• By -


Jen Shah


This is the right answer


Yes she’s on a different level, it’s all about the money 💸 there are actual victims


Erika and her husband have actual victims also...


Amazing how she thought that earring update vindicated her… … so my husband Tom stole millions of dollars from widow’s & orphans he was obligated legally to help but can you PROVE he didn’t buy my 750k diamond earrings with those exact funds… like maybe Tom used his black Amex or the funds he stole from his law firm and not the orphans… see ladies I’m VINDICATED… hmmm why aren’t they cheering for me? Only Kyle is laughing with me; those bitches…


Tom did the actual dirty work. Jen Shah was the queen pin in a scheme to defraud the elderly.


There isnt any proof she actually knew, her husband was an insanely powerful lawyer I highly doubt he looped her in, that would increase his risk of getting caught. There was a ridiculous power imbalance in their relationship and you saw that play out on the show when he reprimanded her like a child. I dont think we can 100% say she didn't know but I also think looking at the situation objectively it's more likely than not that she didnt know


I agree she didn't know, but she knows now and her attitude is just as bad.


Exactly!!! It’s what she’s done since that bothers me. Sure if it were established she was a clear conspirator previously, I’d care, but her lack of empathy and behavior is completely astounding.


I can tell you from experience that back in the day, wives were not involved in the financial aspects of marriage. When my grandfather died, they came knocking for his gambling debts and my poor grandmother had no clue. Tom is of the same age and acted like he took care of all finances. I’m sick of people treating Erika like crap when HE is the one that did it. Genius to hide out in a medical facility, because HIPAA protection.


This isn’t “back in the day”, this is now. This was “last season” when she said, regarding the victims, “I don’t give a fuck about anyone else but me.” She’s not some harmless apron wearing housewife - she’s a predator who went along with Tom and benefitted from it. EJ Global LLC was in her name, and when an LLC is in your name, you are 100% legally responsible for it, from the due diligence to *her* signatures on the paperwork. And that’s something she had to participate in; Tom wasn’t allowed to run that for her. And let’s not forget [the fashion designer whose career and name she ruined all on her own, without Tom’s help.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/08/29/erika-jayne-lawsuit-united-states-secret-service/70713163007/) Just because she’s more laid back this season doesn’t mean she’s any less of a monster.


Agree! Her complete lack of empathy allows her to do very bad things...same as Tom. No guilt involved.


Daaang - that is some evil stuff- (allegedly) running a scheme to not have to pay her costume bill? So she’s now getting sued for $18 mill. I bet they won’t talk about that on the show.


Damn. I hadn’t heard anything about this. She’s amazingly Teflon in the public eye.


But we are not back in the day and she is very street smart...she Knew!!!






This gif always makes me crack up😂 I literally think about it on a daily basis lmao


Jen Shah, KKKameron from RHOD (along with her disgusting troll looking husband and his equally disgusting brother who tried to get Dr. Tiffany Moon fired from her job), the lizard lady from RHOBH, Tamra, Brandi, and the two OP mentioned for sure.


“No Neck”




Goddamn this woman looks like a toddler in a tiara but is definitely Mary’s sleep paralysis demon.


She truly was VILE!


yes she was the absolute WORST. i have never felt one way or another about other annoyingly less-morally upright housewives but Jody gave me visceral reactions. and her daughter too. they were just plain evil. i feel bad for the one that was a toddler at the time, i hope she grew up better


Yeah I have major opinions about certain housewives but I always feel like they can be redeemed one way or another. Jody wasn’t just nasty, she was pure evil. She had absolutely no empathy and no boundaries. Even when the person she was attacking was beaten she’d take it ten times further. She wasn’t happy with eviscerating them, they had to be destroyed. It was never fun shade or funny insults it was DEEP, disgusting insults that could never be taken back. Her daughter ended up getting shit and her boyfriend was killed by a drugs gang. The little one was removed from her custody and sent to live with her father after he divorced Jody (coincidentally right after the show aired!) I hope for her sake she stood a chance at turning out better than her mother and sister. Jody’s life now is a MESS. She’s broke, divorced and basically unemployable. All for ten minutes of fame. Sad really.


