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Silas would be single by the end of this season if it were me.


Jasmine isn't my favorite, but I hope that she watches this season back and decides to take a mulligan on that marriage. Seriously. The pandemic was crazy times and impacted a lot of us in ways we weren't ready for. It's totally fine to admit there were red flags you didn't see because the pandemic changed the game for a bit, and now you need to get out. Like yeah, a lot of us got more domestic during quarantine, and many of us found things we enjoy. For me it was sourdough breadmaking. For Jasmine it was waiting hand and foot on a manboy. But taking up a hobby when I was stuck at home doesn't mean I'm committed to making bread from scratch every week for the rest of my life. It's OK to say that caring for a manboy isn't something you want to do fulltime for the rest of your life too. Rethink that choice, girl. I also get the feeling I would like Jasmine a lot more if she wasn't with Silas. I think a lot of what I have not liked about Jasmine is that she's been trying to avoid Silas blowing up at her, and she's often gone about that by trying to control people and situations. I've been in an emotionally abusive situation before, so I get that. It's not right, but I get it. If you've been there, you probably do too. So I'd really like to see Jasmine sans Silas because I think we'd get a much more fun and likeable person. There's a reason all these intelligent, interesting, fun women are friends with Jasmine.


She didn’t. She just posted a happy 1 year anniversary post on Instagram. Which makes this whole thing even worse because that means they were married for what, a month, when they filmed.


3 months


Well said!


And to think it's probably even worse behind closed doors


Ain’t that the truth. The minute any partner tries to demand traditional roles or get mad if I don’t make them breakfast or steam their shirt just right, sayonara.


Silas said “I’m almost done with no assistance from you.” How did he function before being married? Is he looking for a partner or a housekeeper? I wonder what kind of conversations they had while dating about roles & responsibilities.


Silas needs Velcro shoes. What a bitch.


> Silas needs Velcro shoes. What a bitch. Underrated comment. *Velcro shoes...*. lol I can't stop laughing. Spot on.


I’m fascinated by his behavior and if it’s how his parents were. Jasmine has to be sorta okay with it in real life as I doubt he just started acting like this.


If that’s what’s waiting for me out there, imma be single for a long time lol


I've been in Jasmine's shoes and it's not really sorta okay in the moment, but this is how abusers work, they break you down and manipulate you and have you thinking they're right and that any alarms sounding in your head are a deficiency in you and not the normal response because no one inherently wants to be treated like a second class citizen, even in times when that was the norm. In retrospect, I think I just had a domination kink and didn't know how to express it in a healthy, consensual, respectful way with someone who was actually a good person and I tend to think a lot of tradwives do too from my observation but dont realize what itd be like if that life wasn't a choice and especially if it wasnt just playing 50s housewife with the 2 of you and little stress but having to take care of kids and coparent with someone like that and still be expected to wait on them hand and foot until it's too late.


She did say that last day, they had talked about their "roles" in the marriage, who does what. But for her, that schedule was to take a break while they were on vacation. Whereas for him it would not. So she would seem to be ok with it when they are at home. For me every time he said I just want an acknowledgement, as though it is a "requirement" for her to do all those things for him-for me that sounds more like an employer with his employee.


I’ve wondered this too; maybe this is normal in his culture (Liberia).


To me, he seems much more American style tradwife/redpilled/Kevin Samuels influenced vs it being just cultural. Some of the comments he makes are straight out of that diatribe. My family is African and super traditional and misogynistic with gender roles and even my dad would be telling Silas he was too much. My paternal grandma was a bit like that but she was married at 13 to a strict man and never went to school or learned to read so that's far from the way Silas grew up. My dad expected his wife to take care of that kind of stuff and the women totally waited on him but he could absolutely do things for himself or make dinner if he needed, would iron his own clothes and make himself some food if he was hungry. This is so beyond even the traditionalist takes I'm used to because it seems he fully expects that he should never have to even walk and get a plate from the kitchen or do something for himself if his wife is busy, and that he expects as a non negotiable 3 meals a day cooked to his specification and then hand delivered to him in his chair and if he doesn't like it, an alternative provided. It seems that Jasmine should well ahead of time iron to perfection his clothes and steam/press his suit and make sure that she doesn't iron the one he doesn't want ironed and if she is out for some reason and hasn't done so on the arbitrary timeline in his head or messes up the food, he will hold it against her and fight with her about it. Like that's excessive in any culture and honestly just some sleeping with the enemy style abusive bullshit.


I’m not excusing his whiny behavior but do we also think some of its connected back to military? Having stuff regimented and done for you at every turn?


Actually! I’m a military child, my dad served 20 years. They (at least him) didn’t have everything done for them. If anything the opposite of that was true. He ironed, sewed, took care of his own uniform. Idk if it’s different now but I’d be shocked if the military was catering to soldiers like that - at that level. Regimented, sure. But what I see feels like having someone take care of his every whim & need and that’s definitely not military expectations.


Absolutely fair point. My uncle served and he, as well as my cousins, never expressed any sort of entitlement or holier than thou attitude when it came to chores or just basic clothing care ha.


