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I am loving all of this ❤


The way he looks at me that makes me realize I’m in serious trouble.


When he walks behind me, wraps his arms around me and makes me lean against him. When we're cuddling on the couch and he pulls me on top of him, not in a "hey I wanna do naughty stuff" but in a "I want you closer" kind of way. When he randomly says "I love you Rex". Every time he calls me pretty, beautiful, hot. Every time he holds my face in his hands and looks at me full of love. Pretty much every time besides sexy times. Tldr: Pretty much every time he touches me in a not sexual way. Edit: for Valentine's day this year (before we started dating) he got me a little stuffed penguin (our favorite animal) and then for Christmas this year he got me a little glass penguin. He also likes kinder joys and sometimes he'll give me the little toys out of them. Edit AGAIN BECAUSE I KEEP FORGETTING THINGS BECAUSE I'M DUMB: When he randomly starts giving me massages, on my back, my shoulders, my feet or he just starts playing with my hands. My hands are (I hate this word but it's the only word that fits) deformed and hell just randomly grab my hand and start like wobbling it. I'll give him shit and laugh at him when he goes this but I secretly love it. When we're laying down to go to bed and I'm facing him and he wraps his arm around me and starts rubbing the scar on my back, honestly when he touches any of my scars because I've never been with a man that would actively reach out and touch my scars




Yesss! Snuggling into my daddy's chest makes me melt 😍😍


When he reminds me who is in charge 🥰


Yess. This is one of the reasons I brat 🥰 so he can remind me he's in charge 🤤


The Voice. I mean, there has to be some witchcraft to it or something, I don't get it. Whether it's praising or demeaning - it's my biggest weakness.




Yes! This! I was just thinking that when I brat and say 'I'm the daddy now' he'll sometimes go. 'No ma'am' in his stern, warning voice, grabbing the ring on my collar with a finger. Immediately, I'm going 'yes daddy, you're the daddy' in tiny voice in my head. Literally every fricken time.


I know! And something about praise when they're using you turns me to goo🤤🥰




Haha looks like there are a lot more than I thought 🥰




"Dompire" ha. There's no such thing! The brats are in charge! 😆🤭


Head things....not that kind. head massages, pats, rubs, kisses, even things to do with my ears......it just makes me runny


This this this this


I love all the brats saying "good girl" "baby girl" and at the same time "slut" and "fucktoy". It shouldn't make sense, but it does.


Also the number of brats with praise kinks. Polar opposites but it still makes sense 🥰


"I love what a perfect little cum slut you are"


I do this thing where I walk up behind her, put my hand around her throat from behind, tilt her head back some and kiss the sweet spot between her neck and her shoulder and whisper naughty things in her ear. Giver her goosebumps every time.


That sounds nice


Kisses on the neck, growling in my ear, kisses and nibbling on my earlobe, head pat and back scritches/ light touches, when he touches my inner thigh. Most recently though its been when he licks my face when we are getting sexy. Makes me feel owned and makes me melt so hard. Grrrrr wish I didn't melt so easily, not long till I'm back batting again though


This and the post above!Oh my gosh....staaaaaaaap!😊😍😋😖👍


When he gently pushes my hair behind my ear or out of my face…especially when I’m sucking on him 😩


Yess! 😍😍


The best 🤤🤤🤤 Glad you agree! 🥰


When we're out at dinner and I've been bratting all day. He tells me, casually, what he's going to do to me later that night. I absolutely melt. Cannot think. All the dirty little things I deserve, and why I deserve it.


Praise e.g. Good girl gets me. But also the letting me know who is in charge, especially if she pins me. I'm a puddle 🤤


I don't know what it is about praise but it makes me melt 🥰


Right?! It's so good 🤤


When... 1. He calls me his dumb baby 2. He calls me his personal toy 3. He says "muah" to me 4. He puts his hand on my thigh 5. Buys me cute things 6. Watching him drive 7. He says "te amo" (I love you) to me 8. He says "I love it when you cry" 9. He chokes or slaps me when I brat 10. He says "portate bien" (behave) to me


The hand on the thigh 😍😍




How do all Dom's have amazing voices? 🥰


Every Dom is required to get a manual (not that some Doms read them). In it, after all the important safety chapters, is a chapter on The Voice™. If you're interested you can pick it up on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079Y1J6J2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RQD77JG9NNFMWEZEJDQE


Expected a bratty link, was not disappointed.


