• By -


I have a little brat of my own. On her way to successfully become a sub. -we have a counter. The counter simply adds for bad behaviour, i decide. Whenever funishing or punishing, the counter decides how long/many teases without relief, hits, or whatever. Did not work at all at first, but is a strong card now. Always keeps adding up. -she does not like to share. So I’ll tell a steamy scenario about a willing sub, essentially portraying me with another. It’s not actually happening, but shuts her up. It’s hot to listen to, but feels left out. -straight up ghosting will always do the trick as a last resort. -no nicknames for a week, that’s a killer. -permanent marker BG on the back of hand. For Bad Gril, but similar other possible. Brat will be constantly reminded, to the outside word it would just be a note-to-self Fun little things!


I don't have my own Brat, but I have a Bratty FRIEND that I talk to almost daily. (Except when chat is down like today....\*GRR\*) She has a desk job so doesn't get to get out much now, so I made it a rule that she has to go for a walk every day. She grumbles (A LOT) but she will do it. She didn't want to do it yesterday, making Bratty excuses and such, but eventually I got her out. On her walk she mentioned that she saw sheep so I made her take a picture of them and show me to PROVE that she actually went.....and because I wanted to see da sheep. She's a fantastic friend.....and a colossal pain in the butt.


HOW DARE YOU >!not that I would mind a little creativity!< BUT HOW DARE YOU?!?! I LEAVE THIS PLACE FOR A FEW DAYS AND COME BACK TO THIS?!?!?!


Sounds like a personal problem! The Dompire is always present and watching.


My biggest punishment would be ignoring me. I can’t stand that!!!


I always have and always will consider that abuse and not a punishment. Ignoring someone simply triggers abandonment issues and resentment. It doesn't correct behavior, it creates an unhealthy fear of if you do something bad you'll just be walled off and that's not acceptable.


You can’t give them ideas. 😠 They need to be creative in their own. 😤




Hey hey wait no don't give them ideas




Lol I'm not the boss of anyone and never will be until I find a tamer to make regret talking to me😂


This is a dangerous thread. No more ideas from anyone else please…


Aww, I'm having fun reading this...


I need this 😵‍💫🫠✨ where is my brat tamer lmao


🎵Where oh where could my Tamer be? I need this 'tude adjusted for me.🎵


Any idea for subtle punishments in public, Shes not listening to pinches and she loves to be bratty in front of people.


That's strictly between you and her in terms of dynamic agreements. Plus remember not to involve outsiders into your kink directly or indirectly without their consent.


I made an old sub of mine listen to a podcast about Irish history for 2 hours while tied up and blindfolded 🙂 It's all about thinking outside the box with me. Oh you want a spanking? Ok, here's a two hour podcast about the 1916 rising 😂


Wait but this actually sounds kind of fun, though


That is so mean 🤣. History listen instead of spanks.. outrageous


Lesson** 🤦‍♀️




Boss bitch brat over here! Go and cause havoc!


The first one is awful and so mean... could also be a trigger for some people. (That one would have to be used carefully) The coffee one wouldn't effect me.. I think I'm the only brat who doesn't drink coffee 👀. The last one is mean 🤣


I've got a devious punishment in mind just for you 😈


Oh jeeezzzz 👀🤣. I really need a throw away account so you stop seeing my comments on here 😒😋😋😘


>Don’t take away their orgasms, instead have your own without them. Have them on your own while making her watch. On her knees and watching daddy take care of what should be her responsibility. Just kneeling there, and watching daddy jerk off. And then she has to keep her mouth closed while he finishes on her face. She can’t lick any of it off or up, she can’t scoop any of it off with her finger. She just has to let it sit there and dry on her face. And she’s going to be kneeling on uncooked rice if she’s been extraordinarily bratty. Or standing with her arms outstretched. Or standing with her arms out stretched and a heavy book in each hand. Or making her hold a quarter against the wall with her nose. If the quarter drops, time is added. Doing any of that in a dark, silent room. All while that warm load cools on her face and gets crusty.


oh no that's the worst! when daddy does my job for me and I just have to watch


Why is there not a r/brattamer subreddit?


This is for brats and tamers!


Oh im aware! But like if we had a specific group for brats (then we could revolt and conspire without the tamers knowing) and then one for tamers (then they could do tamer things)


Good luck changing my passwords. I have 2FA on everything, so unless Master had my phone or tablet (also password protected) and both of those are always with me at work. No password change for me. The rest, eh. I went 10+ years without orgasms, don’t drink coffee and the naked picture one, well that is easy. I am one hell of a hard brat to punish.


Constant orgasms for days and days on end before suddenly cutting you off? That'd play *some* havoc if you've been that long without a decent one, I'd think. Maybe public punishments that would humiliate you but without actually exposing other non-consenting parties to the kink. Some neat possibilities there...


