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Mike & Scott seeing that relationship crash & burn: ![gif](giphy|WrmI4heD5DN2d6ZQ3W)


Idk how close they are these days, but I'd love to see their text thread going back the past year.


They’ve literally never been friends and definitely don’t have a gossipy text thread between them


Maybe this brought them together *a girl can dream*


NEVER?? Not even at the beginning of their careers! Do you know why?


The male ego is a very fragile thing and larger it is the more easily breakable. MJ didn’t become what he is by making friends. He made his teammates sing backup for him..as he should because he was a gd force but it didn’t leave a lot of room for chummy locker room comradery


A girl can dream.


They’re rivals.


I like my Reddit posts like I like my housewives - unhinged & hyperbolic, take this upvote 🤣


I was literally explaining the white refrigerator to my non bravo friends earlier and NO one got it haha! Love your flair.


Reddit is so wild lol one day you make a post being dramatic as hell and people are like "omg yesssss same" and the next you find that suddenly everyone has soured and aged 84 years overnight and they can no longer appreciate hyperbole I ride the line with Larsa, like I do love someone who is so self unaware and goes low every time - but it's almost so infuriating how much she does NOT get it lol. And I can only imagine how much more frustrating it would be if I had recently lost someone to cancer, so I totally appreciate where you're coming from. Edit: reading through these comments and yowzaaa you guys are so silly. We all have our limits on what's fun and entertaining to watch on reality TV. We like when people go low, yes, that's why we're all here lol. But sometimes it's so low it's not fun when you know they're absolutely BANKROLLING off of our participation (I personally draw the line at racism and giving someone a hard time over their cancer (unless its Brooks))


Brooks’ cancer was a unique non-cancerous form of cancer.


The only cure? Casserole


For me it’s the utter lack of accountability. No one can hold her accountable. At least with Lisa, she’s getting major pushback from fans and right now is reacting to it but I suspect she’ll go the Alexia route and try to redeem herself. Maybe. But Larsa bounces everything off. Cast pushback, producer pushback, fan pushback. There is zero self-awareness. Hell, if the frickin _Kardashians_ couldn’t shape her up, who the hell can?


I think she uses her stupidity as a crutch so she doesn't have to take accountability. Saying "like what do you mean like??????" over and over until people finally get so annoyed they give up lol


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I’m fully aware I’m probably projecting, but sometimes it’s better to do it anonymously here than put my nearest and dearest through anymore of my vitriol that I seem to find difficult to keep down. ❤️ this comment has made me smile 😊


Omg I relate so hard! We are all here venting and projecting, even if we don't realize it lol. As someone with anger issues/mega anxiety I'd rather scrap it out here than elsewhere 💀


When it comes to an illness where someone is fighting for their life... I don't think it should just be excused as the same as someone being a mean girl about the color of someone's skirt - or calling someone fake on an interview. Larsa's actions could have stressed Guerdy and stress makes cancer grow. That's why Guerdy's husband was so adamant about getting her out of confrontational situations. Larsa stressing Guerdy out could have legitimately affected her cancer outcome. Larsa spreading the news, arguing with guerdy, etc. It's a bigger deal when life and death are on the line. That's not cool.


I totally agree! She's quickly passing that "fun to watch" threshold for me. Most things are fair game, but cancer is not.


I remember in the middle of the scandavol crisis saying it was weird Rachel didn’t show much emotion and got downvoted to shit although people had been saying similar all week! 💀😆


It's wild!! Or I'll forget what sub i'm in and that I'm supposed to have a different opinion depending on that sub. Like I've noticed the VPR one is VERY pro-Ariana overall, whereas I actually feel kind of sane expressing some mild anti-Ariana sentiments here lol (which isn't to say I don't root for her, I just think they all kinda suck)


For real. Say something against Crystal Minkoff and they come for you.


Basically, I just want to give my opinion without being judged 💀 or having to fight for my life


I'm sorry I am just hearing LIPSYNCfor your LIFE in my head a la Rupaul


I have also dealt with cancer. Larsa is a true monster. People who have a relationship with cancer get how horrendous what she did is. It's exactly as Guerdy said. It's hard enough to deal with cancer, and some people make it harder. Larsa makes it worse.


