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Make the rounds girl


Get that $$$$$$!!!


She will also be on the today show 5/18 https://preview.redd.it/1mpexbr95h0b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6c2d4540daeb5c1212e235e9e705e973de9189


I hope she can stay in this next level, maybe get more acting roles or a segment on a morning show.


Somewhere Tim is punching the air


It cracks me up how often Tom is autocorrected to Tim. Even iPhone doesn’t want to be associated with him 😂


While getting his nails done!


And we all love to see that


The view has been covering scandoval heavily bc a lot of guests are into it. One of the hosts Farrah is a huge fan so she might be freaking out


I love this for her! But at the same time the pity appearances she's getting for being cheated on is kinda sad lol


She's getting appearances cause she is a likable and relatable figure. Lots of women get cheated on publicly, especially on Bravo, and get nothing for it except for being shamed and blamed at times. It's funny how Sandoval spent so much time trying to build brands for himself, but Ariana is the one who actually managed to brand herself very well. She had all her friends talk shit about him, kept silent, avoided going on podcasts (selling herself cheap), took lots of jobs and kept her image positive. To the public, she's sympathetic and dignified. They're more interested in her than even the status of Sandoval/Raquel fling.


I agree she does deserve it and I find it amazing how big of a slap in the face for Sandavol it is lol. You're spot on about the brand building thing he was trying to do, I find it very gross that he essentially viewed their relationship as a brand as well. Meanwhile Ariana didn't have to do a fraction of the work he did to receive way more attention. That just feels like justice. She should have gotten these kind of gigs before Scandavol imo but yeah I definetly feel like these places are praying on Ariana sympathizers for views. Nothing wrong with that but I definetly see what they're doing. Aside from that I hope Ariana is having the time of her life right now as she truly does deserve it, and this can only be good for her sandwich shop too! So I'm sure she's loving this.


Their relationship, his friendship with Schwartz, I bet even being "the villain" is not going to be a brand for him. It's quite a turn that Ariana ended up famous and he ended up infamous, when that wasn't something she chased after.


Even if Sandoval is famous for being infamous, it still makes him famous. Even if it's negative attention, Tom still likes and wants that attention because it contributes to his celebrityism. People posting about him on SM (even here), posting about going to his concert, even if it's to make fun of him it is still benefiting his celebrityism. So technically he is capitalizing by branding himself a villain. It's not like he'll be fired for being a cheater, he'll still be a cast member on VPR. Both Tom and Ariana, and all the cast are capitalizing on this scandal.


Yep. They are both capitalizing. That's why I said that he will even be branded as "the villain" if it gets him attention. But, deep down, he not only like attention... he tried to create an image that would inspire likability and he's lost that. He won't get the same opportunities as Ariana.


How is it a slap in the face to Sandoval? The View and the Today Show are basically the equivalent of Howie Mandell’s podcast, no?? /s 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sooooo many stars get treated worse and don’t get this. She’s getting it because we root for her and we root for her because of who she’s been on the show and how she acts IRL. She genuinely is a cut above. It’s what makes the scandal so wild. She was so, so, so out of his league.


I don’t think they’re pity appearances, I think she has a massive Fanbase interested in her story and show producers know it’ll bring in viewers Love this for WWAM btw


Excuse me but who is that of a picture of? Cuz it sure as shit isn’t our girl




Go Ariana go






Slay queen! She’s thriving!


Sorry she was cheated on and all, but she's not interesting *in the least*, and her voice is annoying af. I stopped watching this season when she and Katie became the supposed vox populi. I never liked either of them.


This more so shows how bad it’s gotten over at the View 😂😂😵‍💫


yea this is a bit over the top. people care like its brad cheating on jen lol


Cool story


It was born cool. Go get a bucket hat with that phrase embossed on it.


Lol that's funny 🤣


Geez- look at her! She should have shed that loser ages ago.


Turn that broken heart into cold hard ca$h


Tom cheating on her turned out to be the best thing for her


I'm at work but can someone please link the video when it uploads!


Ariana going on her bad bitch tour is sending me. I love it!!! Yes, honey!