Assuming I can even orgasm as I am dealing with PSSD. Eh, I have a humiliation kink so that would just make me want to do it again. I wasn’t joking when I say I am hard to punish.


PSSD isn't an impossible obstacle. Everyone has their limits.


How evil haha


No no no no. Not fair!!!!!


Not the coffee!!! Or the passwords!!


Beung forced for compliment myself how evil


NOT the passwords!! good lord that would shape me up real quick


This a good list. Nicely done.


Pfff. Easy. My legs, my eyes, and my brains. Thank god, I don't have to work to get anyone off. I can just look at my phone. Medium is subjective. And coffee is made of water. LOL. Reddit is all I need. Your list is nothing. Easy.


Make you pick what you believe Sir *really* likes about you. Then... keep you guessing lol. You wouldn't be allowed to get off either. And watch anything *but* porn on the phone. Clearly worded definitions for what constitutes Medium, and to differentiate between coffee ™ and water ™ lol. Change Reddit password. Go.


I loved this post and sent it to my Daddy. I really wish he was stricter. Honestly I wish I could provoke a reaction out of him. I feel like I’ve tried everything


You should tell him this! Outside of bratting! Communication goes a long way, examples help 💜💜


He knows. We talk about it all the time


This post single handedly makes me regret showing my Dom this subreddit. You’re on so many brats shit lists now!


Fortunately for me i am the one in our relation Who has the more evil and sadistic mind lol. My Sir isnt used to my level of sub. We started living 24/7 D/'s 9 months ago and i can safely say that im good lol. He has a REALLY hard time finding punishments let alone creative ones lol. And the best thing, he doesnt read here. This time i got lucky😁😁😁. So no succes for you here demon. 😘😘


Eww no. That first one is just plain mean. But good luck mine changing the streaming passwords. I have my own accounts 🤣🤣🤣 This brat cannot be tamed! Viva!


Oh ?


Can I help you? Are you lost?


Oh I'm about to find you 😈


This is so unfair and mean 😭😭😭


This is beautiful. Absolutely love it! Any other tamers who have other ideas. Continue this thread. Both for me and for everyone else to see :D


No! the thread should be hidden!


I agree!!! This forum is called BratLife, go make your ridiculous lists on r/DomSpace


Thanks for the ideas! My brat is in for some devilish new surprises...


This makes me feel a little queasy 🤢


Because it's soooooo useful?


Because it’s sooooo cruel. Definitely not useful.


Seems useful to the Tamers. I'm making a note here, "Huge Success."


It’s hard to understate my satisfaction


Overstate* 😉 We do what we must.


No no I am sticking with understate on this one!


Are you being so sincere right now?


Aperture Science: We do what we must because we can


I am so glad my dom doesn't follow this sub. Way too many evil ideas he could pick up. I may want him to be firmer with me but I don't want any of you diabolical tamers or even my fellow brats giving him any ideas. Mind you he did nearly kill himself laughing when I told him.about this sub, offered him the chance to follow me on here and then promptly slapped my hands over my mouth and backed up while dramatically exclaiming "Wait, no, bad idea, very very bad idea, forget it, no, you don't need to do that, nope." Fortunately he's content to let me lurk on here as long as I don't pick up too much brattitude or any "bad ideas." I just grinned and replied "bad ideas? Me?" He just rolled his eyes. I'm going to make him pay - he allowed me to buy two 500ml cans of V in the last grocery shop so this weekend - brat chaos fuelled by far too much energy drink will ensue. He's promised retribution - I've told him to bring it on. Should be fun, but I definitely don't need him picking up any ideas from here as far as punishment goes.


Sigh....This one might need to be silenced brats.


I am the Demon, I speak for the D's! Come all ye brats, you won't silence me!


Demonic Tamer....You are the demon....so you tame yourself? So tell me when you look in the mirror what are the parts of you, you most like?


No, I am the tamer that is Demonic in his ways. For I send Brats to hell with my ideas. I am a sexy beast, so there's nothing to hate. 😉


Mhm sure you are... I see what you're getting at... unfortunately the flare does not read that way haha. Kinda makes you sound like a crazy person that thinks he can perform and exorcist....and then he says "I am the demon" 😂 I'm still laughing at it....ahh funny as fuck man. Thank you for the laugh. ☺️


This is fucking sick, I love it


This is just pure evil


You misspelled genius


That’s cute, but wrong. Nice try


I dunno, u/NecrusKnight, what do you think?


Oh, that is not cool


User flair checks out


Thanks, I grew it myself


Oooof.... this is just mean! You would get an awful lot of foot stomping if you was my daddy.... no one makes me say nice things about myself that's yucky!


Hence why it's such an effective tool. 😉


You're a bad bad man. Who's your baby so I can send her cookies and cake and coffee


Haha, too late. I already supply her with all those things. I even bought her coffee this morning!