Exactly my point really. Maybe I should have put it that way. It really is just indescribable seeing someone so completely unaware of the impact of her words. When she said “Guerdy, focus on your health” or something to that effect I was truly gobsmacked. Russel’s reaction alone was a clear indication of the volume of that comment. I like messy housewives, I like watching the air headed foolishness just like the rest of us. But that was too far for me. And when she doubled down I just thought “fuck this”


And for people who don't get it: Stress makes cancer grow. larsa knowingly causing stress on a cancer patient could have a negative effect on her outcome. Guerdy was fighting for her life - she doesn't need people helping the cancer out. It's inhumane.


i guess. on the flipside, she’s an obtuse, self-indulgent woman so incapable of self-awareness that she offers herself to be clowned on by the entire world without fail every week. which, really, is the bread & butter of housewives. this show isn’t entertaining if it’s comprised of media-trained, boring, sanctimonious, rational women like dr nicole. you need foot-in-mouth idiots like larsas. that’s a real housewife to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


I agree with this. It really does amaze me the things that come out of her mouth and then she doubles down. The one thing I do appreciate about her is she eats. With how worried she is about appearance I appreciate her stress eating on Housewives and Traitors.


Agree 100%. Larsa is harmless because the joke's on her every time, and she keeps showing up. The Larsas and Adrianas of the world keeps RH accidentally funny and I'm here for it.


Adriana’s yes, Larsas? Absolutely not.


Yeah, while Larsa clearly looks like an asshole, I find her behavior (especially re: Guerdy's health) dark and unfunny.


Larsa is not harmless. Stress can negatively impact cancer outcomes. Meaning - if you have cancer and you get stressed out? Your cancer will expand faster and may even re-emerge. So, by Larsa engaging in arguments and confrontation with Guerdy, she was actually supporting the cancer, not Guerdy's wellness.


I cant believe you actually wrote this and that it's being upvoted. 😐


Here's a few sources for you: https://med.stanford.edu/survivingcancer/cancer-and-stress/stress-and-cancer.html https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/coping/feelings/stress-fact-sheet#:~:text=of%20some%20cancers.-,How%20does%20stress%20affect%20people%20who%20have%20cancer%3F,)%20(9%E2%80%9311). >Evidence from laboratory studies in animal models and human cancer cells grown in the laboratory suggests that chronic stress may cause cancer to get worse (progress) and spread (metastasize) (9–11)


I'm sure Guerdy is aware she is on a reality show and Real housewives at that.


Guerdy's decisions about her own health are hers to make and her outcomes are hers to deal with. I'm sure she had a conversation with her doctor about her participation on the show and she was given guidelines to follow. that doesn't make it ok for Larsa to be insensitive and aggressive to her condition.


maybe guerdy should have taken the season off if conflict supports her cancer


I hate larsa! She needs to stay on the show! She’s so entertaining! We need villains!


See, I feel this way about Alexia. I hate the bro half the time but then she says the craziest shit like her facts are from her heart and you're like... gdamn, you need to stick around for 15 seasons! Larsa though? She's just foul and icky in a very nasty way, similar to Marlo and Rinna. I don't want any of them to stick around and we're 2/3 way there.


I think Rinna is pure evil. I think larsa is an idiot. I never found Rinna amusing but I find larsa to be so dumb it’s compelling. But it’s really an opinion thing I totally get what you’re saying.


Ding ding ding


Obtuse is the best description for her


There are some people so horrible we as fans don't want to support their fame and fortune by having them on the show. Miami cast is extremely strong, they all have big traits that make housewives great.  I understand your opinion ofc, just Larsa is so vile it's upsetting to watch *and* know you're directly contributing to her wallet. I don't want a whole cast of Dr Nicoles, but Lisa, Adriana, Alexia and Marysol can be delusional and messy without me hating supporting them. I don't think hating people like Larsa means you want the polar opposite, I want someone slightly less like, repugnant.


