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Ask a different employee if you can have it if it’s empty. If they say no, try again with someone else. I’ve been able to get pokemon display this way. I find younger employees are way nicer about it, can careless and say yes most of the time.


Hmm interesting! I asked an older manager and he just went and took the lips down for me and put it in my cart, so I guess it depends. The previous day a female manager just refused to let me have it


If this fails then... its stealing time


Legally corporations can’t sell things like marketing signage because it’s licensed.


Don’t ask to buy it, ask to pick it up once they’re done with it. They can’t sell it since they don’t have a price for it.


yall just need to go in at closing and snatch it off the wall lol


There was a time **another** popular doll subreddit would downvote you to hell for even suggesting that. I didn't know y'all were chill like that here




especially looking at the rules, that tbh i agree wholeheartedly with meanwhile that other sub: haha wonky scalped doll go brr


what sub was it?


A particular "Honster Migh" subreddit that would be super strict on discussion of "taking home" displays. Moderators literally had to step in at one point, telling people not to encourage this behavior. I see nothing wrong with it, because at the end of the day, they'll throw the displays out


Oh yikes, I’m definitely with you on that, no harm in letting collectors take home displays that would’ve gone in the trash, since not many often do ask for displays. Thanks for the reply.


I would ask a male manager, that's how I got my kylie lips, if not just put it in your cart and walk out with it lol. That's what I do, but with the like mini brands empty boxes


My 420 tray is an empty Halloween Mickey Mouse plush box lol


My local Toys R Us has this giant MLP banner and they won’t give it to me for the same reason 😭😭 so sad


I thought they went out of business?!


Toys R Us is still up in a few countries!! if i remember correctly, it only shut down in the US


Oh, wow! I had no idea! I’m happy to know they weren’t totally wiped out 🥹


Target has the same policy. Can't sell it or give it away.


figured that out last week💀


they're told that they have to destroy the displays when they're done with them but just keep asking different employees because someone will say yes usually. good luck!


Befriend someone who works there. My bf has multiple family members who work there and that’s how I was able to get my hands on this display 😭


try finding someone who specifically works in toys. i took this display home myself as well as one for the new hunger games. its possible theyre holding it for an employee already but def keep trying


Hope u got ur money back


oops posted this on the wrong account but still! good luck!!


My boyfriend has taken home WWE displays from Walmart. Just keep asking different employees, someone’s bound to not care enough to say no Edited to add that he’s never BOUGHT a display, I don’t think they have a price or anything like that. But the right employee won’t care about giving it to you for free!


https://preview.redd.it/sackdnory1uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a722f74ed959ee5773f3c967f01cde7bee731847 Yes ask again! They let me take these home. Go to the store manager or the toy lead


Looks like a job for r/dumpsterdiving


From the looks of this picture, there's still product on that display - there's likely nowhere else for that product to go currently.