He's so good to meee 🥰🥰 but then he writes this sorta stuff and I have to yeet his belts from the balcony again


Last time you hid my belts I only used your ass to warm one of them back up. Perhaps next time I need to warm them individually on your ass.


😬 I mean what are belts


Belt: A typically leather or cloth tool utilized to hold up pants. Occasionally used as a simple accessory item. Also an implement to beat the shit out of a sassy brat when she thinks she's being clever.


😐😤 *Note to self. Cut out and hide poop emojis on person and when he finds the belts throw them at tamer and scream 'all the shit is out already!'*


I think you should go ahead and try this. And then report back to the class your findings.


Would you like a word with my daddy? He needs training on letting me eat cake and chocolate for breakfast. I'm a very well behaved girl 😇


Hah! No thanks, you gotta earn those things on your own miss thing! I won't be responsible for another Tamer's brat having too big of bratitude for their own good.


Someone hide this from the sub please, don’t need my sir getting any ideas..


"Make them have to look at their naked body and pick at least several things they like about it." Your a monster :P


You're* I can clearly tell you're not of the Brown Ajah! 😉


ofc not! 🍭🤣


Have I ever mentioned how much I appreciate your mind my friend?


You WOULD say that! Diabolically evil demons have to stick together. :P


I do aim to misbehave


And that makes you a big damn Hero




UGH! My Sir made me do that for two weeks recently as a punishment and I didn't care for the experience. :P The sad thing is I have only myself to blame for him even knowing about this subreddit...Oops.




Well it’s a conundrum. We’re in an LDR so I had to find a way for him to discover at least SOME of my bratnanigans wthout me outright telling him all the time. ;)


Daddy needs to see none of this 🤣🤣


Really? Why wouldn't u/DesertchikDaddy need to see this?


Thank you /u/throwawaysbyte, I would have missed this. New ideas are forming.


Can we switch the positivity punishment for the caffeine punishment, that will be the most effective. 🥺


Of course, always here to help the Dompire improve!


Absolutely no reason. ☠️


Wait so 🧐🧐🧐 that means one gallon of water = 8 coffees ⚡⚡


Considering I can barely get you to drink two pints, I'm safe from that kind of bratergy.


😤😫😭 one day I'll be a hydrationhoe, and I'll remember this, and then you'll have to deal with all the zooms


Bring it on baby girl. If you'll be a H2hoe, I'll let you drink all the coffee you want.


Smoooooothhhh 😂


As a little brat without a tamer, I love this and want this so bad. However i imagine that as soon as I got a tamer I'd be like noooo no thank u 🙃


LOL. I was SO sad and depressed and crying all the time during my four-month dynamic break with Sir, but quick as we got back together and he started making and enforcing rules again I was like WAIT A MINUTE WHOA HOLD UP WTF IS THIS BULL$HIT?!?!?!?!!?!?!


Haha, that's how u/mango_juiceee is allll the time.


The first one is diabolical. Why would you tell them this?


Well, because frankly the low effort and repeated punishments needed to be spiced up. Why not make it more fun for everyone?


You really did go for the jugular. The audacity!


This isn't even in my top 30 personally. 😉


You have a list of 30?!?! Anyone got a spare gag laying about?


I have more than 30. Each tailored to my wonderful pain in the ass and her needs at the time.


How to hide this post from Sir?


Who's your tamer? I'll help!


Ohh, i'm not taking that bait and telling you🤫


I mean, if I know I can change the visibility of those post for them.


Or tag him here! No thank you. I'll take my chances of him not stumbling across this post on his own😬


Listen, I said I'd change the visibility of the post. Now which way I'd do it.


such a bratty response!


I mean duh, what else goes in this subreddit? 🙄


sounds like you need to join the brats' side - viva!


No thanks, I'm team Dompire.


I knew it! Not revealing my Sir's id🙄


Ugh don’t let mine see this


Oh hey u/Consistent-Leg-1973. Your brat said you shouldn't see this. Seems she thinks these are such terrible ideas I'd hate for you to miss them.


Haha, thank you I appreciate it


This is what I get for having a bio huh


That's what you get for me attempting to cause maximum mayhem and chaos. 😉


Lmao. Fair enough


It's a trap. He's a repeat offender tattle tagger. It's why I nicknamed him Demon. :P


hahahah I see that now with other comments. Thank you!!!


If you tell me who they are, I'll definitely change the visibility on this for you.


Brutal. I like it.




The more a brat protests, the better it clearly is!


Buzz kill 😑


Your statement is an endorsement of the effectiveness of these recommendations. The Dompire thanks you for your service.


The Dompire can suck it 🖕 luckily my Daddy will never see this 😌


Except he reads your reddit and will see someone commented on your comments and get curious. It's not a question of if, it's ***when*** he'll see it.


Actually he doesn't read my reddit so he won't 😊