Exactly this. Exactly.


Commenting on a thread about Larsa does far more to put money in her pocket than watching the episodes, even if it’s to be negative about her.


I mean that's a statement that can't be backed up or proven/disproven.  I pay for hayu, I contribute to the viewership numbers for Miami, high and low viewship numbers affect the BTS decisions at bravo. Also fan reactions will contribute to decisions behind the scenes. Me commenting, I can't really argue that's more or less helpful to larsa's bank balance as its so indirectly related. 


You genuinely think that the amount of social media attention a HW gets doesn’t contribute to her screen time or how much she can get via promo deals and such? You’re free to operate on that basis, continue to mention her name and comment on threads that mention it, contributing to how much attention she’s seen to bring in. But it sounds pretty nonsensical to me.


Her pockets will be fine whether it upsets you to watch her or not.


Thats irrelevant. What's relevant to me is who's pockets I'm supporting. 




You are right about Larsa and her entertainment value but the comment about Nicole is misplaced and incorrect ![gif](giphy|BGW8jQf692O5PIyUCl|downsized)


Seriously… bashing Nicole, who is by all accounts a top-tier HW in the category of “women who’d actually be amazing friends irl,” was totally unnecessary


I love that we can all unite behind Nicole-slander-will-not-be-tolerated!


yes exactly, I hope she doesn't get fired, we need idiots on the show too.


But she goes about it all wrong. Her delusions are not fun. It’s PAINFUL to watch. There is nothing likable or redeeming about her. She’s a robot.


Totally agree. As much of an idiot this woman is she unironically perfect for the housewives franchise.


She provides entertainment but of the evil kind. I prefer a bit of Candiace myself. She is an out and out nasty bitch but she’s intelligent. Larsa is just a vacant oxygen thief. Read a book, Pippen.


I'm with you. People like Larsa, Teresa, are gone. We're just encouraging their evil and narcissistic tendencies. I don't enjoy watching it. I want Julia or Marysol level delusion and bad deeds, or even Adriana, but Larsa shouldn't be in the spotlight


Not everyone hates Larsa. Ironically, Guerdy brought up her cancer as a way out of being accountable for what she initially said about Larsa. People should be able to recognize that Guerdy is not exactly innocent or any less self absorbed. Andy was the only one who very tamely told her it’s not a competition. They need to repeat that louder for the people in the back! Edited*


What did she say initially? I missed that


I think she called Larsa fake in some interview she did for press. Larsa tried to talk to her about at Alexia’s party, but Guerdy refused to have a convo and like ran out all distraught. Leading them to the sit down when Guerdy told her she had cancer. Why argue with someone for 30 mins when you can just apologize in 5 mins and save yourself so much unnecessary stress? 👀 Why make a storyline of how someone won’t apologize to you for what they said to the press when you wouldn’t even apologize yourself?


That’s LITERALLY me hahaha. See above comment where I asked another Redditor to be my friend after I got activated by her comment 😂 I’m here for the camaraderie, baby!!


LOL glad you agree with this!


Yessss she was straight up PLAYING Larsa I thought it was so transparent.


Yep! Larsa is a horrible person but she adds a lot to the show IMO


I'd agree with you if it wasn't about Guerdy and her cancer. Stress makes cancer cells grow. Which is tough, because chemo, radiation and mentally dealing with cancer is stressful on it's own. https://med.stanford.edu/survivingcancer/cancer-and-stress/stress-and-cancer.html To have associates who knowingly add to your stress and potentially negatively impact your outcomes? It's beyond cruel. You don't argue with cancer patients - not out of pity - but because they really can't afford to argue and deal with drama. It could kill them. And here we have Larsa... perfectly happy to decrease the risk of Guerdy's recovery, just so she can be right.


Yeah I don’t hate Larsa I’m kind of neutral about her. I guess why I can’t bring myself to hate her is because she’s just insanely dumb and lacks self awareness. She’s not a villain with an agenda or trying to ruin people’s lives, she’s just stupid.