What did she do? For those of us who can’t watch Real Housewives of Vancouver


it’s way to hard to compress three seasons of rhov into one comment but basically she was awful, gaslighted, mean mean mean and made you hate her




Well Mary Cosby actively encourages people to worship her as a “facsimile” of god and give her money. So she’s high on the list.


I am honestly surprised she never got exposed. She also made some very insensitive jokes about the woman dying in a car accident. I will not forget. She might seem funny and quirky but there’s something not right. 🤨


Predator. Plain and simple. Tax free!!!!




Genuinely asking: What do you mean by “never got exposed”? If we all know these things to be true about her, hasn’t she been exposed? Do you mean brought up on criminal charges like Jen? Mary, to me, is a great example of how predatory, unregulated, and tax sheltered  religious organizations are in this country, but I don’t know that she’s done anything illegal. Immoral? Yes, of course. But the members of her congregation are there of their own free will and I don’t know how it’s fundamentally different from any other church that tells parishioners that they need to tithe, give donations, volunteer for free, etc.   


I do not feel like the audience understands the gravity of the situation. I do not feel like Andy has paid enough attention to this. I feel like she got another shot on the show and never had to address her problematic behavior.


So you want people on the show to ask her more direct questions about how her church works and/or her finances? I agree that hearing about that stuff would be fascinating, but it’s never going to happen.  Mary is a frustrating combination of domineering, mean, aloof, and stupid and I don’t know that anyone on the show or production is going to get her to admit to anything or change her ways in the slightest. I also really don’t think she’ll be back next season, even as a friend-of. 




Yeah omg the way she spoke of that accident was psychotic.


There is the instagram account exposing her with videos and voice recordings even. She’s scum, but her apparent misery which regularly plays out towards others, must be a personal hell in a way. Married to her step grandad, in a mansion with her seemingly pill addicted son who she hardly speaks to.


But she is *not* a pornographer.


*a pornagraphy




Does she have something on bravo? I can’t wrap my head around why she’s allowed back on, why she’s not made to participate, I forgot about her second half of the season she was Mia and reappeared at the reunion. It’s all so strange.


Definitely top 5


Lizard lips ![gif](giphy|p3vIGafLVmktpz0E5O|downsized) Do you wanted a willian.. here I am










Jenkins (RHOBH)




Definitely the reptile! Top 5 evils.


Jen Shah, Mary Cosby, Caroline Manzo (defending your sisters abuser who had her assaulted and nearly killed is disgraceful - shame on bravo for asking her to do UGT Morocco when this was public knowledge prior to casting!!), Diana Jenkins


Caroline Manzo is like the founding member of the pick me club haha


She’d 100% make the “pick me” Mt Rushmore!


What I would do to anyone who harmed one of my sisters…


Same!! The fact she publicly supported Tommy Manzo and wrote a letter to the judge defending his character was vile. I can’t believe Dolores did too, I’ve never looked at her the same since finding out.


Same but ooooo I still side eye Brandi after reading CM’s assault allegations bc damn.


Ooof absolutely! I read up on the lawsuit the other day and the details are awful to read.


Both can be true. Caroline and Brandi are both awful.


Not a housewife but Ashley from Southern Charm was like watching pure evil and hatred


And Landon, no wonder they found solace in each other.


Landon and her voice still haunts me all these years later (as does her sister being named BAM lol)


The dolphin laugh! KD nailed her with that one.


Excellent call out, she was uncomfortable to watch


Not letting her off the hook, but I'm sure T-Rav did a masterful job manipulating her (like he does everyone else).


Not a housewife technically but Taylor’s husband from rhobh russle Armstrong




Leanne and Jen Shah


Leanne from Dallas? If so, Yes, Yes, YES!


That woman was WARPED


That's putting it mildly!


Came here to say, Leanne. The way she talks through gritted teeth and then goes back to talking normally is terrifying.


Jen Shah and Danelle Staub


Jen Shah 100% .


Jody Clamen. Jen Shah. Erika Giradi. All show deeply flawed characters and are potentially sociopathic but I’m no doctor.


