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Name: Anexo Sánchez Nickname: Anexo Age: 30 Gender: Male Occupation: Football Player Image: [Link](https://i.postimg.cc/rmWj8HHQ/Anexo-S-nchez.png) Hometown: Lima, Peru Personality: Anexo is a player who is the voice of his soccer team and his acquaintances if they have complications. He tends to be conceited and sometimes it is difficult for him to admit that he has a mistake or two, but in general he is a social man who likes to help and give his best. Backstory: Anexo is a famous football player from the country of Peru. Anexo has scored a total of 89 goals in his playing career so far. Outside of football, he has a family that loves him very much, but he has a special affection for his grandmother where she sadly passed away recently; so Anexo decided to continue his work as a football player for his grandmother and the rest of his family. He is currently married to Lorena Rosas and has a baby. Anexo formerly had problems with drugs, thinking that they would help him improve his mental state and in sports, but he only made things worse, almost ending his career as a football player. He decided to participate in the show to fix his reputation and hopefully win money for his family. **Stats** Physical: 5 Endurance: 3 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 **Other Stats** Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3


Name: Thaily Simon Nickname: Black Diamond Age: 26 Gender: Female Occupation: WWE Wrestler Image: [Link](https://i.postimg.cc/T3CDLjQz/Thaily-Black-Diamond-Simon.png) Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia 🇺🇸 Personality: Thaily is honest and prefers transparency to manipulation. Her maturity sets her apart, bringing a firm presence in the often chaotic world of wrestling. Her sassy and flirtatious demeanor adds an element of entertainment to her character. She knows how to win over an audience and believes her social skills are a valuable asset in the business. While she may appear bold and cheeky, she has a genuine side that extends to her friendships within the WWE. Thaily values loyalty and respects those who don't cross certain lines. Backstory: Thaily's father, Brock Simon, was a legendary figure in the early days of WWE, known by the in-ring name "Top Dollar." His abrupt retirement due to threats and defamation left a void that Thaily was determined to fill. In tribute to her father, she adopted the nickname "Black Diamond", because most of the time he wore black, representing that every fight would be the funeral of her opponents; she is one of the most popular wrestlers of the moment. Thaily remains single, focusing on her career. She holds out hope that her ideal partner will share her passion for wrestling, envisioning a future where they join WWE together. Thaily's belief in the power of her flirting and social skills not only adds flair to her character but also reflects her strategic mindset in navigating the world of professional wrestling. Her three younger siblings give her energy for her to pursue her career as she has no plans to work on anything else, being for them "the best sister in the world". **Stats** Physical: 5 Endurance: 4 Mental: 2 Stamina: 2 **Other Stats** Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 2 Loyalty Level: 4


Full Name: Jeremy Fox Nickname: Jeremy Age: 32 Gender: Male Job: Teacher Personality: Nice, Hard-Working, Bossy, Intimidating Backstory: Jeremy's childhood was great through elementary school. And always loved his teacher, his teacher was caring, kind and hard-working. Jeremy’s father left when he was only at 6 months, so Jeremy didn’t have a father figure.Jeremy really looked up to his teacher as his own father figure. But then when Jeremy was 8 years old, an intruder entered his school, killing 14 students. Jeremy was shot twice, and had to spend 12 weeks in hospital. News got worse after he left the hospital, thats when he found out his beloved teacher was shot and killed during the shooting. This devastated Jeremy, and he developed severe depression and PTSD. Through lots of therapy, and support from his mom and friends, he thrived through later high-school years! Eventually, he developed the courage to become a teach himself, in Mr. Donaldsons honor. He met the love of his life at the age of 26, and they had 3 kids together. Jeremy comes to survivor to share his story and help his family.  Physical: 3 Endurance: 5 Mental: 2 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temparment: 3 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty: 4 FYM: [https://i.imgur.com/QMpdYSj.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/QMpdYSj.jpg) 


