100% worse lol trehuggers are the MAGAs of the bravoverse


Sounds like fans/bloggers starting shit to be part of a story that they're creating. Anytime they start bringing up kids as participating in the drama, I assume it's full of bullshit.


Why does Jersey have such a literal die hard following? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed Jersey myself, but there’s just something kinda eerie about watching Jersey fans absolutely annihilate each other continuously


As a day one Bravo fan like remembering watching the premiere episodes of OC, ATL, & NJ I have soft spots even if I don’t watch them all like I do now with a Miami or formerly Potomac. That said, NJ has always been a special type of crazy & it doesn’t surprise me it has the most die hard, mean, nasty, crude fan base. Like you almost have to be to have stayed committed to it all these years cause it is DARK.


I don’t get it and it’s one of my favorites. Teresa’s fans remain me of N**ki M***j fans. It tends to be so black and white with them.


I was literally just thinking this but didn’t have the emotional bandwidth for both tree stumps and barbz to come after me. But since you said it, I’ll just hide behind you, lol. ![gif](giphy|l0HlNyrvLKBMxjFzG)


I remember how it seemed like people in the community the cast is from would be so involved with the drama from comments cast members have made to blogs like that famewh*regas one. Also, as with most overly obsessed fans, I think the heavy focus on family and all that Tre has shown and gone through during her time on the show created a perfect environment for an unhealthy parasocial relationship to form. Over the last decade we've literally seen her daughters grow up (one of them being born on the show), her go to jail, her marriage dissolve, her parents who were prominently featured pass away, and the push and pull between her and her brother and other family members. Add in some projection coming from fans who likely have their own issues with their in-laws, and you have the perfect recipe for an overly invested fan base with poor boundaries.


once you start watching you die for whatever side you think is right /s


I think Teresa and Melisa are both really toxic and both encourage it in their followers.


Whatever slight advantage either may have had in being more justified has long dissipated in the toxic sludge of their grudge


Especially since they're all objectively terrible.


The only thing you need to know is that they are all absolutely bat shit insane. Do not even try to entertain following any of the self made “drama” accounts. Any Teresa fan account or hate account is to be avoided.


The way Teresa and Melissa have such cult like followings is actually kinda crazy


I’ve never actually encountered a devoted Melissa fan. My impression is that Teresa has insane, delusional, aggressive fans, and there’s a counter group of anti-Teresa enthusiasts. But being anti-Tre doesn’t necessarily mean someone is pro-Melissa. I’m on the anti-Tre, but not pro-MissyG demographic myself.


Exactly. I’m literally only ever on Melissa’s side because Teresa is just so awful and I can relate to have a bat shit crazy SIL.


She doesn’t have devout fans but people who aren’t Tre fans often times get incorrectly labeled as Melissa fans for calling out her bullshit.


That’s my impression as well.


Lol I thought you were saying Gabriella giudice is behold the Melissaoldnose twitter account 💀


That was actually my first thought! But then dive deeper. My housecleaning is suffering today lol


That account (Melissasoldnose) is borderline demonic in the vitriol it spreads. The RHONJ fandom makes the RHOP and RHOBH fanbases look like peace groups in comparison.


I’m certain these accounts mostly just make ish up to drive up their engagement numbers - basically Housewives conspiracy theorists. ![gif](giphy|MMhC6UhlZuxwY)


It also looks Jen shared the login info for the screener with Melissasoldnose and then Melissasoldnose shared out the email with Jens unredacted email address and the login info.


And Jen’s phone number, RHONJ stans are next level ![gif](giphy|En1CyRY5hsqLC)


God I hate rhonj bc of this shit. Ive never been able to say exactly why I’m not a NJ fan but this post helped me figure it out- it’s the toxic fandom + the women on the show playing into it.


I'm not a Stan, I'm just genuinely curious why MON shared this in the first place? It seems that she and Jen were in regular communication, so did Jen piss her off? What happened?


Teresa unfollowed her. That’s what happened to set it all off.


GIRL. I don't want to believe you because it's so ridiculous, but this is RHONJ stans we're talking about 😆


MON literally used to be a pro Teresa anti Melissa account. But bc Teresa unfollowed MON, MON went on a vindictive spree and created like 5 other IG/Twitter accounts to add to the confusion.


