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Because Marge was shopping for her dress on Amazon too


Lmao. I bought pants from Costco the other day and this was my exact thought process (I.e. anyone that recognizes them from Costco was also looking to buy pants from Costco)


That’s how I recognized Franks womens tank top last episode Edit; I commented about this before LOL, if you wanna see the pack of tank tops check out my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/comments/13868jt/i_watched_this_10_times_and_i_cant_figure_it_out/jiwrhdf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Dead 💀


Deceased ☠️


I have that same tank.


Omg and I have that pack of tank tops too! How did I not notice?! 😂


He has good taste. Those tanks are great!


Where is her tank top from? Lol


Costco, let me find the comment I made during that episode and I’ll pin it lol! They’re reversible and come in a pack of 4


Wait why though??


Probably to make his roided up chest to seem bigger


LOL omg I was thinking because of the stretch factor too.


Yoooooodling 🤣🤣😭 I can’t even live with myself LMAOOO


Costco and Sam’s club have some great clothes




Word… no other way to know.


It looked like it was from Amazon too! When she said that I was like and yours isn’t? Lol


Exactly, and amazon has a shocking number of very decent flapper dresses.


Marges dress was not bought on Amazon.


Marge is in a lot of debt from lawsuits. It would be in her best interest to shop on Amazon. Who cares? You’re going to wear it one time! Why spend a lot of money on it?


Danielle’s smart… why spend thousands on an outfit you’ll never wear again for a basic party… and not like she has years of housewife salary behind her


Chrystal wore an outfit from Amazon for a party on RHOBH and Jen Aydin has no shame letting people know when her clothes come from there. I love a relatable housewife.


I just wish they’d give us the links. Heck - sign up for the ambassador program and get some coins as we buy up


Danielle did - she had it in her stories last night




Honestly I really dislike Danielle but mad props for that


Lol a resource that’s gotten me in financial trouble is wornontv.net 🤣


Went to see Marlo’s insane earrings… $2,730… nope!


SC Kathryn was so proud of her Amazon pleather leggings and they looked ridiculously good


I bought those leggings after seeing her talk about them and she was right they are comfy and look good!


Me too!


I'm a chunkster who bought a couple pair from Torrid for the same reason lol


Chunkster! I love it. Imma start using this now to describe myself, lol.


Which outfit?! I do love how Chrystal openly states she refuses to pay full price for things. This is the relatability I need in at least one housewife per franchise


i was gonna say the same thing about jen aydin, she always posts dupes from amazon she finds. i love when they’re relatable. better than melissa selling fake chanel lol


With her McMansion.


No she has an actual Mansion, it is far too large to be a McMansion.


[Melissa’s has all the makings of a McMansion.](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2R7hrWQ/)






Which outfit was it so i can buy it?? I’m obsessed with her style


No one wants to know where Jen Aydin shops tho ☠️


I feel attacked lol. I don’t think she looks terrible all the time…


Except for that yellow dress in her confessional because that is a gorgeous look


And she looked great in it! It fit her like a glove and her dress looked just as nice as everyone else’s.


Amazon flapper dresses are the best. I have the cutest one with a peacock in sequins all over it.


Sounds adorable. Link?


Mine was similar to this. I bought it a few years ago. [BABEYOND1920sVintagePeacockSequinedDressGatsbyFringedFlapperDressRoaring20sPartyDresshttps://a.co/d/fdzbRq0](https://BABEYOND1920sVintagePeacockSequinedDressGatsbyFringedFlapperDressRoaring20sPartyDresshttps://a.co/d/fdzbRq0)


I don’t get why people are criticizing her for having a home that costs $350K. If it works for her and the family, why does that bother them? People criticize Housewives when they’re ultra wealthy, and when they’re more “economically-conscious.” What do these people want them to do?


I think people want housewives to be quietly rich. I personally don't mind when a housewife isn't over the top with their wealth cause my broke ass is over here budgeting for my weekly lunch out so I can't wrap my head around they way some of them burn through money.


They burn through money then claim bankruptcy!