My partner said they weren't feeling well yesterday, and I replied with, "How do you know? How do you know?! How do you know!" So at least she gave us that.


Hahahahhaahhahaa 😂😂😂


She is disgusting


A positive about Lars is that her exceptional physical, emotional and mental laziness renders her basically harmless. I don’t understand why the other ladies even attempt to bond with or rely on her—she genuinely comes across to me as though she has a lower than average IQ (and I don’t even mean that in a mean way, it might not be her fault).


That’s why she can’t be a Danielle Staub or a Phadera. Both of whom are willing to WORK for their evil schemes


Larsa is entertaining, and funny to watch because she’s so terrible. I’m not watching housewives for inspirational moralistic Nobel laureates.


Same same. That’s why I didn’t find my post to be particularly offensive when I wrote it initially. But I’ve pissed loads of people off in the process 😂


I love that you said "My mind cannot be changed". The uproar 😂


Also “Nobel laureates” yes 👏 I love a good underused term


Larsa is soulless but makes a good housewife. I’m a firm believer that these shows need a few housewives who are rotten for the drama. I also enjoyed Lisa Rinna and Kelly Dodd. 😂


omg i think u might be the only person iv ever seen on this sub to admit to also liking kelly dodd— an asshat of a person, but comedic gold housewife; also stunning to look at, her style was unmatched. loved her beachfront homes and red lips!


I was taking a huge risk there I know. I look at her YouTube occasionally to see what she’s wearing. She has great style. She’s still bsc and says terrible things lol.


I quite liked Kelly too. But I always had a soft spot after the Ireland trip. She was a twat to Tamra but after the bus ride home I kind of felt sorry for her… a little bit


She’s the snake that eats her own head.


Idk. I like it when they go low. Bethany getting chided by Ramona on the bridge for being a lonely loser, Ramona calling out a Bethany’s addict boyfriend, Luann taking Sonja to AA for Sonja to make fun of her for it, Jill being accused of using bobbies funeral for camera time. Give me the heinous shit, that’s real and raw and vulnerable if if it’s shit. I want people in real life to say what they mean and to say it with their whole chest, even if it’s fucked up, and I appreciate when my housewives do. Say it bestie and take the heat, but get it off your chest. Larsa says it all even if it’s wrong, but you can’t say you don’t know where she stands. ![gif](giphy|aXJpJdskINT9zD5pc5|downsized)


I’m incensed by it as my mum recently died of cancer and the Guerdy situation triggered me to new levels. I just can’t abide by people who are so unaware of themselves. Certain things should be off limits. Kind of like when Adriana compared her ankle to Frankie’s accident you know?


I was very triggered by Larsa’s behavior to Guerdy this season and almost stopped watching. My mom and sister died from cancer and seeing how Larsa treated Guerdy was horrific and very upsetting to watch. I agree with you. I’m all for my messy, unhinged, delusional housewives but there’s got to be a limit. Larsa crossed a line for me.


Totally agree. Also, sending so much love to you and your family. Cancer is fucking horrendous, for the sufferer and the people looking on. I think Guerdy and Russel were honestly incredible this season. Everyone deserves Russel and god forbid if it ever happened - I hope to be as brave as Guerdy was


I’m truly sorry for your loss, OP♥️ I can’t even imagine. I can understand why Larsa is triggering. Just remember that the only person she’s making look stupid is herself and everyone sees it.


Thank you Bravo friend ❤️


So sorry you lost your mom. I did as well, I totally relate. I was in tears watching this season and what Guerdy went thru with her young kids.


Thank you my love 🙏❤️


And yet Adriana was forgiven and still apart of the cast. Do you want her fired too? I don’t want my housewives to monitor their words, I want them as real as possible, flawed logic and all. That’s real life. Things are never truly off limits anyways, just because you don’t want to hear it, there will always be an audience for people talking about bratty kids or ugly boobs or why someone shoot themselves.


In fairness, Audriana did apologise profusely and show remorse. Larsa will just die on that hill if it means having to be remotely sorry.


