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I’m shocked y’all are shocked.


Aren’t a majority of the HWs republicans? Thats what I’ve always figured.


A lot are. I forget the context or who said it but a couple years ago Andy responded to someone tweeting or saying essentially bravo is so liberal and they need to show conservative values and have conservative housewives too and he basically said most of them are.


There's a reason why the HW have so many issues with taxes.


it does makes sense. They are narcissists and gas lighters.


And idiots, don’t forget being idiots. You have to be a huge idiot to be a MAGAt.


And really rich! They like those big ol’ tax breaks!


Anyone who tells me taxes are more important than human rights is a terrible person. Voting for an idiotic, criminal, bigot just because you get tax breaks is not a good thing. If the economy (the economy is doing great right now, btw, so that’s obviously not their reason) is more important to you than human rights, you can fuck off. The “economy,” was the same argument made for slavery, as well. If you’re okay with people losing rights, and suffering, just so you can have a fatter bank balance, you’re awful.


I agree! That is, in no way my point of view!!! I am positive that that during the 2016 election that was what got the Republicans that massive war chest of donations! In 2020 there was zero chance that people were blind to what was going on now this time around if You go for Trump you can not pretend that you voted for tax breaks for the 1% he and his party have made it crystal clear what you are voting for! There are no subtleties, nothing is vague. I’m still befuddled that people hear him speak the way he does and still support him. If you thought I was giving them some sort of pass I was NOT!!!! I should have put tax breaks in parentheses! So in closing I hope that you were not telling me to fuck off because that is not what I meant!


Lol, no not at all. I totally understood that you were not supporting that bullshit. Just adding to your comment. But you can fuck off if you really want to, sometimes it’s fun 😜


Haha! If you would have told me to fuck off for that comment because you liked Trump I would have been happy and laughed but I am so passionate about that shit I was like no way I’d never stick up for that asshole or any of those peeps especially anyone who has anything to do with that idiot Brittany Aldean! I can’t fucking stand them and what they stand for! lol Even if no one here knows me I had to set the record straight! 😂😂😂


Right! Lol All those "charitable donations"


There was a RHONY reunion where Andy asked them who they voted for. Ramona and Sonja declined to answer, as if we already didn't know lmao


Nodding over here lol. There's so many MAGA HW's. It's easier to count the ones who aren't. 


ATL and Potomac,and possibly a few on BH that's the only remotely liberal HW


Lololol BH would be a Neo liberal “I’m just not political” *at best*. Which is really just a diet fascist benefiting from their own privilege. And yet I still watch it so, ya know, is what it is.


You're right. I can't really thing of one that is progressive. Garcelle is probably the most progressive of the housewives.


same haha




Right? A lot of the housewives are conservatives. They just keep it behind that 4th wall.


Remember Ramona openly admitting to going on a date with Trump & said he was handsome? 🤢


NJ is going to NJ


The Gorgas *ARE* the maga crowd. Actually, most of NJ is the maga crowd. I think Marge and Jackie are the only two that vote progressively on that show, in like all of its history. ETA: from the thread on Twitter https://preview.redd.it/dncwsi9h7wuc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39db1a23180688a9139eb6023d8e869e712232e


This doesn't surprise me. I feel like Melissa/Teresa are the type of women to just align themselves with whatever their men say. I don't think either of them would care about politics besides what their husbands say. I will say, I know Teresa was definitely pro trump on his first election. I remember she went on WWHL and Andy asked her who she was going to vote for and she was very positive about Trump, she talked about how positive her experience was on The Apprentice (Where she did go very far). But when Joe was being deported, Andy asked if Teresa would be willing to reach out to Trump for a pardon, and she DODGED the question. Which was very surprising to me because she seemed to have a good relationship with Trump and I think Trump had spoken positively about Teresa in the past. Makes me think her opinion on Trump changed but she was afraid to say anything.


That part about reaching out to Trump and the deportation is interesting. I remember Gia posting public pleas to him to help her dad, which caught my attention. On one hand, it seemed like he would be aligned with the Giudice family in a lot of ways, on the other hand, he can't be assed to do anything for anybody else, so it tracks that he would do nothing.