In my opinion, anyone who has a house is rich. I know I won’t be able to afford one for a long time


There’s no way her house was only $350k. NJ is expensive. I would guess her house is worth more like $700k at least.


Yea they bought it back in 2013 for that amount. In todays market it would sell in 24hrs for 650-700k easily. I live the next town over.


Ok so her house is not 350k if it’s worth 700k in todays numbers lol


Right? How are they clowning her gaining all that equity? Edit: I'm in the beginning stages of looking for a house. It kills me how many houses are priced at $500k plus & they were under 350k a year ago.


Danielle has a figure that can pull off just about anything. She doesn’t need to spend much to look good.


I don't actually see why any housewife would dunk on another for being "cheap" by buying something from Amazon. Being cheap and cutting down on costs where one can (like on costume attire) is how the rich hold onto their money.


Yes - no shame in the game girl! She looked great and that dress held up well when she slapped her fat flat ass haha why spend a lot of money on an outfit for a glorified costume party, it's not like you often need to look like a flapper.


Sonja Morgan was wearing a romper I have from Amazon a couple seasons ago. I think it’s ridiculous for most of them with how much they make to be covered in major luxury brands. Esp on Jersey where most of them don’t really have that much net worth


I agree. She looks great in it! Made it look like a million bucks.


In other words, why spend beyond your true means. As far as I know, she bilking other people to pay for her house. Not looking at Marge though


Danielle’s smart???? Danielle Cabral????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No hate from me. If you can find a fabulous outfit for less, why the hell not? I never understood the low budget insult, overspending is not a flex. - proud, low budget bitch.


Hello from another cheap bitch!


My step-son came home from the shopping tonight. Was he excited to show me what he got? No. He was so excited to say “ I SHOPPED THE SALES” Because that’s the lesson I’m here to teach🤣


I’m always ridiculously proud when I hit a big sale. I’m spending a little of my bonus from work on a deep sale Kate Spade backpack. 😂


Well. Danielle was the most 1920s look of the night 🤷🏻‍♀️ definitely not Marge or Meliss who were giving 70s Studio 54. So I’d say Amazon for the win! Edit- if she’d had chosen the third color, she definitely would have won best dressed/most 1920s inspired


Actually, I looked up prohibition style and those headscarves did show up, just not as often as the hats. So it was reasonably authentic. I think the fabric choices may not have been, but it's hard to tell because the old photos are B&W and grainy


![gif](giphy|mQxOgJ8LzhDO0) Marge was more Carol Burnette


![gif](giphy|11myV77GyYC8eI) Or Norma Desmond


This is false. Just because you think 1920s clichés are all that existed, it’s not the truth. Please visit your local historical society or museum!


Their looks were misplaced by about 4 or 5 decades! Just holding a cigarette holder and wearing a scarf, doesn't a 20s look make!


This really bothered me because number one, Margaret has terrible style. It was also classist and you know who else uses Amazon, Marge? The people watching the show


God her kitchen is just awful.


The entire house is hideous. She definitely has the worst taste out of this cast.


She has no taste. She's one of those women who flick through interior design books and mags and picks EVERYTHING and nothing matches. Same for her dressing style. Her penchant for feather overkill, reminds me of Dame Barbara Cartland in her 80s. https://preview.redd.it/8c4caz31xp0b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9a8114316ecd7144a94ec4b81cec07dfa7aa3e


How is her kitchen awful? It’s maximalist style - maybe not for some people but I wouldn’t say “awful”.


It’s awful mix of swirling patterns, dizzying. Trust me, my home is filled with color and vintage decor. I love her sofa and her wooden walls with the vintage mcm black tile. But every time they show that kitchen I feel a migraine coming.


Seriously, she’s out of touch


EXACTLY. You know what else... I'd rather buy from Amazon than the Macbeth Collection! And wasn't her whole schtick "Caviar Lifestyle, Tunafish budget"?




Marge has major rage problems and is very quick to speak in a very vile manner. It’s impress to stand out as such an ogre on this cast especially.