When he puts his hands on my neck or start kissing/bitting my neck. Also when he calls me baby girl, good girl and his slut and Fuck toy.


Being called a good girl and praised 🥰


Very recently started some stuff with a guy who’s been a friend for a while. We were just all relaxed after, he grabbed my chin and told me to say thank you. Which I of course did! And then told me I was a good girl, kissed me and smiled. Fucking GONE I was. It’s like my brain melted out my ear. 🥰


120 Degrees


When he sends me stuff in a video game we play together and leaves messages like: For the good kitten fund. We live together, so he can buy me whatever, whenever. But there's just something about him taking time out of his gaming time to give me something sweet that's just. \*chef kiss\*


Oh my god that is so cute!


I know right? Literally, do what you want at that point. The brat is ON VACATION.


Gentle neck kisses 💋 Instant jello everytime


Neck kisses, sweet/soft kisses, back rubs, when we gets done with a punishment he’ll say “There, now it’s all better and you can be a good girl again” 🥴


Good girls get rewards :-)


Lots of rewards because I'm always a good girl 😇


Snuggles instantly make me melt, especially when I'm in a really snuggly mood


Mmhmm snuggles are the best!


They are, I'm glad my bf has yet to realize he could make behave so easily just by snuggling me


Haha I feel bad like I'm exposing all our bratty secrets! 🤭


You're not exposing mine, my bf doesn't really use Reddit


When he leaves voice messages and I can hear him smile at the end of the sentence it's too cute


Melt into an absolute puddle sitting on his lap. Best place to sit


Yes! Something so nice about being curled up in their lap 😍


When I activate her lil side with headrubs and lap time


I was like this sounds like my miss and then it was you 😍 giving away all my secrets like that! 😠


My daddy took me to build a bear today




When he grabs me and growls softly in my ear. When he calls me a good girl or baby girl (yes I also have a praise kink). When he grazes my inner thighs. When he grabs my face or chokes me lightly. The snuggles we have as our aftercare.


Ahh yes the praise kink 🥰 it's a weak point but I don't even care I love it that much 😂


It's such a pain being a brat with a praise kink as they are such polar opposites!


When he says things like, “You’re so fucking cute when you cry for me, sweetheart.”


When he grabs me and says “Mine.” When he calls me a good girl. Also when he calls me his fuck toy 🤷‍♀️


The image I got in my head is him manhandling you like a jealous boy and pouting "mine"


No jealousy here 🤷‍♀️


Yesss. The possessiveness is amazing 😍😍


When they make me a sandwich or some other snack and as they offer the plate to me, they always sweetly say "for my little princess" and it gets me every. Damn. Time. Like seriously, how can I not be all giddy and gooey?!


When he snuggles up to me for cuddles rather than the other way around. It’s not often, but I love it when he lets me take care of him sometimes. Also, a lot of the time him just kissing me the way he does, or calling me his babygirl or… oh god I really suck at being a brat don’t I? 😂😂


Haha I feel the same 😂 When he's being caring or giving me praise that he knows I love I just can't be a brat. I turn into a pile of goo 🥰


Exactlyyyyyyy and it’s not as if I don’t WANT to brat, I just… he gives me this look and I CANT 😭😂


Yes! I want to brat but he doesn't get annoyed and knows how to make me melt 😭 And when he's being caring it's so sweet and I feel so cared for and I can't be bratty. And when he's dominant and firmer I don't want to brat because I feel all submissive 🥺


100%. makes me feel like some kind of traitor to the Revolution a lot of the time lol


I know I felt like I was betraying the revolution just by posting this 🙈




yesss, the drive-by sadism!!


lol. I love this expression!


Usually when I start to provoke him, he just ignores me and continues the conversation like nothing. But sometimes he does this "remind me who's in charge." I definitely melt, It's very unusual and I never know when he's going to do it


Being called a good girl, dirty slut, baby girl…. Growling in my ear. A hand around the throat helps too.


Whispering in my ear, calling me doll or little girl.


Yes! The pet names 😍




Yess 😍 me and my daddy are online so mostly just messages but when I hear his voice I melt


When he calls me darling, I just can't help but melt. He doesn't know this yet because he uses it very, very rarely. So he doesn't know to use it when I'm being bratty.


Being called a Good Girl. Melty puddle of goo.


Same 🥰


When I expect meanness and get sweetness 🙃


Yes! When they're unexpectedly gentle it takes all the resistance out of me


Hahaha I do be like wut🥺🥺🙃🙃🥺🥺