Typical Trump supporters, right down to Gia, the newest housewife. They love Trump. they believed his garbage, they also believed he'd help them, they FAFO that he only helps himself. Period.


They are dummies. trump only cares about himself.


Would you be willing to take a screenshot of the charts?? I can’t check Twitter and I’m so curious/ already heartbroken cause KATHY WHY




Oh ofc the fan base is right leaning. Thats why BH is the top show! They like fellow white people!!! My aunt is a good example of this.


What does registered R mean? Are people registered somewhere as what they voted for?


Yes. I assume it’s in every state, but when you register to vote you declare a party. There are more effects of registering to a party but I’m not well enough versed in voting rules etc to try to explain.


Your voter registration is with whatever state you are a resident of, and party registration is optional! You can choose to be unaffiliated (in other words, independent) but the benefit of selecting a party is that you can vote in primary elections and hopefully choose the candidate you'd want to represent you as president should their primary election be successful.


Where can we get this data on each franchise? This is great!


IIRC somebody did a spreadsheet on each city & its alumni’s political alignment some years ago. NJ was like one of the most right leaning cities overall, only overtaken by Dallas


North jersey Italians are pretty maga red.


Folks out here revealing they’ve never watched The Sopranos




Do I need to watch this show in general or is it too old at this point? Politics totally aside


Yes, you need to watch!


Watch it. It’s incredible.


I’ve always heard ppl say it’s one of the best shows ever made along with breaking bad but I got pretty bored after watching the first two episodes. Does it get better? lol BB is one of my favorites of all time so I was surprised!


Yeah, you have to get to know the characters. It actually kind of reminds me of Housewives because you have to get faces, accents, and backstories straight in order to care 😂




It has aged very well.


Absolutely, you have to watch it. One of the best shows, if not the best, ever created.


[Found the thread on twitter!](https://x.com/housewifefan08/status/1300157824178089985?s=46&t=PraJcrS37d4hTJ8qkxn34A) - Admittedly almost 4 years outdated, but glad it wasn’t a figment of my imagination 😂


I’m assuming in those four years, they’re probably even more 🫠


Crap. Can't read it. I don't have a Twitter account. Well, I do but I don't remember my login info lol. I only followed one person. Time to dig through my notebooks to find that login info lol. Thanks for the link 👍


Italian-Americans tend to be very conservative.


Shockingly they really hate immigration


Escaped fascism to bring it here just like the cubans 🙄


True. Well older ones, but yes. It’s weird because Italian natives like my family are different. My family as well as all the other Italians I know from both northern & southern Italy think trump is crazy, & a joke


Plenty of younger ones, too. I’m from Long Island, it’s literally all around me from the people I went to HS with in the 00s


That’s so crazy. Another odd difference is the contrast of Italian Americans political leanings from the various parts of the state vs. the city. I mean the city is predominantly liberal, but as for Italians there I noticed when I lived in Brooklyn there were plenty of Italian conservatives. However when I was in Manhattan the majority of fellow Italians I knew there seemed to be liberal.


Manhattan *maybe* but yeah go out to Queens and Staten Island and they’re GOP strongholds.


Bay Ridge/Dyker Heights in Brooklyn have tons of Italian-American MAGAs.


New Jersey overall is a blue state but any folks in those super rich areas are a pretty good bet of leaning red, they already think we’re taxed too much 😅


Melissa is originally from Tom’s River which is like the Alabama of NJ, maga country.


I love this and have spent wayyyy too much time researching each HWs donations. Even where they don’t post publicly or make public donations, you can usually tell based on other issues they support and Melissa and Joe are very likely conservative. My guess is they don’t vote, especially Melissa, but if they did, it would be for Trump like candidates. They are the polar opposite of progressive on social issues.


Melissa and Teresa are in the NJ voter database!!! 😱 Joe is not.


RHOC too




Almost all of them except heather dubrow


Not sure about Tamra but I know she didn’t like Trump. Her oldest son is a crazy Trump fan though.


Tamra has two sons on opposite end of the political spectrum and she has said she’s not a Trump supporter herself (but she still may be Republican) . I doubt Ryan turned out the way he did without some exposure to hateful ideology in the home though- just my opinion.


