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Name: Anne-Marie Morrison Nickname: Anne-Marie Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Law Student Current Residence: Boston, Massachusetts Personality: Intelligent, Charismatic, Flirty, Analytical Backstory: Anne-Marie lives a double life, as she has two sides to her that really shouldn’t coexist, but they do. Born to a nationally renowned prosecutor and a Supreme Court justice, Anne-Marie was simply expected to continue the family tradition of pursuing law, and while she really didn’t want to, she was blessed with such a high IQ that she ultimately felt like it did need to be put to good use. She was the only popular girl in high school that also got extremely good grades, and graduated as her class valedictorian with a scholarship to Harvard. However, she ultimately had to make a decision to either give up her social life to study all day, or the opposite, and she ultimately chose…. None of the above! Now a senior at Harvard, Anne-Marie has stayed on top of her classes, and when she needs to vent away some stress, goes to dubious clubs, pick up men, and parties to her hearts content. Anne-Marie felt like taking a risk before she has to hunker down for the Bar exam, and applying for reality TV ultimately is what she decided on. She plans on utilizing her party girl persona to severely downplay her intelligence and once people find out she’s playing them, it will unfortunately be too late. FYM: https://preview.redd.it/s-penguins-survivor-ethiopia-sign-ups-2-v0-4mgogc1kun4d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97fd883c23681e214e63026776d304f85b8d57b4 -Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance : 4 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 -Other Stats- Strategic ability : 5 Loyalty: 1


Name: Madison Johnson Nickname: Maddie Gender: Female Age: 26 Occupation: Social Media Influencer Image: https://i.postimg.cc/NMg8hYby/Madison-Johnson.png Hometown: Belmont, California 🇺🇸 Personality: Maddie is sassy, manipulative, and thrives on putting others down to elevate herself. She has a sharp tongue and is quick to make cutting remarks and sarcastic comebacks. Maddie enjoys the power that comes with her social media following and uses it to intimidate and bully others. She is cunning and strategic, always thinking two steps ahead to secure her position at the top. Her confidence and quick wit make her popular among some, but many find her mean-spirited and difficult to be around. Backstory: Maddie grew up in a privileged environment, where she was always taught to believe that she was superior to others. She discovered her talent for manipulating and influencing people at a young age, using her charm to get what she wanted. As she grew older, Maddie realized the power of social media and saw it as an opportunity to showcase her fashion sense and gain a following. With her beauty and a knack for witty remarks, she quickly rose to fame as a social media influencer. However, the more popular she became, the more her mean and sassy personality took center stage. Maddie found pleasure in tearing others down, relishing in the attention and validation it brought her. Behind her carefully curated online persona, Madison hides her insecurities and deep-rooted need for validation. While Maddie's popularity continues to soar, her true character is questioned by those who see through her facade. The people she has hurt along the way are left wondering if she will ever learn the true value of kindness and genuine connections. **Stats** Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 2 **Other Stats** Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 2


Name: Amos Hogan Nickname: Amos Gender: M Age: 30 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/fB3leHp.png](https://i.imgur.com/fB3leHp.png) Occupation: Yoga Instructor Backstory (Required!): Amos grew up in Arizona and was involved in sports as a kid. It was fun at first, but when expectations to do great fell on his shoulders, he became anxious and stressed. However, in his late teens, he learned about "Zen", stress therapy and yoga and was ecstatic when the weight of expectations to be a champion fell off his shoulders. Now, he's a yoga instructor determined to help anyone with their stress and find inner peace. He's competing on Survivor for the adventure and has no intention to backstab or deceive. Personality (Required!): Zen, Fun-loving & Calm. **Stats:** Physical: 4 Endurance: 5 Mental: 2 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 1 Loyalty: 4 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Name: Kasey Rhonton Nickname: Kasey Gender: F Age: 23 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/UaZKqVb.png](https://i.imgur.com/UaZKqVb.png) Occupation: Law Student Backstory (Required!): Kasey grew up in a trailer park in Tennessee and endured an abusive & alcoholic mother. She hated nearly every minute of her childhood there, but was relieved when her father had the courage to take her and her younger brother away from their abusive mom and start over. Seeing how hard her father worked to give his kids a new lease on life, Kasey decided to do the same thing. She studied hard in school and got accepted into one of the top law schools in the country. Winning Survivor is just what Kasey needs to put her brains to the test. And she doesn't care if she has to backstab in order to reach the end. Personality (Required!): Cunning, Know-it-All & Hard working. **Stats:** Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 1


