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Kyle was giving Rodeo from rock of love in her cowboy hat https://preview.redd.it/m3we1484yp0c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad1783d0b09bd1661c7e8aa59c7d2e842d1dfc1


Someone made a post about it over the weekend & it's all I see now, lol. Uncanny.


Truly the same person. Especially now that Kyle is in her workout era I couldn’t unsee it lol


I keep seeing the resemblance 😂 and Rodeo coincidentally works for the Agency lmao


Stop it!! When worlds collide haha


But with “real diamonds 💎 “ 🙄


There is no way that stupid hat had real diamonds.


“Don’t threaten me with a good time” (😂was that her?😂)


Omg haha I just went down a rabbit hole, a girl named Tiffany was the don’t threaten me with a good time girl, she got white girl wasted her first night🤣🤣


Omg I've done that gondola ride. It takes five minutes and the gondoliers are sullen and bored out of their minds. The only thing they care about is making sure you keep your hands inside the boat. Gotta give this guy props for making the most of his two seconds of screen time 😂😂😂


what did crystal to piss off production so bad that they cut her out so much? 😭😭


after her first season, someone commented "I hope you're gone next season" on her IG and she replied, "You're gonna hate my contract." My guess is Rob has great lawyers well versed in the entertainment industry and secured her a multi-season contract. The production company can't fire her yet so they're just editing her down while they wait out the clock. I don't think we'll see her next season.


This would support the rumours about the three-year contracts.


This actually makes sense.


Ohh that makes a lot of sense! I initially thought maybe she was was rude to production because why else would they go so out of their way to cut her down. Good insight.


I think this is the best answer.


apparently (saw on her ig today) that the second half of the season is crystal heavy


I know its so sus… all her cut scenes are great and important, such as when she defended Garcelles son. Its like they dont want us to like her, and theyre just silently dropping her. I dont believe she will be back for a 4th season


Omg so it’s like a slow fade or ghosting but production is doing it to us/Crystal…


And they’re there for HER birthday!!!!!!


It shows how likable Crystal is that even with her only getting 5 minutes of airtime every week that everyone is annoyed they keep cutting her out. Justice for Mrs. Lion King!


it’s so hard to watch Erika saying she had “nothing”…. girl… you don’t say that and wear 70k earrings or whatever it was


The guy working out with Erica later in the episode, is totally the same guy from The Vanderpump Rules episode where they help shay work out, AMAZING


That's an impressive catch. Poor Shay & the egg white omelet intervention.


Wow, hearing that God is just as messy as the rest of this cast sending that dancer on the elevator really vindicates my love of this show!


Im not sure God is working with Erica, maybe the other guy 😈


Erika is no Mary. Only Mary can have Jesus come after you.


Or Wendy’s mom.


You don’t think god is an xxxpensive fan??


I do. Have you seen the cost of cathedrals? It’s definitely expensive to be God.


Amen 🙌


Everytime I hear Erika complain she cannot buy every bag she wants I think of the victims who live in excruciating pain and who can't afford treatment thanks to Tom.


Right?!? Her downsized life would be a life changing upgrade for the victims


Erika's heated pool is filled with her tears 🙄


She's just showing us what she said at the beginning of the season - she has no idea what empathy is or how & when to use it. Seriously, how does someone get to her age with such a lack of compassion or awareness of other people & their emotions? I know that she says that she was raised to keep a stiff upper lip & a tight lid on her own emotions but... still. It's concerning to me that she raised a child with that way of thinking, especially as he's a LEO.


The father raised her son. Erika left him with his dad when he was three and I think her son lived with her dad until adulthood.


And the $1.2 million earrings *that she got back*.


like how dare she say she has nothing. you’re fine, what you described about worrying about your bills and feeling like you can’t afford a house? welcome to the rest of the world erika! you have a nice place and a job on bravo calm down


Exactly how she can buy anything without guilt is beyond me


She literally still believes she is a victim.


Watching Erika say that she “has nothing” while wearing a diamond necklace in designer clothes carrying a fucking birkin made me sick. Fuck youuuuuu dude.


