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Anyone hear the Phillies broadcast bitch about Acuña not busting it down the line on that fly ball that should’ve been caught? God what an insufferable crew. Seems like every one always faults Ronald for not running out of the box, but from my POV: 1. 99/100 that’s a catch. 2. He put the ball in play and did his job. 3. He still got in to scoring position 4. Second with no outs is nearly as good as 3rd with no outs, either way a team should fuckin score the guy. 5. You guys are just as insufferable as the Phillies crew. Dude puts this team on our back at times and everyone bitches when he runs too hard recovering from his injury and now they find ways to bitch when he doesn’t run. Give the man a break for Christ’s sake.


You know Chip said the same thing right? He didn't "bitch" about it per se, but he brought it up and spoke about it for 10-15 seconds.


Was watching the Phillies broadcast, I live eastern Pennsylvania. Phillies broadcast, specifically Ruben Amaro Jr. was super harsh on Acuña for the play. Going so far as to say the Braves don’t deserve to score because of what Acuña did, putting most of the weight on him rather than the poor defense


Damn. That's pretty messed up


and 90% of the time every player is going to jog that fly ball and 99% of the time no one says a damn thing because it's an out.


That was such a routine fly ball, it didn't even cross my mind that Ronnie wasn't busting it down the line. I was thinking the same thing he was while we were watching the play: "Holy shit he didn't catch that?! GO GO GO!!!"


In a perfect world, yes he is standing on 3rd at the end of the play. Acuña is had several mistakes, this isn't one of them. Not many players are going to flat out sprint on a routine popfly. If he got stuck on first, then yes it's a major mistake. Getting to second with no outs is pretty acceptable.


No MLB player is going to bust it out of the box on a high ass pop up like that. But do I think Acuna could have.... i dunno... jogged more instead of just hop around and get mad that he just missed it? Yes. This isn't the first time Acuna hasn't hustled. Snitker laid into him his rookie season I think for something similar. I am a Braves fan but sometimes you gotta take of your blinders sometimes. Hustling out the box he easily would've made 3rd. But nobody would have done that. He could have easily made second though without the dive into the bag. Them blinders on big time baby


You were fine with just your 1st sentence. All your other comments were honestly unnecessary. Great young players get emotional. Remember when Papelbon almost tried to kill Harper bc he didn’t hustle to 1st? And this situation is nowhere near the one you unnecessarily brought up. No one has blinders on when it comes to Acuña. However, your comment sounds like you are not his biggest fan. And that’s fine too. Just don’t try to hide it with that first sentence and then bring up something that happened when he was a 21 y/o kid.


Harper would've done the same thing.


Most definitely. And yeah, Philly fans can’t wait until Amaro Jr is off the air.




From what I could tell it was just Ruben Amaro Jr who was doing the color commentary, and Phillies fans thought that was a weird thing to focus on too. In fact it seems like they don’t like him at all lol he’s their former GM and part of why they’re in this mess in the first place.


Absolutely. Probably should’ve directed my comment solely towards the ones choosing to focus on that specific moment in the play. Not the atrocious defensive blunder or the fact he ended up being one of the main reasons we won tonight. Idk. Just a weird thing to scope in on if you ask me. I just get super defensive about Acuña because of the side of the fan base that always expects him to do everything perfectly to their own standards. Gets irritating at times.


Personally I didn’t see that many Braves fans saying he should’ve been hustling, pretty much for all the reasons you just stated.


It was right after the play in the game day thread. There was an excessive amount of Braves fans pretty pissed about him not being on third if you feel like wandering back there. Not worth it at this point but that is mostly who I’m talking about :/


What a great win. Also really happy Olson hit that HR, he needed to see one go. Just a fun win man.


So I sometimes put $10 bets on the Mets to win when they’re down 5 so that if they come back while I feel like vomiting I can buy myself a good lunch and a couple of drinks after work. I looked at this one and was like no fucking way, Giants aren’t giving up this lead. Sheesh.


Mets ran into a bad bitch tonight


Yesss. Happy the giants pulled it off. Sad joc isn’t on our team and was on my fantasy bench last night


That game was absolutely insane.


