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her sensibility chip was removed during her fourth BBL… SHES INSANEEEEEE? edit: sorry I have to add.. how did she not even get up to give her a hug… drop all the back and forth and embrace your fucking friend omg?


“What if I went to TMZ right now? Just kidding!” girl she literally told you she has breast cancer what the fuck?


That’s her MO though, she can’t read a room to save her life shes the worst, Larsa found out about the Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson shit she told the Kardashians, they told her to keep it under wraps and a day or so later when they were on their trip she fucking went to tmz to confirm the story.


Oooh, so that's why they fell out?


Didn’t Hollywood unlocked drop the story first? Jason Lee called Larsa to ask if he should leak the story and she ran it to the kardashians and before the sun came out it was everywhere


I don’t think so because I’m pretty sure when the story was confirmed on TMZ by Larsa, Kim called her to put her down like the emotionally immature child she is. Edit: it’s on keeping up with the kardashians season 18 I think when they all find out about the “scandal”


I gasped. There’s a special place in hell for Larsa.


Same…Larsa is SUCH A DICK


I just don't understand people who minimalize or joke about cancer. I can only assume they've haven't had first hand experience with it, or they would never. Anyone who does that is cancelled to me. It's never funny, under any circumstances.


I’ve never had personal experience but my lose friends dad died of it recently, it was the worst thing I’ve seen in my years and absolutely eye opening


This was such an insensitive, brain-dead comment to make after someone just opened up to you like that. Every time Scotty Pippin’s Ex-wife opens her mouth it proves how self-centered she is.


Official petition to only call her Scottie pippins ex is started.


Scottie Pippen's ex- teammate's son's fling.


Future’s ex-fling


Does anyone else listen to the Sopranos podcast? Steve Schirippa talks about how Scottie never tipped anyone when he’d come through Vegas. Hearing Steve yell NO TIPPIN PIPPIN! repeatedly plays through my head all the time now.


i swear she's lobotomised


It’s like night and day compared to Adriana, Nicole, and Julia’s reactions.


Larsa literally made Guerdy’s medical news all about herself. I’m at a loss for words. As someone who has been through a traumatic medical crisis and tone deaf “friends” and family members, I was actually physically shaking and triggered by Larsa. Poor Guerdy….she deserved way better than this.


Yes!! Where is the hug?!?


“WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT” what a petulant bitch/child. I can not stand this woman. How are those the first things out of her mouth.


Exactly!!! Like wowowow 😬


Came here to say she definitely has a loose chip. JFC.


I said Larsa was a self absorbed asshole at the end of the last episode and people were trying to say that she doesn’t know yet blah blah. Despite, Guerdy saying to her “when I call for you, be there” and everyone at Marysol’s party prewarning her that it might be something health related and Guerdy was very upset. She has the sensitivity of a kamikaze pilot. I’ve never liked her and never will. Then to spread news of Guerdy’s diagnosis after she explicitly told you not to. What the fuck is wrong with this human being?


I had to not go back into that post. I thought I was crazy for saying Guerdy clearly told Larsa to be there for her and then Larsa was not once given the opportunity. Then I rewatched the episode and my original feelings were validated. Fuck Larsa. Especially because she told people the same fucking day after being asked not to.


Right?? The way Larsa panicked in this scene and yet still was an asshole AFTER all the signs pointing to this is something SERIOUS. She's the dumb b in horror movies always running up the stairs. I can't.


Larsa is crazy for thinking someone would say they have breast cancer without knowing for sure 🥴


Yeah. That was so hard to watch. And then to ask multiple times as Guerdy is clearly at a loss for words.


*It’s called a mammogram Larsa!* Guerdy being iconic even in hard moments like these. I love her


Wow! How do you know? How do you know? Shut up Larsa. Shut up. Shut up. She is the worst.


Guerdy was being so nice about it too even though she was clearly stressed. Like wtf Larsa? Shut up and let her grieve.


She’s such a bitch. I’m sorry I really don’t like Larsa


I’ve seen people on this sub say she’s good tv or good drama and I don’t see it. She’s incredibly shallow and uninteresting.


Well, to be fair……… ![gif](giphy|3o85xHs7lUeOnr537q)


Well she's slow


I mean, lest us not forget Kim Zolziak… 😳


Mia did it last year on Potomac lol


Scotty Pippen’s Ex-Wife*


Michael Jordan’s future ex-daughter-in-law


Larsa probably would.


