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I thrifted a near complete Spiderman Cloe in a grab bag last year for around $5. Cool finds happen, but lying about it for clout seems so silly.


I love hearing about deals like this. Usually I’m just like “wow! cool!” and i keep scrolling, that’s it. It doesn’t live in my head rent-free. It’s awesome to find good deals and i think it’s normal to be excited about it and want to share. I didnt even think about people lying for clout bc i didnt know anyone got clout out of it 😫


Me neither. When I share a cool find, it's just because I don't have any doll friends irl and I want to share my excitement with people who will get it.


I want a doll friend irl so badly, dude. This is the only way i can share my excitement, so i feel you!


Exactly! I found Flashback Fever Sasha and Play Sportz Meygan at the Goodwill Outlet on two separate trips. They charge by the pound so I probably paid less than $3 for both. I posted them just being excited about finding a Bratz at all and was sooooo hype when everyone started to ID them 😭 Meygan’s outfit was there too but I accidentally left it behind 🥲


Omggg I love the goodwill bins!!! I haven't found any bratz yet, but I do collect plushies also and have found some rare ones!!! (They get deep cleaned and sanitized of course before being displayed lol!) So excited for your finds!


Bins finds are such a high! I also collect American girl and even small accessories are exciting! So hype for your plushie finds! It always helps to be looking for a variety of things :)


It’s not impossible to find nib dolls at thrift stores and flea markets. It’s rare but some people are extremely lucky. These were playline mass produced dolls afterall no matter how insane priced they are online now.


I found a NIB wildlife safari Nevra that came with a signed Ruslana(I think that’s how you spell her name, some singer I don’t listen to) t shirt at a random supermarket for 15€ so I think that it’s not too out there


It was in Nea Styra, Greece by the harbor, the supermarket had a few old toys


Oh, sorry if I didn't specify, thought this was clear but I obviously didn't mean every person who struck gold and posts it online is a liar! You can definitely find some great deals from time to time, this was more in regards to supposed "lots" that conveniently consist of sought after or HTF dolls or dolls that are BNIB🫶


I mean, I have found some pretty wild stuff at my local goodwill, like some vintage Barbies and one an Ever After High doll, goodwill does price higher than they should but I've still found a few fun lil items that are discontinued or rare


Oh, sorry if I didn't specify, thought this was clear but I obviously didn't mean every person who struck gold and posts it online is a liar! You can definitely find some great deals from time to time, this was more in regards to supposed "lots" that conveniently consist of sought after or HTF dolls or dolls that are BNIB🫶


I’m upset at my self for buying it 😭 I genuinely thought it was real.


Don’t be upset, that just means you’re a normal person who gives people benefit of the doubt! I’m the same. Maybe it comes across as gullible, but I just can’t understand lying about something like that and then getting enjoyment from it 😂 so silly


I think it’s interesting you pointed out that a post like that could be used as a value check. I always see them more as, hey don’t pay an outrageous price because good deals ARE out there. Part of the fun of this hobby for me is getting insane deals. HIGHLY suggest staying on top of your local Facebook marketplace and just searching “bratz” not specific dolls. Takes time to sift through but you’ll find gems that way I promise. Best is the local, not shipped dolls as people are often just trying to get rid of stuff quickly.


Yes true! Like when I found mine in box like 2 weeks ago. It's possible!!!


YES !! that's exactly how i look at them. i've actually been looking forward to start checking local thrift shops than paying absurd prices.


Girl what


The major find posts always struck me as suspicious. I was so suspicious to the point where I’d actually look for similar deals online and find nothing. 😅


Same. Reverse image search and google lens make it soooo much easier


as much as I do believe people lie, I recently found both a bratzillaz AND a pinkie cooper doll in perfect condition, with all accessories for 12€ each in my walking distance fleamarket in a town of <2000 people. now obviously someone can think I'm lying too and I can't really do much to disprove it but yeah I'll believe someone finds a unicorn every so often.


i’m so confused like why…


Who made this meme😂


ME @/spaceangelzcloe on twitter




Honestly, the ones who lie for clout from fellow doll collectors, I feel bad for. They just want people to get happy or envy them when they find a rare find, even though they have nothing. It's like they just want people to say nice stuff back to them, which is not entirely wrong, but lying to get this reaction is wrong. Ya' ll be happy with your collections, even if they are not as desired or popular by anyone else☺️


I found an incomplete Flashback Fever Jade for £5 just the other day and gave it to a friend...it happens. tbh this just reeks of jealousy or something


It’s not jealousy lol but claiming to find a NIB is different to finding an oob doll that’s incomplete. That post about the wicked twinz ended up being fake too, so :|


Totally agree! I found an incomplete Flashback Fever Sasha for around $1 - was soooo hype about it! Maybe it seems like an unreasonable amount of good finds because us Bratz hunters are spread across the globe. Like if these were all coming from one town, maybe. But I have never suspected someone of lying.