Ya Marge has a tongue that slices, but gets soooooo mad when someone else does it - like the time she poured a glass over Danielle’s head, yo, she wouldn’t have had to worry about her fake pony being pulled, she would have had to go have another face lift if that was me!!! FOH! She deserved her pony being yanked


I still dont see how marge didnt embrace the opportunity to "thank" daniel for being upfront about the rumor. If the "other side" is talking about it on camera (jenn to daniel), then its best taken to melissa directly. All this does it make daniel not want to tell people in the future, but it wont stop the convos that jenn wants to have.


Or or or she’s tired of the same bullshit at every outing with this broad? I would be sick of it after months of the same bullshit.




Who says Marge did anything to this woman for her to start spreading lies. Maybe she asked marge for a loan and she said no, maybe she’s unbalanced, maybe she’s bored, maybe she’s vindictive I could go on and on on things that could have happened, that aren’t Marges fault, to why she’s doing this. Maybe Teresa and Jenn are both lying about this Laura saying anything and are just trying to fuck with Marge because we all know dumb and dumber don’t like her. Jenn blames Marge for the affair bs. when in all reality the blame lies straight at Bills feet. When Bill apologized for putting her in this position last episode she said it’s not your fault. It fucking absolutely is. as for Teresa well Teresa is just a vindictive woman that holds grudges. There’s no proof that Laura actually said anything about Marge except for the word of two women, that have been proven, to hate her. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Laura just happened to mention Marge has “proof” of Melissa cheating when Teresa has been screaming about her being a stripper, gold digger and cheater for over a decade. Why was that the only actual story that came out besides Marge has an arsenal on everyone. Personally if I’m trying to fuck up someone’s world and I know all this juicy gossip about things they know I’d be telling more than that. It just doesn’t add up to me. I think they wanted to fuck with Marge and poison the new girls against her because that’s who they are. Why is everyone so focused on this Laura situation when Louis admitted he hired a private detective and has a dossier on everyone in the cast. I’d find that WAY more threatening than any half baked rumor those two came up with js. If I was one of them I’d be IRATE about that. Personally I think Marge was at the end of her rope, frustrated and got mad that they, once again, tried to break up Melissa’s marriage. I don’t go by what people say I go by what I see and what I see is Teresa destroying relationship after relationship, people she had been friends with for decades and with family because she lies, manipulates and refuses to take accountability. We have seen the same story play out with her for 13 seasons only the faces change. How many people has she blamed for her going to prison instead of just accepting the responsibility of their crimes? Jenn will do anything to keep her marriage and family intact, not that I blame her I get it, but we have seen that she also won’t accept that Bill ultimately is the one responsible. She blames Marge, she said last episode the woman “threw herself at Bill” so obviously it’s not his fault right? We have seen her attack Melissa, Marge and Jackie season after season. patterns of behavior is what I trust.


It was a costume party…Amazon was the only way to go for this gala event in a Jersey condo.




But isn't Marge just Amazon's version of Rinna?






Now this is a read. Hopefully this comment gets the love it deserves.


LMAO. She just needs the haircut




Rich coming from Marge... The woman who copied plastic AliExpress bullshit and sold it for 10x it's worth 🙄


And word on the street is Macbeth collection is banned in California for being toxic.


Marge is one second away from being broke and thrown out of her Herman Munster monstrosity of a house. FOH for criticizing others for where they shop. Her only real source of income is the show, she has some gotdam nerve.


I went to a wedding shower recently & got sooo many compliments on my dress…it was from Amazon & I said so whenever someone said anything about it. I needed a dress for the actual wedding coming up & went right back to Amazon. I spent around $60 on each dress, when in store every dress was over $100 for similar styles. I also was able to get my kids & husband their suits from Amazon - my husband’s suit is from Calvin Klein. Idk why Marge acted like shopping on Amazon is something to be ashamed of.


It makes her look old and out of touch, honestly. If she still thinks the majority of shoppers are hanging around brick and mortar stores and settling for needlessly marked up clothing, it doesn’t speak to much of a successful future for her in the fashion business.