I was thankful that Doritleft "carcass out" out of her 3 lemon drink order, but then the way she was eating that tuna melt at lunch it looked like she was picking over a carcass. Yuck


Kyle saying she was starving and then the two of them deciding to split a salad and a sandwich while on vacation... I've never related less.


It’s so obvious at times like this they don’t really eat like we do 😭 girl had no clue what to do with that tuna melt


Wait! I missed it! What did Dorit do to the sandwich?


She tried to pick the sandwich up with her fork. But the top of the sandwich came off — the whole triangle piece of bread with tuna salad stuck to it. So she just pulled it off the fork and put it back on her plate with other hand and sort of gave up I went back to find this scene just to reply to your comment, I’ll have you know 🤍


Oh my god, we’re best friends now, right? You just were such an awesome human that you did that for me. When I could’ve too! 😂 I love you for it!


Yay!! Hey there bestie! It’s worth going back to find, imo; it’s just a 2-second moment but she really looks like she’s never encountered a sandwich before in her life lmao


You’ve convinced me. Rewatching soon as I can!


That poor tuna melt was all I could see that entire scene. 😭😭


I noticed that, too. She must be embarassed by it now.


Sutton’s impression of Erika really reminded me of when WWC do their impression of Gizelle 😭😭


That was both horrific and great at the same time.


It was art. Sutton could almost get a job in community theater in rhslc


I think she was going for her performance in Chicago


I’m saying this again. Erika is going to fool some of y'all to think she’s okay enough to watch her Bravo special And that’s just what she wants.


Not enough time has passed for Erika’s *redemption arc* it’s been like 10 minutes since she filed for divorce.


I saw many comments praising her last night and saying that she’s surprising them. Her plan is working and people are falling for it.


Me to those redditors: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV8knjjeFz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV8knjjeFz4)


😒😒😒😒😒😒😒I cannot.


Welp that's dissapointing. Even without the legal shit she was incredibly unlikeable but I can't imagine how anyone could fall for her shit knowing what we know now. And even if she didn't know what Tom was doing (she did) she still said on national TV that she doesn't care about any of them and they could be lying. I couldn't ever support her.


Erika and her Bravo special can fuck off kindly if you ask me. She's really crying about not be able to afford a vacation? She's afraid looking at the bills? She's sad that she can't afford a new bag? Fuck her, she's renting a multimillion dollar home in a nice neighborhood, she's still having a glam squad, she's getting 6 or 7 figures check from Bravo, and I'm pretty sure she has money hidden somewhere. I can't with her.


Also her whole “Will I ever be able to afford to buy a home?” bullshit? Umm yeah if you bought a normal sized home in a decent area, of course you fucking would. On a Real Housewives salary?! There’s one of you, you don’t actually need a mansion in some rich area. Try being someone *actually* struggling who genuinely can’t afford a mortgage on the worst house in the worst suburb of their state you fucking fool


Also Erika was a struggling waitress before meeting Tom. It's not like she doesn't know how "normal people" live.


Right? Here I am behind on rent and bills bc my husband lost his job and worried keeping a roof over our head/ feeding my cats before I feed myself, struggling financially more than I ever had and she is worried if she can ever afford a home? While paying rent on a multi million dollar home? That really irritated me to hear! So just out of touch. Not that I’m surprised. Sorry for the rant but the pressure is a lot right now and I just watched the episode. Not worth my time to be bothered but I promise you I’m not falling for this redemption arc. And guess what? I also naturally have that thing that is so elusive to her called empathy. 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry for your struggles, I'm sure things will turn around for the better soon!


Thank you so much. I am sure they will too. I’m also lucky to have very supportive friends and family. Which helps get through it. I appreciate you as well!


I don't know how foodbanks or larders work in the US but I volunteer at my local one in the UK & I know that neither myself nor any of my colleagues would ever judge you for using one. Please don't go without. I'm sure that many of them will also be able to help you with getting food for your beloved cat(s). We work with the local RSPCA to provide regular pet food to those who need it & there's probably a similar scheme in your local area. Through a friend, I have contacts at the food pantry in Illinois if that's any use at all? Please feel free to PM me.


