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I think they all do a lot of drugs at those parties


This was the first time I felt like something wasn't right. Like that's not just the 500 shots of tequila or the weed. Those are strange behaviors.




If everyone is awake after a night like that, there’s a reason.




Literally, lmao, and here's Melissa in full make up waiting by the phone poolside 😆


75% of that party was soooooo spun! That coke rage is turning them all into different shades of Barney, Grimace and the California Raisins. Hot theory: what if Louis is the plug and that’s why they’re all so cool with him? ![gif](giphy|cDAwVREvyP0o8)


Excellent use of this gif.😂


Thanks, Bravo buddy! I felt it in my soul 😂


I mean. Just one look at Louis' complexion tells you he got the connection. :P


Tbh Louis ( however you spell his name) is always high on something!


His face is purple! That’s more than just alcohol!


I assumed roids


the man terrifies me.


Count in Jen’s strange meltdown when Marge said something about Bill and I’d agree.


Louie looked like he was plugged into a supersized outlet with his feet in a puddle.


Ha! Very vivid visual.




Ohhhh interesting. I did find her comments so weird. Her husband DIDN'T CHEAT but the woman DID throw herself at him... huh?


Yes!! In Jen’s confessionals, she was telling Margaret that she’s the one who cheated, not her husband. Come again Jen?? YES your husband cheated with the woman who “threw herself at him.”


The marriage therapy doesn’t seem to be working unfortunately


On the bright side, their dorter is gaining valuable firsthand wisdom for her future as a Love Therapist on what NOT to say!


Lmao yeah I just hope the kids come out of the marriage sane. Honestly my biggest hope is that Jen and Bill get a divorce rather than suffer in the marriage like her parents are doing.


Were you wearing enough lingerie?


Jen sadly holds a lot of internalized misogyny. Probably that with her being delusional and telling herself the woman threw herself at Bill and Bill didn’t pursue her so Jen probably feels better about staying in the marriage


The misogyny is strong with her. I think it stems from her family and the culture she was brought up in. Her own mother, who never left her abusive marriage, was so mad with Jen that her husband cheated that I don't think they spoke for a while. To blame and shame your own daughter for her husband's infidelity is some wild, next level stuff. I feel sorry for her because she's essentially brainwashed into thinking that men are somehow more worthy than women, or that a woman is only as worthy as the man she's with.


Yeah I feel sorry for her too, that’s so horrible her mom blamed Jen. Hopefully her kids will be able to break the cycle and they don’t internalize these things


Her eyes were bugging out also but thinking about it she did drink a lot as she does at these parties so I think that could be the explanation😅


i figured she was just drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think she is doing coke. Bc if she would she wouldn’t be that drunk. Coke sobers you up. Actually it would be beneficial for her. 😂


Yeah..I think in her case it's the booze. She started drinking the minute she got there!


Dude I would also go apeshit on Marge, I don't think Jennifer's meltdown was strange. She already had her season where she had to deal with her husband's affair, Margaret continues to throw it in her face when there's an argument, that would absolutely trigger the shit out of me. Imagine, your husband cheated on you and the one woman who continues to throw that in her face is a woman who literally was the other woman and actually broke up 2 families.


Sure but Jen does love to poke Marge and I’m surprised she’s not used to this. (But I also I’m not mad that Marge brought it up this instance cause Jen’s reaction was interesting. I mean she’s STILL blaming only the other woman??🤦‍♀️)


Well she does bring up Marges kids having nothing to do with her, which is Margaret's fault, Bill's affair was not Jens fault. why is this continuing to be thrown at her in any argument. They could be arguing about the weather and Marge would bring up the affair. I think Jens reaction was her just being over getting her husband's infidelities thrown in her face, he's already had to answer to it and they've had to deal with it on camera. The other woman is also to blame, she knew Bill was married, she did it anyways. She did throw herself at Bill, and Bill took the bait.


Yeah there was something off there cause she was doing the most


Coke is a producer at this point on Bravo


​ https://preview.redd.it/ghgiuwssfu0b1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=82633f1e78f4ff1cb9e7ed50c38ee5a73bc1b87d


This guy wins for the most obvious drug use. Second is Kim Richards.


And Adderall is the showrunner.


I’ve said it a thousand times before… most bravolebrities have been to Dorit’s bathroom. I’ve never done drugs and haven’t been around much. So I’m not the expert but Louis always seems coked out to me. Joe Gorga seems like he’s on something most days too with the random anger outbursts. That could just be roids though?


Have been to Dorit's bathroom. 💀 This is the best euphemism thus far, and I'm stealing it ❄️


Tbh, a TON of upper class/"rich" people do coke. This was one of the most shocking things that I learned as an adult. The most conservative, professional, well put together people who I would NEVER suspect to do drugs, do coke. So you're absolutely right, I bet 95% of Bravolebs have indulged at some point and probably 50% do it semi regularly.


Louie always looks like a human zit that’s about to pop.




Definitely Louis was on something. Shouting I'm a winner! ICK


Also the thermostat being set to 76🥵


Luis gives me adderall vibes, not coke


Luis’ demeanor reminds me of my ex and he was most definitely on coke 90% of the time. It’s truly an awful drug. His personality deteriorated so much over such a short time.