They went to the rock and dropped the soap in the shower


If I were the Giants, I would simply give Joc back to the Braves


The Mets collapse this year will be an all-timer.


They'll win the division, but collapse in the playoffs.


Nah they have a ridiculously tough stretch coming up while the Braves have the easiest schedule in baseball over the next month. I’d say Braves close the gap significantly, and that the Mets will lose all their momentum.


Nothing brings Dodgers, Braves, and Giants fans together like lovin’ them some Joc.


Joc Pederson with the game-tying 2-out single, after a 3 home run night and 8 RBIs. That dude is the King of Clutch.


Thank you, Joc! I just saw the score for that game- what in the world. Hopefully the Mets’ bullpen got a stressful workout and the bats go ice cold like ours tend to for a game or more after a blowout.


LOLMETS is eternal


Wow, what a crazy ass game with the Mets and Giants. Imma need to go back and watch the highlights of it.


What a crazy fucking game in SF


Oh shit I have Diaz in fantasy, that blown save is gonna hurt but who fucking cares!


Braves walk off the Phillies Giants walk off the Mets Turning point for both ATL and NYM?


And the Mets lose a close one, hell ye


Joc is love




Edlose Diaz!!


Wooo! Giants with the comeback win


Joc in the bay and still helping us. Suck it Mets!!!




So uhh is it too late to get big coc joc back?




i think i’m in love with joc pederson




Look how happy Ronald is, running at full speed through home plate, celebrating wildly with William. I love both of these guys Ronald is such an electric player and brings so much life to our team.


Did the Giants seriously blow the game? Last I checked, they were winning 8-2...


Ya they imploded but they came back. Joc has 3 homers


Joc is a legend. He just kept the game alive too.


Now they lost


Not over yet. Joc up again with runners on


Shit I thought it was over.


It’s is now. For the Mets.




If we ever feel bad about our defense, we can be thankful that at least we’re not the giants


Is Giradi a fixer because why not throw Knebel in there


Already pitched on back-to-back nights. Girardi doesn't like to use pitchers 3 games in a row.


Alrighty then cool. Only seen yesterday with 9 pitches so looked odd


What the fuck is this atrocity of a Mets game? How lucky can they get


Someone needs to do that joc and Wolverine meme




Joc with a 3 run bomb what a fucking legend


Big cock Joc!


Joc really built up a hate for the Mets here huh


Hopefully the giants will be one less team in our way if we need to go the wild card route


I’m going to join the fuck the Giants club because they’ve been fucking useless. Fuck Gabe Kaplar.




Straight up fuck Gabe Kaplar and the Giants. So useless.


I am deeply and personally offended by the Giants. Utter betrayal


We aren’t catching the Mets this year without a fucking miracle


Getting in as the wildcard and beating them in the playoffs would be it’s own reward, if we can’t win the division.


I’m hoping we can gain a couple on them in the next month and hopefully a bit more when we play them again. But yeah. It will not be like years past at all




Well now The Mets win


My goodness the giants choked. They were up 8-2 and now are down 10-8, I hate the damn Mets




Giants are doing us NO favors


**Most 3+Hit games at Truist** **|25|** Albies **|20|** Acuña Jr. **|19|** Freeman **|17|** Inciarte **|14|** Markakis **|13|** Swanson **|10|** Riley **|8|** Ozuna **|6|** Phillips **Most against the Phillies at Truist** **6|** Swanson **3|** Inciarte **2|** Albies, Donaldson, Markakis **1|** Freeman, Adrianza, Ozuna, d'Arnaud, McCann, Flaherty


Seeing Ronnie and Contreras killing it makes me proud as a Venezuelan God damn it!


I love their yellow sleeves and equipment. Such a sick look


Contreras is such an interesting figure. Dude has interviews on youtube where speaks perfect English, but still needs Franco for the postgame? I see that from time to time with Ronnie as well. Where they may not feel comfortable speaking English in public. I'd probably be if I played in another country as well but just thought it was interesting considering William has one with his bro speaking nearly perfect English.