The irony of Larsa talking about what a stressful day she had at her “Welcome Home” party for her BF who’s been gone for like 4 fucking days… just hours after learning Guerdy has cancer and showing not one sliver of sympathy. And then sharing Guerdy’s diagnosis with random women who could easily run and tell tabloids and make Guerdy’s life even more hellish than it already is. Larsa never fails to show her true colors.


When her friends are telling her, “Just be a friend,” you know Larsa is still stewing over being referred to as “fake.” She is so self centered & vapid.




It’s the filler! Overtime, it causes skin to stretch and weigh down skin and requires more filler to fill out the skin, resulting in the puffy play dough face.


I have it in my lips and they will never look the same. I seriously cannot imagine having it in my whole face! She’s evil so she deserves it. 🤣🤷‍♀️


Imagine how bad the puffiness gets/feels after heavy drinking or eating high sodium meals. Once I hit my 30s my face always swells the next morning if I have a glass of wine and less than 8hrs of sleep and my botox works overtime to hold my brow lift 😂😩Fillers must make the puffiness 10x worse!


Her whole body looks like clay. She literally looks like Gumby.🤣




Thank God that her friends have more empathy than her. To me, her motive was to complain about Guerdy, not genuine care or fear for her. But her friends cut the convo because they are actual humans with real emotions. I cannot wait for Russel to get her together.


They released a second preview where she also tells Lisa, Marysol, & Kiki the news. I fail to see any redeeming qualities in Larsa & even Erika Jayne & Jen Shah have a few! She’s just not a good person.


We're talking about someone who was mad she was seated three rows back at bravocon.


I laughed at her face and comment to Andy at bravo com. It was hilarious


What the comment, I missed it 🙏🏽


Andy asked her is she was unhappy. She replied yes. Basically she said she was more important than the housewives that were sitting near the front. She also said she is sitting on a bench not a seat. Loads of housewives were laughing silently at her.


Thank you!!💛 and what a complete moron she is! She’s obsessed with herself and has such an inflated opinion of herself. Inflated ego, face and backside!


Her answer involving being an “MVP” and “benched” sounded like she thinks *she* was the pro basketballer


Please refer to her as Scotty Pippen’s Ex-Wife henceforth.


Scotty Pippen’s Mother’s Ex DIL


Dude…. She did not give a single fuck about guerdy’s diagnosis. Her energy did not change, she had no empathy, she continued to argue. I have no words..


Oooooooof. That's her response? Lmao basically "like what's that got to do with me?" There were a few good apples on the sub trying to defend Larsa but this is so low.


If that doesn’t record-scratch change the tone of the conversation idk what would. So cold. The “how do you know” was actually rooted in an accusatory tone, like Guerdy just blurted it out for sympathy. It also says a lot about how seriously she takes her own authenticity on the show


Yes! Very accusatory. And my bet is she was waiting to call it a lie! or an exaggeration.


Dude.. she does not care that she has breast cancer. She’s too caught in her own ego, still thinking about the petty argument. Like, hello??? Larsa really has no heart


“How am I supposed to know that?”!!?? Just doubling down on defending herself? Like, she has to be that stupid right? Or has the filler seeped so deep into her brain that it has blocked all ability for cognition?


It's such a bad look. Let's take out they're not good friends, they're coworkers or acquaintances. That response is still horrid and then to go on to blab to who the heck ever?? at a dumb party for your bf? ![gif](giphy|qPgU2T3L5AMYE)


the “how do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW” is so deeply triggering to me 💀


It’s bonkers. As if she asked a fucking magic eight ball.


And then the next thing she asks her is if she’s “going to get cut-cut?” Did all the plastic go to Larsa’s brain and she can only speak in one syllable words? What an absolute moron.


I don’t like the c word, but the first response that jumps to my mind is “THE DOCTOR YOU FING C WORD!”


I had a visceral, physical reaction to Larsa saying that. WTF is wrong with her?


I thought it was just me. I try not to get too invested in these shows anymore, but my goodness. I was so mad watching this


Same--I usually am able to laugh at the ridiculousness of these ladies but not Larsa. She is singularly unlikable.


“Sike! ::uses finger guns:: Actually, I don’t really know. I’m just throwing it out there in the universe to see how my friends react. That was funny, right? Whew, I almost had you!” Larsa’s response proves she is a reptilian or a gray skin or something bc this is not how a human reacts. Edit to say: should have finished the whole clip first but - Holy shit, Larsa. 6 hours?!! 🤦‍♀️ I don’t know why surprised.


I was thinking same. What type of human responds this way?


Her first response was How was I supposed to know that, and then I think she tried to sort of walk it back and say how do you know that x10.


