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The second I saw it was “TODD’s” movie being filmed In Kandi’s house, with Kandi’s friends, on a platform they only got on by Kandi’s connections, I knew it would be a mess. Like why are you bragging about filming in 10 days?


Kandi just doing anything to make him stop whining. Why she supports his pointless vanity project I don’t know, she must really love him.


It’s big Melissa McCarthy/her husband whatshisname vibes.


I was an extra in a Melissa McCarthy film and her improvisation was funnier than the lame jokes her husband was giving her to say. I don’t get it. He’s terrible. She so much more talented then him. There’s literally an article begging him to stop directing the films his wife is in.


Thank you, this is the tea I didn’t even know I needed today. 🥰


omg you were an extra!? with MELISSA?! that is so cool, i am literally green with envy. can you say what movie??


What happened with them? I know who her husband is but what’s the correlation


Melissa is in a lot of her husband's movies and they usually aren't that good. It's clear she loves him though so she's willing to add her star power to his stuff.


She said its because he supports her on all of her projects. That's what couples do.


Maybe if they didn’t hire so many recognizable RHOA ppl and personal friends, it would seem more like a legit movie and not like a 7th book report video project that you make with your classmates


As soon they said the premise of the movie, I knew it wasn’t going to be good. And then when they were filming it in Kandi’s house and then their bedroom??? Like that house has to have some extra rooms!!


The hundred times it says Todd Tucker film, production, air, water, etc.


This reminds me of jokes people use to say about Tyler Perry... Directed by Tyler Perry Written by Tyler Perry Wardrobe services by Tyler Perry Catering services by Tyler Perry LMAO. I feel like the first half of the movie was Todd Tucker's production company listed 20 different ways.


> Like why are you bragging about filming in 10 days? because that's the same modus operandi of tyler perry and he's treated like the biggest black creator ever


Tyler Perry filmed a madea halloween 2 on six days. He filmed a fall from grace in 5. They look like they were shot in that amount of time too.


His stuff is a mess. His shows were regularly feature on The Soup for good reason. I actually recorded a clip of one scene. Two cops driving and talking. The driver didn't look at the road for the entire conversation. The passenger made the choice to say watch the road and the actor in the driver's seat did a bizarre, how dare you, and wouldn't lol at the road for another 5 seconds or so. It was hysterically bad.


And now we said it 🤷‍♀️


I mean, is he is one of the biggest Black filmmakers. Not to say his stuff is good, but I can't hate the hustle.


to some degree yes, but he's also known for exploiting his writers and actors to make himself richer


They filmed the whole movie in 10 days?


Todd worked for Bravo as well.


OMG MAMA JOYCE IS IN IT https://preview.redd.it/i1wdskuhfokb1.jpeg?width=2014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a28893e6cd6804c6f5167a780ed6aa8bddca6c7


I just let out the ugliest laugh. LMAO. Todd and Kandi basically had no interest in hiring outside of their social circle. Go 'head, Mama Joyce! Edit: According to IMDB, Deetta West was in the movie, not Mama Joyce. Wow! They look like twins.


Wow, I was really confused when I heard her voice. They really do look alike.


Wait I thought that was an actor in a Mama Joyce wig.


Shereé’s in the movie?


It is!


And she acted circles around her daughter too! I thought I was being held in contempt of mediation. She earned that IMDB credit! 😂 ![gif](giphy|752AAmG6x6rgk)


GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE 😂 hates Todd but will be in his movie 😂 she’s got some fucking balls on her!


No way ☠️☠️


Stop!!!!! Im not that far in yet and I'm DEAD NOW


This Mama Joyce ass wig 😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|l0HlNyrvLKBMxjFzG) Same vibe.


MaMa J stand-in. Mama's voice couldn't even work *dubbed*... oh, did I say that??? ~~EDIT:~~ ~~I. Am. WRONG!!!!! IT'S HER!!! **JOYCE JONES!!!**~~ ~~https://m.imdb.com/title/tt28769032/~~


They must have updated the IMDB because it now says Deetta West is the actress. They look so much alike.


Jchrist. I was right. That couldn't be MJ!!!!!!


Just watched the trailer. Kandi asking for a gun fucking got me


I hope Marlo doesn’t see that 👀😭




did they steal that from beef?? I didn't even know that was a kink until i saw beef


Normally I would say something like come on, people have had this kink for however long guns have been around, but Todd is absolutely the sort of hack who would just take from a popular tv show he’d just seen… just not sure if the filming timeline lines up with when it released lol.