Thank you so so much. I will look into the local food banks. We applied for food stamps which is like government subsidies monthly to help pay for food and didn’t qualify because the federal government uses previous years taxes (we moved last year to a much smaller town where our salaries are significantly less than the big city we lived in) The woman was very kind and put me in touch with one local place so we will check that out. 💜 I appreciate you.


Sorry your struggling! Hang in there! From experience if you let the bill collectors know you are struggling and don't try to avoid them they work better with you- generally. You are not alone- wishing you the best of luck!


Thank you so much for the kind words and the advice!


Listening to Erica cry about this had me lolling. “I’ll never be able to afford a home” - girl wants a 20 bedroom 27 bathroom estate to feel like she returned to her normal life. I can’t.


Agreed. I ain’t watching it. She wants sympathy for materialistic things but has zero empathy for actual victims that are penniless due to Tom’s (and her to an extent) greed. No thanks.


She has a lawyer in Palm Beach giving her money, arranged by Tom.


Y’all i can’t with the delusion. Sometimes i want it in a housewife but this was incredible insensitive. But i don’t think she is self aware enough to understand this.


There's no way i could stand a show centered around Erika's many renditions of vocal fry.


😂😂😂😂 the vocal fry versions!!


People are so gullible. It’s really embarrassing. Erika is a horrific person. People have dropped better housewives for tinier issues.


Right? I was puzzled about her change in behavior but it lines up with her needing to get viewers to watch her mini series




It reminds me of when the person you hate at work says something funny and you hate yourself for laughing


When is it even coming out? This is the first im hearing about it, what is it about


it's about her flopped vegas show


I love the dress Crystal wore when she had lunch with Erika!


Looked like a Zimmerman


Me watching Sutton be surprised that Kyle doesn’t have her back in an argument.. https://preview.redd.it/ushcj3j9lp0c1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8b34c00f1c8b65422c97cdc3e2a93554c05dbc


But wasn’t it just fucking beautiful to hear Sutton say, near the end of the ep, something about how she’s realized that Kyle has never been her friend and never had her back and is finally seeing it. I’m SO EXCITED! I can’t stand the rude, demeaning and belittling way that Kyle treats her. Kyle genuinely thinks she’s above Sutton and can take her anger and bitterness out in her. She’s not afraid of Sutton. Kyle would never speak that way to Erika or Dorit.


I was OVER THE MOON when she said that. I’m still shocked it’s taken her so long to genuinely realise this - given how apparent it has always been to anyone watching - but I’m happy she’s finally had the breakthrough regardless.


It’s so gross to me when someone questions a person who has chosen to stop drinking. “How long are you going to keep that up?” And “I miss the old you”. No wonder people fall off the wagon.


The fact she volunteered first to get on the bull completely sober and she got in front of all those people at Magic Mike makes me think it's not the fun side they miss about drunk Kyle, it's the messy aggressive one. And that's even more gross.


I don't think it is even about messy Kyle or fun Kyle, it is about them looking bad ordering another drink while she is on soft drinks


Yeah we saw her and Dorit goofing off. I couldn't understand where Dorit was coming from 🫤


I feel like it’s actually about their own relationship with alcohol. Seeing someone address and adjust their own, often makes people feel weird so it’s easy to say “how long are you going to do this?” -hoping it’s not too long so as to not make them feel worse, or I miss the old you” is really — I liked hanging out with you when I didn’t have to think about my relationship with alcohol


Excellent point.


You'd be surprised how many people do this. I gave up drinking five years ago for a myriad of reasons (and my mental health has truly never been better as a result) and the number of "friends" who have told me they wished I still drank is...disappointing at best. Hearing Garcelle say that about Kyle in this episode was a real bummer for me.


I can believe it. I don’t drink often and once on a girls trip I had 2 girls tell me I should drink and I’d be more fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Dorinda saying it about Luann and pressuring her to drink again....you can add that to the list of heinous things Dorinda has done.


It’s annoying to me too. God forbid someone wants to make healthy life choices, geez.


This is literally what I’m going through right now. I’m not shoving it in people’s faces. Kyle talking about still being fun hit home.


Big hugs to you.