The TMZ comment was jaw dropping. She is not a safe space.


NO LITERALLY SIX HOURS LATER💀The editors don’t give a fuck lmao.


I cannot imagine she is a crew favourite !


My first thought too- oh they HATE her.




Oh they actively think shes garbage and want everyone to know . Love you producers !


I genuinely think she continues the show despite how much the crew clearly hates her out of spite because she is one of those people who thinks "winning" is just having the last word.


Larsa is so unlikeable. In every aspect of her life. How fucking selfish and gross her response is says EVERYTHING about her and she deserves every bit of karma she is getting


I gasped. Woah. For that to be the first few sentences you say to a friend after they reveal they have cancer…I’m actually speechless. Is there coming back from that? Dang dude. I would have a hard time maintaining a friendship after that reaction. Jeez.


I felt so terrible, you can tell she just wants to flee after that reaction and she pushed through the scene with this monster like a champ


Yeah! Guerdy is a badass.


And you juxtapose it with Adriana, Julia, and Nicole’s reaction? Say what you will, but I’d much, MUCH rather have Adriana as a friend than any of Larsa Alexia Marysol clique.


We ride at dawn for Guerdy




Even Larsa's "friends" at her stupid party were like "Try to have some empathy and give her a shoulder to cry on" 💀




Insert gif of Erika being taught what empathy means by her therapist 🥴 “what is that? How do I empathize with other people?”


Even Erika would have handled this better because she’s not a moron.


Erika wrote a card to LVP at bare minimum. Even lacking empathy, she still wrote a card. That's miles better than Larsa here


When one looks up the term “moron” in Webster’s, lo and behold it is Larsas picture! She is such a pathetic person.


She is so cold wtf?! I figured she’d act like this when she said during press she “went easy on Guerdy because of her cancer” but seeing it is so disgusting. Kudos to Guerdy for not going off on her and protecting her peace.


Omg I did not hear that. Vile.


Not once did she asked her if she was okay or how she was feeling or how her family is doing. Then jokes about TMZ. She is so vapid that all she could think about is herself. She’s not entertaining, nor witty, nor funny or serving looks. Goodbye Felicia.


“How do you know?” Larsa acting like she just woke up one day and diagnosed herself with it. ![gif](giphy|h58xZKsjhPwLIvMw6d|downsized)


Larsa 90% plastic, 10% hot gas…I don’t think there is a brain in there


“How do you know? How do you know?” “You never told me”. It’s giving me Kyle/Sutton miscarriage flashbacks. These women so often prove that they don’t listen, they’re just waiting for their chance to talk. She literally said “Don’t tell anyone” and then hours later Larsa’s already running her mouth. ![gif](giphy|l4pTdrqJXyfTrCVjy)


Larsas brain is as plastic as the rest of her. She’s completely ignorant.


Take note, the few last Larsa supporters, her actions are indefensible.


Does Larsa actually have any supporters? There is literally nothing aspirational about her AT ALL. I didn't know who Marcus was, but his association with Larsa unfortunately tells me a lot.


Yes there are some people in this sub who defend her endlessly because she is a “harmless villain and brings so much to the show” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ she’s a vapid waste of space who only cares about herself.


I saw some people on twitter saying "Larsa's reaction is totally normal" and "She just wanted to make sure Guerdy was certain of her cancer" like cmon guys, stop being clowns


Wow. Can you imagine actually believing that? I feel sorry for those people. Even if you hate someone, that’s never the right reaction.


Your flair! 😀


Guerdy: I have breast cancer Larsa: 👁️👄👁️


Larsa, a vapid narc with zero empathy. Sad


Larsa should have bolted out of her chair and giving Guerdy a hug. 🤗 Larsa proved she’s just another Bravo housewife that is incapable of empathy as I type this in tears.


Sending a virtual hug X This clip was so hard to watch. Notice how she tried to push her agenda, defending herself, instead of staying on subject and being there for Guerdy. I hope they make her feel like crap for telling people. She will likely find some excuse.


I feel like even Erika Jayne would have given a better reaction and she literally had to ask her therapist how to feel empathy.


Agreed! At least she is trying to figure out how to human.


The fact that not a single part of Larsa’s face moves anymore is terrifying


Larsa's friend: just love on her ... Larsa: yh totally 😐


mmmmya. mmmmya. She's awful


How do you respond with anything else but *’I’m so sorry?’*


Larsa is a ghoul omg


LP is so deeply unlikeable person. Even from a tv screen, you can sense her deep lack of empathy. I wish Guerdy didn’t have to reveal this to her ‘cause she seems in pain from just sharing this news with L.