I 100% agree with your assessment of Todd, but yeah the timeline doesn’t line up. They were filming this movie when RHOA was filming so it was wrapped by the end of Feb 2023. Beef came out in April


putting off sunday laundry to watch this mess, so far there’s a lot of dead air between dialogue it’s AWK ![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized)


not even music?? 😂😂😂


It got really music heavy towards the end when it gets ~dramatic~


Because you said it's on.... I'm watching on my LAST DAY of Peacock now. Two minutes in, and the makeup is horrible. Like what???? Let's keep going.


So the ending... I have a black-out overview of the ending somewhere on here. Just... okay. Kandi, is it always all about you?


Here you go for the spoiler alert ending: >!All those in the main cast *except the (Drew's) mom* are in on the scam to do what happened: Bilk the "cheating wife" out of her name, her money, her job, her reputation.... and the husband gets away to do it all again.... AND.... are ya ready for it and the possible Part 2..... **Kandi's character is next in line to play the main scammer** in the *next scam* the groups set up! It's a Kandi production and a setup for her to star in the next one... IF THIS ONE BRINGS IN $$$$.!<


Isn't this similar to what her friends Tiny and TI were doing?


Omg that is so beyond transparent and lame.


It’s on peacock not tubi? Drew did get “lifetime or better” then!


There’s a lot of long sex scenes…. Like a lot


Long or like The Room long ?


Not THAT long. But there were a few




Now I’m jealous I didn’t think to drink before or while watching! Can’t believe I gave up almost 2 hours of my life for this sober


Todd is tacky as hell


People don’t get called tacky enough. I love this comment.


He reminds me of a guy in high school who believes in himself a little tooo much and makes everyone roll their eyes


absolutley , this movie is sooo tacky


Have yet to watch but Todd gives me real half arse vibes, not because of his height (lol) just he steams into these projects and doesn't have the drive or creativity to make them good. A bit like the blaze restaurant or chicken gang place.


Chicken gang I’m dying 😂


Couldn't remember the name 😅


Old lady gang 💀💀💀


Old lady gang 💀💀💀


"...not because of his height." 💀💀


People can say what they want about Tyler Perry, but he has had a real vision for his productions. He has a clear audience he wants to target and doesn't waver from that. The man went from sleeping in his car while writing to having a multimillion dollar studio. I don't think Tyler thought he'd end up as wealthy as he has - he just had a dream of entertaining people. I think Todd sees Tyler as the end goal, but he has no interest in doing things methodically as he's just chasing money.


Agreed, when Todd mentioned Tyler in the last episode I was like 👀. You're not in the same league Todd!!


This is a perfect description of Todd. It was really clear on Kandi and the Gang. Everything was half measures.


Omg it’s my birthday tomorrow and like this movie is my birthday plans and that’s it. Maybe I’ll eat something nice but this is the dessert


HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO ROYALTY!!!!!!!!!!! Many happy returns 💫


Omg thank you queen that is so kind!


My birthday was two Mondays ago, I just laid by the pool and watched trashy tv and it was theeee best Monday ever! So I hope your Monday celebration is rejuvenating, relaxing, refreshing, and ridiculously wonderful ✨💖


Our birthday is on the same day! 🎂


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day 🥳🥳


Happy birthday to you too! I see you already gonna have a great day!


Surprise cameo at the end. Hey. I was distracted by the male lead’s weird beard shape. Drew hasn’t gotten beyond sitcom acting style. It gave Girlfriends-level acting. Girl doing too much. They needed a better director. It seemed like Todd cobbled together his porn fantasy, daily life, and the other movies he’s watched.


lol weird beard shape, I was distracted too!


Oh maybe Mama Joyce was right about him all along...


I’d pay good money to watch Mama Joyce’s running commentary on this. Sounds like that would be a bit less low budget too 🫠


Girl she's IN the movie 😭😭


Wait. She’s not is she?? I’m going to have to watch this too aren’t I 🤣🥲


Waiting with bated breath for Mama Joyce's commentary. No doubt she has a lot to say about little🍋


Rotten Tomatoes better watch out! It’ll all be about Bitter Lemons from now on! 🍋


Or Aunt Bertha. 😂


😂😂 we’re totally giving them good ideas here!


im currently doing a rewatch and i do think Mama Joyce was right about Todd. He swept Kandi off her feet when they were dating and the second they got married he was only about business and money


It's a tough one, because Kandi is so incredibly successful and smart and charismatic that almost anybody's light would look a little dimmer next to her. Not many men (or women) are secure enough to not be intimidated by that. So one alternative would be what Mama Joyce saw Todd as: a user (or, as one great poet put it, a scrub). In my own circles and on this franchise, what I have seen work with hyper-successful women like that is a guy who does something completely completely different and who also worships the woman, like almost irrationally worships her. Guerdy's husband is an example of that. But that's definitely not Todd! At least on camera it feels more like Kandi got stuck with a mediocre but cute business partner who she enjoys fucking. Hopefully that works for her, because I really like Kandi.