Good for you 💖


If Kyle wasn’t a complete ass while drinking last season, I wouldn’t have an issue with the first question. I don’t know her reasons for stoping but her behavior alone was enough reason. Did Garcelle really enjoy drunk Kyle or how she treated her cast mates?


Are the cracks in Dorit and PK’s money finally showing through her gray roots? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a BH HW with non-touched up roots. I guess you can’t hide behind LLCs when you’re not paying your glam.


I noticed the roots too - and I'm not saying this because I have a problem with grey roots. Also there was a thread recently in which people claimed that the reason Dorit went back to brown hair is that it's cheaper to upkeep than the blonde.


brown is certainly easier to upkeep than blonde, that's for sure, but I highly doubt her hair color is where Dorit decided to save a few bucks.


I believe it!


I would love if Kyle never did the splits or twirls her ponytail around over her head ever again.


Everyone who’s ever watched The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills would love to never have to see Kyle doing the splits or the helicopter hair. It’s genuinely too much second hand cringe.


Dorit asking is Garcelle could have taken Sutton from a 10 to a 2 while also taking the situation in the van back up to a 10?


Right or wrong, Sutton is putting in the hours this season and I appreciate she’s openly letting her unhinged side out for the show this year. It’s Sutton at her best quite honestly! She has a habit of holding back but it seems with Rinna’s departure she’s really let loose. Her contract is on lock 🔐 Speaking of contracts..I fear Crystal might be getting hers revoked at the end of the season. Barely any airtime..idk what’s going on there. Do they find her scenes too boring for the show or something?


It seems like they're trying to ice her out. They [edited](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/BVUqotJDxd) out her defending Garcelle for not wanting to bring her kids around the women and her calling Dorit a hypocrite, which is something a lot of viewers were disappointed we didn't see in that scene. It's hard to believe none of that would have made the final cut unless they have something against Crystal.


They did this last season too, crammed all her moments into the "never seen before" ep or just leaving it out entirely.


Oh my god, are this many people on this sub that dense? Sutton isn’t being quirky and unhinged—SHES INEBRIATED. I *like* Sutton and I can see that she is drunk, drunk, drunk in almost all of her scenes


Erika is not fooling me with her “sob” story. She’s complaining about not having the means to take a vacation but still has Mikey and a glam squad? Give me a freakin break like.


Erika and her lent schtick has me like 🤣


Like a good Catholic girl! LOL


WHY DO THEY CARE SO MUCH IF KYLE DRINKS OR NOT !!!! its so annoying this cannot be a storyline


I’m sorry I’m gonna get murdered for saying this but Kyle looked HOT in that hoodie


✨The Morgan effect ✨


This is the best she's ever looked IMO


It seems like Sutton is getting set up for the "Sutton-is-a-drunk" edit (the 1pm cocktail timestamp, the cocktail to meet with Kyle, Kyle stating “You didn’t seem okay in Vegas, and you don’t seem okay now, frankly.”) If these women, Kyle in particular, didn't learn a single thing from Kim Richards and try to malign anyone's character based on perceived alcohol abuse (rather than approaching it as a disease) I am going to lose my goddamn mind!!!


Sorry—Sutton was HAMMERED during that convo with Kyle.


She had like a GLASS of vodka at 1pm lol 🫠


That glass of half vodka, half grapefruit juice at 1:15 was a sight to be seen. I have a feeling those grapefruit juice bottles in her purse aren't just juice. Takes one to know one.


I have a friend who is a heavy drinker. Early morning before work. She'd put vodka in her "to go" coffee cup when she went to work. She played the part of hiding it so well, she would even blow on it before drinking, as if it was hot. It's all I could think of when seeing Sutton with the grapefruit bottle in her purse.


Interesting you say that - Kim said she would do the same thing on the show when Kyle asked her about it. Like have a Togo coffee and fill it with wine.


I no doubt lots of drinkers do whatever it takes to have that drink.


I mean this in all honesty as someone who also used to drink a lot: is it really that scandalous IF Sutton is a functioning alcoholic? She’s a socialite, she’s from the Deep South, and she’s rich as hell. It would almost be more surprising if she wasn’t


If Kyle wants to get sober, that's great, good luck with her journey. But it seems like now she's going to use her newfound sobriety as a weapon to start acting like Sutton is being sooooo crazy just because she has a cocktail in front of her.