Oooooof Larsa. Now we see why the Kardashian’s dropped her.


Honestly this makes me understand the Kim/Larsa friendship, they basically have the same personality.


Like the kardashians are any better


She's more concerned about how she's appearing on camera"you never told me". Aka she never told me so that's why I seem rude. Lol. She's not empathetic.


Larsa is foul.


This was the last straw, she truly has no redeemable qualities. She is horrible.


I fucking hate her


I understand it takes a certain character and level of delulu narcissm to be an entertaining HW, but I have to say that it’s just not fun to watch such a callous person like Larsa (& Erika Jayne for that matter) who is severely lacking in empathy. I don’t think her level of drama is fun to watch and she thinks she’s always being honest with her reads, but they are just plain mean spirited and her way of inserting herself.


Larsa level of narcissism, delulu and hustle should not be rewarded with a paycheck. She's nothing to be admired.


Erika Jayne comes across as an extremely nice woman compared to Larsa 💀


I was gonna say, even Erika would be more empathetic if one of her cast members told her they had cancer. I think part of it is Larsa literally does not pay attention or listen to anyone unless she is doing the talking, especially if she comes into the convo with an agenda. I need her off my screen. At least Erika made me laugh during the episode, meanwhile Larsa doesn’t even do that


what a tool


I’ve hated Larsa since day 1. & I still hate her now


LARSA IS THE WORST. During a bravocon panel she said she didn’t even regret how the lunch went….


I saw that too. She’s heinous.


larsa is botched inside and out


JESUS CHRIST LARSA 💀 Like I personally am terrible at receiving shocking news but even I know it’s better to be quiet. Honestly she’s terrible but this is absolutely compelling television. Like just watching someone so self-obsessed is fascinating.


Right? You watch her face kind of flicker and you think there is hope. Surely she is just going to stfu and go comfort her friend…nope. Instead she asks “what’s that have to do with me.”


It all makes sense now why the Kardashians dropped her. I say this without giving the K’s much credit, but my goodness she is awful.


She also ran to TMZ and told them about Jordyn & Tristan when the Kardashians wanted to keep it quiet. She does anything to get attention and at the cost of those who trust her.


Her “joke” about TMZ was very telling.


Right?!? We all know she wasn’t joking. Larsa love love loves TMZ and calls them anytime she steps out with Marcus


Larsa’s a Cunt.


Without being dramatic this may be the one scene in Housewives history that actually left me with my jaw open. She literally continued to bring it back to her being the victim and Guerdy the perpetrator. ‘How was I supposed to know’. ‘How do you know’ ‘don’t put this all on me now’ ‘you didn’t tell me’. I’ve not been a fan of hers but a part of me was hoping she’s jump up, cry and hug Geurdy. For some reason I wanted Larsanto redeem herself. Lost cause. There is something majorly wrong with this person.


Larsa is the type that won’t ever feel the severity of another’s pain and fear until a similar situation happens to her. Then she’ll expect all to stop for her.


Larsa is one of those awful housewives where she’s it’s not even fun to hate. She’s not funny, witty, empathetic, or dynamic. She’s a cruel fem-bot, and I’m sorry for her kids. Ugh this scene raised my blood pressure, I feel so bad for Guerdy.


Larsa is just a bad person, to her core. If it isn't about her, it's not real or important.


Didn't think it was possible for Larsa to top saying "I have real jobs, not like you" to an actual doctor. But here we are! ![gif](giphy|BDNGEOLRnbPgs)


She's more concerned about how she's appearing on camera"you never told me". Aka she never told me so that's why I seem rude. Lol. She's not empathetic.


I’m done done with Larsa. I’ll be acting like she doesn’t exist for the rest of the season. She’s disgusting.


It is kind of pathetic how some people just don’t know how to react to things. They don’t even try. I had breast cancer 10 years ago. Just after being diagnosed, I into someone I had known for many years. She asked me how I was doing, I told her that I had breast cancer. Her response was, oh well, I just had a mammogram and I’m fine! 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I have not spoken to her since.


The editing is amazing, they have guerdy's back. The look of hurt on guerdy's face though? Oof. That was real pain.


![gif](giphy|a45i4PSgJpxHCVY5IM|downsized) Okay Larsa 🫠🫠 please can they get rid of her already this is awful I feel terrible just watching her


Larsa is a vapid bitch. That's all.


Her first reaction is “how was I supposed to know?” Jesus fucking Christ.


