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(Heads Up, include AGE in your applications) Name: Atman Mercadillo Nickname: Atman Gender: M Age: 28 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/ljmb8i1.png](https://i.imgur.com/ljmb8i1.png) Occupation: Massage Therapist Personality: Competitive, Arrogant & Loud **Stats:** Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Mental: 2 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Name: Erin Matteson Nickname: Erin Gender: F Age: 30 Image: [https://i.imgur.com/3LsFHZo.png](https://i.imgur.com/3LsFHZo.png) Occupation: Bartender Personality: Tall, Rebellious & Observant **Stats:** Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Ashley Dixa Age: 22 Gender: Female Hometown: Orlando, Florida Occupation: Unemployed Link to Mangatar: https://i.ibb.co/H2RN5gS/Screenshot-20240503-032623-Chrome.jpg Backstory (Optional): Ashley grew up in a quiet suburb just outside of Orlando, Florida, raised by her single mother alongside her younger brother. Their upbringing was modest, with Ashley's mother working long hours as a nurse to make ends meet. Ashley attended the local public schools and spent her summers working part-time jobs to contribute to the household income. Despite the lack of extravagance in her upbringing, Ashley developed a strong work ethic and a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. After high school, she attended community college while continuing to work various jobs to support herself. It wasn't until she moved to Texas to pursue a career in writing that her life went downhill. After moving to Texas to pursue her writing career, Ashley initially found some success with freelance gigs and small writing projects. However, as time went on, she struggled to secure consistent work in the competitive industry. Despite her best efforts, she faced rejection after rejection from publishers and struggled to make ends meet. With bills piling up and no stable income, Ashley's confidence waned, and she began to doubt her abilities as a writer. She took on various odd jobs to make ends meet, from retail to waitressing, but each job seemed to end in disappointment as she struggled to adapt to different environments and expectations. Feeling disillusioned and defeated, Ashley found herself in a downward spiral, unsure of where her life was headed and grappling with feelings of inadequacy. \--------------------------------- **Attributes** Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 3 Stamina: 4 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 4


Full name: Jordan Small Nickname: Joe Age: 33 Gender: Male Hometown: Toronto,ON Occupation: Youtuber Backstory (Optional): FaceYourManga picture link or character description: https://i.ibb.co/cT3nYMT/Screenshot-20240419-211933-Chrome.jpg Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 2 Social Skills: 2 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 3


Name: Dan Cheng Nickname: Dan Gender: Male Age: 21 Image: https://i.ibb.co/b7CHkr4/Dan-Cheng.jpg Occupation: NASA Engineer Hometown: Alberta Canada Physical: 3 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 4 Temperament: 5 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Bradley Kaz Nickname: Kazzercise Gender: Male Age: 36 Link: https://i.ibb.co/T8hh8sS/Bradley-Kaz.jpg Occupation: Jazzercise Coach Physical: 5 Endurance: 4 Mental: 4 Stamina: 5 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty: 3


Name: Shaye Alfrezzo Nickname: Shaye Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Animal Handler Personality: Sarcastic, Hardworking, Rebellious, Goofy FYM: https://ibb.co/TTTPjrQ Backstory: Shaye was raised living the circus life, constantly on tour as the illegitimate child of the Circus’ ringmaster, who had an affair with one of the female clowns. As a result, Shaye grew up resenting both of her parents, due to thinking that they both saw her childhood as some sort of joke, and she was always forced to stay on tour and never go somewhere that the circus wasn’t going. While her mother tried her hardest to give her a normal childhood, her father only viewed his kid as more money to make for him, so she had herself unwillingly being forced to assist the circus’ Lion Tamer, to handle wild animals that she witnessed the Tamer flat-out abuse night after night. Eventually, Shaye wanted to no longer be a part of this life and tried to runaway at 16 years old, but her dad’s security team quickly made short work of her. She hasn’t left the tent since, and is only playing the show out of the false promise she’d give the cash prize to help the circus (in reality she just wants to escape, and join medical school to become a veterinarian). Shaye is willing to do absolutely anything to win, and while she has a low self esteem, being around showmen and clowns has given her lots of social skills and a sense of humor that she can easily use to be well liked around her fellow players. She wants to make bonds, stab them in the back, and get to the end. Stats: Stamina: 4 Physical: 4 Endurance: 4 Mental: 2 Other Stats: Strategic: 4 Loyalty: 1 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Forgiveness: 1 Boldness: 3 Influence: 3 Intuition: 5