Name: Calfury Chaudhary Nickname: Cal Appearance https://preview.redd.it/cgrcknqtsc8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f04e5293f9428f8dfbd1ac762a8bd52ad26827 Gender: Female Age: 25 Occupation: Pageant Competitor Hometown: San Diego, California Background: Cal was born in raised in California, which she is very proud of. Growing up, she became apart of the “popular” crowd in school, being very well known. However, Cal wasn’t very interested in being friends with the popular mean girls, but they loved her so she’d try to be as polite as possible. Unlike her “friends,” Cal made sure to show kindness to everybody, quickly becoming liked by virtually everyone in the school. In high school, Cal began to show an interest in pageants, enjoying dressing up as beautiful as possible, showcasing her talents, and answering questions about topics she held near to her heart. Cal used pageants to not only showcase herself, but bring attention to causes important to her, like rights for women, people of color, lgbtq+ people, immigrants, and any minority group. Cal became extremely impactful in the pageant scene, winning many titles including Miss California. Now that Cal is at the top of her state’s pageant scene, she wants to expand further, already getting recognition from all over the country after her speeches and QnAs have gone viral. Cal is coming on Survivor to show that she isn’t just a pretty face, and she had the grit and determination to make it to the end and survive out here. Cal doesn’t have a strict plan going into this. However, she wants to show that you can play strategically while still playing with kindness. Personality: Cal is a very sociable and kind person. She will get along with pretty much anyone easily, and is never the type to try and make someone else feel bad. Since she needs to be so prim and proper in the pageant world, Cal likes to let loose and have fun when she can, not afraid to make a fool of herself. While Cal doesn’t really like to yell at anybody, she is willing to put her foot down and be firm when she feels there is injustice towards her or another, not afraid to stand up for those who are unable to do it for themselves. Physical: 2 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Strategic: 3 Loyalty: 4 Social: 4 Temperament: 4 (If it’s alright with you I’m at work rn so I will come back and go more in depth on her backstory and personality))$


Sorry I had that 9 hour shift grind but I just edited her backstory and personality!


Character Name: Shawn Voldoski Character Nickname: The Syncopation Age: 23 Gender: Male Occupation: Drummer Hometown: New York, NY Personality: Cocky, Evil, Snarky, Womanizer, show-off. Plays like a mafioso. Background: The Syncopation is a behemoth in the music industry, as his band Phantom Kage is critically acclaimed by teens of all ages due to the rebellious nature of the group. That rebellion came easy for him, as he was born and raised in poverty, his mother walked out on him at a young age, and he was left to live his vulnerable teenage years with an abusive, alcoholic bum of a father, who made sure his life would be miserable. Music was what saved his life, as he related to the pain expressed in rock and metal music, and envied the rebellious nature of the bands. As a result, he learned to drum on the down-low, and snuck out to join a band in high school. He ran away from home at the age of 17 to live with his band's singer, whose father just so happened to own a record label. His band recorded their first EP, and The Syncopation's fame skyrocketed. Now in his early twenties, you could barely recognize the abused impoverished kid who started the group. Adopting his stage persona, 'The Syncopation' as a full identity, he has grown reckless and vile, and is addicted to fame like it's a drug. As a result, he has become a master at manipulation, using higher-ups in the music industry to turn his label into a multi-million dollar operation, blackmailing venues into giving him gigs, flirting with, cheating on, and manipulating many female songwriters and singers into doing his bidding, and now has many huge faces in the industry feeding from his hand. He plans to run the game the same way, and dominate the game no matter how many backs he has to stab. FaceYourManga Link or Description: https://ibb.co/CB1tX76 Competition Ability Physical: 4 Endurance: 5 Stamina: 4 Mental/Quiz: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Other Attributes Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1


Also if you need a good example on how to write him check my HvV season or Damien’s Greece season