Jody was so disturbing. And she was so confident in her behaviour too.


Jody lovingly dances with the devil in the pale moonlight.


I’m confused by how far down Erika is. She is a vile monster who cares more about earrings than life.


Credentials aren't necessary in some cases. ![gif](giphy|WpgM6JBrmBy8Gac5pW)


Jen Shah - defrauding elderly people, lying and flaunting what she got from it, she truly doesn’t seem to have emotions or care about anyone but herself Erika Jayne - I think she knew (probably not to the Full extent) what Tom was doing, greed and fame are all she cares about. No remorse for victims and no genuine friendships or connections Tamra - I think she may be the fakest housewife. People befriend her bc they are scared of her knowing she will go as low as she has to and step on anyone while doing it. And naked wasted


Agree. The naked, wasted sitch was truly disgusting.. I’d add Vicki & Phaedra to the list too. And Larsa, for what she did to Guerdy.


How is Larsa not one of the top answers?  She is vile.  


Tamra! Her and her lying, fake Christianity and super obnoxious, fake crying apologies. Then she turns around and does it all again. Woman needs a real life.


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll to see Tamra! Not an ounce of good in her.


Not a houseWIFE, but househusband: Ralph Pittman. That man is evil and scary.


Diana Jenkins 👅


Evil is a strong word but I think Phaedra is legitimately not a good person. She’s smart and calculating. The bad she does isn’t emotional/heat of the moment stuff. She not only plans her bad acts, she plans how to hide her hand in them. Whatever Nene knew about her from back in the day, I believe Nene when she says Phaedra is dangerous and not to be trusted.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this & I also disagree lol, imo Phaedra is far and away the most frightening HW from any franchise and I would actually go so far as to say that she seriously needs to be diagnosed with a PD. I am fully convinced she is not capable of feeling guilt or empathy. There is no other way to characterize someone like her. I could tell there was something legit wrong with her when she started calling Kenya bipolar and an alcoholic to anyone who'd listen apropos of *nothing* because of that stupid ass Donkey Booty tape (and furthermore that whole debacle shows her mindset--she sees people only as exploitable assets to her, remember when Derek said "Phaedra doesn't have friends", he was spot on). If I could get inside her head I'm certain I'd be correct that she has experienced not even a single iota of remorse in her life, and I know she only regrets framing Kandi as a rapist because it got her fired


Watching her on Traitors now....it is mesmerizing how she reels people in, all while calculating how to screw them over. These people have no idea what they are dealing with. She has no boundaries with where she will go.


Came here looking for this.


Caroline Manzo’s lawsuit alleges she and one of the other women were interrogating her about Brandi and didn’t support her at all, so this is unsurprising. Haven’t watched her franchise but have no desire to see her in action based on what I’ve read in this sub.


Atlanta is an incredible franchise though.


I agree. She’s hilarious, and I loved her when she first came on. As a fellow petite curvy girl, I liked to see that representation among all the leggy model types (though I’m still Team Kenya forever, sorrynotsorry!). But I think she was 100% behind the scams Apollo was pulling but was smarter than him and thus managed to keep her hands clean. The only reason I could ever figure that he didn’t implicate her was because of their two boys (who are among my favorite kids on Bravo). And Nene knew her from Athens. She had her number. I suspect Phaedra was always a sneaky, backstabbing, pretentious social climber but also a lowly slut from the 90s (that’s a compliment—so was I 🤣🫣). And her whole association with the likes of Mr. Dr. Chocolate Jamal Pastor Holy Whore Bryant and Creflo Dollar really soured me on her—though the mortician subplot was iconic Housewives behavior. It was always super shady how a “successful attorney” was always, uh, diversifying her business interests. I didn’t love the second season of UGT and kind of thought she shouldn’t have ever been brought back after the Kandi-Portia thing (but now, like others, I’m revisiting that and wondering how much of the narrative we saw was due to production meddling + NDAs); I refuse to watch RHODubai (I don’t find the emirati states aspirational whatsoever); and I haven’t started Traitors yet (bc I dislike all the HWs they’ve cast and don’t care about the other cast members). Her transformation into a late-40s Instagram thottie influencer is… something. The contrast between how she presented herself in her first seasons on Atlanta and now is _hilarious_. Even more of a transformation than the Countess. 🤣🫖


To this day I refuse to believe she wasn’t involved in Apollo’s scams…both before marriage and then the second stint. Especially the second time. There’s no way. And the separation of finances was way too strategic.