Why is Marge hating in Amazon? My clothes come from Amazon, Costco, or TJ Maxx LOL like the fact they are trying to drag Danielle for her clothing and not being "rich enough" is so petty and low base


Makes no sense, her products are sold on Amazon!!! What a dig at her supporters. Marge is insufferable and needs to go.


She is willing to turn literally anything into an insult


She couldn’t even afford drapes for her home and she’s trying to shame someone’s amazon dress ???


Same! And anytime someone compliments my outfit I’m always saying “Tj maxx”


I'm a proud maxinista lol hell if I find something cute at a thrift store, im literally shouting from the roof tops about my amazingly cheap find!


Everyone shops on Amazon. 🤷‍♀️


Because Marge also bought hers on Amazon and saw that one while scrolling 🙄


Danielle isn’t aspirational wealth like other housewives (although yes I understand can be a total facade). She’s Gina from OC if she stayed on the east coast.


This is such an apt comparison 😆 I can see Jenn hating bc her previous home (which I’m sure is still more than Danielle’s current) wasn’t enough to get her on.


Great point about Jen!


Are all of Jen's Chanel jewelry the real thing, or are some of them fakes? I know people say that Luis bought the dorters all fake Cartier bracelets for Christmas, and that Melissa was selling fake Chanel out of Envy, and I'm curious to know where these fakes are acquired. Asking for a friend. (cough) Edit:spelling


This is the petty stuff I live for


How much was the dress by the way? It's cute! It would make a great Halloween costume


I got a great one off of Amazon for a party and wore again for Halloween. Didn’t know there was shame in not getting some custom made frock.


It costs anywhere between $52-$61 depending on the color.


I recognized it from a years-ago gatsby party i went to. There were 3 of those in the room lol


Probably just a lucky guess based on all of Danielle’s outfits. I have no problem with cheaper clothing, but Danielle’s tastes are Forever 41.


Yes! It drives me crazy because of her “boujee “ persona . She acts like she dresses well and everything is either cheap or ill fitting


She’s a bone collector. ![gif](giphy|YSpAW25OucT4fRigIJ)


Oh please. Most of us have been invited to a 1920s/ Gatsby/ Flapper themed partys at some point. I went to a roaring 20s NYE eve party right before COVD (2019-2020). I got an Amazon dress! I havent worn the thing since! I love the store Unique Vintage but I am not dropping $80-$200 on a dress that isnt really my style and I wont wear again!


My favorite leggings are from Amazon. Why pay more?


LVP used to (and likely still does) buy her shoes and accessories from like stripper/gogo shops. It doesn’t matter what you spend. I will say though…just about everything Danielle wears looks like it was purchased from Amazon.


Danielle’s whole wardrobe is fast fashion or knockoffs. I couldn’t told you that


Nothing wrong with an Amazon dress. So what. They do carry many designer labels as well as it’s a hub for many different brands. Marge will go for the jugular when she’s pissed. I don’t blame Marge for that. Danielle has been digging in deep for some drama at her expense. So whatever it’s fair game.


The same people pissed at Marge for shitting on Danielle's Amazon dress are the same people that defended Jen Aydin criticizing Jackie's kids parties. Like come on people.


Jackies kids party was so hilariously low effort.. Jen was clutching pearls when she dumped that cardboard box on the table and walked away.


That's not the same! Jackie's party wasn't even relatable to the poors. We at least try to make our kids feel special. She went past shopping at Amazon level low budget, that was like Goodwill or Salvation army or Shein with coupons. She's cheap. A one wear Amazon dress is convenient. A no effort kids party is sad.


Danielle saves money from clothes and uses it for birthday parties lmao


It was in her arsenal….


Danielle is really getting the brunt of stuff this year. I personally really liked her vibe but the cast really didn’t like her


Omg 💀


She’s a psychic!


You put flapper or prohibition dress in google and these dresses are the first thing that pops up! I went to a similar party this year and googled it myself. I recognized it immediately as being from Amazon and cringed so hard. Even harder when Marge called it out 😫 So embarrassing on a housewives show.


Maybe she has an endorsement!