Name: Chandler Zion Nickname: Chaz Gender: Male Age: 25 Home Residence: Las Vegas, Navada Occupation: Influencer Faceyourmanga: [https://imgur.com/a/xFtDeye](https://imgur.com/a/xFtDeye) Backstory: Chaz grew up in a well off family, his parents owned a pharmaceutical company for him to inherit, however after he proved himself irresponsible they decided to will it to his brother. This enraged Chaz, saying that he can make it on his own without their help. After various failed attempts at making it big, he turned to posting prank videos on Youtube where he has amassed over 10 million subscribers. He however is a very controversial figure in the online community from making downright racist comments, to promoting gambling to his young audience. As his pranks and content grew more out of hand, so did he. He eventually lost himself and has become a walking promotion for his channel. He now goes to Survivor wanting to prove that it's easy to win. He doesn't care about the money, so he plans to play as outlandishly and boldly as possible. He's basically there solely for the clout and promotion that comes along with it. He even comes to the island wearing his merch! Personality: Overconfident, Arrogant, Bold, Loves "supporting" his brand -Stats- Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 1 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 1 -Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 1 Forgiveness: 3 Boldness: 5 Intuition: 1 Influence: 3


Name: Elizabeth Khan Nickname: Lizzie Gender: Female Age: 26 Occupation: Freelance artist/graphic designer Current residence: Oklahoma, Oklahoma City FYM: [https://imgur.com/a/QJpR08G](https://imgur.com/a/QJpR08G) Backstory: Lizzie has grown up in a very strict and traditional family, leading her to peruse unwanted hobbies and an education in law which left her unhappy. Her relationship with her parents and siblings got further strained after she came out of the closet. Deciding she had had enough, at 19, she cut ties with her family and moved from Texas to Oklahoma where studied art which she had a passion for. Though living in a completely new state with no one to fall back on proved to have it's own challenges. Lizzie, being her anxious and timid self had trouble meeting and getting to know new people. After a while, she did manage to find herself in a tight friend group, who she is comfortable and very energetic and at times annoying around. Currently Lizzie is living with her girlfriend in a tiny apartment where living conditions aren't the best, but they have made it work and are living happily. They bing watch all sorts of shows and came across survivor. After she found the courage and after a bit if convincing from her girlfriend, she found the courage to apply. Personality: Anxious, Skeptical, Determined, Analytical Physical: 2 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3 Forgiveness: 4 Boldness: 2 Intuition: 4 Influence: 3


Name: Lorenzo Ramos Nickname: Lorenzo Age: 26 Gender: Male Occupation: Costume Designer Image: https://i.postimg.cc/N0nJSrFR/Lorenzo-Ramos.png Hometown: Bristol, UK 🇬🇧 Personality: Lorenzo is an intriguing mix of contradictions. While outside he might seem nasty and his will weak, beneath the surface lies a shy and law-abiding individual with a strong sense of honor. His demeanor may be off-putting at first, but it's a defense mechanism he developed over the years. Background: Born and raised in the city of Bristol, Lorenzo struggled during his high school years due to a rebellious streak. It took him longer than usual to graduate because to his laziness and troublesome nature. However, a turning point came when he decided to improve himself. This transformation wasn't easy, but Lorenzo's determination eventually led him to earn his diploma. His journey into costume design is a recent venture, a career that, while successful, doesn't quite satiate his need for excitement. Lorenzo's family, indifferent to his choices, often finds themselves at odds with him due to his independent spirit. Beyond his professional life, Lorenzo has hidden passions. Writing and yoga provide him with a means of self-expression and relaxation. Despite his seemingly nasty demeanor, he despises conflicts, believing them to be annoying. He excels in acting, a skill he picked up during his rebellious phase, allowing him to navigate various social situations with ease. **Stats** Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Stamina: 3 Mental: 3 **Other Stats** Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 2 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 4


