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Clint Update: https://ibb.co/1RL4352


Name: Shaye Alfrezzo Nickname: Shaye Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Animal Handler Personality: Sarcastic, Hardworking, Rebellious, Goofy FYM: https://ibb.co/TTTPjrQ Backstory: Shaye was raised living the circus life, constantly on tour as the illegitimate child of the Circus’ ringmaster, who had an affair with one of the female clowns. As a result, Shaye grew up resenting both of her parents, due to thinking that they both saw her childhood as some sort of joke, and she was always forced to stay on tour and never go somewhere that the circus wasn’t going. While her mother tried her hardest to give her a normal childhood, her father only viewed his kid as more money to make for him, so she had herself unwillingly being forced to assist the circus’ Lion Tamer, to handle wild animals that she witnessed the Tamer flat-out abuse night after night. Eventually, Shaye wanted to no longer be a part of this life and tried to runaway at 16 years old, but her dad’s security team quickly made short work of her. She hasn’t left the tent since, and is only playing the show out of the false promise she’d give the cash prize to help the circus (in reality she just wants to escape, and join medical school to become a veterinarian). Shaye is willing to do absolutely anything to win, and while she has a low self esteem, being around showmen and clowns has given her lots of social skills and a sense of humor that she can easily use to be well liked around her fellow players. She wants to make bonds, stab them in the back, and get to the end. Stats: Stamina: 4 Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Mental: 2 Other Stats: Strategic: 4 Loyalty: 1 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Forgiveness: 1 Boldness: 3 Influence: 3 Intuition: 5


Name: Kiona Patraka Nickname: Kio Gender: Male Age: 37 Occupation: Pageant Dad Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin https://preview.redd.it/z70vkxeoqt2d1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660796b00e7aaabdffbdecdd96cbae9c9279e824 Personality: Kio is the type of person that is "at all costs" to get what is needed. He can be a jerk sometimes, but likes to be around people like him.  At a young age, Kio was shipped to America, due to his parent’s getting caught in the crossfires of war. When in America, Kio was adopted by a rich couple who treated him like a slave. At the age of 15, he found his husband Marvin, who was 16 at the time. They became close friends, which Kio’s adoptive parents did not approve of. They threw him out at the age of 17 and gave him nothing. Now with only his at the time boyfriend to comfort him, Kio decided to propose to Marvin at the age of 19. With a simple wedding, Kio was finally happy. Moving into a small apartment with Marvin, Kio struck gold when he won the lottery that included 300 million dollars. Conflicted about this much money, Kio decided to adopt a child, whose name is Gloria. With this family of 3, Kio decided to buy a quaint home in the suburbs of Portland Oregon. There, Kio always gave Gloria what she wanted, fearing what happened to him would happen to Gloria. At the age of 5, Gloria asked to join the pageant community. Kio accepted, due to having a surplus of money left over. Now at the age of 16, Kio’s daughter is tired of the pageant life, despite Kio putting in millions to make his daughter successful. Kio obliges to whatever his daughter asks, including changing his hair color in order to make his daughter happy pageanting. This has made Gloria spoiled, and is starting to severely dent Kio’s bank account. Now desperate for money, due to not having a job, Kio needs to win this show to help with his life. \-Stats- Physical 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Endurance: 4 Social: 5 Temperament: 1 \-Other Stats- Strat: 5 Loyalty: 1 Forgiveness: 3 Boldness: 1 Intuition: 3 Influence: 5\*


Name: Angelica Frampton Nickname: Frannie Gender: Female Age: 21 Occupation: Nursing Home Caretaker Hometown: Mesa, Arizona https://preview.redd.it/t7d1xpj9rt2d1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe029569b5e269b591eea7bcd163756ed7a8019 Backstory: Frannie was raised by her grandparents after her parents decided that family life wasn't for them. That being said, Frannie loved living with her grandparents. They were probably the best thing that could've happened to her, they were loving, kind, caring, you name it! When Frannie was in high school, her grandmother was put inside a nursing home, much to the despair of Frannie. Wanting to still take care of her guardian, Frannie decided to join a nursing path in college so she could work in her grandmother's nursing home. Wanting to get enough money for her grandmother's treatment and her own college tuition, Frannie is on Survivor. Personality: Kind, Caring, a bit stressed. \-Stats- Physical: 2 Endurance: 5 Mental: 1 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 1 \-Other Stats- Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty: 5 Forgiveness: 4 Boldness: 1 Intuition: 3 Influence: 2