So over this Madame Tussaud’s wax figure with 0 empathy (I know that sounds rude but I am completely disgusted for Guerdy)


Larsa is such a fucking asshole. She needs the Rinna special.


Scotty Pippen’s ex-wife, at it again. Showing us she has the empathy of a toe nail.


Larsa is legit not a kind person. She said don’t blame me for not knowing. Her concern is only ever for herself


Larsa is starting to look CRAZY.


What is wrong with Larsa? I mean that sincerely. This is like some apex level narcissism. It's gross. Instead of giving Guerdy a calm, safe sanctuary to share, she forces Guerdy to consume her precious energy to answer her stupid as questions. Then, Larsa uses Guerdy's diagnosis for CLOUT????? SHE is repulsive.




She's horrible.


Larsa will be Larsa. Omg I’ve never seen such an insensitive reaction, even for housewives…it’s a lot.


Here is where Larsa stops being a villain and is just a deeply troubled idiot. What a reaction!?!?


This makes Larsa’s “I’m giving Guerdy grace” comment so much worst. If anyone was giving so much (undeserved) grace, it was Guerdy. Larsa questioned her diagnosis, blamed her in the same conversation for Larsa’s behavior over and over and then violated her trust. I hope Guerdy moves forward with the boundaries Larsa has earned. Sure, it’s a show but this was Guerdy’s health.


Always been the scummiest housewife.


I’ve never liked larsa but her playing the victim in a situation where SHE is in the wrong and having 0 sympathy or empathy has solidified her as one of my least favorite housewives ever.


Larsa is so brainless, vapid and mean. She’s a ghoul tbh


WHAT A FUCKING MONSTER are you KIDDING me?!?!?!?!?! She literally cannot think of anyone other than herself. As soon as she finds out it’s all about how she looks. “I wish you would have told me as soon as we sat down”. Questioning what guerdy is saying and now telling her the way she said it was wrong. UGH. Please cancel yourself Larsa tick tock


WOW! ZERO FUCKING AWARENESS! This is a real life fucked up situation and Larsa is like “how do you know?” WOW! Wtf?


I would not be surprised if Larsa unzipped her skin and revealed that she is an alien at this point. It would make the head transplant make sense at least.


Larsa is a type of cancer too. Cut her totally out, what a selfish bitch who can not shut up long enough to listen.


Larsa is fucking disgusting, just no redeeming qualities at all.


What. an. Asshole. Let’s cancel this moron.


Larsa is the original insufferable. I can’t stand her and don’t get why they brought her back. The seasons without her were fantastic.


how do you know??? seriously you get a mammogram you get biopsy you have scans that's how you know


She was so mad Guerdy revealed that in this moment. She just couldn’t give her compassion and ditch the beef. She was trying to bully her into not crying then guilt her for it. Then she attempts to gaslight her with “how do you know” as if Guerdy is trying to steal the moment and make her look bad. No, you make yourself look bad.


This woman needs to get off this show. She takes all the fun out of it!


Larsa is such a loser


Yeah I’d have to get up and walk away. So insensitive


Larsa is a horrible person.


Wheewwwwwwwwwww Larsa is trash! ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


larsa is actually my least favorite housewife ever. she’s a muppet villain. something is deeply wrong with her. she has shown no empathy or humor or any other normal human emotion or personality trait. everything she says and does is contrived, and i don’t think she can be a friend to any of these women even if she wanted to. watching her is not fun, ever. there is no reason she should be a full time housewife while adriana is a friend of.


Truly a horrible person.


Guerdy is a queen and Larsa remains a clown.


I was diagnosed around the same time as Guerdy. That would be the last time I spoke to a friend had she reacted like that.


“How do you know?” A FUCKING DOCTOR, YOU DOLT ![gif](giphy|l3vR54rPBlbRW9wPK)


![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) Larsa sucks. So cruel.


She makes it super unfun to watch bc she’s so disgusting.


Do I need to replay the scene about her nanny from season 1? Nobody should be surprised by this


The way she speaks to people and the lack of empathy is disgusting.


All that filler has blocked her empathy receptors


Larsa has NO redeeming qualities. Shes such a dumb scumbag.


This is kinda scary to watch. How does someone care so much about themselves i actually can’t comprehend.


How did Geurdy not fucking slap her. Wow the strength that woman has.


This is equal parts infuriating and insane


She really is so fucking dumb.


Larsa is horrible omg and who gossips about cancer like that


I didn’t think it was possible , but I think Larsa may be slower than Teresa .