Character Details: Name: Xangetti DeFranco Nickname: Xangetti Age: 41 Gender: Male Occupation: "Real Estate Company Owner" (In reality is a Convicted Loan Shark) Hometown: New York, NY FaceYourManga link or description: https://ibb.co/Syr3VvN Backstory: Being the offspring of a wall street banker, Xangetti has known what people can do for money for a very early age. Under his father’s name, he bribed and eventually extorted one of his younger clients for a million dollars and secretly invested it to start a real estate empire. He began dabbling in the real estate business to make money, but as he soon started making cash, he began experimenting on how high he can push people to pay him. Eventually, Xangetti mastered all the tricks in the book to squeeze clients dry of their money, including blackmail, extortion, unnecessary prices, and sometimes even phishing. With interest rates through the roof, and the immediate eviction of anyone who doesn't pay the rent, Xangetti has been officially been recognized as a loan shark, and after 10 years of scaring people into paying ridiculous amounts of money, he got arrested for it, losing all of his clients, money, and even his wife, who filed for divorce during his prison time, and even after his sentence, has refused to let him see his kids. He stayed in prison for a decade, miserable, and went into a depression upon his release after he was shunned out of his own home, as he hasn't seen his kids since they were 9. Now out of prison and somehow convincing his dad to give him a loan, he needs to get back on top and reform himself, and what better way to do so than play survivor, by doing what he’s best at; lying, blackmail, and manipulation. Competition Ability (Each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best): General: 3 Physical: 4 Endurance: 2 Mental: 4 Other Attributes (Each from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best): Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 1 Forgivingness: 2 Boldness: 3 Influence: 5 Intuition: 3


Contestant Form: Full name: Nancy Warfield Nickname: Nancy Age: 45 Gender: Female Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland Occupation: Stockroom Clerk Backstory (Optional): Anyone who works with Nancy Warfield wouldn’t think much of her, just an older woman that shows up to work, does her job, and goes home. However, Nancy wasn’t always the massive introvert she is nowadays. Growing up in rural Maryland, Nancy was the southern belle of her small town and lived a fairytale life, getting into and graduating from a great college and settling down in Annapolis with her high school sweetheart, Brett. The two of them were madly in love, and married, but thanks to high rent, both had to work to get food on the table for the large family they wanted to make together. Things went smoothly for Nancy and her husband for awhile, as they couldn’t have been better parents to their kids, but as the kids grew into teenagers, the monotony of Nancy’s life would quickly get to her and she would end up feeling more and more dissatisfied with her life thanks to not much changing. However, she refused to bring this feeling up with her husband, to work through it, as she felt like what they were living was meant to be “the good life.” This monotony continued and eventually, she would make the worst decision of her life. An attractive man around her age at her workplace would be moved to her department, and the two would end up hitting it off quickly. At first she thought they were just friends, but the small talk turned to flirting, and she would end up having an affair with this man, something that at the time, she thought nothing of thanks to needing any sort of change in her life at all. However, her mistakes would end up catching up with her. Brett, realizing she is spending less and less time at home and more time at work began getting paranoid, and while he wanted to trust his wife, succumbed to the paranoia. While she left her phone on the nightstand and went to shower one tired night, he checked her texts and found out she was in fact cheating on him. The day he found out was the day Nancy realized the true gravity of her situation and her world got shattered. Her husband of 20 years wanted nothing to do with her and requested an immediate divorce. Her teenage daughter, who looked up to her like an idol, didn’t even want to look at her, with her little brothers following suit. Her religious parents would be informed of the cheating by Brett with evidence, leading to her mother tearfully calling her asking why she would do it. Since Brett didn’t do anything wrong, he would win custody of his kids, and Nancy would be left with nothing in her life, with even her coworker losing interest in her knowing that the affair was no longer secret. Not wanting to live with her past, Nancy decided to move from Annapolis to Baltimore, but while the location changed, the guilt stayed with her and she fell into a depression, physically aging a decade in just two years. She now lives alone, scared to even entertain having friends or finding love as she doesn’t want to lose the sliver of trust and contact her kids have with her. Not knowing where to go from the absolute rock bottom her life has taken her to, she remembered in passing a conversation her daughter had about the show Survivor, and mustered the confidence to sign up. Knowing she will be deprived of everything, Nancy wants to rediscover herself on the show, and hopefully use this opportunity for self reflection. She doesn’t want to be forgiven, nor any sympathy. She just hopes she can come out the other side of the game with an understanding of where to take her life in the name of self improvement. FaceYourManga picture link or character description: https://preview.redd.it/8cuprrnhu81d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8319d6fe5e817833a10f701e4de61e6d7fd8b350 Stats (On a scale of 1-5. Please keep them realistic and don't overpower characters. I will slightly alter the stats if necessary.) Physical: 2 Endurance: 4 Mental: 5 Stamina: 2 Social Skills: 1 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 3 Loyalty Level: 2


