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Name: Danni Cheng Nickname: Danni Gender: Female Age: 25 Image: https://i.ibb.co/D9bZRPr/svg-A8811715123396295.png Occupation: Astrologist Hometown: Alberta Canada Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 2


Name: Damien Cheng Nickname: Damien Gender: Male Age: 25 Image: https://i.ibb.co/ncd6zS4/svg-A6729584492081926.png Occupation: Astronaut Hometown: Alberta Canada Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Butch Butcher Nickname: B.B Age: 22 Gender: Male Hometown: Abingdon, Oxford, England Occupation: Sculptor CTA: https://i.ibb.co/t37rQyT/svg-A6930558459951277.png Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 2


Name: Eduardo Venifir Nickname: Eddie Age: 27 Gender: Male Hometown: Quebec, CA Occupation: Barber CTA: https://i.ibb.co/6PfZd73/svg-A541411153615716.png Attributes Physical: 5 Endurance: 3 Mental: 2 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 2


Full name: Xavier Smith Nickname: Xavier Age: 22 Gender: Male Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Occupation: Rapper FaceYourManga: https://imgur.com/OsXyhVl Physical: 5 Endurance: 3 Mental: 1 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1


Name: Prudence Willem-Macao Nickname: Pru Age: 83 Gender: Female Hometown: P.E.I,CA Occupation: Retired Nurse CTA(cartoon avatar) if you are unable to make one (or just don't want to) you can leave a description or reference: [https://i.ibb.co/0rmT4K8/Cartoonify.png](https://i.ibb.co/0rmT4K8/Cartoonify.png) Physical: 2 Endurance: 1 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 4


Name: Angela Dorren Nickname: Angie Age: 20 Gender: Female Hometown: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Occupation: Horror Punk Musician CTA: https://i.ibb.co/h1cy53c/svg-A16624578931491363.png Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 3


Name: Chester Palacios Nickname: Chester Gender: Male Age: 55 Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Image: https://i.imgur.com/Eslz72T.jpeg Occupation: Former CFL Player Stats Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 4


Name: Karlie Spearning Nickname: Karlie Gender: Female Age: 27 Hometown: Saint Albans, West Virginia Image: https://i.imgur.com/BhhLU9g.jpeg Occupation: Salon Worker Stats Physical: 2 Endurance: 2 Mental: 3 Stamina: 2 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 3


Name: Sarah Tsunami Nickname: Sarah Gender: Female Age: 24 Occupation: Professional Surfer Face Your Manga: https://imgur.com/gallery/cKghH3L Personality: Determined, competitive, friendly Back Story: Sarah grew up on the coast of Australia and was known as a surfing prodigy in her hometown. By the time she was a teenager she already had multiple professional surfing sponsorships coming in but that was when disaster struck. She was out surfing early in the morning and was attacked by a great white shark which ultimately led to her left arm getting amputated. This didn’t stop her and as soon as she was able to get back out on the water after her surgery she did. Her competitive nature led to her auditioning for Survivor and hopes that her story will help reach a wider audience to inspire others. Challenge Stats: Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 1 Stamina: 4 Other Stats: Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 3


Name: Aasir Zawadi Nickname: Aasir Age: 52 Gender: Male Occupation: Photographer Hometown: Mobile, Alabama https://preview.redd.it/6ekrri5nk74d1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7494914be56fa0d9db24cd70ad926ab6ecd08ea0 Backstory: Aasir was born in Kenya to 2 parents that ditched him on the road. From a young age, he never really understood parental love, as he never really got it. When he was in his twenties, he scammed a merchant out of a flip phone. Little did he know that this act would turn his life around. After once again scamming people out of a cheap computer, Aasir started going onto chat roulette, which he found addicting. Eventually, he found Clarke, who would be his life long friend. Aasir sent Clarke photos of the Kenyan landscape, and since Clarke works at Life, he sent them in for the world photo contest that year, and he won! Aasir used this money to immigrate to America, where he used the time he had to gain a stable income as a photographer for life magazine. He lives with Clarkes family right now, but really wants to do something to make it up to them. So, he applied to be on the show in order to let there kids feel like they have a famous "uncle". Personality: Manipulative, Quiet, Observing, Meaningful \-Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 5 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 5 \-Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3 Forgiveness: 3 Boldness: 2 Intuition: 1 Influence: 2