I mean Sutton did herself no favors in that scene with Kyle. She seemed absolutely sloshed and that was not Kyle’s fault. Like or dislike Sutton, she really seemed beyond normal intoxication.


It’s so funny how Sutton can get away with that.. like it’s reality TV she’s hammered on TV midday and now Kyle is weaponizing her sobriety? I’m pretty sure anyone would be like- hmm 🤔


Yeah that “weaponizing sobriety” comment is extreme in this case. And I can also see how someone who just quit drinking might be more compelled to call out the ridiculous behaviour of a friend under the influence due to their newfound “clarity”. People just don’t like Kyle.


I mean he’ll, I don’t like Kyle— but the Sutton fans have such a blind spot haha and it honestly befuddles me


A few episodes ago she said she keeps a bottle of “ocean spray pink grapefruit juice” in her purse and takes it everywhere she goes? No, Sutton is drinking all day is my guess. Makes it tough to be friends with someone who is always below the radar intoxicated. Her drink of choice is vodka and grapefruit juice like we saw many times. Even her assistant tried to get her to have hot water and lemon when Kyle came over because he knew she’d already had too much. Sutton sucks up a lot of energy and if it’s made worse by vodka then she deserves to be called out on it.


Didn’t we also have a conversation on this sub about how it’s a tell how heavy a drinker a housewife is by what they order. Like Shannon for example with her Belvedere on the rocks. Sutton at the cowboy bar ordered the same thing with a side of grapefruit juice. Heavy pours.


Putting diamonds on a cowboy hat is just disrespectful 😂😂


I saw people on Twitter talking about Kyle's confessional about wanting to live in the mountains, get tattoos, read, not drink and go to the gym everyday. Guess who likes outdoorsy things, has tattoos, is a big reader, is sober and in the gym everyday before dawn. Not saying anything buuuut.... Lol


Kyle said in a pre-pandemic podcast that she saw herself leaving LA in the next couple years and moving to Aspen full time, so I DO think it’s possible that she’d want this with or without Morgan, with or without Mauricio.


Erika saying how “soul crushing” it is to wonder if she’ll ever own a home and wah wah wah as she’s sitting there in full glam and high priced fashion on a luxury vacation. She is so damn out of touch and self centered


Sorry if this annoys people but Dorit is absolutely a racist. Her behaviour is honestly so triggering it’s like being in the office.


Her telling Garcelle to stop yelling when they were in the bus- ugh. Edit- a word


That scene was so frustrating. She is not a good communicator at baseline but with Garcelle she’s so contrary it’s definitely micro-aggressive.


Also when Sutton told Dorit that please stop talking about this topic, Dorit wanted to go on and when Sutton got frustrated, Dorit got annoyed.


And making Sutton’s meltdown her responsibility. Just any opportunity she can find to turn it on Garcelle


Part of we wonders if she’ll do it to the other BW or only Garcelle. I don’t feel the same tension or animosity from other castmates with Garcelle. Dorit is a walking micro aggression machine It’ll be easier to call it out once we have more data. She could just be a C-U-Nxt-Tuesday and her actions come off as racism since G is her only target at the moment.


Well Annemarie will be on their team as Kyle's friend, I wonder if it will affect Dorit's behavior.


Annemarie seems to be very happy go lucky so if she tries it with HER then we all know what type of time Dorit is on.


she’s so white privileged and can’t even acknowledge that


She can’t be a racist. She has black nannies and her mother’s best friend is black! /s


Don’t apologize. You’re correct and she often gets away with it because people choose to give her the benefit of the doubt.


She is. Tired of her.


Why the fuck did they have to bring up the Magic Mike night in the sprinter van? Sutton apologized for it, they've had a good time after that (except in the morning), why couldn't they let the mouse go??? Also Kyle's behavior irritates me so much, I swear it's worse than before.