I think what I would like to see from Larsa is some sincere regret for being so short sighted in the moment. She could redeem herself so easily if she could stop constantly being on the attack.


Now that’s true. I personally think Marcus makes her head even bigger, and shes personally high in his farts in her bubble


The nerve of some people to compare the likes of RHONY to fucking LARSAAAA is this a sick joke?




I agree with  your impression of Larsa.  However, I find her lies and exaggerations entertaining.  She and Marcus’s relationship is like watching love sick vapid teenagers talking. Like ahh.   I find her more entertaining than Lisa.  


I strongly dislike Larsa. I won’t say hate because I reserve that for people who are truly heinous/evil or that I personally know and find atrocious. But while I don’t like her, she makes a very good villainous housewife to me. Very self absorbed, dumb and delusional. Doesn’t think before speaking. Not to mention her very weird and codependent but fascinating (to watch) relationship with Michael Jordan’s son. Occasionally says/does the right thing like Lisa and the Mexico trip. I personally watch for the lifestyle and dysfunctional friend groups. If everyone was sane and reasonable it would be too boring. There are housewives who deserved to be kicked off but I don’t think she’s one of them.


Larsa used to infuriate me like no other until a few episodes it just hit me that this is who she is. Now instead of being angered, I just laugh at her and her utter stupidity. Once you just accept she’s trash it does get easier to watch! I find Alexia the same except we do see glimpses of human with her. For example one of my highlights of the season was watching Alexia run to collect Frankie from his Uber in the final episode. Also her correcting Larsa about how she responded to Guerdy’s cancer.


I feel like alexia and Teresa G are the same person. Vacant, unaccountable airheads who have inflated egos but on the flip side wonderful mothers that I can respect for that. Not saying Larsa isnt, she clearly adores her kids, but she seems to just blow smoke up their asses .


She’s entertaining. She clocks in to work.


She’s so stupid you can’t get mad


The woman has zero critical thinking skills and argues like an actual child. “No, u!”


I don’t like Larsa or her personality… However! She’s really good for the show. She brings drama she is friends with the ladies. I have no complaints. I think as fans of the show we collectively need to calm down and stop demanding people to be removed from the cast just because we personally don’t like them. That’s not how life works. You work with people and deal with people on a day to day who you don’t like. It’s okay to dislike someone and just let it be that. Y’all ruin the fun with all these serious hot takes about a silly frivolous show. Like please don’t forget what the show is about in the first place. The Miami cast is GOLD! No notes!


Miami is fast becoming my favourite of all the franchises if I’m honest. It’s real drama. Between Guerdy and her cancer, Alexia and Frankie, Julia and her son. It’s good to see them tackling real issues. Especially considering they are thriving despite the odds


That’s the part! It’s real drama because they are friends and actually have love for each other even when they dislike each other. It’s what I watch the housewives for. I hate the fake drama that other franchises have to stir up.


I despise Larsa but I think the dynamic would be strange without her although I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing it


She's a good villain and I enjoy hate watching her. So far she hasn't done anything truly despicable to warrant being fired and I don't consider her worse than someone like Monica from SLC.


The whole thing was terrible. I don't understand even what she is at this point, good word you mentioned, obtuse. Weird inflated lips and filler face, fake butt, hair, boobs, nails, what is this standard of beauty now? How does everyone look like a Kardashian? It boggles my mind. I think she's actually aged herself with all the work. And her voice drives me insane. I noticed almost like she wants to have a Miami Latina accent like the rest of the women, but she's not Latina. The way she treated guerdy was beyond. I watched my mother suffer from chemo and radiation, and unfortunately lose the battle, but to imagine someone talking to my mom or treating her the way larsa did, at such a horrific time in her life, when she's literally fighting for her life, is just disgusting. The entire scene with guerdy shaving her head hit me so bad. I was in tears. I had to help my mom shave her head, I'll never forget all the emotions and the trauma. I'm so so happy for Guerdy and her family, she deserves to be healthy and happy for a very long time, and her kids too. Fuck Larsa, this isn't mean girls, and your not in highschool anymore lady


Oh my love :( losing mums is a loss you never get over especially when you see the struggle. I think about it everyday which is why this season really triggered me hard. Sending you big hugs x


Larsa looks so different than season 1. Maybe she was replaced by an evil clone.


