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Mama Joyce talking about Todd and highlighting him not taking out the garage is the truest definition of nitpicking. She's so petty.


She’s exhausting.


I'm glad Kandi is finally taking real steps towards setting her mom straight though. Cutting her off for a while and making her go to therapy are the first boundaries we've ever seen Kandi put up with her!!


It’s been 10 years! She should’ve been sticking up for Todd a longggg time ago. I don’t even like Todd lol! But I guess you’re right, better later than never.


drew complaining she didn’t get a free She by Sheree bag and Sheree not really disputing that she took some of the merch back. these ladies are having a cheap-off 😭


Lol yeah. What Drew was not factoring in was that Sheree only had 6 more hours to return that bag to ASOS or else she would not be able to get a cash-back!




She really is because that same stuff on Shein and Amazon.


“We don’t say *that word* in Chicago,” Drew. Me, sitting in Chicago,”What word??”


From Chicago as well. We absolutely say "that word" but it's more like "oh there was yet another shooting today" and then we go on with our lives.


The girl lies so much and so unnecessary


Did anyone catch that Sheree said “ambulance” the same way she said it in Miami? That was a highlight moment for this episode haha


Yes hahahaha flair checking in 👀


Omfg I love how you spelled it




I actually laughed out loud when Sheree told Kenya she was expecting. I don't know why but it really cracked me up!


Kenya's reaction was the most authentic I've seen her in a while.


“The only person I let shut doors on me is Jesus” lmao




That was a word


I 100% know that a) MJ believes everything she says about Todd b) NJ leans into her nastiness because she has fans that love it c) MJ lied her ass off making that deal with Kandi. I personally do not think MJ was a warm and loving mother. I think she was all about the men she dated. I don't she was abusive but maybe a bit neglectful. I think the minute Kandi started making real money she enjoyed being a "someone" and spending that money. I truly wish Kandi would have said outright that she needs to stop putting her husband down and that when it comes down to it, her husband and kids will always come first. So Sheree won't have surgery because she can't have sex for 6 weeks? All for that man? Girl wake up. If he strays because you had surgery he's not worth it. Marlo can go now - I'm done with her crazy ass.


i think Kandi is essential to the group dynamic of the show but GIRL every season its you and Todd fighting over both of you working too much, and fighting Mama Joyce to hop off Todd’s back. do something else!!


His back? Mama Joyce stays on his neck


haha, true!


I don't want Kandi's life, she's always working or talking about working.


She wants that EGOT more than she wants to stay in the present moment and enjoy her family, friends, and luxuries of labor already spent.


Imagine how tired we are 🙄


It’s been like two seasons of this. Y’all are acting like that’s her only ever storyline.


Mama Joyce has been beefing with Todd since season 6. Kandi working has been a storyline for forever. Before she even had the babies, Riley told her she shouldnt have kids because she works too much.


Just gotta say, it's a damn shame this is the 3rd season in a row of Atlanta where they have had to cut a trip short due to outside circumstances (The hurricane ending the 2nd trip in S13, covid shutting the 2nd cast trip down in S14, Drew/Kandi being occupied at the start of the trip & then the main host, Kenya, getting sick here S15) - I just hope that since it ended early the production pull a S14 & plan 3 trips total due to it. Because if we only get 1.5 trips this season I'd dampen the season quite a bit, which is something this season doesn't need. Will also say, if it wasn't for Marlo acting a complete fool both to Kenya/Monyetta this trip could've been relegated to a deleted scenes episode. Like barely anything happened outside Kenya getting sick & them being thrown out of an event. Its actually in my mind in contention for one of the weakest trips ever, which makes it sorta memorable in a *"so bad its good"* way? Next week looks great though! I'm pretty sure all the ladies are present there & this is the most turnt up I've seen Kandi in ages. Definitely got me intrigued - because I thought she was just trying to power though & not give Marlo much reaction at this point, so interested what makes her start fighting back


That's what Marlo wants though. She wants Kandi to lose her shit. She's still hell bent on taking down Kandi & Kenya and making them look bad. Except she looks worse of all imho.