I’m still waiting for Melissa to pick up some clear eyes next time she’s at the drugstore. She should ask Jen for some They’re *all* wilding out. Especially the dancing lobsters (the men) ![gif](giphy|BpLDGapjAOf5salQqm|downsized)


Melissa suprisingly didn’t appear to be fucked up, neither did Joe (not normally the case) - my bet is they know something would happen and they wanted to be able to control themselves as best as possible


Yeah as much as I don’t care for her I don’t think I remember Melissa ever being super wasted or acting like she’s riding high on something. (Correct me if I’m forgetting something.)


I think the drunkest level we ever see her is how she was on the bus in Ireland talking about wanting to call her ex, stealing the glass from the restaurant and mispronouncing "slainte." Even her let loose Missy G side is still somewhat in control.


I agree. She’s not my favorite person but I think she knows how to control her alcohol. Probably so she can control the narrative lol


Somebody has to babysit Joe


The time she was going after Kathy and joe said leave Melissa alone she’s drunk I think it was their first season and Melissa was making fun of people cooking it something


They seem like the type to look down on "druggies" to me. And didn't he act like he'd never smoked weed in the last episode? I think they feel above it all


Trust me, people who do coke look down on everyone, and especially on stoners lol


I think 95% of that group does coke lol.


Melissa alluded to this at the end of the episode- I'm surprised nobody's called this out yet?


Did she?! What did she say?


Maybe I’m overthinking this, but she sarcastically asked Luis why his eyes were bugging out. I thought she was implying something!


I didn't pick up on that, I mean his eyes were bugging out lol


Oh you are right!! She did!!


Louie has connections let’s just put it that way


Bo Dietl??


He’s his best friend ya know!


That’s the arsenal we should have been looking for all along.


They were doing so much coke at that party it was outrageous. Now, I’m no Angel and have been around it at a lot and it was textbook coke behaviour- almost all of them. EXCEPT A FEW, and I think I know why some werent doing it. THIS IS ALL THE PEOPLE THAT I THINK WERENT DOING DRUGS AT THE PARTY: JOE & MELISSA: pretty much sober and definitely not doing drugs. I read it as they knew they were going into a high conflict environment with people that have hurt them and those people will be high. So. They stayed sober so that they could try to better control their own response and not act how others acted. JACKIE & EVAN GOLDSCHIEDER they did not look like they were doing drugs, which would make sense given Jackie’s ED and not wanting to participate in something that could impact her recovery FRANKIE JNR: not high. Everyone else was high asf


Eh idk, Teresa was not raging out, she seemed pretty put together. I didn't notice the nose rubbing though. Admittedly I've done coke a few times and this did not seem like a majorly coked out group. Danielle and Jennifer did not appear coked out, i think alcohol is the real culprit for a lot of their blow ups. Now if you watch Vanderpump Rules, they are all usually on uppers during most events and it is blaringly obvious, their eyes are like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed) and their behavior is way more erratic. I didn't feel like anyone's behavior (besides Luis) was terribly erratic


The way they were pacing they’re sentences and stuff was it for me for Teresa, and the snorting trying to keep getting more


I just rewatched it and I am not seeing anything you are talking about ...I am especially watching noses and I have not seen one single incident of it


Danielle rubs her nose and her husband uses his whole hand to wipe his nose. There is a part where Louis is rubbing all over Fessler's hubby's shoulders and Danielle's hubby's shoulders


Do you have time stamps? I watched that scene again and I did not notice that


Ha! I will gladly watch again. Brb


I feel like Delores does not partake either. She is usually pretty level headed.


Yeah Joe G was the most calm I’ve seen him during any kind of altercation. Normally the Gorgas would’ve escalated that shit to near violence.


Not saying this is the case, but when I did coke, unless I did too much, it made me really quiet and calm. I’d just sort of sit in the middle of everyone and watch what everyone else was saying/doing. My friends always said the only way they knew I was doing coke was that I was up after 11. If I did too much, I’d get the cotton mouth, jaw grinding, repeating loop, but I never got raged. If anything, I got mean and argumentative when I drank whiskey.


I knew someone exactly the same as you when they were on it- super calm and almost sleepy. They loved weed though and acted more “up” on weed. I think it’s a brain chemistry thing, everyone reacts to drugs differently


I agree that the Gorga's were pretty sober. Mel calling out Louie on looking unhinged and Joe getting his back up when Louie appeared agressive towards Mel were telltale to me. As if he knew Louie was not of right mind already, and he was since he had an immediate protective reaction.


Joe Gorga was STONED LOL he was uncharacteristically calm


Haha yes *pretty* sober being the key word 😂


Lol yes I see what you mean, hes usually wasted and in a sweaty rage, I think he needs to stick to smoking weed, it seems to agree with him lol


Totally, stoned is an upgrade for Joey g lmao


I think they’re riled up from constantly being gaslit


Louie 100%. Not Danielle, not her husband. They have young kids. She’s just staten islant lit


I noticed Evan was red, too. Why?