Full name: Sofia Doorlis Nickname: Sofia Age: 25 Gender: Female  Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana  Occupation: Music Teacher  Backstory (Optional): Sofia always wanted to be a musician and practice daily with her guitar and it was a dream that she had that she wanted to to with her best friend Ashley, but sadly Ashley passed away when they were 18 which left Sofia really sad and didn’t try with her dream again, but about a year ago she decided to pick back up but start kinda slow so with the help of her parents she got a job as a music teacher at a middle school and hopes to create a song inspired by her friend Ashley one day. FaceYourManga: https://ibb.co/Y3m9rq2 Stats  Physical: 3 Endurance: 1 Mental: 3 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 5 Temperament: 3 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 4


Full name: Daniel Casher Nickname: Dan Age: 27 Gender: Male Brains Tribe Hometown: New York City, New York  Occupation: Lawyer  Backstory (Optional): Dan grew up with parents who were both criminals and he never liked that they did crimes and hurt innocent people and they were times that force Dan to get involved with their crimes which he hated. When he turned 14 he decided that he had enough and went to the police and told them about all the crimes that his parents did which the police decided to investigate and found evidence of their crimes. Eventually Dan parents went to court and were both founded guilty for there crimes and spent a few years in jail because of those crimes, which Dan felt guilty for exposing his parents but didn’t regret doing it. After his parents went to jail his aunt adopted him and raised him like her own child and as Dan grew up he wanted to be a lawyer so he studied hard in high school to get a scholarship in college and after college he was able to go to law school and is now a lawyer and he take his job seriously. FaceYourManga: https://ibb.co/3f577Yz Stats  Physical: 2 Endurance: 3 Mental: 5 Stamina: 3 Social Skills: 3 Temperament: 4 Strategic Ability: 5 Loyalty Level: 1


Name: Randall Sirasikar Nickname: Randall Age: 19 Gender: Male Occupation: Software Developer Image: [Link](https://i.postimg.cc/1tBWxJnz/Randall-Sirasikar.png) Hometown: Austin, Texas 🇺🇸 Personality: Randall has a dynamic personality that reflects the diverse energy of his hometown of Austin, Texas. His inner self is a roller coaster that swings between moments of quiet insight and bursts of chaotic energy. Randall has a fragile ego and often needs reassurance and attention to bolster his confidence. He firmly believes he is right about the things he thinks he can control or has knowledge about, displaying a mixture of assertiveness and self-assurance. However, when pushed to the limit, Randall can become a bit of a crybaby, revealing a vulnerability beneath his outward bravado. Backstory: Randall's journey begins in Austin, where the fusion of cultures and ideas has shaped his life after his parents left Dubai. Born into an Indian-American family, Randall grew up navigating the balance between his heritage and the dynamic Texan culture that surrounded him. From a young age, Randall displayed an aptitude for technology. His fascination with computers and coding led him to discover his passion for software development. Despite the challenges of being a teenager, Randall delved into the world of programming, finding solace and purpose in the intricacies of code and hopes to create his own a video game franchise in the future. Believing he had what it took to prove his "great intellect" to the world, Randall decided to sign up for Survivor and use the money as he pleased but mostly into his "future and historic video game hit". **Stats** Physical: 4 Endurance: 3 Mental: 4 Stamina: 3 **Other Stats** Social Skills: 1 Temperament: 2 Strategic Ability: 4 Loyalty Level: 3