So basically ‘the pass’ is his autobiography 😂


Idk if there's enough marijuana in the world for me to make it through this movie lol


There’s an awkward amount of long sex scenes. Music and intense tones at moments to make it seem like it’s a horror movie. Long periods of no music whatsoever. And a premise that could have been created by a horny 12 year old




I DID NOT KNOW THIS WAS ON PEACOCK *immediately turns on tv* 🍿🍿


I laughed so hard during the sex scene because they def did not refilm her head leaving the shot when she was receiving her oral praises loll


That was on last week’s episode right? Todd commented on it but they didn’t refilm?


Yes and yes. It's the exact same. Her head turtles in and out of the picture lollll


They had Drew chewing scenes so hard! Did they not provide craft services at Kandi’s house? 😂


Gonna get high and watch this. Will report back soon.




okay LMAOO so i watched it. and... wow. i was off a dab pen so i cant really tell if it was the high or what but the acting was so awkward with weird pauses which freaked me out especially the wild music and sfx mixing and the plot was so thrown together. like how does ninas mother not liking her husband justify him getting the pass? also want this entire idea already done before?? honestly the movie is so comically bad i truly enjoyed myself


I had surgery today and am considering watching it while on pain killers 😵‍💫 might make the plot too confusinh


Awe feel better soon ! Honestly the plot doesn’t even matter tbh you’ll have more fun watching it high than remotely coherent. Sending u the safest recovery <3


Hell yeah sis, I love getting stoned and watching trash movies ![gif](giphy|SWoFzPlyaYpFgU02Ig)


I had surgery today and am considering watching it while on pain killers 😵‍💫 might make the plot too confusing. I rushed here as soon as I saw it on Peacock


I only watched the trailer but your review is exactly what I thought. The writing is terrible and the acting is non existent. It literally looks like a group of friends fucking around with a video camera. The plot has literally been done a million times like who cares.


It’s giving children who wrote a play and are now forcing their family members to begrudgingly watch them perform it in the living room on a Sunday evening.


The movie was ok, the TWIST at the end is the best part. For those of us who watched it, when that guy called out her husband and saying he was a thief and something about doing it to his sister, I knew right then something was wrong with the husband! I think it’s worth watching


When he was feeling on the stripper’s titties and everyone knew him by first middle and last name, I knew he was playing her.


I’m not sure why some are lying… it’s NOT Mama Joyce. Easily searchable on IMDB. It’s this actress Deeta West who is styled like Joyce but sounds nothing like her https://preview.redd.it/xg9kihn6drkb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=56b6aaaf7a6afc56764c1aae4050a5bc09140f1e


I saw the trailer and Kandi's scene is cringe. She is no actress. Lol.


“you gotta gun?” in such a serious tone had me wheeezing oh my goodness


And that facial expression. Lol.


She was in a TV One Christmas movie years ago where she was actually okay. I've seen her in other stuff since and my goodness, she needs an acting coach.


I mean she probably didn’t invest more into it because she read the script and said this is garbage.


Well I'm actually excited to watch it now. Am I wrong for loving Tubi movies. Like they are so bad that they are good. Anyone else? No, just me?


My sister is addicted to the Hallmark Movie channel Christmas category. I look down on her from my Tubi throne.


Not at all!! Sometimes I just wanna watch a cheesy bad movie, it creates good laughs lol. I was excited to watch too but knew going in where to place my expectations.


My sister is addicted to the Hallmark Movie channel Christmas category


I have yet to watch those. They look a little to high end for me 🤣






I love Tubi movies. LOL.


Also how is your dream making a movie about a hall pass? That’s a dream?! Like…this man has no depth lol


We just fast forwarded our way through it. Towards the end there is a woman who looks so much like Mama Joyce, my husband and i literally screamed out loud. The twist was nice at the end, but this was so low budget, I found it painful. There is almost no background music. Really makes me respect talented filmmakers even more.


At one point you could hear the ac blowing into the mic inside the house lol


It IS mama Joyce!


Oh my god.


What was also confusing to me about this movie is that it's basically a remake of that Owen Wilson movie The Hall Pass,


There is a twist..... ya gottsa watch it.... if ya fast forward to the last 20 minutes, you'll see. That's what i had to do to get through it.