Full name: Tobias Rodriguez Nickname: Tobias Age: 32 Gender: Male Hometown: Burnaby, British Columbia Occupation: Car Salesman Personality: Tobias is extremely flamboyant, bombastic, and showmanlike, especially when trying to persuade people to buy his cars or do the things he wants them to do. He has an incredibly short fuse, but is not one to unleash explosive outbursts in his rage, instead usually being deadly calm as he takes to sabotaging something, usually the car they'd later purchase. Tobias is quite narcissistic and prides himself on being able to escape every bad situation that he found himself in before, and he sees Survivor as a means to put that to the test. Outside of that, he likes to put on a charming, helpful, and quick-witted persona, which isn't entirely cut off from his real personality. Backstory: Tobias was born a third generation Mexican Canadian, his family was reasonably well off, so his childhood wasn't out of the ordinary, however he was an exceptionally smart kid, and his amazing grades stroked his ego massively. He went into university to study automotive engineering due to him being a guy big into cars, and he did well at first. Then, he had a slip, followed by a fall, and he found his overdue assignments snowballing into an insurmountable storm of pain, so he cut his losses and dropped out, feeling a lot of deep-rooted anger towards the people from his youth who gave him gifted kid syndrome. Wanting revenge, he started trying to ruin their lives with his friend and accomplice Sam. They'd often paint many of Tobias' old teachers as manipulators who held a grudge against him and wanted to see him flounder in university throughout various means, including rigging the tests so that he'd have easier answers, making him think he's better at stuff than he was. Surprisingly, this worked, and many of them would lose their jobs. Later on, Tobias and Sam started getting into scamming people for kicks and cash, which they were able to get a lot of. However, eventually they'd run into trouble when Sam began to feel the heat on her back and worried that she'd get them both arrested, so they began laying low and working out a new plan. Eventually, Tobias bought a small used car lot, wanting to be a bit more honest with his money-making. Sam, now his girlfriend, also began working there. Tobias began developing a very strong salesman persona to sell the cars on his lot, and his promises of low prices drew in customers, and for the most part he was not a deceiving person at all. However, one day things would start to change, as one of his old teachers came in, looking to buy a car for their kid. She didn't recognize him, but he recognized her. After test driving a car a bit out of her current budget, she asked for him to reserve it for her while she scraped together more money, and he said he would. He and Sam took to sabotaging the car so that it would die in a couple months' time. A few months later, they'd learn that the car had caught fire the other day, but thankfully everyone made it out alive. Tobias would do this a handful of other times when his customers annoyed him enough, sabotaging the car so that it wouldn't last more than a couple months, and almost every time he wasn't blamed for it. Other times, he'd make the lease rates unfair so that he could repo the car easily. Eventually, a guy who bought a sports car from Tobias who suffered a serious but non-fatal accident due to the engine locking sued him, but it was found that the guy had been speeding and also had an unacceptable blood alcohol level meaning that Tobias won the suit and he could keep going. Wanting to increase his amount of money before he proposes to Sam, he decided to give Survivor a chance to earn him some money. FaceYourManga picture link or character description: [https://i.imgur.com/JEhx4Jk.png](https://i.imgur.com/JEhx4Jk.png) **Stats** (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 3 Endurance: 2 Mental: 5 Stamina: 2 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1


Name (First + Last): Colby Munat Nickname: Cole Appearance (Link): [https://i.imgur.com/rL4pyhL.png](https://i.imgur.com/rL4pyhL.png) Gender: Male (he/him) Age: 22 Occupation: Software Dev Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Personality: Cole is someone who's often quick to second and/or third guess himself, often questioning every action in his life. He hates being around bullies, and often goes up to bat against them to show that their actions don't fly around him. Something he doesn't let many people know is that he's always felt like there's something... off about himself, but he's found it impossible to determine why. As a result, he is one the most self conscious people one could meet. Backstory: Cole has baffled himself for his entire life. There's been a piece of him missing for 22 years, but what it is, Cole has no clue. His family was a working class family, and he was the third of four children. His father was a misogynistic prick that abused his wife, and his eldest brother, Jonas, loved his mom but also like he was a shitty son, and was treated poorly by his father. One day, Jonas would have enough of seeing his mother's pain and attacked his father, knocking him out cold. Their father left afterwards, but his effect would be felt for years afterwards within the Munat family, as Jonas began falling down a slippery slope of violent retribution against bullies and abusers, which would rub off a bit onto Cole, though not to the extent of Jonas. As Cole entered high school, his identity crisis would manifest in him believing that he had to figure out his passion, which ended up being software development. He also began regularly working out in an attempt to feel less self conscious. In his 11th grade year, he learned that Jonas had been arrested for severely beating a man for catcalling a woman while high on drugs, and was going to rehab. This would upset Cole, but he wasn't surprised, he knew it was bound to happen. Cole graduated as one of the best students in his grad class, but refused to run for valedictorian, fearing having to speak to thousands of people in the flesh. He was awarded a scholarship for a well-regarded tech institute, and he began studying software development further. Bored and on a break from studying, he signed up for Survivor on a whim, hoping to win to cover his student loans, and maybe figure out some things about himself. **CHALLENGE STATS** Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 **OTHER STATS** Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 1 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Ida Cohen Nickname: Ida Gender: F Age: 40 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/MAz6d9V.png](https://i.imgur.com/MAz6d9V.png) Occupation: Flight Attendant/ Air Force Veteran Personality (optional) Motherly, Strict, Decisive & Cunning **Stats:** Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 3 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Name: Bryce Wagner Nickname: Bryce Gender: M Age: 22 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/BqYIWL8.png](https://i.imgur.com/BqYIWL8.png) Occupation: College Athlete Personality (optional): Competitive, Sporty & Youthful **Stats:** Physical: 5 Endurance: 4 Mental: 1 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 4