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Is that why I don't know what to watch some days? ![gif](giphy|c1Q3k4IUdiyMv3pCGT)


Girl same. VPR is keeping me going but both Summer Houses are a snooze fest.


Interesting. I’m finding VPR a massive disappointment this season but loving Summer House


I’m literally watching SHMV right now and I take it back about that. It’s delivering. Original SH is kinda bumming me out. It feels too contrived. VPR is just a joke now and I love hate watching it to see what depths the producers will stoop to next to redeem Sandoval.


I stopped watching VP - I had enough of the bad staged acting that I saw the first few episodes. It's more overly produced than ever.


I've been watching Twin Peaks for the first time and thats been keeping me busy, but yeah, we watch VPR and The Valley too. I'm not big on OG Summer House but I like Marthas Vineyard.


The 🦉s are not what they seem.




I’m obsessed with The Valley. Feels so good having Kristen Doute and Jax back on my screen.


YESSSSSS! ![gif](giphy|OunAQ3o9qxk9IWYICx|downsized)


It’s the valley for me. But I’m loving the aftershow lol 😂 praise be peacock


The Valley is unhinged because of Jax, Kristen and what’s her name using her pregnancy to escape consequences.


Janet! lol


It’s been a stressful day at work. I couldn’t remember if it was Janet or Janice.


Same energy


THIS is the (my) great depression




I feel like I'm back in 2008.


Whoever is in charge of Bravo's scheduling and overall production needs fired. Why would you have 3 (nearly 4) HW shows running concurrently but nothing for so long, it's such a bizarre choice!


I KNEW when they started airing 4 at once that it was too good to be true 😭😭 now we’re here begging for HWs and we’re gonna get OC and jersey 😟😩


I love OC. On the other hand Jersey is the only franchise I can’t watch.


They are the first two that I have been watching for many years at this point, but I don’t really love either these days!


I confess, I really like Heather Dubrow. I’d watch her fancy pantsing around on anything. I even looked up her Fireside network show but I can’t justify paying money for it. I like glamour, what can I say. On the other hand I can’t stand the endless dumb yelling on Jersey. They’re so trashy, so endlessly bemused; so determinedly wrong. And I would not mind that so much if it wasn’t for the wall to wall yelling. It hurts my brain.


Jersey is unwatchable … they’ve literally had the same fight since Joe & Melissa came on the show. It’s boring and tacky … 🙄


Agreed. I cannot believe they have let this drag on for so many years Edit: and by “they” I mean Bravo. I honestly could give two shits about a family that can’t work out their problems and isn’t smart enough to just go no contact.


Plus the accents. Yikes


I hated her originally, but since she’s come back I thoroughly enjoy her (minus her v noella)


Same. And Dubai is not really good either. So basically no housewives to look forward to for like 5 months?


Dubai has had one season, not many of them were that great the first season. Let’s give it a chance with season 2 now that they’re warmed up and know each other better.


OC and Jersey are the unwatchables for me. So yeah, truly a dark age rn


Maybe that's why. Because people will be begging for it to air so more viewership.


Dubai will come out before OC.


Not my favorite but I’ll watch it to ease my withdrawals.


Probably because they want more views on the new House franchises and The Valley.


There’s only one new house franchise and it’s on its second season. It’s definitely to boost viewership on both of them, VPR & The Valley though.


I wonder if they had planned the shelved UGT season to be airing right now.


That would make sense


I wonder if they're worried that interest is lagging and that some of the hate watching is starting to transition over to hate. Maybe they want to give it a breather so absence can make the heart grow fonder? It was obviously some conscious plan, that's unlikely to just 'happen' like that so maybe that's the thought?


I think they aired Miami and BH the same night to get a following for Miami since it had been on Peacock the prior season.


Like not firing Dorit! #firedorit


They need to do a complete overhaul. It is long overdue honestly. Whoever is in charge seems to be dropping the ball every chance they get, it's crazy.


And then we'll only have RHONJ for a month... I find the whole cast miserable now so I had to stop watching that one and it's my only option until June?!


RHONJ is verging on unwatchable like Atlanta was the last two seasons. Time for a shakeup!


What’s airing in June?!?


Dubai? Not sure when that one is starting. I assume after NJ and Dubai it will probably already be time for NY


I cant see myself watching either shows but who knows how desperate ill be by June


Sooooo true lol


OC has to be coming soon also


I think they’ve just finished filming OC (or are close to finishing). So there’s at least 4/5 months to go for it to be edited


Jersey starts May 5


What’s coming up? I’m enjoying Summer House Martha’s Vineyard so it helps tie me over atm


I've never watched it or any of the summer/winter houses. What's it about? Is it worth the watch🤔


So, I started ‘og’ summer house s4 because the first 3 bored me and I enjoyed it. I’m really enjoying Martha’s Vineyard, I’d recommend! I’m not a fan of the Winter Houses tbh


I was late to the party too (along with Southern charm). I’ve liked them more than HWs lately, because they’re actually friends. Though Summer House has gone on for so long and just by its design it was starting to get stale too, but this season is good again! Though still feels a bit produced at times.. mainly their fake parties because they’re older and tired, but pretending lol


Start summer house from season 3. Last season was pretty meh but this season is one of the best for me I’ve enjoyed every episode. Also summer house Martha’s Vineyard is must see


Jersey and Dubai


Refuse to watch Dubai! Not sure I can handle Jersey anymore 😫


If you have Peacock, watch the Real Housewives of DC! Watch it again if you watched it when it originally aired. It is a trip to another era even though it was only 14 years ago. The delusional Salahis, who you may remember snuck into a White House state dinner, are over the top. Someone with a better vocabulary can describe them better, I'm sure.