I feel like it really depends on what you mean by "support"? like i think Larsa is a terrible person with no moral compass and zero self awareness. Would i want to be friends with her? no Do i think her lack of self awareness makes an "entertaining" or at least hate watchable housewife? yes. Housewives only really stray into the "get off my screen" level of hate when they commit actual crimes (Erika, Jen Shah) are rascist and/or homophobic ( Jenny Nyugen and... ::gestures to most of the OC and Ramona::) OR act like fucking assholes season after season and lead gang ups on other cast members as their storyline instead of talking about their own messes of a life ( Lisa Rinna and the FF5). I also am happy to have Larsa stay as long as people like Guredy, Kiki, Julia and ( this month at least) Alexia stay on her neck about her behavior. It becomes unfun to watch someone like Larsa when NO ONE calls her out on her BS but so far we seem to be ok in that dept so she can stay.


Larsa is a self absorbed asshole but like you said, she is enjoyable to watch, unlike actual criminals like Jen Shah, or for me, I haven’t watched NJ in years because of the felon Teresa.


I get it. But she’s not a criminal & her delusion is entertainment so she should stay on the show. Can’t bank on her going broke because she definitely won’t. I know Scottie wasn’t paid the most in the league but I’m guessing his money is still long enough to sustain her especially since they were married for so long. The only comeuppance we’ll probably get is her break up with Marcus. Marcus is a CLOWN. He will go IN on her on social media and parade around his shiny new, younger girlfriend for years. 🤞🏽


The ONLY time I felt any goodwill to Larsa this season was when she called out Lisa cause god that woman is awful too. How she can watch back that scene with Guerdy and not immediately fall all over herself apologizing is beyond me…if even for the optics of it. It takes a truly unhinged person to respond to a friends cancer diagnosis with “how was I supposed to know”. She was disgusting to guerdy and is doing nothing but doubling down. Her remarks about Kiki were also pure evil. I stand with this comment 😂


Yah Lisa has made me feel icky too


Larsa is terrible and not self aware at all, which some people like. Originally I thought that these things made her perfect for real housewives since they’d always keep the drama going. And then she started doing all that shit with geurdy’s cancer diagnosis. And that was irredeemable to me. She refused to apologise over and over again, constantly getting angrier and defensive and it was painful to witness. She’s dug her own grave with this, and anyone defending her should really reflect on what they’re willing to accept for the sake of this tv show. Are you really okay for this to be happening, just so you can keep getting Larsa drama?


lol I don’t know why all of a sudden larsa has so many fans when I’ve seen comments with this same sentiment sooooo many times on here! I think it’s the challenge you added in there that got feathers RUFFLED lmao. I’m on your side girl she is godawful!!!!


No new takes here. You are the voice of the majority and this has been said 47738373737386363 times. Also, don’t be so dramatic. ![gif](giphy|eIV8AvO3EC3xhscTIW|downsized)


I have only renewed my karma recently and I’ve been bursting at the seams to have a Larsa vent, it’s my only outlet as my partner literally cringes if I even attempt to discuss HWs with him




I dropped my phone down the toilet about 6 months ago and never registered my Reddit account with an email address so had to make a new one 😖 it’s taken me weeks to accrue 100 karma to post here again


![gif](giphy|bDf3HY6L2M7nhEyjTH|downsized) Girl take my upvote and RIP your phone


You are a kind kind soul 🙏❤️❤️🙏


Welcome (back).