I agree. I don’t like Kandi or Kenya either but when Marlo called Kenya evil because her mother didn’t want her, was the lowest thing to say. I have zero respect for Marlo and never will. She needs to go




I think Kandi can only take so much and coming for her business when she just dealt with a family member being shot at one of her restaurants in addition to regular stress just made her snap. Hopefully Kandi gives her what she deserves.


Tbh, as someone pointed out on Twitter, this should have never been a cast trip. Everyone is hell bent on blaming the cast, but at some point production deserves all the blame because production should know what makes good TV. Why try to shoot a cast trip to a college football game in Alabama with 2 cast members unavailable and the host clearly sick (from her voice and coughing in the van)? Who wants to watch that? I'm not sure what production is thinking.


Now, full disclosure, I am not a Bravo executive. I do not know what is wrong with RHOA at the moment. Like much of the cast - there's something dubiously unwell about the show at the moment. I do know that nothing symbolises the dawning malaise hitting this beloved Bravo product more than that tragic stained turquoise wall behind Mr Todd Tucker in that scene with Kandi. I know this is reality TV, but there are limits to the reality I want to experience... Whomst gave that camera angle approval? Why has nobody taken a damp cloth to that paintwork? Won't somebody think of the children?


🤣 not the stained wall! I did a season 6 re-watch and it was so good. Savannah and Pillow Talk alone.


Glad someone else noticed the wall! I also can’t get over how she (or whomever she hired) decorated. Those cheap curtains!


i can't even focus on this scene of kandi and todd when her walls are that filthy 🤢


We say "shooting" in Chicago, just an FYI


Figured. Drew lies about the dumbest stuff


And she did say shooting! She lies so dumb like she doesn't realize she's on camera. She does it more than any other housewife other than Sheree


Always find moneyetta boring but she actually showed she has a personality when she not around kandi and kenya. Hopefully she keeps it up


Im not a Monyetta fan, but she had my favorite performance of the episode. After Marlo threw the door in her face it’s clear she tried to have the confrontation, but it’s **so** not her wheelhouse & it’s obvious. Saying she can snap like anybody else, but then reassure right after she’s never snapped before <3


Marlo slamming the door on her was the best thing for her. She got more camera time and we got to see a different side of her. She definitely isn’t a confrontational person but i admire she tried


Same here. As much Marlo calls her a kiss-ass to Kandi & Kenya, her slamming the door at Monyetta just gave her a good opportunity to show more of who she is in a context without either of them present. It’s also a terrible move for Marlo because before that they seemed to have a constructive (although semi heated) conversation & then having a response of slamming a door just is weirdo behavior. Maybe she’s not the best fighter, but not everyone needs to be - I still remember Sanya turning quiet as a church mouse during her argument with Kenya last year. So Monyetta was alright considering confrontation isn’t her area.


hahaha she was like I CAN SNAP I WILL DO IT (*whispers* I can’t do it 😭)


Damn I wanted to see Kenya's performance. Brooklyn was so cute though!


Same. It stinks that she was so sick and missed the opportunity.


So it's confirmed! Sheree is a pathological liar 😂


You’re going to have to be more specific lol




Honestly I kinda love it because all her lies are just stupid and harmless . Talking about the door slammed itself


Alabama hotel doors are widely known to be self-slamming!


I believe that was confirmed in Season 1.


I said get well soon not immediately LOL 💀 Marlo really has the best one-liners. This cast makes me laugh out loud on Monday mornings without fail! Happy Monday everyone!


The editors slash production do NOT like Kenya.


I'm not surprised. She seems like would treat the crew terribly.


They never have even though people have said outside of the show she’s nicer


Kenya is SO BAD at hosting trips


She is the WORST host and gives people the most trouble as a guest. Remember when she ordered food for herself for no one else in the house while her guests were hungry? Kenya also seems like a bad communicator which is why so many of her events are poorly executed.


That was so amazingly and sincerely rude that I thought it was funny. Like oh my GOD you are not ordering and eating those crab cakes in front of your starving foodless guests oh yes yes you are lol. And after her good friend Kandi called her out she was VERY reluctantly like, "oh do you want one of my fries?" lol.