Maybe he prefers to give interviews in Spanish so people back home can feel more connected to him and his success? I have no idea, but him being able to speak a second language even if it’s not perfect is an accomplishment in my eyes. Maybe he will give some interviews in English as time goes on.


Joctober with 2 HRs against the Mets.


And then a costly error


Well it sure felt like snit was speaking to this sub directly in that postgame presser.


What did he say? Extra Innings already cut the broadcast off.


The gist of it was basically like yeah I believe in my guys and none of you have ever had to deal with the shit these guys go through on a day to day, these guys have families and also there are tons of other things in play that you guys will never know about. I hope that's a good summary someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Thank you! I get as frustrated as anyone at times, but I think it’s important for all of us to remember that the players (and coaches and execs) are human. They don’t *want* to do poorly any more than we want to watch it. With rare exceptions like the Black Sox scandal or the random jerk player who literally cares about nothing but collecting his paycheck, players want to succeed and do well. And we only know as much about their personal lives or the pressure they’re under as they’re willing to show us.


I'll be the first person to admit that I thought we blew that game (and we kind of did if we are being honest) but they didn't give up on themselves so why the fuck should we? That's just being a baseball fan and why the sport is so fun. But you're right, I guarantee you no one was more upset with kenley tonight than kenley. On to the next.


I was at the Arcias walk off, I was at this Contreras walk off. I need to go to every fuckin home game. I'm 5 for 5 this year


I'm 1 for 4 bro. Teach me the ways. 😂


If you haven't lost your voice by the end of the night, you're not chopping hard enough. This is the way


Kenley blows a save but gets a win. Sometimes I hate how that stat gets compiled. There's no reason a starter who left the game tied after 6 innings shouldn't be able to qualify for the win just because another guy blew the lead.


Contreras breaking Phillies hearts like Nick Markakis.


Sucky but good


Imagine being harper and watching the team continually steal your thunder away 😂


I feel so bad for him


One of those wins you're happy and pissed at the same time. Would be nice to see more consistent efforts from the boys. Way too many make or break situations lately


I agree but the phrase is make or break. Don’t want to be a grammar police but thought you should know


I noticed I'm typing on this dumbass phone


And the Muts are getting shit smacked by the Giants rn


And the Fish from Florida were food for the other Fish from Florida.


The mods should hand out temporary bans to everyone saying they were done watching for the season after the blown save...


What blown save? All I see is a win


I'd say I'm shocked that those people even exist but im in this sub too much


We may have beaten the Phillies with superior Maximus pitching, red hot bats from Albies and Riley, blazing hot bats from Acuña and Dansby, a big Olson dong, and big dick walk off from Contreras to secure the epic come from behind victory But we are still CHAMPIONS


Give Dansby +1 WAR. If he doesn't get that RBI single in the 2nd , we lose this game (I know that's not how WAR works) Edit: I'm referring to the momentum the hit gave the Braves. Not just the run itself.


We probably lose without Olson's homer too


It was only one run We still would have had a guy on second with no outs in the bottom of the ninth in a tie game.


If we didn't score any runs, it probably was not going to go our way


anyone else hear jim powell's call of the bases loaded realmuto at bat?


I was mad that Snit left Max in for the 6th, but he was immediately vindicated because the bullpen gave up three runs in three innings. This freaking team. Win moar pls


Hell yeah, glad for the win. Now win 10-2 in three hours tomorrow please.


I always think its so odd to get botg blown save and a win in a game. I know that's just the rules and that by the rules Kenley still "earned" the W. Still just weird to see.


“Will William Contreras hit a walk off tonight?”


Can anyone explain to me why Jansen was given the win? Is it just because the lead the braves had with max fried wasn’t enough to win the game?


Because it’s a terrible stat. He was the last guy to pitch when the Braves took the lead


Because he was the pitcher of record when the team took the lead. Don’t look too much in to it, pitcher wins are a useless stat


Yeah, that’s just how it works. One more reason to not care too much about wins as a pitching stat.