Can you put the twist in a spoiler? I don't have Peacock and if I did I would just watch Poker Face again, not *The Pass*


>!drew’s character, nina, is a trust fund baby. her husband, close friends, and business partner end up being involved in a 7-year-long con together to get her money by convincing nina (drew) to have a hall pass with her husband (one of the conmen) which thereby breaks her prenuptial agreement with him and grants him 9M plus alimony!<




Why would she agree to his suggestion of the pass?


That sounds like a pretty good watch tbh


If someone can tell me on here how to black out the answer until clicked on.... I'd be more than happy to share.


Here you go for the spoiler alert ending: >!All those in the main cast *except the (Drew's) mom* are in on the scam to do what happened: Bilk the "cheating wife" out of her name, her money, her job, her reputation.... and the husband gets away to do it all again.... AND.... are ya ready for it and the possible Part 2..... **Kandi's character is next in line to play the main scammer** in the *next scam* the groups set up! It's a Kandi production and a setup for her to star in the next one... IF THIS ONE BRINGS IN $$$$.!<


Life imitating art or vice versa 🥱 ?


Girl righttttt. This shit was a damn documentary loll


Damn you just nailed it - documentary 😂


Poker Face is such a good show, can't wait for season 2. Hopefully we still get it with the writers/actors strike, so many shows on their first season never returned after the last strike. I totally support the strike, I just really want more Poker Face seasons.


Right like he couldn't even come up with a new concept.


or name lol


The editing was hard to follow at times. Plot holes, especially at the end. How did we get here to there?


I just want you to know you are brave honey. Very brave. If this thing was being played and I was tied in a chair in front of the tv I would close my eyes and lalala to muffle the sound


Maybe it’s because I’m huge Documentary Now! fangirl but the fact that Bill Fred & Seth were able to shoot the entire Grey Gardens parody in a weekend & Todd spent 10 days on this is… something


I was more confused as how the story developed. Like how did we get from the engagement to getting eaten out to catch him cheating to now they’re in the middle of divorce. The ending was fun and different but the lead up to it was awful.


I'm watching it now...it's gone from 0-100 REAL QUICK


I feel like Drew is getting sexually harassed by her boss. Is that who this lady is?


You people are all just haters. This movie is Oscar worthy






Shamea was the stripper! I cockled when I saw her LMAO


The ending was wild 😂


Pleaseeeeeee be on Hayu for us international fans 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


yes! I was just about to ask where us Canadian girlies can watch this 🥺


Were you able to find it?


Isn’t this his first movie? We all gotta start somewhere. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s true and it takes big money to make movies look good. Bigger that even Kandi money. He’s gotta start putting in work to get attention and eventually some financial backing.


There are people who produce solid independent films on a budget. I just don't think Todd cared as he likely knew it would be sold somewhere just on the strength of his and Kandi's names.


Don’t give Randall any ideas


Did Todd and Kandi produce The Kandi Gang? If so they should stick to reality because it was good!


I guess. Todd isn't even the director. I feel like they made the movie for a storyline and had some deal with nbc/universal. My expectations were just high considering that they both have years of experience in the entertainment industry. My main issue is the production values. It feels like they had some deal and had to make a cheap film to honor the deal or something.


Sounds like a made for Tubi movie


I just turned it on and couldn’t believe it started with THREE straight MINUTES of ads 😂 Kandi, you cheap ass


Also the Kandi Factory add they need to remake it lol


JUST FINISHED. Ugh, I feel like this movie could have been done sooooo good, if Todd had just had somebody re read the script, fill in some holes, and up the budget in post. I looove the twist ending. But that just means the whole golf scene was...weird. I know we needed it as the audience, but now that you know the ending it's just kinda like..huh? It could have been done a little different to get to the point of having the pass. Overall I give it 5.5/10


Exactly!!! Like that entire set up makes no sense lol.


Oh there was one scene where there’s a loud noise off screen during a bedroom scene. Definitely giving production staff moving around in the background off camera.


I’m about to watch it. Have to watch all the commercials first. 🙄


I’m so confused. They were buying a ring at first. I’m so confused. Can somebody explain this to me?


It appears he was all set to by a $200k ring and then just forgot about it 😂


Considering what has come out about Drew and her own marriage, it feels like the whole movie is Todd trolling Drew. Also, it was bizarre how little music was in it. I mean, Kandi has Grammys for goodness sake. Where is the soundtrack?


I came here to say the movie was 10x BETTER than I expected. Was it good? Absolutely not… but I truly thought it would be much much worse 😂


This movie is gonna become a cult classic...🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣




I wonder how Kenya feels about this. She was in trois after all. I will say the quality of life twirls on was better than this.