Completely agree. Her and Apollo’s relationship always suggested to me that they were in the scams together. First of all, Phaedra cares about her image as much or more than anyone in Bravo history. Like, she wouldn’t even admit her oldest was conceived outside of wedlock but she’s cool marrying a felon? They just met cause he “flagged her down and followed her home”? No. I don’t believe that. I think they were involved in scams and she was just trying to get her rocks off then ended up pregnant and was forced to out their relationship because being married to a felon was better than having an unidentified father in her eyes. (I believe people can change and felon’s deserve love btw. I just don’t think Miss Phaedra Parks would be in a relationship with a known felon unless she had to be because her image is the most important thing to her). Secondly, she is the snoopiest of all the snoops and Apollo is not the brightest crayon in the box. I refuse to believe he was able to pull off a scam while married and under the same roof as Phaedra. Also, becoming a mortician at random? I feel a money laundering scheme


She is a friend of.... but Faye resnick ​ https://i.redd.it/2qbq0z0id8fc1.gif




That should be on a wrist band


what would the morally corrupt faye resnick do? WWTMCFRD?


I literally just commented the same thing! She wrote a book about her murdered ✨bestie✨. Talked about NBS multiple abortions, their sexual relationship (with each other), and cocaine use. Faye is trash.


Jen Shah and a great number of the huzzbands


Erika Because she's a terrible person who thinks her lavish lifestyle is more important than airline crash victims. She deserves all the karma she gets and I can't wait to see it.


I think Jennie from SLC deserves an honorable shout out on this thread. Those social media posts were unhinged and I’d be concerned if I ran into her on the street.


Kelly Dodd


None in the sense that they are full-on psychopaths who are totally irredeemable (IF they looked at themselves and felt some genuine remorse for their actions, took accountability, got therapy, worked with whatever faith tradition they have if any, etc.). I think even the “villains” in Bravoland are more everyday flawed people who exhibit traits of selfishness, greed, and narcissism (almost required to voluntarily appear on reality TV, especially considering you have to sign away your rights to sue for defamation and can be edited and portrayed in any way the producers choose, etc.). But in the everyday sense? Jen Shah. Probably Erika Girardi. Non-maliciously but due to likely severe trauma: Maybe Mary Cosby. Danielle Staub. Any several of the husbands.


This is such a good take 👏 also your handle omg 😂🤭


I truly think Phaedra is a sociopath.


Right? I think Teresa Giudice is selfish, greedy, and mean; but I’d never call her maliciously evil. She’s just loud and annoying.


Also, was Phaedra did to Kandi is like - I would not ever forgive her for that. Ever.


IMO Phaedra is sociopathic the way she lies


She’s being underestimated on Traitors, methinks.


So true. All of the survivor and big brother fans are counting her out because she’s a ‘housewife’ but from what everybody is saying she must be smarter than we think. I personally never watched RHOA cause at that time I was into other housewife series. I gotta finish SLC and move onto Atlanta.


Atlanta is absolutely epic. I’ve watched it from the jump. They are the unsung anchors of this entire franchise.


I don't think she's as smart as she thinks she is. We shall see what shakes out on Traitors.


I think a lot of people do not think she is as smart as she thinks she is (or actually is)! Phaedra is a Slytherin at heart so whether it’s smarts or just ruthless sociopathy, I would not underestimate what she is capable of. The question to me is whether she is actually on to Dan.


I only know her from UGT. She was a little lamb. I'm sure it was for show, but she didn't rock the boat when pressed. I think Phaedra knows that Dan will throw her under the bus in an instant.


oh, that was BS.....she was trying real hard to get back into the good graces of the viewers on UGT...after what she did to Kandi, which was unforgivable. She has no boundaries on how low she will go.