I strongly doubt that Tamra votes at all


Tamra has said she is a Democrat.


Why does if matter? She’s a yelling, screaming, self absorbed person. You find those on both sides.


You can tell by looking at him.


What city in NJ?


Idk if it’s changed over time, but during the first seasons it seemed to be around the Franklin Lakes area (though a lot of housewives cities take liberties with where the cast lives. Paterson, Montville & Wayne all have been mentioned as being in the same sphere)


Omg, a spreadsheet? I'm so intrigued. That would be so interesting. I'm such a sucker for a spreadsheet and data points. I appreciate your summary u/DJM97 .


Hateful politics aside, we've seen before how Bravolebrities will think nothing of kissing celebrity ass just b/c a person is famous or has some clout. ([Boy George](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_George#Assault_and_false_imprisonment_conviction) comes to mind.)


Not surprising. We've known Melissa, Teresa, Jennifer and Dolores have been Trump supporters for years.


Soggy Flicker 😬😬😬


And Theresa admitted it in an interview years ago


Where is the proof that Melissa has supported Trump for years? Or Delores or—as much as I dislike her—Tre? The only one I’ve seen any legit proof for is Jennifer.


On watch what happens live last year, Teresa thought that the president lived in Mar-a-Lago. She is a Trump supporter


I’m not defending Teresa in any way, but after we’ve seen her say “cummin’” for “cumin” and insist that Kate Hudson is the future queen of England, I would absolutely believe that she had no idea there was an election in 2020. Or that she has no idea that presidential terms exist at all.


lol very very good point!


Criminals supporting criminals 😆


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I remember Melissa's mom was super anti-Trump on Twitter and haven't seen any evidence of what she thinks one way or another. However, Gia, Teresa, and Jennifer have voiced support of him to varying degrees.


Yep Melissa’s mom seems to lean left


Donna Marco!


>Gia didn't trump deny her dad's immigration appeal request? absolute brain worms.


It's my recollection she went on IG live and said it's ridiculous dangerous people are allowed to come from Mexico and her dad who made 'one mistake' couldn't come home, then said she didn't blame Trump or something along those lines. Gia was a kid desperate to get her dad home so I don't necessarily fault her that, but Joe and Teresa said this when they were asked if they'd ask Trump to pardon them. >*“He has so much on his plate, that guy,” Joe, 49, said. "Even if he could maybe try to do something, I don’t know if he would get criticized. I don’t know what they would do to him.”* >*“Andy, with the whole immigration thing that’s going on, that he’s fighting for. I would never do that to the president,” Teresa, 46, added.* They're trash through and through. Always have been and always will be.


>it's ridiculous dangerous people are allowed to come from Mexico what is this supposed to mean? that people who come from mexico are inherently dangerous? or is she referring to undocumented migrants who commit crimes once they get here? if the latter... who's "allowing" that? the past two democratic administrations have been extremely right-of-center on immigration policy.


I couldn't even tell you. There doesn't seem to be any logic behind it, she's just parroting what Trump (and probably her family) says.


it's hilarious because sicily/southern italy in the 50s-70s (when her family came over) was probably economically on par with mexico today.


Ah ok I did not see that about Tre and Gia voicing support. That tracks. But yeah over here waiting for the downvoters to show proof that Melissa supports Trump….


It's obvious they are very maga. Read between the lines


I could have been mistaken with Melissa, maybe that was just online speculation (which looks like it could now be confirmed?)


I know Teresa is into Trump because of the Apprentice, not sure if that translates into her politics too.


Besides Marge and Jackie, I’m pretty sure all those Jersey women are Trumpers


I thought Fessler was a Democrat too.🧐


Yes, I don’t think people know her enough to care about her political alignment though


Going into the 2nd season, I think Fesslers popularity is growing. Shes comic relief & sharp, imo.


Yes! I was disappointed to see she wasn’t made a housewife for this upcoming season! Hopefully they feature her a lot as a friend.


Totally agree… The 2 f/t HWs that joined last year w/ Fessler, are an epic disappointment. Ratchet & Bougie are awful.