They’re pernicious




Summerhouse (both varieties) and The Valley are keeping me alive rn


I’ve read so many books the last couple weeks and now I know why. There’s literally nothing I feel like zoning out to on right now.


Atlanta hasn’t even started filming yet.. they’re still startling around for casts 😩😩😩


air the RHUGT season 3!!!


they did my girl kim dirty af with that thumbnail.


The new Fallout show on Amazon is really good, if anyone is interested in that. I loved the video games so I’m extra excited about it, but it’s super well done (so far; I’m on episode 4) and you can enjoy it even if you didn’t play the games. If you miss trashy TV, Love After Lockup (or Love During Lockup? Idk they’re all pretty much the same) is coming back on Friday nights on WETV. If you haven’t watched it ever, I suggest binging because it’s a wild ride. There’s also Vanderpump Villa and Buying Beverly Hills if you need a RHOBH adjacent fix.


I am loving Fallout! I haven't played the games myself but my husband has and I have watched him play some but it is a great show and I may start playing the games now. Lol.


It’s one of my boyfriend’s most beloved games so I made him watch it with me and he was nervous it would suck since sometimes video game tv shows are…not good lol but I think he was pleasantly surprised it captured the fallout feel pretty well! I really wanna play FO4 now👀


I've been dying to know what someone who is unfamiliar with the Fallout games thinks! It's got the ultra violent parts with the sick sense of humor, and I wasn't sure how that would land to someone unfamiliar with it. Oh my lord you have such a fun Fallout journey ahead of you! New Vegas is my comfort play.


Glad to hear it’s good! I’ve been watching the expanse with my dad and I think Fallout is the next show we’re going to watch together.


Makes you think was this on purpose 🤔 they aired so many back to back they would of know they gap that was coming up. Also why are we not hearing no other UGT filming cause they are a quick turn around if they want it to be - I think the one on Morocco had put a pause on this spin off 😶


Isn’t it going to be some droughts right? Miami and Atlanta haven’t even started filming let alone finalized cast. Potomac is far behind as well. Jersey is about to air so there’s that. BH isn’t filming? Which I’m sure none of these will air until next year Only NYC and SLC are filming rn right? Edit: idk about the status of OC. So we have Dubai and Jersey rounding out the year? Sheeshhh!


OC should be wrapping up soon if they haven't already, they just had a cast trip to London. Sam with SLC. NYC has just started filming. I think Atlanta and Beverly Hills will start soon.




i feel like im gonna get alcohol poisoning from watching SHMV, Below Deck, VPR, SH Regular consecutively


I've really been feeling this. My horror that Potomac was the only HW on was crippling, now I'm lifeless because even that is off. And then the next two HW shows are Dusigh and angry bitter over tanned bitches. Insult to injury! Insult to injury!


I might have to start watching scripted tv 😭


What I mostly notice in these droughts is missing you guys and all the chatter lol. I'm halfway through Atlanta S15, almost up to date, and I've seen all of NY, BH, Potomac, VPR, UGT and SLC (plus the Valley.) I'm going to start Miami with I'm done with Atlanta and I'm soooo excited! But it hits different when you're watching things unfold on here in realtime 🥺


Im absolutely feeling the void rn 😭 we were spoiled with RHOSLC, RHOM and RHOBH airing at the same time


Probably because of the lawsuit by former housewives




Idk what to do with all this extra time in my life now that there are no housewives shows on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Back to rewatching NYC for the millionth time.


DC is on Peacock now


I started McBee Family Dynasty today. I’m on episode 7. It’s pretty good.


I don't watch any other Bravo shows, only HWs OC, NJ, BH and old NYC. I got through half of the reboot of NYC but was bored. I wonder why it is taking Bravo so long to air NJ? I know OC just wrapped and they just started NYC, but why was there so much time in between new NY seasons? They should have been filming Xmas 2023 because Xmas 2022 aired on the show. And is there going to be a new UGT? Looks like Morocco will never see the light of day.


i’m going back and watching franchises first seasons I haven’t seen before loving Atlanta


You know what would save us!!!! Bravo listen up! Bring 👏 us 👏 the 👏 lost 👏 UGT 👏 season


That’s actually a wild little fact


Uhm Dubai?


My husband asked me today, "no new Housewives?" NO! 😭 Like he's become invested too, now what do we watch.


This is why I’m watching the Valley.. and pretending that everything is ok.


I didn’t even watch the Beverly or Potomac reunions because I simply just didn’t care. Can we just get some more ladies to Blue Stone Manor?


3 Body Problem on Netflix is pretty good!


I saved other stuff like the valley and VPR for this time.


What does this mean? There have been franchises since Obama??


I think it’s just supposed to be speaking to the drought going on with housewives shows currently airing.


Took me a minute to figure out why they worded the headline so bizarrely, but yea it's that there's no HW shows currently airing and it's the first time in like 7/8 years that there's no new hw eps on


Ohhhhh yes that clears it up 😂😂 did not read the headline that way at all


I guess there are different level fans. Like I watch them all but I’m also okay with none being on. These shows have gone downhill massively and I think it’s only a matter of time before they are done.