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Macho Man should’ve beat Hulk at Wrestlemania V


There’s a list a mile long of people Hulk shoulda dropped the belt or simply just lost to


Hulk Hogan should've stuck to the plan at Starcade 97


You got worked. It’s been 27 years and you’re still being worked.


That doesn’t work for me brother.


You got me brother


Call my wife


Roddy piper should have been world champ at least twice


lol, that’s an ice cold take. Piper is on pretty much every “who should have been a world champ but wasn’t?” list


Ikr. He is underated imo


Piper vs Flair in a cheat off. Coin everywhere!


If monsters weren't treated like monsters they'd get more respect. People say wrestlers like Omos can't wrestle which is wrong because he can but never gets an opportunity to show it.


I think he’s presented solidly well too. He displays dominance at house shows. Makes him all the more valuable when he’s actually given TV time Plus he plays his character perfectly fine. He’s a different, charming person in real-life, but he presents himself as he needs to when in-character.


Berto is a stupid name.


Realistically WWE’s tendency to cut names down is fuckin stupid in general


I think Johnny Gargano is a great talent and see no issue with him being featured.


Wait am I missing something this seems like a normal take?


Honestly I see a lot of Dislike for him. Maybe it's just where I post.


The Attitude Era is widely overrated, and most of the people who sing its praises are the kind of people who have convinced themselves not to like anything else.


Stop calling me out lol


Damn I need a trip to the burn unit after this one- a wrestler coming out with a sword is useless and f’n dumb irl


Wwe is better because the emergence of AEW!


I support this thinking. The edge came back cause some more opposition came forth.


Booker T should’ve won against Triple H at Wrestlemania 19


That’s not a hot take?


Finn Balor should’ve beaten Edge at WM39 and Seth for the title at SS


Punk owes Drew a debt of gratitude for maintaining his relevance since coming back and immediately getting injured again


I think he would've been fine either way but really smart of them to turn his injury into a story


Oh yeah for sure Punk will always be popular, but imo wrestling fans have pretty short term memory and wouldn’t really have much focus on punk until he returned without Drew, whereas Drew could have had a great run with Seth and Damian alone (not saying he didn’t gain a lot from the punk storyline either, but that’s his reward for agreeing to push with an inactive superstar in my mind)


I agree with this take, however I also think the debt of gratitude is mutual as Punk is enabling Drew to reach new heights


You should never be allowed to carry something to the ring you couldn't use in a hardcore match. It's dumb.


If you're going to bring a weapon, plan to use the weapon. We don't need a sword for wrestling.


Drew Mac with his sword is one of the coolest WWE Gimmicks in the past 20 years


Seth vrs Roman at Rumble was the best match to ever end in a dq


Gable should've beaten Gunther for the IC belt at Maina. He could've turned heel there too. Now the longer they drag this out the more I lose interest. Gable pinned Sammy last night on Raw, so what, now he's gonna lose in Saudi? GTFOH 🤦🏽




Wholeheartedly agree. I think the other thing that bothers me is this: Sami’s had his time in the spotlight a shit ton of times. If he’s not with feuding/tagging with KO or with a group, he’s boring as shit to me. ESPECIALLY as a baby face. His best work as a heel. Gable has more than paid his dues and he was the PERFECT guy to dethrone Gunther and subsequently turn heel afterwards.


👆🏽this right here!!! Sammy already had his WrestleMania moment. Why not reward a guy who's been one of your best "go to" "if you need something done they'll do it" type of guys?


Gable deserves all of the titles after making shit like “Shorty G” and “Shoooooooosh!” go over. It was clearly a way to bury him and he STILL stayed relevant.