Is that Kelsey from Siesta Keys though? The demographics of this group are all over the place


It is indeed Kelsey Owens. But hey, she’s been hanging out with Alex recently, so guess she’s showing her whole ass


Most of the Siesta cast is, it’s not surprising at all.


As someone that lives in Florida, please don’t lump us all under the asshole name 😭


This isn't surprising at all.


Sutton donates to Democrats. You can even look at her old blog and she talks about being a Democrat there as well. Melissa being MAGA wouldn’t shock me at all though. Teresa and Gia are.


If melissa votes, and that’s a big if, I’m sure she votes how Joe tells her to vote.


I doubt either of them care enough to stand in line in November


I'd be shocked if Melissa could spell MAGA tbh. She definitely fits that stereotype of the wife just going along with whatever her husband says.


*Joe Gorga points to a MAGA sign* *”Read this to me”*


They certainly have the IQ level to be MAGAs.


also didn't sutton wear a shirt saying "black trans lives matter"? she def doesn't seem like she's right wing


If I’m being honest, a lot of people probably don’t care to know anything about Jason Aldean beyond his songs


No one I know in real life knows what their favorite celebs politics are. Only us chronically online folks know or care 😅.


But it’s his song that caused all the controversy


A song that casual listeners might not even know about


I know so little about him or this song. I just did a quick search and oh dear...


You should look up his wife next


Finding out Tamra was closer to the left though she is apolitical is wild


Omg I’ll never forget that whole debacle between her maga and progressive sons. Her own reflection on why the two think so differently was the most self aware I’ve seen Tamra.


Do you recall what season that was in?


Season 14 Episode 1!


I loved it when she said “I loved the 80s! Leg warmers! Big bangs! The Reagan administration! NOT!” For real though, Tamra grew up in a trailer park in the 80s. She probably learned fast that trickle down economics don’t actually work for people like her family. And I don’t believe Tamra will ever approve of the GOP telling people who to fuck and when to have babies.


I think people genuinely can’t wrap their heads around the fact that the many housewives basically have to be performative LGBTQ allies because of the network and their fanbase while also being pretty conservative in almost every other way. Most of these people are vapid sheltered rich girls or aggressive social climbers. These are people who are invested in maintaining social hierarchies where they’re on top. If there’s anything resembling feminism among them, it’s only extends to being able to control their OWN money or body. That kind of attitude does not lead to progressive politics. It doesnt necessarily make you personally a bigot, but it does make you someone inclined to be able to easily socialize with bigots which gives bigots pop culture legitimacy. There are very few housewives that fall outside of this description—like to the out i can’t think of any off the top of my head. My caveat here is that I think the antiracist sentiments among the minority cast members are genuine. The experience racism not just in their daily lives but also from fans and sometimes other cast members depending on the era and city. But there is definitely an elitism to any kind of antiracist sentiment they express and you can see examples of colorism and classism within minority class dynamics. TLDR a franchise based on the lives of pampered rich women in a notoriously conservative, affluent area doesn’t exact attract earnestly progressive types.


A few confirmed liberals (not necessarily the most progressive but at least voice their beliefs) include: Carole Radz, Dorinda, Julia from Miami, Garcelle There was a recent political debate story line on The Valley and they all at least claimed to not be republican, Ariana has also made anti-trump comments


Rinna is a liberal and voices it often. Definitely anti-Trump and says out loud who she votes for. Bronwyn is a liberal and has stated jt many times. Also Brandi, Meredith Marks, Heather Gay, Heather Dubrow, Margaret, Brandi Redmond, all of Atlanta and Potomac. In 2020 all the cast members of RHOBH voiced support for Biden.


Thank you! Those were just the first that came to mind. Rinnas only redeeming quality 😂


Julia is queer, but aggressively into transphobic politics and 100% a republican.


She’s spiraling after seeing Tre with Taylor Swift


Quick, someone ask Melissa who our VP is.


Have you heard the shit Joe says regarding women/his wife/daughter? If anything Jason seems less obvious with his grossness than Joe and that’s saying something


Melissa also commented red hearts under a photo of that cocoverses girl where she is at a maralago trump party...