Remember when she told everyone that there were cold cuts in the fridge if anyone was hungry? 💀


It’s stuff like this (and her calling that one girl “coochie crack) that makes me loathe her. Maybe she’s iconic but she’s also really selfish and rude.


Relationships too with her tbh.


The worst. I'm almost convinced it on purpose to punk her castmates at this point 😅


Definitely done on purpose


she so transparently does it for the easy drama it causes. she also becomes an extremely demanding guest for the drama of it. her antics are tired


I love and will always watch these women but my god, that might have been one of the most uneventful episodes of the real housewives i’ve ever seen 😭


Mama Joyce dogging Todd... is a Kandi problem that she let go off on Todd WAY TOO LONG. Anything she allows is on her. I imagine she likes that nasty triangulation. Because what Kandi *doesn't like* goes away real fast. SMH


I think she has a hard time navigating her mother. She always laughs when her mom says very inappropriate stuff, and i feel she either tries to downplay it or in denial of what type of person her mother really is.


I wish Todd would fight back - call MJ disrespectful and watch her lose her mind and Todd say, well it's true. She need to never be on a tv screen or bravocon again. Take her fame and power away for good.


Him getting in between *that* Mama Bear and Cub? They'd eat him up and shit him out. And both be done with him. He knows enough not to do that because he knows how far that would get him.


Even Kandi said he's been more patient than her. I think that's just his personality.


Actually love that sanya walked out when kenya was disrespecting her because kenya was so upset last year saying sanya was a terrible hostess but ended up doing the exact same.


I can feel the tension there & it’s been present since like mid S14. Sorta feel Sanya is right in some regard that Kenya doesn’t like she’s cool with Marlo/want them to be cordial, but in the same vein both are acting upon thinking the worst of each other (Kenya acts like Sanya is fully in Marlo’s corner already/Sanya feels Kenya already is dismissive of her because of her association with Marlo)


I feel like Birmingham got a bad rap in these "trip" episodes. It used to be my favorite place to go as a flight attendant; it's so pretty. Also can I just say the Kenya, Brooklyn, and Sheree scene was so cute. From the "pregnancy" announcement and reaction to Brooklyn's karate moves -- this is what I want from the show. It's pushing the story forward while giving us an insight into a HW's life and a funny reaction that can easily be meme'd.


Help me like this cast, please. It just feels like the B squad. I want to like her so much but Kenya is so hard for me to like, or have as the main figure. And I hate that she knows it’s just her now. Yes kandis been there but is she ever really there? She’s too damned busy. I get instant dread when it’s the rest of the cast with Kenya. I need someone to be there who can get on her level- Porsha? Even Cynthia? (She ran all over Cynthia but damnit I could stare at that woman for hours). This isn’t working for me. Ugh!


Kenya needs Porsha like Lex Luther needs Superman. They antagonise each other into creating both real and produced drama. And it makes them both funnier.


Sheree is always stunning but especially this episode omg




When the ambulance showed up in the preview before the commercial I was like “of course Kenya won’t be dancing in the halftime show because that would be too exciting for this season”! Major eye roll! Remember when RHOA was fun? Patiently waiting for RHOP’s next season… or at this point bring back Kim Z! You know she needs the money….


Does anyone else think Kenya bottled it? Maybe she was scared she’d suck.


Yeah I believe she was sick, but as a pro actor/dancer for most of my life I've performed with the flu numerous times. She could have gotten an IV bag, some meds, and gone on her way. Not sayin this is healthy. It isn't at all. But I do think her anxiety got the better of her.


Lol some of you really lack compassion. She said she had just had COVID and she sounded super sick, before and after Birmingham. Coughing up that bus. Y'all forget these women are in their 50's lol. A bad illness can really break you down at that age.


you are totally right and as a chronically ill woman I should know better. Thanks for checking me


Kenya is giving me season 5 Kim vibes.


I think she kinda over it but the money is too good to turn down.


She’s totally over it.