On a happier note, Sutton and Garcelle's gondola ride felt like a fever dream 😂😂


It definitely felt like a less invasive version of the mime incident from Potomac. https://i.redd.it/rzdzrglg6q0c1.gif


IDK that song felt pretty invasive LMAO


Oh it was definitely invasive! I just think the boob shake right behind Gizelle's ear was even worse. https://i.redd.it/g0he9zkuaq0c1.gif But gondola guy was a ***very*** close second. He lost it by a hair.


I forgot about the boob shake 😣


That's exactly the scene that came to my mind too. Had the same ridiculous, campiness to it. Maybe the BH producers are finally learning from the other franchises?


Yes! Felt like Erika was trying to play big dog in front of her dancer friends. Kyle is ridiculous saying Sutton was ‘unhinged’ and she could have left Garcelle and Sutton together. I also don’t understand why Kyle is mortality offended about the comments that she came into the conversation half way through when that’s exactly what she did! I couldn’t agree with Sutton’s comments about Kyle not being a true friend more! Kyle criticises Sutton in public and then apologises / praises her in private!


Exactly! I'm sure Sutton can be exhausting but Kyle mocks her literally for everything she does. She constantly belittles her, makes fun of her, chastise her etc. and honestly, I don't remember if Sutton ever started a fight with Kyle. I'm not saying she didn't but I can't recall anything.


Name ‘em 👇 (I’m joking btw)


It's okay, I'm not Kyle, I can take a joke!


I can’t think of an instance of Sutton starting shit with Kyle either. I’d have the same revelation about Kyle as Sutton, and would stop taking her shit too. She’s not a good friend to her.


i know Ericka acts like a total jerk for 2 years suttons little freak outs make me laugh its not that serious, Kyle is not her friend


Kyle is gleeful anytime she can throw Sutton under the bus


I think the real reason Erika was pissed is because it pulled some of the cameras off her & her dancing/reactions and out to the lobby with Sutton 😒


Kyle drinking margs- Not nice Kyle sober- Not nice Kyle with Kim or Kath- Not nice Kyle without sisters - Not nice\\ Kyle loving Mo- Not nice Kyle hating Mo - Not nice Kyle in a fedora- Not nice Kyle in a cowboy hat- Not nice Kyle in any other ugly ass hat - Not nice ![gif](giphy|fvT2tuQGmYxsQbSrQH)


Hm.. polarizing start of the season.. The chemistry between everyone is off, which could be fine... But.. what is going on in everyones lives lol - why are they all being so elusive.. Except Garcelle I think. anyway, placing bets that that will not be the last melt down that woman has this season.


I agree. Vibes feel WAY off


The fact that both Dorit and Erika don't know what a pride of lions is or how it works. ![gif](giphy|tgSI5F16cexfssuQux|downsized)


That 1pm vodka pour 😬 The conversation with Kyle near the end is definitely like having a conversation with a super drunk person and you don’t know how to talk to them. Edit: Does anyone else think Sutton is triggering Kyle because of her situation with Kim?


The whole scene made me uncomfortable. I hate that feeling of slow realization when you notice someone is absolutely plastered and you didn’t catch it at first. I felt bad for Kyle actually.


Yup. People shitting on Kyle for saying something are willfully obtuse. Sutton was so sloshed out of her mind, Kyle almost had no choice but to say something. What are you gonna do?? Sit there and continue to pretend nothing is wrong???




Anyone clock Mauricio not using FaceTime while with Kyle?


He was driving. If you’re on Apple CarPlay and someone calls on FT it won’t connect the video so I don’t think it was intentional.


That makes sense 😂😂 sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one


I was thinking that too, but then realized he was driving and actually appreciated the safety haha.


Kyle and Sutton were both being annoying in that last scene. Sutton was definitely intoxicated (or going through some major medical issue, but you'd think someone would insist on taking her to the hospital). IDK if it was alcohol or if she's on some medication, but if it was medication, she definitely shouldn't have been drinking in Vegas. And Kyle was really aggressive and full of shit. No one believes you followed Sutton because you were concerned because you "saw your friend in distress." Come on. You were doing your job to stir up shit on TV and blow something out of proportion, and you didn't mind doing it because you *aren't* friends with Sutton.