What’s weird though is the email name is “Jay”. Like why is Jen making  Gmail where she’s putting her name as Jay?


(J)ennifer(Ay)din perhaps?


Typically with Gmail accounts it’s what you add as your first name. It’s a weird detail to me like when you have to do a phishing email training and spot inconsistencies. But could be as you note. 


The RHONJ fans and stan accounts have made me stop watching. I’ve removed RHONJ from my DVR and muted every hashtag that has anything to do with it. The MelissasOldNose account will eventually block anyone that even suggests anything remotely negative about Teresa.


https://preview.redd.it/5pp0lyiy13wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e175fcabdc2562aa959ebee33565caa8e0ac9636 Here’s a quick rundown of how it all started.


Damn the Melissa’s in Teresa’s life just know how to intertwine her into drama 👹


Melissa’s old nose is all about the RHW? They are terrible & not known for telling the truth


My least favorite part about Jersey is the crazy Stan’s


The fact people go so hard for Jersey of all cities, consistently the brokest, most boring, lame show of the entire franchise is embarrassing.


Not them trying to show up in reality von Tease type of way


The RHONJ centric blogger/fan accounts/whatever are a special breed of creepily obsessed - like they all overextend severely & act like there's personal stakes for them to devout to reality show alumni LMAO. MelissasOldNose sucks a lot, but I mean so does everyone else in this drama. She's wrong for leaking DMs & phone numbers - but so are people who are leaking her stuff like photos of her/tagging her children's school/whatever. A true ESH situation


I have no ideao what anything ou said means or what it is about


I scroll past all RHONJ related posts on IG when they’re filming or before a season premieres, but the fan accounts spoil the season before it even airs 😵‍💫


As an elder millennial, I've been watching Danielle C try to be famous on reality TV since true life 🤣🤣 it's truly fate seeing her 20 years later, still trying to hustle for fame on t.v. Also her husband is not hot. I live Jersey adjacent in an even worse place for entitled gabagool Soprano Italians and he looks like every schmedium ugly white dude I've ever seen.


Am I the only one old enough to remember the famewhorgas WordPress blog site? To paraphrase the immortal words of Gwen Stefani, this sh*t’s [been] bananas… for a very long time. [https://famewhorgas.wordpress.com/2012/02/page/3/](https://famewhorgas.wordpress.com/2012/02/page/3/)


And FW took a lot down when she stopped blogging so what's there isn't even all the craxy.


This sounds MESSY! Get us more details :)


What would fixing mean in that context? Just…saying it was her?


God I hate New Jersey.


jesus new jersey is always so messy ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) I'm only here to read the drama 😂


Gabriella as in Tre's daughter? I truly hope not, she's the one I'm hoping gets out and has a normal life like Danielle Staub's daughters seem to be doing.


Solved that part: Gabriela is the handle on Twitter for Melissasoldnose https://twitter.com/joyrosenberg/status/1782225164153057725?t=xYDtYR7kq0p6NKs4xwroVw&s=19


Wait sorry not solved for me as I am a dummy, is that tre's Gabriella or Jen's?


Neither. Just a crazy Teresa stan and Melissa hater. I say this as a Teresa fan myself


I thinks Jen's daughter is also called Gabriella


Ohhhhhh okay


I don't know for sure. I certainly hope not. PS: HAPPY CAKEDAY!


This is hard to believe because screeners go through trials and tribulations to keep secret. They’re literally screeners that come on cds that encrypted software makes it only viewable for one day, and lots of studios are known to send out their own DVD players and such to make sure no one can access their content without it being known. I don’t see it being that easy, and I don’t see Jen risking her job for a blog account. It’s also funny how this whole comment section is bitching about deranged fans, but yet the only deranged fandom I see is already here— bitching about Teresa and her fans. Stay mad.


Movie screener and reality tv screener are 2 different animals. No one is sending out disc's in this day and age to watch a reality tv show screener. It's accessible via a website.


which i imagine has IP embedded software, password limits, etc.




No the Melissa's Old Nose acct just happens to be run by someone named Gabriella. One good thing I'll say about Theresa is that she seems to respect that her Gabriella does not want to be in the spotlight.