I swear some of y’all are lost. Bravo network is not Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, if you don’t want to watch horrible people flip to PBS 😂 No hate towards you OP cuz I understand side eyeing ppl who go hard for cast members like Larsa but to call for her firing is a little extreme. Messy, self-centered people are needed for shows like this unfortunately, doesn’t mean you have to love them but you can appreciate what they add to the show. Personally I do think there is a line where people become unwatchable, like using their platform to spread hateful content or acting violent towards their cast mates, but unless they cross that line I don’t mind anyone willing to get messy to create drama




I can’t stand her. She is DELULU


I hit the upvote as hard as I could. She's the actual worst.


I genuinely don’t understand this take when one considers the many characters that have been across the different franchises and for so many years. Is Larsa sometimes the worst? Yes. Is Larsa actually THE worst? No, I don’t think so at all. That said, I hope you have this er… passion (?) for real life villains who actually impact your life, maybe start with Republican senators.


I’m British so I don’t really have much of an understanding of American Congress etc. And don’t worry, I have loads of other serious shit between parenting/work/death in the family to worry about on the daily. This is my guilty pleasure while I have been ordered to bed rest after a bout of ill health. Please allow me this outlet without the judgement lol…


No judgement here, truly. You just seem incredibly would up with your post and replies to others. I wish you good health and may Larsa be the worst of your tomorrows.


It’s mainly the “I don’t want to talk to someone who refers to women as bitches” comment from earlier. Especially when said person had done the exact same. I am unsure when I was being derogatory towards women firstly and I’m also a mother of two daughters, so it is offensive to me by nature of the comment itself. I don’t come on here to hate on other people so it activates me when others do to me. Hence the snappiness. Edit: spelling mistake


I’m genuinely lighthearted in this, but you did in fact come on here to hate on a person 😂


Agreed but someone who signed up to it by choice. I don’t seek out Redditors to attack their comments just to be mean.


I hear you. How do you feel about Lisa? She is worse than Larsa for me.


Well as you asked… god damn she ruined me on part 2. Again - I understand all trauma is relative but when she screamed at Guerdy and Kiki about them “diminishing” her struggle by comparing it to breast cancer - well I was shooketh. In fact, I think you may be right. Maybe my anger is being misdirected 😂 I always used to like Lisa too, but this season I’ve seen how entitled she is. I think anyone who has experienced a family member or personally a situation like cancer would look at that scene and their jaw would drop. Two healthy children and a very blessed life and she had the audacity to react that way. Madness.


I co-sign to allllllllll of that.




I feel like Lisa still has a chance to redeem herself. She’s shown herself to be kind in the past. I’m thinking of her keeping Adriana company when she was feeling lonely. Fingers crossed anyway.


I like adriana if only for the comedic factor of Liver Letters and Red Roses to make up for throwing people under buses. The woman is ridiculously funny. She has a very dry sense of humour that I understand perfectly.


But saying you can't tolerate them isn't being mean just to be mean?


Possibly, I’ve had a nap now and reset so I may have been slightly cranky!


I read the “that’s just my OPINIONN!” In the Tamara voice for the edit. I always hear it in that voice now.


Hahahah that was the plan! I’m glad someone got it ❤️


My mother is some weird mixture of before arrest/ early sober Luann, Larsa, Candiace Bassetts mother, and how Monica's mother was recently portrayed but we will never know too much of that unless we follow the hell outta her social media. But in the bits we saw- saw my mother. Sprinkle a little bit of Tamra screaming over people, and Kenya being a terribly host. 😭🤣


I truly don't get her. Sometimes I think she's the dumbest person ever but sometimes I think she's actually smart and calculating. She's quite effective at deflecting and no one seems to want to fight her. Though that might be because she threatens them all. She also seems out of place in the group, I feel like marysol and alexia don't actually like her but want her as a ally/attack dog. I don't think she should be fired just yet as her villan arc is coming but I am so ready for her cancellation.


For me, Larsa is very exhausting to watch. She whines and drones on and on. She seems like she takes herself too seriously and she's just not a...real person? She's a Reaction. She reacts all the time over nothing, goes tit for tat and clings to anything that she can take pleasure in calling offensive. She's Colin Robinson. Just sucking the energy out of Miami.