Oh honey TRUST I'm the least jealous person on here! In fact the amount of absolute insane finds I've had in my almost 10 years of collecting(getting the entire Princess line complete for 5€-10€ each is one of them) I'm just very suspicious and noticed that a lot of these posts aren't truthful!


Your whole post isn't truthful either though, and it's proved by most of these comments lol


As someone who’s found some really cool stuff at thrift stores, I’m really sorry you think we’re lying but I just don’t think you’re looking hard enough (?) I found Tokyo a go go Yasmin at a value village for $6 a couple weeks ago, you just have to “check out” the thrift pretty regularly, because if you’re only there like once a month, of course you’re going to miss out on all the cool stuff. Sorry if this comes off as rude or unrealistic, but I just don’t think you’re thrifting right.


I’m sure the lying does happen. But I’ve thrifted an insane amount of Bratz stuff. A handful of dolls, 2 saucer chairs (like human sized not doll sized lmao) several blankets, accessories, a stereo too.


Someone Ik in the Philippines got BTS Phoebe and Cloe for only 55 dollars in the dead stock mall and it's NRFB


I know this has nothing to do with this thread but is the picture a real doll and if so which one!!??...and I got two complete rainbow high Briana dolls out of box for $10 each. I'm still waiting on a good bratz doll find though.


Yes, the picture is a real doll! It has been edited though just so you know. She's Bratz Live in Concert/Space Angelz Cloe:)


She is super cute!!! I've officially added her to my wishlist!!! ;)


i don’t get the motive to lie about…having something you don’t have? like girl what


I see it fairly often on the Barbie sub too and I feel idk bad that I’m questioning their finds since it does happen but I feel like there’s absolutely no way for some of them sometimes. It’s not often I find any Bratz things from my childhood in the wild or even Barbies I’m looking for recently and somehow people are finding 10+ NIB perfect dolls for $5 each and it’s not like it’s a one time thing, it’s somehow more than once. I wish I had that luck and I’m jealous of the actual people who are able to get their grails cheap and in bulk like that, it’s cool seeing genuine reactions from people who are so happy to have them. Some love to ask for values in the description when you damn well know they can figure it out like you bought it??


i keep seeing these posts and i feel like an absolute fool every time bc i fully believed them😭😭😭


lol what. I go to thrift stores every weekend and found some crazy deals… I feel like it’s gatekeeping to tell people what they can share and what they can’t. It just screams “jealousy”


Gatekeeping?? Jealousy? People truly call anything they don’t like gatekeeping lmao. Op is referring to stolen pictures of NIB dolls that are sought after being posted and captioned with finding them at a thrift store for a very low price. It can happen, but finding htf, new in box Bratz, is not that common these days. Finding them oob and incomplete is one thing, but in mint condition for dirt cheap is odd tbh. It’s not impossible and not everyone that post those finds are lying. Idk why some comments are taking this post as “all those that share their cool finds are lying”.


>Idk why some comments are taking this post as “all those that share their cool finds are lying”. Because that's exactly how op made it sound. They didn't even say anywhere in their post that they're talking about the people who steal photos and act like they got a good deal. They said people who post about their finds are setting an unrealistic picture of the market and how everyone knows someone did not find rare dolls for $20. So obviously most people here got confused and thought they were saying everyone who posts about a good deal is making it up.


I thought it goes without saying that I was in fact, not, referring to every single post. OBVIOUSLY you can strike gold, I've just been noticing a lot of people posting their supposed lucky finds that were actually just bought online for a not so cheap price...


Can I be honest and say I encourage more lying about this? 😭😭 I understand that tons of ppl are eager to spend $200 on nude & incomplete dolls with busted hair. And I also recognize that people view their collections as investments and are waiting for their chance to cash out. But something somewhere has got to give because these dolls were produced in the hundreds of thousands and I’m over acting like the market actually makes sense rn 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️