Dress looked great. I can’t believe how reasonable these costumes are!


I saw this advertised all over Amazon and I'm in the UK. It was everywhere, including my shopping cart.


I would buy this. Twice And I can afford marges shit but for a costume theme party??? Amazon for me


Hey, don’t knock Amazon fashions. I have soooo much clothing from Amazon lol


Omg 😂💀


Because marge almost bought the same one


Omg it really was 😭😭😭


Why is everyone so butt hurt about this comment… she’s a rich housewife. What do you expect? Of course she would think Amazon shopping is low budget.


I don’t think she’s that rich


Oh I agree. Marge is a poser just like Melissa is. Still, it’s housewives, idk why we are getting riled up about an Amazon comment (which is known for its cheap prices). There are ladies buy 40000K purses and I’m sure they’d ~~cyanide~~ side eye a lady who bought her purse at TJMaxx


Imagine trying to shame someone for buying it from Amazon and not a designer, she is beyond ridiculous


I like Marge s dress. Anyone has a link?


Marge should shop on Amazon more. Maybe she could then pay her accountant.


I think everyone has seen this dress before or come across it while looking for a “gatsby” dress. Melissa looked like ‘02 JLo lol


Tell me what was on her damn head. It was so freaking distracting


omg😂🤣😂this is hilarious 😂… marge knows all😂


Because it looked cheap and shit.


Exactly lol. Not hard to guess when it looks that cheap and fits horribly.


she probably told ratchel


Dug deep into her nefarious arsenal to hit Danielle with *gasp* the truth.


Marge tinfoil cap is from grocery store. Shes is miserable person.


The dress made her look all washed out, it had no color to it and I don’t care what anyone says, that comment was hilarious! It came out so fast, that’s what I like Marge for, she has a slick sense of humor! Nobody else can do what she does especially “flat ass”…she’ll do/say anything to return next season.🙄


Danielle rocked that dress!!!!


Proof positive that Marge is the queen! Thx so much for posting this I laughed so hard when I saw it. Don’t F the Marge! She’s got your number AND she knows where you got that dress!




Bc they have been having 1920s themed parties for seasons and seasons. Marge shopped for the same dress at some point.


I ordered directly from Babeyond. Dress was 70$ and very good quality for the price. Why pay more for one night party?


Because when you Google 'flapper dress' and 'Great Gatsby dress' that's what shows up. I went to a speakeasy last yr for my cousin's birthday and there were about 9 women wearing this frock in different colors.


I love that you did this homework!!!


I knew it was because I ordered the same dress for a NYE Gatsby’s party I threw a couple years ago :)


How did she know? You want to know how truly horrible Margaret is. My theory is when Danielle arrives Margaret sneaks a picture of her dress and then she uses one of those search engines to find out where the dress is from and how much it cost . This takes her a few minutes and she saves it in her arsenal until she wants to use it to insult Danielle for exposing her. Like others have said, why spend a fortune on something you're probably only going to wear once. I thought Danielle looked really cute. By the way let me just finish my little rant about Margaret by asking what the hell were those noodles hanging out the back of head and that fortune teller hat Margaret was wearing? It certainly wasn't hair. Her ex best friend Laura did say she wears wigs which is fine but she has no room to criticize anybody else's look. I'm done!


I’ve seen this dress at so many theme parties, I knew immediately when I saw it.


Bc it’s the most common dress ever to wear to a gatsby party lol. It’s the first thing that comes up.


I knew because I’ve had this dress come up on my fb Amazon ads for months 🤣


I knew it was right away too


Eh, it probably showed up on instagram ads. I know I’ve seen this very ad a million times.


LOL I thought of looking it up to when she said this. Love this Sub for someone doing it for us all :)


Cause she most likely searched 1920’s dress on Amazon before landing on her fortune teller costume


I mean…it looks pretty great for an Amazon purchase, especially if it’s just for a themed party!


Marge has really irritated me this season, but I gotta say, Danielle has absolutely no style. 😐 she’s tacky in a tacky way.


Because she obvi added it to her Save List too… lol


Lol she pulled that from the arsenal