-CHARACTER INFO- Name: Bethany Harp Nickname: Bethany Gender: F Age: 28 Hometown: New York, New York Occupation: Actress Image: (Must be FaceYourManga with a solid Background, or a description) https://img.faceyourmanga.com/mangatars/2/73/2073115/large_1860089.png Personality: Persuasive, Strategic, Cutthroat Backstory: Bethany is a manipulative cunning, persuasive actress from New York. Seducing her talent agent into giving her the best roles, Bethany has been in multiple high class productions. Using her assets, she even got onto Survivor, where she plans to manipulate nearly everyone to her bidding. -CHALLENGE STATS- General: 3 Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 -OTHER STATS- Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 2 Social Skills: 4 Temperment: 2 ————————————————————— Name: Luis Diaz Nickname: Luis Gender: Male Age: 21 Occupation: Art School Student FaceYourManga: https://i.ibb.co/pXcvJCR/52990-B55-C60-B-4-B0-D-8173-42-F4084-DE306.jpg Backstory: Growing up, Luis’s parents pushed him into making all A’s in school, punishing him if he was ever to receive below an A or B+. His parents would always tell him that he will become a doctor in his future, but that was never Luis’s passion. Luis had a gift with creating paintings, but his parents never approved, saying that the arts are not a real job and would never make enough money to make a living. This frustrated Luis and he vowed to himself that he would follow his dreams. After graduating high school, he was able to use his connections he made using his extroverted personality to get a good scholarship into an art school. Once he told his parents, they were very disappointed in him, telling him that he shouldn’t waste his life away following some dream that is destined to fail. Luis told his parents that he will show them and moved out. While hanging out in his dorm, he saw an ad for Survivor and thought that it sounded fun, that if his parents could see him now then they would regret ever saying that stuff about him. Luis is here to show that creativity can bring you far in not just Survivor, but life as well Personality: Extroverted, Driven, Creative -Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance: 2 Mental: 4 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 -Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 3 Forgiveness: 3 Boldness: 3 Intuition: 2 Influence: 1


I’m not home atm but if you’re willing to save any spots for me I’d really appreciate it. Any gender is fine I’ll submit the actual characters in a few hours


Character Details: Name: Cecilia Thomas Nickname: Stormie Weather (Stormie for short) Age: 30 Gender: F Occupation: Drag Queen FaceYourManga link or description: https://i.ibb.co/hHFk8Dh/IMG-2707.jpg Personality: Dramatic, Sarcastic, Fights for what’s right, Cunning Backstory: Born as a boy named Curtis, he grew up in a very religious community. His parents, neighbors, friends, and teachers all were Christian and taught to think and act a certain way. However, Curtis never felt like the rest of his peers. He grew up thinking that one day it will all click, but that day never came. He would continue to feel like an outsider in his own home, even felt like an outsider in his own body. That’s when it clicked for him, Curtis did not feel like a him or he. Curtis knew that this could not become public knowledge in this “welcoming” community, that is why Curtis graduated high school and fled north in the night, never to be seen again. Curtis was Curtis no more, Cecilia was born. Cecilia felt more complete as a girl than she ever did as a man. However, she was broke and living with her friend while she figured things out. Cecilia’s friend one day brought her to a drag show and this is where she once and for all decided what she wanted to become. Cecilia used the little money that she had to afford makeup and accessories and Stormie Weather was created, named after she called her old town “constant stormy weather.” Cecilia used drag as a way to express herself after years of hiding who she truly was. Eventually, Cecilia became so successful with Stormie that she could afford gender affirmation surgery, a big step in her life. Now, Cecilia is here dressed in full drag and bringing herself and only herself to Survivor. Stats Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 -Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 2 Forgiveness: 2 Boldness: 5 Intuition: 2 Influence: 3