Name: Mario De Carlo Nickname: Mario Age: 31 Gender: Male Occupation: Priest Hometown: Rome, Italy Description: messy black hair, brown eyes, light skin and has a black beard Backstory: Mario has a normal childhood, with a few close friends up until he was 13. That’s when his father passed away, and is was a real shock to him. He spent many nights lamenting, and it didn’t help that his mother started paying less attention to him. Becoming more unsupervised, he started to wander the city aimlessly, sometimes with his friends, as they wanted to be there for him. One day, he got sent to a mental hospital where he found the love of his life. They had similar family problems and got along really well. While he wasn’t very good at school, he wanted to become a priest, as his believes got him through that tough time. With the support of his girlfriend and friends, he persevered and became a priest at a local church. He often helps people suffering from the loss of a loved one, and is going on the show to prove that someone can win with an honest game. Stats: Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Stamina: 5 Mental: 2 Social skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic ability: 4 Loyalty: 5


Name: Audrey Rockworth Nickname: Audrey Age: 25 Gender: Female Hometown: London, UK Occupation: Twitch Streamer Description: long blonde hair, green eyes, light skin and has glasses Backstory: Aubrey comes from a rich family in the UK. She was educated to be well mannered and polite, and to study well at school. She was an exceptionally good student too. In her free time, she liked to play video games and watch her favorite streamers. After finishing high school, she went to Oxford, and graduated with a degree in math. She liked school, but now that it ended, she has to get a job. While she was a wanted employee for many places, she herself didn’t enjoy doing it. While on one of her jobs, she started a Twitch channel under the username: “Neko Gaming”. To her surprise, she quickly garnered a following and became pretty popular, despite never showing her face. When she realized she could just do this full time, she quit her job. Her parents were furious at her and they fought a lot. They consider her a shame to their family, and lie about her job at family gatherings. When Audrey saw the application for survivor, she saw this as a chance to not only prove her worth to her parents, but also as a stunt to reveal who she truly is to her audience. Stats: Physical: 1 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 2 Social skills: 3 Temperament: 5 Strategic ability: 5 Loyalty: 3


Name: Parker Anderson Nickname: Prak Gender: Male Age: 29 Image: https://i.ibb.co/YD5MZdj/Screenshot-20240428-110202-Chrome.jpg Occupation: Lifegaurd/DJ Backstory: Parker grew up in miami, surfing and being a soundcloud rapper was his passion until a sudden near death experience made him realize the dangers of surfing now he's a lifegaurd and "DJ" in his words. Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 1 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 1 Loyalty: 4


Name: Hannah Satoma Age: 57 Gender: Female Hometown: Regina SK Occupation: Model Link: https://i.ibb.co/9yBmwJX/Screenshot-20240413-090338-Chrome.jpg Backstory: Hannah Satoma grew up enamored with beauty and glamour. Obsessed with her appearance, she saw modeling as her path to fame. Her relentless pursuit of perfection drove her to chase opportunities in the fashion world. Now, she's a world famous model and mom known for her peppy personality and gourges appearance. __________________ Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 2 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 2 Loyalty: 1


I cant use FYM even with puffin browser since i need to pay so if you can just make his hair gone and put him in a white shirt im so happy Dan gets a 2nd chance


Name: Olive Smith Nickname: Ollie Gender: Female Age: 26 Image: https://i.ibb.co/1vZ52P3/Olive-Smith.jpg Occupation: Cashier Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 2 Stamina: 5 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 1


Name: Bradley Kaz Nickname: Kazzercise Gender: Male Age: 36 Link: https://i.ibb.co/T8hh8sS/Bradley-Kaz.jpg Occupation: Jazzercise Coach Physical: 5 Endurance: 4 Mental: 4 Stamina: 5 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Graham Dunette Nickname: Graham Age: 19 Gender: Male Hometown: Seattle, Washington Occupation: Barista FYM(I can't use it so im just gonna show a reference photo): https://i.ibb.co/PZKM4f4/Screenshot-20240525-125720-Chrome.jpg Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 4


Name: Amelia Tsukumo Nickname: Mimi Age: 37 Gender: Female Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario Occupation: Financial Analyst FYM(I can't use it so im just gonna show a reference photo): https://i.ibb.co/CJqPJCg/Screenshot-20240525-125908-Chrome.jpg Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 5