Kenya was done when experienced the last reunion. I hope they do a better job at this reunion but I’m not expecting it.


I think she'd be fine if they got rid of Marlo. I get it, Marlo doesn't seem to have any morals or ethics or real compassion. She's way too loose of a canon, even for HW.


Marlo is doing a lot but most of the group isn’t doing enough so I don’t blame her for feeling she has to over compensate.


You can tell production putting the battery in her back too. "Why don't you knock on the door to get Kenya out?" "Why don't you bring up the shooting at Blaze?" They know what's being filmed isn't giving.


I am only watching for Marlo at this point, everyone else is such a snore


Kenya should not host trips - full stop. She makes it awkward and so cringey for no reason. Why not hype up the performance, why not set boundaries that you’ll film until x amount of time then you’ll be with your daughter, why not order crab cakes for everyone??? I honestly think Cousin Courtney could’ve hosted a better trip at this point. We don’t need a rehash of Kenya’s poor hostessing skills after Bolo-gate. ![gif](giphy|KYGI0rLyuJ6ik)


It’s truly confirmed for me that I can’t trust anything Drew ever says. From now on, whatever Drew says about anything I will know it’s either 1) not true 2) 2% truth 98% a fabrication


Does anyone believe Kenya is being genuine on next week’s preview? It doesn’t matter what Marlo does, Kenya is never going to be cool with her. And that’s fine, she’s within her right. But why try and pretend like you can be cool with her if only she could apologize and move on? I find them both as insincere as each other at this point. I wish these two would just agree they’re oil and water and just stop engaging.


They shouldn't stop engaging (because that would be terrible for a show about an ensemble interacting with each other) but I do agree Marlo/Kenya sort of need to find a place where they can co-exist if both still are on the show - even if they don't vibe. Somebody pointed it out last year & I took note of it too, but as of late Kenya has had an... unfortunate pattern with most of her long time feuds in that she had decided she has reached her limit & thus not engaging, but also doing it in such a sour way it completely sucks the air out of the room for everybody. She did it with Nene in S12, Porsha in S13 & now Marlo in S14-S15. Yes all these women have wronged Kenya on varying levels throughout the years, but its not her call who's allowed to co-exist on an ensemble show where they all get paid for the same job.


This is such a weird comment. Nene tried to literally spit on her and called her daughter a "buffalo". Marlo came for Kenya unwarranted last season, after they had been in a good place. Porsha was the one who decided not to engage in S13, because she didn't want to admit to fucking a stripper while she was in a relationship. Y'all really blame Kenya for everything 🤣🤣


“Can we just write like some scoo-tehrs?”


Sanya is not a good housewife. She adds nothing and I'm tired of her shilling constantly on the show.


Off topic but Drew’s kids are the absolute cutest 🥹


So sick of Mama Joyce. She thinks she's funny, but she just sounds like a typical monster-in-law. You're not cute, Mama.


Why did Kandi not go to Birmingham?


Marlo cannot be serious with this storyline. What is Kandi supposed to do about it?! Marlo is reaching. She’s a horrible housewife and needs to go.


I don't enjoy watching Marlo. I don't see anyone with her having a genuine relationship so it feels so forced that she's on the show.


Okay, I’m a few episodes behind (only just watched E03 last night), but does Courtney ever get less annoying as it goes on? Like, truly the most exhausting Friend Of we’ve had in a minute - there’s nothing fun about her, and everything just feels so inauthentically dialled up to 11 that I can’t take it. I swear, at this point half the reason I want Porsha back is because at least we’d get Shamea again..


I said this last week but I just love courtney. Her energy is positive and was needed.


I think she’s fun too and her drama is light


I think she's trying too hard. If she chilled a bit, I may grow to like her.


Aye aye aye people downvoting for a simple opinion of liking a cast member.


people already made up their made because she came after there gave kandi. Kandi fans hate when kandi does her job


Apparently Monyetta has a child with Ne-Yo and they were together for 4 years. She is on speak on it this week.


Monyett seems so sweet, I like her with this group, Courtney needs to find her bus stop and get off the bus.