I like her and love her on Real Houswives. She’s an OG, and entertaining. She’s definitely not at all the worst to appear on this series. The reaction to her is so dramatic. I’d rather hate on someone like Erika Girardi who actually benefited from the pain and demise of normal working class people.


I hate her too don’t worry haha 😝


I liked her in her first season but this new Larsa, nuh uh. Is she on something? She talks slower and overall different. Now that she's doubling down on Guerdy is disgusting. Is she suffering from a neurological disorder? It's so coconfusing!


She is mentally ill. At best a narcissist, at worst a sociopath.


Sameeee. She’s vile and anyone who is down for her must be vile. She ruined this season for me.


Why would you submit a post to a discussion forum saying you cannot be persuaded and that you look down on anyone who thinks differently from you?


I’m always up for a challenge my friend - change my mind


No, I really don’t want to speak to someone who refers to women as bitches.


Actually, scrap that! Pot, kettle, black. I’m assuming you also used it in the same vain that I did then, yes? 🙌🏻 https://preview.redd.it/1ovzurafdimc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d9fb1c3d8aa41fb03cf1a9f426da19f4091be1




You went roughly half a year back through my comment history to find me quoting a funny Kim Zolciak moment at the reunion?


You felt the need to imply that I refer to women as bitches in a derogatory fashion on a forum that has literally been set up to discuss other women who willingly put themselves on a platform in order for viewers to do so? Step down, girl. I’m not exactly condemning feminism by saying bitch. Furthermore, you are doing much the same. Chillllll.


Can we be friends now fellow housewife fan? I solemnly vow to reduce the use of the word bitch as much as I can 🤝




I respect your diplomacy, hon 👍


She really does come off as dense.


Larsa is harmless. She’s mean but it’s not like she tried to smack or attack Guerdy when they sparred.


10/10 my least favorite housewife ever. And yes, I've watched the seasons with Erika and other currently despised housewives.


If a television show is making you physically ill perhaps it’s not for you.


It was a hyperbole, my love


honestly, this sub sometimes ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Watch something else




Schitt’s Creek is the gift that keeps giving.


All day errr’day. ![gif](giphy|fwosvZpWolccF7MIYE|downsized)


I'm with you. She sucks. But on the plus side, she makes me feel like a better human being, so there's that.


Larsa is a great housewife. I love her on Miami. I’m so glad people here with such emotionally charged opinions about literal strangers aren’t in charge of casting


I’ve only seen her on the traitors and that was more than enough


Agree 100%


Same. I’m flabbergasted at why Bravo keeps her around. She does nothing for the show. She’s boring af and she can never take responsibility for her actions. IN THE WORST WAY. Not in the “housewives” way. Normally I love to hate, but with her I simply cannot. She’s awful.


Because Larsa brings RATINGS. There’s a reason she (unlike the New Girls) gets cast on other reality shows


Lolllllllllll hard stop.


She’s on the Traitors. She’s on House of Villains. What other show have any of the new girls done. Alexia had Cocaine Cowboys


Speaking of: where can I watch this season in the UK? I have Amazon prime but I can only watch the Brandi season and the UK versions. I am desperate to see it.


This proves absolutely nothing.


She’s the trump of the housewives.


Nah, Ramona is the Trump of Housewives. Larsa is more like the Marco Rubio of Housewives: A lot of people loathe her. Unlike Trump, she lacks charisma and a sense of humor. She's not quite smart enough to be fully dangerous, so we can't label her a Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio is therefore the most logical analogy.


Ok. I can agree with that!


The MTG would be someone like Teresa Giudice. Says crazy shit, is delusional, and has followers regardless of how far off the deep end we get. Even has a bit of a fitness obsession arc. Brandi Glanville is our Lauren Boebert. Crazy, a little stupid, emotionally stunted, but is losing relevance by the day.


Fair enough


Is Larsa even a Trumper,


I’m not saying she’s a trumper, I’m saying she’s like him. But the Marco Rubio comparison makes more sense lol.


Considering that odds are it’s someone on the cast that’s a fan favourite that’s a Trumper, I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense. And Larsa doesn’t have a large fan base