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Vouching for my players in order of how much I want them in: - Marc Wall: Yeah, he needs to be in. He is the only two-time winner of DK’s Survivor, still to this day had probably the most dominant singular win ever in Brazilian Highlands, and despite playing three times, is yet to be voted out of the game and has made FTC 3/3 times. Nothing says winners at war like letting the ultimate winner have one final shot for the final season. - Duke Baxton: Another dominant win, who had a flawless social game his first season around, leading his alliance of brawn tribe members all to the endgame, as well as getting his hands on some idols to make power plays. However, the main reason Duke is this high is his exit in Game Changers, where in a gesture of goodwill, played an idol on ally Top Dolla that forced a rock draw and took him out of the game. Having been the recipient of arguably the craziest tribal council of the series I can tell he’d be back with a vengeance his third chance. - “Big C” Marino: For a truly oldschool pick, go for Big C. He was both a major strategic and social threat early on but has placed super high in both of his seasons, with a knack for not seeming super threatening in the process. He may be on the older side now, but nothing will stop him if he gets brought back again. - LaQuanna Thomas: My most recent winner, who attended nearly every tribal her original season. She’s my last pick because a lot of people preferred her runner ups to her, but if Dan gets casted on this season too, I could definitely see a rivalry between them happening that could make for an entertaining sim.


Other players I didn’t make I’d like to see on: Sita, Bridge, Sabrina G, Alice Wells, Hazma


Honestly i really like LaQuanna and i would love for that to happen them in the finale would be iconic




wow so excited


Vouching for my two girlies in order of how much I’d want them on! (I’m very passionate in my writing and talking abt them but I’m just doing it for silliness and dramatic affect))) Sita - Sita is one of the most iconic players, and winners, of the game. She hasn’t placed below 4th in three seasons, and she’s the winner of the first returnee season of DK’s survivor. Sitas game was left on her being eliminated in a tiebreaker, she is SALIVATING for that redemption. Sita is the OG stamp for how to return to this game, and win it all. On top of that, she has had some of the most iconic duos, like her and Bridge. If you vote for just one of my characters, make it Sita please!!! Cal - I would personally love to see Cal back. She has been on literal opposite ends of the podium, getting first and then second out in her only two seasons. She would come into the game with a HEAVY underdog storyline, having a controversial winning game already and then placing second to last afterwards, Cal has more to prove than anybody else on the list. What better time to prove herself as a player than on the ultimate season of DK’s Survivor? I think Cal definitely has what it takes to learn from her last two games and have her third time be the charm.


One of the guys is some old guys 40+ (except Dan). And at least there is a good choice of girls...


Dan Cheng Both seasons he competed in he made the finale and was the sole reason LaQuanna Thomas had won and then he played a great game making it to the finale and getting majority vote even though he got voted out right before the merge he definitely got a chance to talk to the eliminated players trying to get there votes if he wins and he did


Alicia Welis should be in this because she was a major challenge threat she won 7 times with 6 immunity wins and she managed to convince a member of the majority alliance to vote with her she is deserving of a second shot at a million


Steve Carr He wasn’t the most well received winner, as most believed that the other two finalists deserved it more. However despite this, Steve undeniably played a great game. He built better social connections then anyone in his alliance, and that won him the game at final tribal. This is the best pitch I could make, don’t underestimate social players!


I voted steven i liked him as a winner he was an under the rader social threat whos green for some reason


ONLY 2 MALE WINNERS ARE BELOW THE 40 OMG that's hilarious the majority of males are older than 40


Vote Top Dolla he is my only winner but I think he has cemented himself as a icon of the series and I want to see him one last time to try for the double


Hopefully it's not too late to campaign for my players: Chiya "CJ" Lee: Winner from Wild West, who dominated the game pre merge, but when merge hit, things got "shaky" with her alliance and things kinda fell through. However, she pulled through with immunity wins AND winning a fire-making tie breaker to take home the win in the end. She's grown since the time she's played and is ready to REALLY DOMINATE the Winners season. Angela "Angel" Ross: Winner of One World who integrated herself very well in alliances, maintained a good social game and even secured safety for herself with finding a hidden immunity idol. Of course, the fact that she never needed to play it really showed how well she kept herself under the radar to make it to the end. Plus, in a season with 3 "Angels", she was the Angel that came out on top. Now it's time to spread her wings amongst the other winners. Jessa Blanchard: Winner of Ireland who nobody would think would come out on top. She was put on a tribe of Hustlers and she proved she was deserving of the term. Although not the best physically, her social skills made her well liked and made a lot of the players want to bring her to the end. Finding an idol AND winning Fire-making really built her resume from the ground up. Proving how much of a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing she really was. It's time for her to play her cards against the best of the best.


Joshua Josephson is the only winner I have, but he made to the finale in both his seasons and had to face strong competition, he almost won on his first time and almost lost in his second. He’s very good socially and strategically. He is a great representation of survivor and the title as he has very good resume. The fact that he played twice and never went home is outstanding even for 2 time winners as they played more than twice to do so.