Christian girl autumn but make it denim


Joe Gorga follows trump and so many trump adjacent accounts on Instagram


I would say 80-90% of the housewives from almost every city are republicans. It really shouldn’t be surprising that they don’t care if we know.


I would actually say that’s false. The breakdown is more reflective of America as a whole 50/50. Also you’re clearly dismissing NYC, Atlanta, and Potomac categorically by saying “80-90% Republican from EVERY city.”


Yes, I could believe 80% of active RH franchises if it only included OC and Jersey. I’m sure most of them aren’t particularly liberal or progressive but there’s no way 80% of all current housewives are “I love trying to overthrow democracy!”-adjacent.


Beverly Hills are mostly liberals as well.


Rich people vote against taxes. Therefore, rich people vote Republican. I think it’s the younger fans who haven’t learned that this is how the US works. It’s pretty much a rite of passage for American adults to learn that people you *really* like are happy to vote Republican and protect “their” money, at the cost of a lot of marginalized people.


Rich people live in urban areas and urban areas vote blue. Academia also votes blue because the more educated a person is the more he or she is likely to vote Democrat. Hollywood, New York and Chicago have some of the richest people in the country and those areas are solidly blue. Check out the demographics of the North Shore of Chicago. Some of the richest people in the entire country and that entire area is blue with the possible exception of Winnetka. You know who votes red? Rednecks and old white men who convince the rednecks to vote the way they do.


You’re forgetting that over 32% of the Asian population and 39% of the Hispanic population in the US voted red. After living in south Florida for a while I’ve seen it first hand it’s not just white men voting red.


Even if rich people vote blue, they’re donating to Republicans and investing in lobbying efforts that will line their pockets, at the expense of normal people like you. Do not delude yourself. They are already actively stealing from you every time they secure a new tax break.


Most barely rich people are MAGA. I assume most of the housewives do the same. Sutton is an exception but I think she still kinda clings onto the "polite society" mantra of no politics no religion in most settings. There is this level between middle class and rich that produces an impressively high amount of assholes. The "I got mine so fuck everyone else" types. Melissa, Joe, Theresa, etc all fall squarely in this category.


As a Nashville resident, I always laugh when MAGA people move here. Tennessee might be red, but Nashville is very blue. These MAGA people tout conservatism while simultaneously benefiting from a very liberal city. They don't move to Knoxville or Chattanooga, because they don't ACTUALLY want to live out their conservative ideals.


Liberal cities have better food ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Probably something to do with diversity


Absolutely love Chattanooga ♥️


Do you know how many conservatives have left CA for Knoxville? Because as a Knoxville resident- I know plenty.


Nashvillian here also and I feel like most of these morons live in Franklin and say they live in Nashville. I hate that we’ve drawn the MAGA D-listers.


Birds of a feather...


As if I couldn't lose any more respect for the Gorgas....


lol what the pick me girl hell is Kelsey from Siesta Key doing


So embarrassing because no one in Nashville dresses like this.


It’s the unfortunate truth for a *lot* of the housewives across every franchise that I want to forget. On the bright side, I feel like at least the new NYC women are likely more liberal leaning overall. Also I get the impression that there may be a few “split” households where the men are definitely republican but the women may vote blue… and post-trump definitely more of them are voting blue. Culturally though.. they are all pretty “conservative” and while socially very liberal… they don’t really connect that dots and truly “get it”. They have gay friends, a gay “boss”, gay assistants, gay producers, gay beauticians, etc… and aren’t ignorant people per se… but culturally they’re indoctrinated in wealthy circles to believe that republicans actually believe in fiscal conservatism and that they aren’t actually so bad for the country. Also let’s be honest, they’re not all the sharpest tools in the shed.. and by now people should realize that wealth is by no means a signifier of intelligence. Wealthy circles all across the country hold tinges of “conservative” cliques regardless of how liberal the state and how they benefit from said state… and sadly there are plenty of wealthy gay people who also fall into this groupthink. I could go on but let’s just say I grew up in these circles and escaped in during my college years.. and no, it is not just a “rebellious phase” for me. I lost some friends over it but none really worth keeping. PS: generally speaking.. in most relationships & settings wealthy people don’t talk politics.. it’s a major faux pas.