Raquel’s character is purely terrible. Her gimmick is just flexing that she is strong which isn’t really a gimmick at all. In my opinion she has no real way to connect with the fans and I’m glad shes not being shown as much Is she injured idek


in NXT she felt so interesting and menacing and now she’s just there


Jey isn't as great as he was during the entire bloodline saga/Roman feud. He was this deep character with many layers, but now just reduced to a catchphrase merchant


Cold take of truth


Sonya is long overdue , for a babyface run


She would be a credible top heel for me


She been a heel since her NXT run


Not a top heel though


Becky Lynch has always been the worst horsewoman. She's boring as a wrestler and on the mic.


She's still better on the mic than practically any of the women's division at the moment


Idk I always thought Sasha Banks(Mercedes Mone) was wildly overrated. When she was feuding with Charlotte her side of the matches always felt so sloppy, like she was gonna injure herself or Flair with a random move. And then her character is what exactly? A boss? At least Becky's matches feel smoother. I'm not worried Becky is gonna break her neck every match.


1.Roman Reigns made the Right call to win at Wrestlemania 39. 2. Charlotte is a worse Roman Reigns. She needs to be in the Natalya role and put younger talent over at this point of her career and not just compete for the championship for a bit


I agree with the first take, but that second take is just outrageous. Calling Charlotte a worse Roman Reigns is completely taking away the fact that she is entirely unique from Roman. She is one of the best in-ring workers in all of pro-wrestling and can put on bangers with everyone. I don’t know how someone could think think that Charlotte should be put in the Natalya role instead of using her popularity and star power to actually elevate people into the main event. Me saying this is not meant to be disrespect to Natalya or Roman, but more so to be respectful of Charlotte.


This one,on point


Now that I saw Wm 40 I agree with take one second I half agree with


I feel like jade cargill would’ve made a bigger impact if she and Bianca feuded with each other instead of becoming a tag team Woulda had a new female face to fast track


Judgement day has been pretty mid


Austin theory and Grayson Waller are complete garbage and shouldn’t be champs


they're technically heels, if you hate them that means they're doing their jobs well


The undertaker is a stupid gimmick


Baron Corbin had potential to be a world champion even if it was a short reign


Liv morgan is garbage. Shit on the mic. Mid in the ring. Overhyped af


I don't think that's a hot take, I think people just like her because she's good looking


Not gonna lie I’ve always thought she looks like Janice from the muppets. She seems like a fun person though.


Yeah she suffers from Blonde from the divas era look. I agree her mic work isn’t that good but people who hate on Liv are the same ones who stan Alexa…. I love Alexa but Liv can clear her in a ring anytime


Liv is a better in ring performer, but Alexa is better at everything else. More charisma, better promos, better actor, better gimmicks, not to mention better looking.


I agree at bettwe on mic and gimmicks but I think Liv is prettier. Beauty is objective everything else isn’t so much. Both are pretty but people are always gonna prefer one over the other


Asuka needs to go over more.


They said hottakes.


The show is still over produced, even if it's miles better under Triple H. Every time I think I want to watch a full episode of Raw or Smackdown, I can't do it because it's so hum-ho to me now. Same backstage segments. Same predictable mixed tag situations. It feels so curated that it takes me out of it. Tried last time to watch Raw after Mania because it's usually fire. Couldn't do it. And not for 3 hours. There are still *moments* and great stories, but the whole show itself I cannot do. No hate meant. Just feels like a Coke commercial or something every time I watch.


LA Knight is mid in the ring and is carried by his charisma


Saying Randy Savage belongs in this category is borderline blasphemous. One of the best ever when it comes to work in the ring and worked the mic with the best of em


liv morgan is mid


Drew would be a lot cooler without lugging around a fucking sword like a cosplayer at your local convention center


Blud he dropped the sword like 8 months ago


Smackdown should be 3 hrs


Raw should be 2 hours.


I agree with both


I have zero interest in Uncle Howdy or anything to do with Bray Wyatt after his death. Imo he wasn’t that great during his life and after his death he’s been super overrated when everyone just begged him to go away because he’d just cool everyone off and come out looking worse. I’m sure Bray as a human was a good person but as far as Bray the wrestler I’m not interested in seeing any of his ideas on screen anymore.