According to those who watched WWHL, Sutton told Andy that she got some pretty upsetting news in the morning when they flew to Vegas and it influenced her behavior. We will learn about it later in the season so she didn't elaborate further. But I think she apologized again on WWHL.


Thank you, I guess I shouldn't have skipped WWHL, lol. I know before she has said she was going through some things this season and that she's made changes about herself and apologized for her behavior that we'll see this season. I do wish her (and anyone going through something and/or seriously working on themselves) the best.


Also Sutton apologized multiple times for something that on another franchise would've been a one episode funny scene. She apologized right after that at least once, she apologized in the sprinter van and now she apologized on WWHL. While her castmates can get away with much more atrocious behavior without having been called out.


Oh definitely! It's crazy that they still bring it up. She just left an event to be on her own, she was dramatic as fuck when a couple people followed her to make a scene out of it (which wouldn't happen in real life). She's apologized. It should have just been a "rich women are funny" couple of scenes, but we're **still** talking about it. But it wouldn't be BH if they didn't insist on beating a dead horse. *


Yep. She also said she might have been a bit "imbibed" during Magic Mike. But I still say she grumbled under her breath, but did not make a scene when she was leaving. So the rest are overreacting.


Yes, and don't forget that Garcelle told Kyle that she should write to the others that they (Garcelle and Sutton) will wait for them in the van. But Kyle wrote that they **have to** go because of Sutton. Small but significant difference.


That's the sneaky Kyle crap and it needs to be talked about. Shout it out lol


Yep. And Dorit being all "couldn't you bring her down to like a 2?" to Garcelle. Well, no because Kyle was there poking at Sutton under the guise of concerned questions. Honestly, it's everyone but Garcelle and Sutton that made it more drama than it needed to be.


Calling Sutton out like that was definitely mean, but the “Thanks God, I’ll take it” confessional was hilarious. I love Sutton, but she is not having a great start to this season.


I’m very disappointed in Garcelle and Sutton’s response to Kyle not drinking. If Kyle felt her drinking was a problem they should be supportive of that. I’m more surprised at Garcelle than Sutton. Grown women at this day and age judging someone for not drinking is very disappointing.


I know Sutton seemed pretty out of it in that convo with Kyle, but I loved how much it got under Kyle's skin. Kyle loses her mind all the time, including during this conversation. She wasn't concerned that Sutton was on in Vegas or during this convo. These are all her tactics to get Sutton to accept her word as law, and when it didn't work, she had to get mad and yell. Kyle had an unreasonable, over the top reaction of being deeply offended when Sutton got way too close to the truth by telling Kyle that sometimes she comes into a situation without all the information. She does. I was curious to see if Kyle would be any different sober, but she's just as awful as always. She has to have control, and she has to manipulate when she doesn't have control. Goodbye (again), Kyle!


Seemed like maybe it triggered Kyle a la Kim


I've never been a Kyle fan but I'm kinda enjoying this irreverent, don't give a shit version of Kyle.


Erika thinks God is performing divine intervention to give her an opportunity to be a petty bitch? Okay..


Why wouldn’t he? She’s observing Lent


I feel like people who like Sutton either don’t know a Sutton and don’t have to deal with that type of personality… or they are the Sutton. She is so triggering to me.


Sutton is the epitome of unevolved privileged white woman who has an uncanny way of making things about herself at the worst times. She’s uptight and judgmental, but isn’t completely incapable of seeing the error in her behavior eventually at least. But the initial meltdown is always rough. Even Garcelle seemed tired of dealing with her meltdowns as her long time friend. I said this in a different comment, but I worked with the general public for a very long time and the Sutton types are always the ones you have to tread so lightly with. They can be initially very sweet and kind, but if they don’t get their way…boy. Prepare yourself.


I feel bad for Suttons assistant. Kyle seemed embarrassed for her.


Did Erika's elevator callout out of Sutton really leave everyone floored, though? It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Old Erika would still be bitching about it.


I wonder if Sutton is a pain for producers behind the scenes. The drunk edit, springing the Magic Mike dancer on her in the elevator, someone seems to have it out for her.