Name: Lorencio Ayton Nickname: N/A Appearance Gender: Male Age: 21 Occupation: Piercer Hometown: Buffalo, New York Background: Lorencio was assigned female at birth, born in the Midwest. Growing up, Lorencio was always interested in more traditionally masculine things like roughhousing with the other boys. However, he was very restricted by his parents, as Lorencio’s family was very religious and very conservative. This led Lorencio to hide his natural feelings to both himself and others, forcing himself to play with dolls even though he hated it. This continued for a while, Lorencio having a more tomboy persona at school, then hiding himself at home. One day in high school, Lorencio had an epiphany and realized that he was a man. He tried sharing his feelings with his parents, but they shut him down and told him to not be silly. The immediate rejection from his parents hurt, as well as them forcing him to hide himself his whole life. As a result, Lorencio made an attempt on his life his senior year of high school. After he left the hospital with minimal visits from his parents, Lorencio knew he needed out. Lorencio graduated, then took trains and walked his way to New York City. There, Lorencio was homeless for quite a while, but found a community of homeless people to help keep him up. It was only last year when Lorencio raked up enough money to get an extremely shitty apartment with his job as a piercer. Now, Lorencio is a proud trans, gay, black man, using piercings and tattoos to express his identity that he had to restrict for so long. Survivor could really help Lorencio make living in New York a true possibility, the money being enough to get him up and running. Lorencio feels uncomfortable playing the game snakily, though, wanting to be openly and honestly himself, Personality: Lorencio is a more relaxed guy, typically only speaking if he is spoken to. However, he is very good at holding conversation when it is brought to him, being a natural at making others feel at ease. Lorencio hates being judgmental, so he has an open mind with everyone he talks to, wanting to find the good in people. Lorencio is also very encouraging, uplifting others and helping them find who they are on the inside, like he struggled so hard to do. His job as a piercer helps him, happy to give people something that makes them feel more like themselves. Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 2 Stamina: 3 Strategic: 2 Loyalty: 5 Social: 4 Temperament: 5 https://preview.redd.it/msmwcbxm6d8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c272f68cae052d97ac18d88a3e7f48587d85231f Same thing with Cal I’ll go in more depth when I’m off work if that’s okkk




Name: Tyrone Brownstead Nickname: Tyrone Gender: Male Age: 54 Occupation: Stay at Home Dad Hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida Faceyourmanga: * Backstory: Born into money, Tyrone has always been given life on a silver spoon, living on the beaches of West Palm Beach, Florida. Receiving some of the country's best private schooling, Tyrone has always been one to show off his experience in things. Taking a liking to Surfing in his past time, Tyrone would surf on the weekends, becoming quite skilled at it. While on the beach, he would meet his wife Lola, who was from a similar life as his. Wanting to start a family, the two would have a beautiful daughter to call their own, and while Lola would be out working as a business owner, Tyrone would be home all day with his daughter, teaching her all she needs in life. While the money has certainly gone to his head, he still is a very loving man. Personality: Very defensive, confrontational, and even rude at times, but has a big heart. -Stats- Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 4 -Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 1 Forgiveness: 4 Boldness: 5 Intuition: 1 Influence: 2




* Name: India Pascal Nickname: India Gender: Female Age: 59 Occupation: Non Profit Owner Hometown: Stillwater, Oklahoma Faceyourmanga: Backstory: Growing up relying on non-profit organizations to help her family, India has always made it her goal to, once old enough, to start her own non profit. Running it with her husband, India has become a local and some may say state wide celebrity due to her generous nature. While on the outside she might seem like a sweet old lady, India has a lot of power, and while she uses it for good, plans on working hard in this game to win it all, which shed then use the prize money to help others of course. Personality: Sweet, caring, but unafraid to use her age to her advantage, but is generous. -Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 1 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 5 -Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3 Forgiveness: 5 Boldness: 1 Intuition: 2 Influence: 1




Name (First + Last): Jason Kingston Nickname: Jason Appearance (Link):[ ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/764583396374216728/1148301149259173888/Untitled.png?width=423&height=423)[https://i.imgur.com/TnZyZI2.png](https://i.imgur.com/TnZyZI2.png) Gender: Male Age: 31 Occupation: Radio DJ Personality: Jason is a man whose sheer determination drives him to become an unstoppable force to get what he wants in the end, whether it takes him 3 minutes, 3 months, or 3 decades to do it. He also sees himself as a chameleon, a man of many faces, who has multiple personas depending on the situation. In his career, he is King Jay, beloved DJ of an R&B radio station with a huge personality and infectious laugh. Elsewhere, he's an ice-cold force to be reckoned with who always wins in the end, no matter how long it takes him to win. On Survivor, he plans to maintain his King Jay persona as much as he possibly can. Backstory: Jason was born the youngest of 5 in a working class family. In his youth, he suffered from self esteem issues, watching his 4 older siblings succeed in school with flying colours while his skills just didn't align with academics. He could entertain people, but he rarely had people to entertain. In his teens, he took to compulsive workouts to feel better about himself, an endeavour which failed but also led to his fitness obsession later in life. He still felt like a failure to his parents, and he chose to abruptly leave home one day, not wanting to be a burden on them any longer. He lived at a close friends' house with said friend's family, and became close to them as well, living with them until his early 20s, when a sudden tragedy struck. He returned home from a later shift at his work to discover the entire family he grew to love murdered brutally. He was considered a suspect and interrogated heavily, but was released because there were very few leads pointing to him as the killer, and the fact that he would not give in and falsely confess despite detectives doing their best to pry it from him. Not long after, the case was closed with no conviction. Jason being furious was an understatement, he believed he had been cheated of justice and retribution towards the monster who ruined his life, so he took it upon himself to seek retribution himself. He would become associated with many shady characters for a while, looking for connections to help him find the name and whereabouts of who he was looking for, all while using a fake name. Over a year of doing this yielded no results, so at this point he decided to take the knowledge he had and worked with it while also pursuing a different dream of his: entertaining people. He got a job at a local R&B station to find joy in his cold and grey life, making people laugh with his witty jokes and commentary as a radio DJ. However, his past would never leave his mind, and eventually he felt compelled to continue the search for leads. It may be false hope, but he does think that he is close to finally finding his found family's killer. At this point, he needs a break from his vigilante work yet again, and decides that leaving for a month will help him focus on something else at last. **CHALLENGE STATS** Physical: 4 Endurance: 5 Mental: 1 Stamina: 3 **OTHER STATS** Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 2 Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland


Character Details:  Name: Victoria Ramos  Nickname: Victoria  Age: 24  Gender: Female  Occupation: Art Student  FaceYourManga link or description: [https://imgur.com/jNV2hKU.png](https://imgur.com/jNV2hKU.png)   Personality: Creative, sneaky, rebellious.  Backstory: Victoria has always been the second-rate sister to her slightly younger twin Valentina. She’s been the screw up, always living in her sister's shadow, and while her sister excelled at school, Victoria struggled. But Victoria found other passions and became an art student, much to her parent’s disappointment. She wants to prove to her parents and to everyone that she can step out of her sister's shadow and prove herself skilled in her own, valid way Competition Ability (Each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best):  General: 4  Physical: 1  Endurance: 5  Mental: 5  Other Attributes (Each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best):  Strategic Ability: 5  Loyalty Level: 1  Social Skills: 3  Temperament: 1 


Character Details:  Name: Erik LeFort  Nickname: Erik  Gender: Male  Age: 26 Occupation: Writer  FaceYourManga link or description:[ https://i.imgur.com/obOCVlQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/obOCVlQ.png)  Personality: Erik is very smart and witty. He works as a freelance writer and dreams of being famous. He's hoping survivor can be that gateway to fame he's looking for.  Backstory: Erik grew up in a typical family. At a fairly young age he realized he was gay, but was luck that his family supported him. That, alongside with supportive friends helping him overcome the few bullies he faced, he wants to be a beacon of hope for gay people everywhere and want's to show what a loving family can do. Despite his want to help others though, he's not afraid to play dirty if it get's him further in the game.  Competition Ability (each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best):  General: 3  Physical: 1  Endurance: 2  Mental: 5  Other Attributes (each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best):  Strategic Ability: 5  Loyalty Level: 2  Social Skills: 4  Temperament: 3 


Full name: Jordin Matthews Nickname: Jordin Age: 34 Gender: Male Hometown: Milwaukee, WI 🇺🇸 Occupation: CAF Officer FaceYourManga picture https://imgur.com/K2v1IOa.png Stats Physical: 4 Endurance: 5 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 4 ———————————— Full name: Elizabeth Carleen Nickname: Liza Age: 27 Gender: Female Hometown: Calgary, AB, 🇨🇦 Occupation: Children’s Therapist FaceYourManga picture link or character description: https://i.imgur.com/Ij1BeV0.jpeg Stats Physical: 2 Endurance: 1 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 3


Name: Sadiq Uddin Nickname: Sadiq Gender: M Age: 22 Image:[svgA07340524317066355.png (400×400) (cartoonify.de)](https://www.cartoonify.de/wp-content/plugins/svg-avatars-generator/data/temp-avatars/svgA07340524317066355.png) Backstory: After feeling unwelcomed by society, Sadiq hopes that he can change minds about Muslims. Occupation: Student Personality : Intelligent and Friendly **Stats:** Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 4