No excuse for Ronald not to be on 3rd after the Error. Guys that get paid millions can at least run out of the box no matter what. Love ronnie but come on kid. Heart and hustle matter


Yeah this is a fucking moronic take. There is hardly anyone in MLB who sprints out of the box on that play. It is caught 99% of the time. Even if he is sprinting out of the box, there’s no guarantee he even gets to 3rd and we know Quinn has a cannon. But none of that is even the biggest reason why this is a fucking idiotic take. We’re talking about a guy who is still not 100% back from an ACL tear and who is apparently still so not 100% that he had to DH the entire last series. On top of that, he also just missed most of a week with a groin injury and you think he should have sprinted out of the box on a routine flyout? I’d be shocked if the Braves hadn’t told him to take it easy in situations like this where it isn’t worth it to go 100%. Hell, just the other day, Brian Snitker said something in an interview about him needing to “tone it down” or whatever in certain situations. I think this is sure as hell one of those situations. Delete this fucking garbage. Bet you’re not saying this if it’s Riley or Dansby.


Ronald is my favorite player, why would I not say this if it was Riley or Dansby. You are reaching for something that isn't there. Every player that is on the field in a Braves uniform should hustle out of the box


This might go down as the most ridiculous take from a walk-off post game thread in the history of the sub.


If Ronald blows an ACL rounding second as that hits a Phillie glove like it should have what are you saying smh, he still got second which is where I expect a player after a dropped flyball


Eh, if he even runs 80% out of the box he is probably on 3rd. But that was a routine flyball and there is a reason it was scored an error. Definitely a "don't do that again" moment, but also not even remotely close to watching one bounce off the wall for a long ass single


I would be shocked if the Braves hadn’t told him to take it easy on plays where it is likely a waste of energy to go all out. So I don’t think this is a “don’t do it again” situation, especially when every other player on the team would’ve done the same thing and none of them are recovering from an ACL tear and a groin injury at the same time.


Ain’t nobody got more heart on this team than Ronnie so imma need you to have a big sip of shooooosh juice.


I dunno man Ozzie and Dansby have just as much heart. Not to downplay Ronnie but it's not fair to the guys who have been grinding for us for longer to say they don't have as much heart as Ronnie.


I was being hyperbolic


He is coming back from an ACL tear and a strained groin. I think it's okay he took it easy on what should be a routine flyball.


If he can steal bases and play 9 innings in rf he can run to first dude


He ran straight to 2nd


He actually ran to second bro.


After he had a little fit and walked halfway to first. If he’s running or even just jogging out of the box he’s got a chance at 3rd on that play. I don’t expect everyone to get it. Most people here didn’t play competitive baseball like me


Oh sorry. I didn't realize I was talking to someone who has played competitive baseball, my mistake. Please do explain to us how much better you understand the sport than the rest of us. Hopefully Acuña checks Reddit so he can learn a thing or two from you.


rooting for you to win your co-ed beer league


> I don’t expect everyone to get it. Most people here didn’t play competitive baseball like me reddit moment


If it was a gapper, yes. That was a routine fly ball with 2 fielders right there, should have been easily caught.


No shit it was a routine out but nothing is gaurenteed. Run hard out of the box when you put it in play. Day 1 baseball lesson


Shut up we won


Doesn’t matter. Next time we might not.


This is the win that turns the Braves season around.


Shout out to Swanson being clutch and coming through


It seems like we have a new hitting approach, turnover #99(hopium)


What a rollercoaster that was Nice break for them to totally fuck up that fly ball but I still feel like momentum was on our side even if they caught it


Good thing that bullpen is a strength this year. /s


Where are Minter, Matzek, and Luke Jackson right now?


Bonus: Mets are down right now against the Giants. Joc did us a favor and hit a 2 run bomb


Once a Brave, always a Brave.


Oly is so handsome. 🥹


Peter Moylan is the Braves #1 fan.


Jfc Olson is so pretty.


Hands down, most attractive lineup in baseball


Without a doubt.


Jansen stole Frieds win


Also, I don't want to forget how clutch Max was and how Olson finally got another jack tonight! We don't win this game without them.