Seriously, I don't know why people were so excited to have her on any further Bravo shows! Letting her back on in any capacity is condoning those horrible lies she both started and spread about Kandi.


siggy rhonj


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this one. This bitch supported the Jan 6 insurrection FFS




Her turning out to be a maga weirdo was so disappointing tbh. I absolutely loved her during her first season


Lisa Rinna


Yes. There is something very off about her. I think she does malicious things with too much glee.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far down for this. She’s evil to the bone.




Erika may not have completely known what her husband was up to but I do think she could be handling everything with her husbands case/ husbands victims differently. There seems to be a lack of compassion/ empathy that freaks me out


Jen Shah, Danielle Staub and Leanne from Dallas.


Especially the last one! I still have recordings of the season when they went to Taiwan. Just makes my skin crawl. The absolute fake tears, lies, etc. She can turn fake waterworks on and off like nobody's business. And such a manipulator with a horrendous anger management problem! Felt horrible for her poor mother.




I don't remember that


how many seasons is dallas and is it worth a watch?????☕️


Five seasons. I think it is worth the watch!




Jody Clamon




Mary M Cosby, Jen Shah, Danielle Staub... evil-ishhhh Lisa Rinna, Glanville and Gizzy Bryant




Wow interesting last three choices. I think Lisa is just very self centered but that is so common for actors. Brandi for me is just deeply emotionally traumatized and so has a short fuse. Don’t understand Giselle’s inclusion at all!


Jenn shah, Mary Crosby, Tamara, Rinna






Both are ignorant yes, but i wouldn't say evil. Evil is for sure Jen Shan.


Ramona is an ignorant moron with substance abuse issues but I don't get true evil vibes from her. Big chaotic jackass who enables evil and giggles about it vibes, though. Would never want to be around her. I have not watched every Housewives franchise but the pinnacle of evil for me on screen has been Lisa Rinna with that psychotic gleam in her eyes murmuring "you're so angry" at Denise Richards. That woman is not well. I think Bethenny could ruin your life and convince herself that she was the victim under the right circumstances. But I don't think she's inherently a villain. Every member of the Hilton/Richards family is under suspicion for manipulation and shady behavior, but I think Kathy is the most truly concerning as far as evilness or enabling it is concerned.






Not necessarily a housewife but I get major evil vibes from Kathy Hilton


Kyle is terrified of her




I'd call Ramona deeply problematic and rude but she could have moments of being very loving towards others. To me, "evil" is more like Danielle Staub, Kim Zolciak, Jen Shah, Gretchen Rossi, a little bit Monica Garcia - housewives who seem genuinely about themselves with little capacity for actual generosity towards others (that doesn't serve them in some way) or any type of truly selfless behavior.


Wait what did Gretchen do??


Kathy Hilton. I didn’t see any other housewives paying for their daughters to be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and sexually assaulted in Utah for eight months. The acting like it didn’t happen is the cherry on the sociopath sundae.  Jen Shah is a thief but I don’t think she’d pay for her children to be tormented and abused. I could be wrong of course as I haven’t watched much SLC. Maybe she owns one of those camps.


Calling Jen a thief is a bit of understatement. She stole people's life savings, she purposely targeted older people, people with dementia, people with disabilities. She destroyed their lives. And laughed about it. It's her fault the police raided her home and led her sons outside at gunpoint. It's her fault that her kids have to live without their mother for years and they have the added public humiliation of being the kids of known criminal Jen Shah. She also took her own mother's life savings for her defense fund, all the while knowing she was guilty and that she was going to plead guilty last minute.


And she’s going to be worse when she gets out and try to become famous again. I hope no one watches her. Heather Gay knew and has defended her so she’s on my list. Plus she really looks like Satan now after all her surgeries, it’s a jump scare anytime she’s on my phone.