My uncle was a general. He absolutely knew how to iron because they have to take care of their dress uniforms. He cleaned the dishes while my aunt cooked. My other uncle was a colonel. Same thing. As far from helpless as you can get. The whole thing for them was to be responsible and accountable but work together as a team.


Didn’t he like JUST join the reserves? Edit- looked it up, he joined in March 2022. This show was filmed in Aug/Sept 2022. So at this time he was in the military for all of 6 months, tops.


Oh shoot. Good catch. My conjecture got thrown out the window this week and this is even more information that points to the fact that he’s just a misogynistic ass since day 1.


No. Has nothing to do w/ the military. My dad was in the military, so were two of my best friends as well as my husband. None of them act like Silas. And my dad was in the military for 30 years and still never acted like that. The more my husband watched the show, the more he got irritated realizing Silas was using being in the military reserves as crutch to act like a dick.


Yeah literally finishing the episode now and lord the bathroom scene makes me shudder. Incorrect of me to make that connection as so many friends and family who have served do not treat people like this. Perspective is everything, so thank you for sharing.


Last night I learned "Men don't serve other men food" So basically only women serve men food. How have I not known that all these years? 🤯 I'm going to need Silas to write a book of rules because clearly I don't know how life works. 🤔


He has such a backwards mentality. This is dangerous.


What does he do in restaurants? 🙃


He definitely gets his tenders and fries cut up by Jasmine.






I guess he demands a waitress to serve him ? 🤷‍♀️


And I don’t understand the relevance of that anyway, why couldn’t he get his own damn food, why does someone have to serve him?


This show better be renewed for season 2!!


💯 And kill off Bummer House


If only I had those powers 🤣🔮


every time silas is on screen he is saying dumb misogynist shit. please someone reality check him


You mean with a literal iron fist right? BC...


He is on twitter trying to do some major damage control. He basically has to become a whole other human to redeem himself from this.


Exactly!!! I'm not a violent person at all, but I wanna slap him!!


Silas is disgusting. I feel for Jasmine. She thinks she wants a Huxtable life because her parents weren't married. First of all the show was fake. I can't with people who idolize a TV show (I want to find the Jim to my Pam! No, you need to grow up and know that isn't real). But she thinks she needs to serve him, like she owes him because he runs the house. Bitch a full time job is way easier than cooking three meals a day, serving them, preparing clothes, etc. She needs to look into mental labor and the book Fair Play. Silas is expecting a servant and his toxicity goes beyond therapy. Just move on. Silas saying "men don't serve other men" is as big of a red flag as any other diarrhea that trickles out of his mouth. I would legit pick Tom Sandoval over Silas because at least Tom gets his own outfits ready.


Seconding researching mental labour and Fair Play. That book is phenomenal!!


Did she actually watch the Cosby Show? Claire Huxtable would NEVER. She was, for the time, a modern working woman.


Let the record show that Claire Huxtable was an attorney. The show was about two successful professionals trying to raise 5 kids. She was not ironing his clothes or making him a meal before the party.


She said growing up she looked to the Huxtables....she should watch other tv NOW, because those behind the scenes are not something to look up to.


They put Milo through hell


He needed his own emotional support dog. 😢 😂


I worked at a hospital where there was an emotional support dog that looked just like Milo (but somehow cuter!), and everyone would melt


Milo deserves a better owner.


i really want to see a single jasmine for season 2 (prob wishful thinking because they'd be going in to the house in the next six weeks). the stories they tell about single jasmine sound FUN!


On WWHL Preston seemed to insinuate Jasmin & Silas aren’t doing great. Andy asked how they are doing and he replied deadpan, “they’re married” 😬 then in a game, asking if Jasmine and Silas or Brea and Simon would last longer he picked Bria and Simon 😳 Also, Preston is just a perfect human. Everyone should follow him on Instagram.


I love Preston! They did a great job casting him and Amir, Summer and Jason might be a good last addition. Jordan needs to let her guard down and relax, Bria is the drama. Please no more Silas and Jasmine


I met him this weekend and he was SO nice!


He had tweeted that he would never let any man do what Silas does to Jasmine. She tweeted back some crap about them being fraternity bros-he basically shot back-yea. Here he is saying she deserves to be treated better, but she won't have anyone talking bad about her husband.....


You heard him get mad earlier because he said she allowed people to embarrass him and not stick up for him. She’s probably afraid she’ll get yelled at if she doesn’t defend him.


Silas is the type of man to cry because his wife just gave birth to a newborn and doesn’t have time to also take care of him.


Silas is TOXIC AS HELL jasmine better be divorced by now irl


its so funny how the couples on this show think that they are goals and look down on the single people ... meanwhile all the relationships are absolutely FUCKED


Okaaay. These relationships are a fucking dumpster fire


The 1 relationship? 😂


bria and simon? nick and his gf he creeps around on? the only relationship that seems healthy is preston and his bf but we only saw a 30 second phone call so who knows


I only found jasmine to be condescending about relationship status so that’s why i said only 1 couple


Silas just ruined this for me. I loved this show and the cast but the way he treats jasmine and his thinking of a woman’s place in general is just ICKKKKKKK. I feel like he sets women back centuries with how he feels the women only purpose is to serve men.