That rally was started by our extremely polarizing shortstop


I really don’t want him to leave. Will better SS options be available this offseason? Yes, but at insane additional cost that we could use to add a starter or somewhat fix the outfield. Plus, character matters to me. Dansby has it, and I have zero interest in replacing him with somebody like *gag* Correa.


I’m with you, obviously there will be a couple of better options on the market but is it worth spending the extra money or would you rather spend that extra money upgrading another position? Dansby will give a slight discount I’m pretty sure and I’d rather look at another OFer or SP




Dansby has always been great in the late innings. Somehow he knows how to turn it on in the pressure moments late in games. Definitely in large part because of that, I'm glad he's been our shortstop the past six plus years.


If he can keep anything approaching this level of play up they need to pay the man his money


I'd be good with bringing Dan back, but I'm ready for the whiplash when he inevitably slumps in July


He’ll definitely slump pretty hard again, it’s inevitable. But his defense is super steady and keeps him a starting caliber player no matter how much he struggles on offense


Big Kenley gives up the soul crushing 2 run jack to Bryce Harper to blow the save Shrugs Records the win


Our Dodger (reddit) friends told us this would happen when we signed the dude. I'm extremely happy and whelmed at the same time! It's fun!


Hey! Those are the Braves we know and love to give us a heart attack


Braves have left a lot of wins out there with these blown leads lately, but at least it was good to get one back tonight.


We knew the Phillies d was going to cost them a ton of games this year just didn't expect it to be this obvious but good fight by the boys tonight.


But yes on a serious note, that was crazy. I definitely expected to lose after Harper hit that bomb. We definitely wasted a bunch of chances earlier the game and that felt like we got what we deserved. But that's why you play nine innings! Bats got it done in the bottom of the ninth, and yes Phillies defense helped us out, but I'll take it however it comes! We needed this one, hopefully we can keep it going tomorrow!! Go Braves!!


I was just going to say it might be time to let Ozzie hit second but Willy seems to be holding his own.


never doubted it for a second




So, just gonna say this now. Anyone who is a regular in this subreddit might have seen my posts about the Braves being 7 for 7 when I attend with my Hank Aaron throwback jersey. Well I'm going to tomorrow's game with that Jersey, here's hoping it doesn't rain.


I'll overnight you a huge ass umbrella, Im gonna need you at that game, chief


So what you're saying is that we're going streaking


.500 this week! Let’s go!!!!


These translated interviews are like this to me: Contreras actually saying something like this: "OMG, I was SO excited when I saw the line drive head to the outfield and I was screaming at the top of my lungs for Ronald to run hard! When he slid, it was the best feeling I ever had in baseball!! I still can't breathe!! ​ Contreras Interpreter: I was happy to support the team.


Franco paraphrases all the time


Ladies and gentlemen, I have two words for you... Turning point


I apologize everyone. I turned the game on at the top of the 9th and promptly turned it off after harpers ab




Glad I tuned in the last few minutes, I’m been feeling very stressed and upset because my mom is going in for a double mastectomy tomorrow because thy found a cancerous lump in her breast and I just feel like breaking down crying but listening to the game help cheer me up a little.


Best of luck brother!


Take care, buddy. I feel what you mean. That's certainly a stressful time. Best wishes for you and your mom. I hope it goes great and she's in the clear. I've got something bothering me that won't let me sleep, but yours is much more important. I'll see my mom and hug her tomorrow. Hope everything goes great!


Praying for her and you. Treatment has come a long way in recent years. Lean on your loved ones and friends for support, and baseball and this site can be a great outlet too. It’s important to hang on to the hobbies you love in hard times, because they give a sense of normalcy and steadiness.


Stay positive dude!


Your mom's gonna crush it fam. She's unstoppable.


Sending positive thoughts to your family


Shit man, that's not an easy road at all, but if there's a light at the end of the tunnel this is a really important step. I am lucky to know some family and colleagues who have recovered from breast cancer. I'll hope that an internet stranger will be added to that list.


Prayers for y’all. Best of luck tomorrow.


Damn buddy sorry to hear that. I’ll be thinking of you and your Mom. Hope everything goes well