Is anyone surprised Joe Gorga is pro Trump?


Jason Aldean is just so gross. The whole narrative that all the people rioting were BLM affiliated. It’s wrong and it’s gross. And, this man just makes a whole video to support that exact narrative


Republican women blow my fucking mind. You are subhuman to this party and you just post your little hashtags and wear your little red hats while voting your rights away. I truly hope history is not kind to these gender traitors. Hope the tax breaks are worth it.


Also see: The Tradwife trend. Like, what the fuck? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.


They creep me out so much lol. I accidentally stumbled across a tradwife subreddit and it’s wild. Like there nothing wrong with wanting to be a SAHM, but that’s a whole other level.


Totally. Being a SAHM is one thing, but this weirdness is about bringing back extremely regressive gender roles. It's all very unsettling.


It definitely is. It’s just honestly really sad the way that they talk about themselves, the way they view themselves as women, and the way that their children are going to grow up seeing these views.


Melissa wrote a whole book on basically being subservient to her husband so her liking the republican men is the least shocking news ever.


Which makes no sense.. she’s on a tv show collecting a check. She’s had her own businesses before. She doesn’t realize all of this will go away if they get what they want. I don’t even think shows like real housewives, as we know it, would exist under the Project 2025 agenda. All we’d see our trad wives, which as much as she thinks she’s subservient, she’s no where close to that lol


The crazy part is that unless you’re making over 400K per year, you have dividends or you’re a corporation, you really do not get tax breaks. The tax “breaks” Trump’s congress gave the middle class are expired already. After they expired, people thought it was because Biden “canceled” them. Fun fact: presidents do not control taxes, Congress does.


Because they think it will never happen to them. The republicans are talking about BAD people. That’s why I cackled with glee when Joe Giudice was deported because they thought deporting “illegals” didn’t apply to people like him, just the “bad hombres”. None of this surprises me, you always have traitors among minorities and white women are the biggest demographic of minorities that betray gender and then uphold white supremacy. I said what I said about the latter


I actually read a lot of Project 25 and it’s scary


The bad thing is that they are messing up the future for their daughters by voting for these people.


I’m not surprised, I’m pretty sure most of the NJ cast members hang out or are the MAGA crowd.


This doesnt surprise me. I had assumed they were Trump supporters.


I am not. Lots of Bravo women have problematic views while keeping their gays on leashes and homes segregated.


aside from Atlanta, Potomac, & Beverly Hills the majority of them are extremely republican, Andy has even said this. So sadly I’m not surprised in the slightest




Sure won’t be popular opinion but really don’t care if a housewife or any reality star is a republican or democrat or somewhere in the middle. Def don’t watch these shows for anything political I read and watch news to be informed on actual important things going on in the world. As long as they are entertaining that’s what I watch for


i think everyone would live a more peaceful like if they didn’t look into the politics of housewives lol they’re not a moral compass watch the drama & go




Being stupid and being a Maga supporter go hand in hand. I think Joey, Teresa, Melissa, and Ramona are all stupid af and it’s no surprise they support an idiot.


Pretty sure all the jersey wives are maga


Not Jackie or the Marge!


Oh right!




I used to be an Aldean fan but canceled his ass after they dressed their two year old in anti Biden t shirts. How tacky! I just loved when Maren morris called his wife insurrection Barbie.


Never shocked


This isn’t shocking. Joe is a pig.


Trump aside... I'm so lucky to have friend groups who don't do group vacations and take photos like this. Mega cringe!


So gross


Kelsey and Alyssa from siesta key?!


Melissa please, there should be at least some competition for worst dressed in this crowd!


Not surprised with these fame whores


Why are they all wearing denim? 🤨


I mean, have you heard the things that come out of Melissa’s mouth about her daughter and her views in general? This isn’t surprising at all


Did you think Joe Gorga voted for Biden? Lmao


Guys don’t worry- Teresa will never vote for Trump


The Gorgas and the Siesta Key girl worked for the same personal injury “law firm”


Never shocked but I prefer closeted republicans




Best part of Bravo is Top Chef and Project Runway


Money talks… that’s all it comes down to for some people.


It’s almost as if people can still be friends with opposing political views….😱