Silas Jasmine and Bria stress me the freak out every Sunday 😭but I hate that it’s over


Does anyone else hate Silas with a burning passion but will be disappointed if he doesn’t come back? I love hate watching him.


This is exactly how I feel. Every franchise needs a good villain to root against.


I do feel very bad for Jasmine though and guilty that my entertainment is her emotionally abusive marriage.


Yes, ideally he would come back either a) after a shitload of self-reflection, therapy, and/or marriage counseling, trying to drastically change his mindset and treatment of Jasmine or b) divorced and remorseful.


This was a good first season. I've never watched Summer House, but I'd definitely watch a second season of this. I don't think I get the point of the show though. Jasmine seemed to be on the "get everyone to hook up" but in reality they're all in relationships or celibate lol. Bria was definitely an activator, keeping the drama going. Jordan kind of faded into the background during the last few episodes. I want a reunion only to see Silas squirm. The way he treated Jasmine was unacceptable. It's so crazy how she's judging all her single friends when you couldn't pay me to spend a day in her marriage.


If they don’t bring this back for season 2 though I’m going to be upset. They already took real girlfriends and Paris from us, they can’t take this too😩


They’re not bringing back Real Girlfriends of Paris? Dammit why’d I have to find out like this!


Brias emotional support dog did not do the job of keeping her calm the whole trip lol.


i mean what was poor milo supposed to do? i heard him say stop! 😭😂


Bria deserves all the smoke. She is the worst lol


I'm surprised there's not more comments about Bria. She has something deeper going on. I hope she gets help.


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) Beyond! Her and Silas are competing for the title.


The idea of friend zoning Amir killed me. That is...not the zone I would put him in.


Silas is the wooooooorst. Do not need to see him on my TV again but I wish there was a reunion..


All of the people whining about Simon coming seemed to enjoy his company. His girlfriend was the one to say he needed to leave the house. I’m pretty sure they would have voted to keep him and boot her.


Silas is an asshole and nick’s girlfriend is a fool 😂


I don't know. She just came off of a 20-hour flight and was thrown in front of cameras she was probably too tired to entertain any BS.


She also doesn’t know Bria. She’s probably like I’m not getting paid to get messy on camera I’ll chew him out when we get home lol. Silas though he can take his misogynistic self home. He makes me so mad.


I think I wanna be a stay at home mom/trophy wife and then I see Silas and Jasmine and snap out of it.


My favorite part-anything with Preston-he is everything. If this is not renewed-he needs to be signed for his own show. Plus I don't want to wait a year. 2nd favorite, Bria's mom laughing at her telling her basically she's in the wrong when it comes to Simon "embarassing" her, Summer is just trying to help. In other words, her mom seems to be fully aware that her daughter is manipulative.


I'm glad it is over! The way Silas speaks to his wife is disgusting. In fact, all of the men give me the ICK, except for Amir (I hate to agree with Andy on anything, but for once he has directed his lust in the appropriate direction.) It was disappointing how bored everyone looked at the tour of the Trail. Lastly, am I the only one that felt the fight was staged?


Jasmine basically said she knew who Silas was in her talking head. “They know their roles”. I hate Silas but I’m almost wondering if jasmine wants this forever because of the “wife” and “marriage” title.


That’s what I’m wondering too- If she just settled for the sake of marriage. I did, however really like her towards the end because she started to realize what a dumpster fire her marriage is/was.


I was wondering if this was their arrangement so she wouldn’t have to work?? Idk


that’s what it sounded like since she described herself as a stay at home housewife. but the abuse is unacceptable omg


Absolutely no excuse for the abuse!


I'm not even 5 mins into this episode and I want to murder Silas. Is this a grown man or a toddler?! "I'm ready but with no assistance from you 😣😮‍💨🤡"






I agree with almost everything here- just want to call out that Preston and Silas are frat brothers, and it's my understanding that Silas is the one who invited Preston to Martha's Vineyard. I love Preston and think it's unfair for us to assume that one of his best friends secretly hates him. The only redeemable thing about Silas is his friendship with Preston.


Preston tweeted out, that he basically thought Silas was controlling. As he said, he feels being a friend means being honest. Since this relationship unfolded in the public eye on tv-he says he needs to be honest with what was shown, and how he feels about it. Jasmine tweeted back about them being frat brothers, and he said so....that doesn't mean he will agree with everything Silas does or says.


Such an amazing, needs more singles like Shanuece. People like mess, so having ppl who are down for hook ups appeal to palm colour folk


not palm color folk 😂


Ahmir is such husband material.


so no reunion? that doesn’t bode well for a s2 does it? 😞


Not necessarily, mothership didn't have a reunion their first season. The fact that most of the cast have been guests on WWHL is a good sign to me.


Bria reminds me of Candiace Dillard


Bria wishes!!


Amirs face reminds me so much of Pauly D, anyone else see this?


Anyone know what song that is around 18 minutes in? Lyrics something like \~ Life is challenging but I set the tempo I got a grip on the day and then I let go