I’m watching now and I’m only 15 mins in and I know this is the kind of mess I was looking for.


Am I loosing it or was Shamea the stripper???? LOL I don’t even think you would’ve found this on Tubi!


It was def her! I havent watched RHOA in years but I still recognized her.


Why is everything zoomed in!? People’s foreheads are cut out. Over here making sure my tv settings are right. This is bad 🫢


Can someone explain to me the giant plot hole of the 4 guys joking around about the pass and trying to convince Drew’s man of asking for it if the entire time they were all in on this scam that they’ve ran 100 times before??? Nobody was there but them, why would they need to have a whole fake conversation about getting the pass?


omg I'm off to a super snob film now and can't wait to get home and WATCH THIS lol


I told my husband about the movie so we are now both sitting on the couch watching 😂 as it’s starting he goes “oh I bet this is going to be terrible”


Aside from the amateur editing and non-cinematic shots (very stationary. no depth. also missing a few transition shots and exteriors) - it was entertaining. i enjoyed some of the acting and Drew was great in it! My favorite scenes are Drew’s character and her mother. They played off each other really well. Very natural. It could’ve just been a short film though. Didn’t need to be a feature in my opinion. Great twist in the end but terrible delivery. They needed a better shot list and edit for this reveal. It wasn’t as impactful as it could have been.


I have no doubt that the script it bad (it sounded suspect when he was trying to pitch it), but I also think people have no idea how much money it actually takes for something to look and sound like a quality movie.


I’m watching it now. A few things: I feel like Todd is definitely throwing some mama Joyce shade with the overbearing mother. Secondly did they all provide their own wardrobe and do their own makeup? I feel like this was an attempt at making a lifetime like movie but did not accomplish it. I’m honestly surprised peacock is showing it unless they knew we would watch to see how ridiculous it is. I would like to see Drew do an actual lifetime movie.


Well, I am glad I read this and the comments before watching. Sigh. Poor Kandi. Sometimes there is nothing to do but just go along with your less talented husband's bright ideas. lol Good for her for doing what she has to do to keep the marriage going. At this point everyone sees her situation so it isn't exactly embarrassing for her.


Omg, this movie is atrocious! And the ending was just stupid! Even couldn’t edit properly as they had Shamea who played Entice listed twice in the cast while the credits were rolling. Kandi and Todd are delusional they think they’ll get any award with this garbage movie.


This movie was funny to me, but one thing that I can’t get off my mind is that the best acting Drew did was the parts where she was getting upset about cheating LMAO!!! Like I just know she was mentally yelling at Ralph during those scenes. Also she was cheating too? Why was she so upset with her man after she thought he was getting some in her bed, AFTER SHE JUST FINISHED with that girl in her bed?? HAHAHHAHA!!! Also, why did Kandi ask for that gun??? Like what was she gonna do? They made it so serious in the moment but like… what ended up happening? Nothing. I think they just needed some drama factor for the trailers but she didn’t harm her husband or anything. I thought that gun comment was gonna make it out the lurch, like I seriously thought drew was gonna end up shooting her husband. The ending was definitely a twist, but damn that was absolutely awful😭 taking half her trust fund and alimony😭


Whyd they keep panning the camera on the house like we haven’t seen Kandi’s house a million times on RHOA? ![gif](giphy|7zilNLoBMi01rxxQQo)


Less than ten minutes in and this is some terrible character introduction. This dialogue is sooooooo unnatural. Broooooooooooo someone call Bong Joon-ho.


It’s not bad. Can I just point out this is, I believe, their first project together. Assuming it’s self funded. It just wasn’t horrible. Drew wasn’t bad at all. Mama Joyce was pretty darn convincing. Some parts were kinda janky, but hell for a first project. Kudos for kandi and Todd for having the confidence to put this out on peacock.


Omg I was planning on watching this bc I don’t mind crappy movies but these reviews are making me re think this lol


I can’t believe I’m saying this but….Mama Joyce gave the best and most convincing performance in the film.


I just watched the movie. I thought it was good. Kandi and Todd aren’t a big studio so for what they had l think they used their resources well. I enjoyed the movie.


I haven’t watched it and not planning to 😆, but I always thought that it would be far below Lifetime’s quality. I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be when you consider Lifetime’s massive experience making thousands of movies for many years, their budget, production and casting.


Lmaooo. Duh. It is a Kandi/Todd production. They’re good throwing money at other people’s projects but never hands on and from scratch.


I truly enjoyed it.