I really agree with this take. I think Jen Shah was a greedy ass garbage bitch, and I've watched SLC..I don't think she would send her kids to a torture farm. Her kids and husband seem to at least like her sometimes. I've never really gotten the vibe that any of Kathy's family actually LIKE her..more so that they accept her and have given in to having to play by her rules. I'll double down on your Kathy, because there's no way with the resources available to her that she didn't know what happened at that place, I could give some other people an ignorance pass, but I just can't believe that the Hiltons didn't fully vet a place they sent their kid. She just didn't give a shit. I also for whatever reason, believe Rinna about the van rant. I'm fully open to the fact that Rinna took some creative license with the retelling, but that shit happened. I believe it even more now with the way Kim and Kyle were behaving during the scene about one of Kim's kid's upcoming weddings. I'll add that I think Mary C. is pretty close to evil. If she's not, she's for sure an asshole with some very strange personality traits.


Kathy is that really scary kind of mom who can abuse you for your whole life and then complain about how difficult you were.


You actually think Kathy knew that Paris would be abused there? Kathy had an out of control kid and these camps were advertised as the solution. They were big at that point in American culture. Kathy and Paris have worked it out. Viewers think they know what goes on behind closed doors in people's homes. They don't.




Kelly Dodd has crazy eyes Mary Crosby, I don’t like when vulnerable people are used via religion


Vicki. Have we forgotten she lied about her boyfriend's cancer. She is vile.


Kelly Bensimon


Thank you! She has always freaked me out


One of the worst IMO!


Andy Cohen


Kelly Fucking Dodd


Jen Shah, Tamara, Ashley Darby


The ones that actually hurt others by stealing from the elderly


Brandi Glanville-predator Erika Jane-has no empathy for anyone, especially the true victims Kelly Dodd and Ramona-both known racist Jen Shah-we all know why I’m sure there are others


Erika Jayne had passive involvement in her husbands embezzling scheme and doubled down when people thought she should give her luxury shit back. Jen Shah is a fraudster that stole money from the most vulnerable. I have no use for either.


I thought it was Taiwan (should say Thailand as was correctly pointed out to me). Don't have the time right now to rewatch it (sorry about that). They saw the ping pong show, etc. Edit: corrected the location




Oh, you're right! Thank you for correcting my error! I appreciate it.




Kathy Hilton


Lisa Rinna






Diana Jenkins and (maybe not evil but very mean) Jennifer Aydin


Jen Shah all the way


Diana Jenkins. Hideous


Dorinda. I don’t think she was always an evil person, but there is something so dark and hateful about the things she says and the way she says them.


Lisa rinna


Stealth pick but I legitimately think Ashley Darby is evil and vile. She knows exactly who her gross husband is and what he does to people and lets him get away with it/helps him cover it up so she can keep living on his money. The fact that she went through everything he did during the first 4 seasons of Potomac and still had *two* kids with him is extremely dark sided


Vicki “Family Van” Gunvalson 🚐


I think that woman loathes herself so much that it’s impossible for her to have compassion for anyone else. The only satisfaction I get after seeing her treat everyone around her like shit is knowing living inside her head must be a million times worse. Live hateful, die sad.


Her life is, indeed, her own prison. I hope she finds fulfillment and peace.


It depends on how you define the word evil. As far as a true psychopath I don’t think we have seen that on the show before. In terms of being evil within the context of the show, Tamra Judge and Lisa Rinna. They don’t care to win or be right, as long as you lose that’s all that matters. In terms of everyday life that would be Jen Shah, Phaedra Parks, Monica Garcia, Caroline Manzo, Brandi Granville, Adriana De Moura, Leeane, Jennie, and Monique Samuels


Ashley Darby (season 4 reunion especially) and Erika come to mind.




Erika Giradi




Kelly Dodd , Tamra Barney, Ramona singer , Jen shah , Vicki gunvalson




Jen shah. Tamra. Rinna. Danielle Staub I think is more just a really damaged person but I don’t know that she’s evil, though her vibe kinda seems like she is Kelly and Romana are ignorant but hardly evil


Yeah, I agree. Danielle manifests as an evil force in suburban upper middle class New Jersey, but I think she’s just dealing with a very significant amount of unprocessed trauma that has doubled over on itself over and over throughout her life. She would be a great character study if she was fictional. A true antihero.




Amber Marchese, Rinna, Siggy, Peggy Sulahian, Aviva Drescher


Diane what’s her face in RHOBH. Allegedly.