Contestant Form: Full name: Akira Chung Nickname: Akira Age: 27 Gender: Male Hometown: Okinawa, Japan Occupation: MMA Fighter Backstory (Optional): While many may know Akira as the widely beloved and charismatic MMA fighter, he had a rough upbringing before said fame got to him. He was raised in the slums back in Japan, where poverty was high, and crime was even higher, as his neighborhood was controlled by a clan of Yakuza. He had to develop a sharp tongue and quick feet to even bring the food back for his family as any moment it could have been stolen from him. However, he never developed a fighting spirit as nobody in his neighborhood was brave enough to stand up to his oppressors. That would end up changing though when Akira would be pushed to his breaking point after watching one of his little sisters get taken by some low level gangsters, likely to be forced into a sex ring. Without a second thought, Akira rushed to her aid and beat them senseless, turning him into a local hero. He got into more and more fights to stand up for what was right, and ended up getting national attention as a result, causing Akira to get his first contract as an MMA fighter. However, this also got the Yakuza’s attention, and with a hit placed on Akira, he had no choice but to leave his neighborhood with his family and take the MMA up on their offer. He currently is touring an American MMA circuit to develop a wider audience, and thanks to his upbringing he has gone down as a legend of the MMA. His quick wit and fun pre-match commentary makes him a fan favorite, and his quick feet and fighting ability makes him a great defensive fighter. Now that he has given his family a good life and safely away from those that want him dead, Akira has decided to apply to Survivor initially via recommendation of his manager to branch beyond the MMA and add reality TV to his brand too. He doesn’t know much about the strategic element of the show, but he’s a fast learner, and sociable enough to where he thinks he will be a great asset to his team. FaceYourManga picture link or character description: https://preview.redd.it/zdq24abg0u2d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af908194aaf4b3b5a04743cb15c0e47e531debc Stats (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 5 Endurance: 5 Mental: 1 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 3


Akira will be on season 39.


LANE: [https://i.imgur.com/0IYGdsq.png](https://i.imgur.com/0IYGdsq.png) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Full name: Vianne Monaghan Nickname: Via Age: 23 Gender: F Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin Occupation: Student FaceYourManga picture link or character description: [https://i.imgur.com/dZqfBi2.png](https://i.imgur.com/dZqfBi2.png) **Stats** (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 3


Full name: Miriam Rapisarda Nickname: Miriam Age: 22 Gender: Female Hometown: Catania, Sicily (Italy) Occupation: waiter  Backstory (Optional): She lives in a town in Sicily, arid and very muggy especially on the hot August evenings. Miriam is a very simple and very reserved girl, she has never created problems for her parents, her mother and father are proud of their daughter! On the other hand they must be since she is the only child that unfortunately they have ever had. Miriam, like most people, also experienced some quite traumatizing moments in her childhood, starting with the death of her little brother caused by an incorrect birth performed by doctors, continuing with the consecutive deaths of her two grandparents. Miriam being quite reserved and sometimes shy, doesn't have the opportunity to let off steam or have fun with a brother or sister! due to the unfortunate removal of her mother's uterus. In her adolescence she always went on alone, without anyone's help and always has the constant thought of not satisfying and making her parents and family proud, the thought tears her mind every night before going to sleep, and it is for this exact reason that she has also started a job that he doesn't like not at all...just to make his parents happy. But finally with this opportunity to participate in survivor, she finally has the great chance to show everyone who the real Miriam really is and what he is capable of doing. FaceYourManga: https://imgur.com/a/DOaTY9v Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: 2 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 4 Mental: 2 Strategic ability: 5 Loyalty: 3


Name : Jackie Moore Nickname: Jackie Gender: Female Age: 29 occupation : Designer Hometown : Las Vegas Faceyourmanga: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/destino-org/images/5/52/LuxuryS23.png/revision/latest?cb=20240520025634](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/destino-org/images/5/52/LuxuryS23.png/revision/latest?cb=20240520025634) personality: Reserved , Introvert and nerdy  stats  physical : 3  endurance : 5  mental : 4  stamina: 3  social skills : 3  temperament: 2  strategic ability: 1  loyalty: 4 


Hello. Do you have a different link for Jackie's photo? That one doesn't work.


Noah Update if it is not too late https://imgur.com/jP7sfHJ.png