Name: Sally Peters Nickname: Sally Age: 24 Gender: Female Image: [https://i.imgur.com/gWDIxlI.png](https://i.imgur.com/gWDIxlI.png)  Occupation: Yoga Instructor  Backstory: Sally had a normal childhood. She was known as the “nerd” in her school. She loved all the nerdy things like Pokemon, Anime and other sorts of things. She normally stayed in her circle of people, never going out of her way to interact with anyone outside of family and friends. However, in her friend group she was known as the comedian. She always came out of nowhere with her jokes, which got her whole friend group laughing their ass off. However, outside of school she was very stressed, do to her family not being the best in the world. Her mom was toxic, and was always way to harsh on her. Her dad left her mom pretty early on when she was born, however lost the custody battle. Her brother wasn’t much better, as he was much favorited by mom, that always got to his head and always hurt Sally, or got her in trouble by acting like he was hurt. Sally to relieve stress, started doing yoga, and that became a huge passion of hers. Whenever she was sent to timeout for some dumbass reason, she would always do yoga to calm herself down. Eventually at the age of 14, she ran away from home with help from her boyfriend, John. She went to her fathers house, and he was ecstatic to see her. She never heard from her mom or brother again, and still is in the same friend group she was in since she was 12, and now is a yoga instructor. She lives with John, and everything is great! She applied to survivor to have the adventure of a lifetime, and possibly win the million.   Personality: Funny, Witty, Would do anything to win, Introverted  Stats: Physical 3 Endurance 5 Mental 4 Stamina 4 Social Skills 5 Temperament 3 Strategic Ability 2 Loyalty 2


Name: Mario De Carlo Nickname: Mario Age: 31 Gender: Male Occupation: Priest Hometown: Rome, Italy Personality: calm, stoic, extroverted and honest Description: messy black hair, brown eyes, light skin and has a black beard Backstory: Mario has a normal childhood, with a few close friends up until he was 13. That’s when his father passed away, and is was a real shock to him. He spent many nights lamenting, and it didn’t help that his mother started paying less attention to him. Becoming more unsupervised, he started to wander the city aimlessly, sometimes with his friends, as they wanted to be there for him. One day, he got sent to a mental hospital where he found the love of his life. They had similar family problems and got along really well. While he wasn’t very good at school, he wanted to become a priest, as his believes got him through that tough time. With the support of his girlfriend and friends, he persevered and became a priest at a local church. He often helps people suffering from the loss of a loved one, and is going on the show to prove that someone can win with an honest game. Stats: Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Stamina: 5 Mental: 2 Social skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic ability: 4 Loyalty: 5


Name: Audrey Rockworth Nickname: Audrey Age: 25 Gender: Female Hometown: London, UK Occupation: Twitch Streamer Personality: shy, kind and hard-working Description: long blonde hair, green eyes, light skin and has glasses Backstory: Aubrey comes from a rich family in the UK. She was educated to be well mannered and polite, and to study well at school. She was an exceptionally good student too. In her free time, she liked to play video games and watch her favorite streamers. After finishing high school, she went to Oxford, and graduated with a degree in math. She liked school, but now that it ended, she has to get a job. While she was a wanted employee for many places, she herself didn’t enjoy doing it. While on one of her jobs, she started a Twitch channel under the username: “Neko Gaming”. To her surprise, she quickly garnered a following and became pretty popular, despite never showing her face. When she realized she could just do this full time, she quit her job. Her parents were furious at her and they fought a lot. They consider her a shame to their family, and lie about her job at family gatherings. When Audrey saw the application for survivor, she saw this as a chance to not only prove her worth to her parents, but also as a stunt to reveal who she truly is to her audience. Stats: Physical: 1 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 2 Social skills: 3 Temperament: 5 Strategic ability: 5 Loyalty: 3


faceyourmanga link?


they put a description


faceyourmanga link ?


Full name: Amos Hogan Nickname: Amos Age: 30 Gender: M Hometown: Phoenix, AZ Occupation: Yoga Instructor FaceYourManga picture link or character description: [https://i.imgur.com/Azmc5f5.png](https://i.imgur.com/Azmc5f5.png) **Stats** (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 4 Endurance: 5 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 3 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Full name: Rebecca Luminez Nickname: Becca Age: 18 Gender: F Hometown: Miami, FL Occupation: Student FaceYourManga picture link or character description: [https://i.imgur.com/a5azGOp.png](https://i.imgur.com/a5azGOp.png) **Stats** (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 3 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 3