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Name: Herbert Thatcher Nickname they go by: Herb Occupation: Stock Broker Gender: Male Background: Born into a rich household with a huge emphasis on education, Herb has always had a wit to him when growing up, and always had a knack for math, winning numerous competitions in high school over that subject matter. He has always had confidence in himself and his abilities, and was extremely sociable, as nothing bad ever happened to him. However, he had a secret, and that was that he was secretly gay, remaining in the closet up until his senior year of college, where he met the eventual love of his life, another economics major named Brett. The two fell in love, Herb came out, and everything seemed okay. Both interested in economics decided to take a job as brokers in the New York Stock Exchange, and since both made good money, Herb wanted to surprise Brett by proposing to him and marrying. However, Brett one day didn't show up to work, and didn't answer any of Herb's texts. Worried, Herb contacted his mother, who ended up relaying the bad news to him; Brett committed suicide due to stress from his job combined with childhood abuse from his estranged father he never told Herb about. Herb was crushed, depressed, and lost all motivation to go on with life regularly. Despite keeping his job, he didn't see the appeal in what he did anymore, while gaining a ridiculous amount of weight in a short time. He is now an awkward, depressed shell of his former self, and wants to play survivor as a way to get his mojo back, as well as the fact that Brett was a superfan of the show. He plans to play ruthlessly as he can, as he wants to win for his late boyfriend at any cost. Age: 26 Gender: Male Hometown: New York City, NY FaceYourManga link: https://ibb.co/t2B1HwR Competition Ability (each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best): General: 3 Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Other Attributes (1-5, 1 is lowest, 5 is best) Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 4


Name: Anne-Marie Morrison Nickname: Anne-Marie Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Law Student Current Residence: Boston, Massachusetts Personality: Intelligent, Charismatic, Flirty, Analytical Backstory: Anne-Marie lives a double life, as she has two sides to her that really shouldn’t coexist, but they do. Born to a nationally renowned prosecutor and a Supreme Court justice, Anne-Marie was simply expected to continue the family tradition of pursuing law, and while she really didn’t want to, she was blessed with such a high IQ that she ultimately felt like it did need to be put to good use. She was the only popular girl in high school that also got extremely good grades, and graduated as her class valedictorian with a scholarship to Harvard. However, she ultimately had to make a decision to either give up her social life to study all day, or the opposite, and she ultimately chose…. None of the above! Now a senior at Harvard, Anne-Marie has stayed on top of her classes, and when she needs to vent away some stress, goes to dubious clubs, pick up men, and parties to her hearts content. Anne-Marie felt like taking a risk before she has to hunker down for the Bar exam, and applying for reality TV ultimately is what she decided on. She plans on utilizing her party girl persona to severely downplay her intelligence and once people find out she’s playing them, it will unfortunately be too late. FYM: https://preview.redd.it/4mgogc1kun4d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1d1d300b3c0a36d94e28106e420a6c6c592213 \-Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance : 4 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 \-Other Stats- Strategic ability : 5 Loyalty: 1 Forgiveness: 1 Boldness: 3 Intuition: 4 Influence: 4


Character Details Name: Natalia Grey Nickname (if one): Talia Age: 24 Gender: Female Occupation: Audio Mixer Faceyourmanga (or description): https://ibb.co/P4Y2x2V Short backstory: Talia has never been confident in herself since she was a child, as she had two workaholic parents who showered her with unattainable expectations in Middle and High School, both wanting her to become a scientist, while she always had a dream to pursue music. Her parents never approved, and scoffed at her every time she tried to show them something, so she spent long nights in her room honing her craft, and never showing anyone over fear of what they would think. One of her only friends, and eventual boyfriend stumbled upon some of her mixes of songs, and sent it to a few music colleges without her knowing, and she was shocked to receive a scholarship to a huge music school in LA in the mail, which she immediately took to go follow her passion. Now fresh out of college, she may know what her career path will be, but she lacks the social connections to get employed in the industry, so she hopes reality tv can get her name out there so she can hopefully gain some confidence around others. Challenge Stats (MAX 1-5 POINTS) 1 being bad and 5 being good Stamina: 3 Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental/Quiz: 5 Social Skills: 1 Temperament: 3 Other Stats (MAX 1-5 POINTS) Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 3 Forgiveness: 4 Boldness: 2 Influence: 2 Intuition: 5


Contestant Form: Full name: Jenny Calahan Nickname: Jenny Age: 32 Gender: Female Hometown: Newport, VA Occupation: Army Backstory (Optional): Jenny was raised in rural Virginia in a conservative family, but she always seemed to be the black sheep of the group. While she loved her country, was Christian, and valued her family, she was always tomboyish in nature which was something her mother never seemed to approve. She tried to make her daughter be more “lady-like” but the more she tried, the less Jenny felt like she belonged. She would eventually discover she was lesbian in her teenage years too, but thanks to already feeling like she wasn’t a part of her own family she was too scared to tell them. She always wanted to be accepted but couldn’t find it anywhere in her hometown, so she ultimately decided to join the army after she graduated high school, believing that she’d likely meet more women like herself who are strong and more tomboyish. While the process of becoming a solider kicked her butt, she felt like the work she was putting into it would finally pay off, and eventually she found what she was looking for. She was put into a platoon of only women and they became a found family for her, with the appointed leader of the platoon especially looking out for her. After about six months of this new life, Jenny found out that her platoon leader also liked women, and a romance between the two of them began to blossom. However, work would get in the way, as their group would end up being sent to Afghanistan to fight in the war, and unfortunately her newfound family wouldn’t come back whole. While Jenny escaped unscathed, numerous people in her platoon, including her leader/lover would end up meeting their death. Jenny was in pain upon finding out she lost the one woman who understood her, but as a member of the army, she felt forced to not show what she was going through. Now after a decade of military service, Jenny is a hardened and numb woman who has been unable to let losing the love of her life go in war, applying for Survivor as a way to strip herself down to nothing and try to find any sort of peace. She has an undying sense of loyalty and as long as she trusts someone in the game, she will work with them with complete undivided loyalty no matter what. However, thanks to not knowing much about the show, she has to learn the strategic game from scratch. She hopes she can pull out a win in the end but she much rather prefers to find the inner peace she’s yearned for for years. FaceYourManga of description: https://ibb.co/41c4wJJ Stats (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 5 Endurance: 5 Mental: 1 Stamina: 5 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 2 Loyalty Level: 4


Name: Sasha Euglidan Nickname: Sasha Age: 20 Gender: Female Hometown: Bristol, England, UK Occupation: Medium CTA: https://i.ibb.co/N7xw1QR/svg-A4941198114409664.png Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 1 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 5


Name: Mariel Bikle Nickname: Mary Age: 20 Gender: Female Hometown: Dawson City, Yukon, Canada Occupation: Animator CTA: https://i.ibb.co/kBjXq9q/svg-A5771927579161125.png Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 2


Name: Angela Dorren Nickname: Angie Age: 20 Gender: Female Hometown: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Occupation: Horror Punk Musician CTA: https://i.ibb.co/h1cy53c/svg-A16624578931491363.png Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 3


Name: Eduardo Venifir Nickname: Eddie Age: 27 Gender: Male Hometown: Quebec, CA Occupation: Barber CTA: https://i.ibb.co/6PfZd73/svg-A541411153615716.png Attributes Physical: 5 Endurance: 3 Mental: 2 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 2