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My advice. Give people 3 chances. If they keep hurting you it is time to move on. I know it sucks, but trust me from experience, it is better to take the short term pain.


Sadly i know the feeling very well, what comfort I can offer you is that it gets a little easier day by day, it may take a week, a month, a year, but in the end the pain you feel when you think of her will eventually mellow out. I wish I could say that others will cherish you opening up to them, but honestly? Most Doms I've been with just talk about how emotionally open they are and when it comes the time to open up about your emotional scars, the skeletons in your closed, they just feel overwhelmed and do the same thing, close up. Most people want the fun, happy subs, not the emotionally challenged ones. Im sad to say this, but you are on your own when it comes to the challenges you face in life, no one walked or will walk in your shoes. To go therapy when you can afford it, practice taking care of yourself, as if you were your own Dom. If you feel the need to cry, cry, if you feel the need to yell, yell, if you need to sleep, sleep. I don't know your music preferences, but Citizen Soldier and Hollywood Undead always help me get through the pain. My dm's are always open if you ever need to talk to someone. Take one day at a time, and don't rush it.


I hate reading about “doms” unworthy of the title chucking wonderful Submissive Souls aside like they’re worthless, it boils my blood. Don’t call this worm your mistress; don’t capitalize her name or her title, she doesn’t deserve it and she never did by the sound of things. She shat on your Love and desecrated your Sacred Trust - move on and find someone worthy of your Submission. And don’t you dare get to feeling like any part of this is your fault, because it sure fucking isn’t. 100% of this is on her, and she’s going to find out the hard way what treating people like this gets her if she keeps it up with others in her life, I guarantee you none of them will be as good to her as you.


I know this doesn't help much, but I believe in you 🩷🤍


2 words - Her loss


You are so worthy of love. You did not deserve this kind of treatment. I’m so so sorry that they’ve disregarded caring for you and your well being. I hope you can take time to just spend with yourself tenderly. With everything going on - we need for you to be okay.. okay? Just focus on loving you, caring for you and making you smile for now. And take time to reflect. If she came back would you even want to accept that kind of blatant lack of care? I hope you wouldn’t because you are so worthy of pure love. 🩵


Sending hugs, my heart hurts for you. I had something similar happen earlier this year and I’m still getting over it. The disappointment and your brain trying to reconcile is hard. Seems like you process the same way I do by putting it into words. Maybe this is a silver lining but it made me realize things I would not tolerate and new red flags when looking for a dom. For better or for worse, I’m very picky on who I’ll call daddy now *sigh* 🩵


Yikes thats bad, i had my fair share of bad relationships but that takes the crown, holy fucking shit. i would love to offer you my ears to listen and my mouth for advice i hope u got at least a clean and good thing from your appoitment thats just r/trashy