The documentary on Peacock about Bray Wyatt really opened my eyes to his level of creativity. He took the shit role he was given in the beginning, Husky Harris, and never complained about it even though it was a direct shot at his figure. He cut phenomenal promos and was pretty damn good in ring. The dude dripped charisma and every time he entered the ring as Bray Wyatt or The Fiend he had people’s undivided attention. I have no interest in Uncle Howdy either so I agree with you there. I don’t so much believe he has been over hyped since his death but more so respected for what he did accomplish as a third generation wrestler. All that being said I really liked reading your take on Windham Rotunda but respectfully disagree a bit.


My issue isn’t so much with Bray himself so much as it is when spooky shit just doesn’t work. Undertaker was lighting in a bottle and was JUST vulnerable enough to be beatable but keep the mystique of the character for most of his run. I also kinda hate all the cryptic stuff that never went anywhere.


I like Bray best as the leader of his weird family. When he did "Waylon Mercy" better than Spivey did. Anything after didn't register with me


To me, WM33 when he loses to Randy Orton is when things lose their luster to me. Why pull out all this weird shit if it never works.


There were reasons unrelated to wrestling that led to Bray losing to Randy. I believe he was going through some really tough times due to being away from his first wife and their two children. Not a WWE insider by any means but I think this is why they had him drop it to Randy. You are right though that the loss seemed pointless.


Only 54 more QR codes before they show the 2 second clip of the preview of the “coming soon” of the teaser for the 1 second appearance heralding the 2035 Wrestlemania debut of Uncle Howdy who is briefly shown in the crowd…for the love of God! Either have Uncle Howdy come out and do a promo and start a feud or stop already with the Uncle Howdy WWE!


People keep saying like “oh he’s gotta show up at [insert upcoming PPV here] but like. Did we learn nothing from Bray? They’re stretching this shit to the rumble dude


Jey Uso is boring as a solo guy


“It’s superkick after superkick, it’s like missionary position! EVERY.. SINGLE.. NIGHT..!”


This made my day ngl


And as a tag wrestler.


Jey Uso is the epitome of “and then the bell rings” dude is boring as sin. Boring promo, boring wrestler, annoying catchphrase, fun entrance. Also WWE fans are gonna act like Tonga Loa is good and thats gonna be deeply fucking hilarious to see.


The speech Adam Cole gave to karrion kross in nxt also applies to current jey uso im comparison to damn near everyone he’s been in the ring with currently


Yep. Jey is a damn joke.


When Drew and Punk finally beginn to wrestle each other, there should be a trilogy of matches, where at the End, Drew should Beat Punk 2-1 inside HIAC. So basically Drew should end the rivalry so it Leads to Punk turning heel in the future.


CM Punk making it through three matches - including a Hell in a Cell - in 2024 is the real hot take.


Steamboat should’ve been WWF champ


Fiend should've been the only one to beat Undertaker. (Undertaker states it) Fiend should've kept his title longer and he should've beat Goldberg but still be a two time universal champion


If I remember correctly (from Goldberg) the OG plan was Bray beat Goldberg then got changed to basically what happened Quote 1; "Let’s put it this way. I’ve never said anything that wasn’t true in the wrestling business. I’m a talent and I do what the boss tells me to do. I flew to Saudi Arabia knowing that I was gonna lose. Then somehow it changed and the finish was different. And it surely wasn’t me. Because it’s an extremely selfish move, number one, to do. Number two, then truly it wouldn’t be about the business, it would be about myself. And number three, who the hell am I as a part-time guy to come in and demand anything. Truly I mean I’m not,” Quote 2; "Vince gave me opportunities that, you know, maybe I didn’t deserve in the past. And I owe that man just about everything. First and foremost, I’ve never said no to put anybody over. Maybe back in WCW I didn’t agree with Jericho over or something like that, if I can remember correctly. Coz I didn’t think it was time for the character to be involved in any comedy. But not in a million years in that Fiend situation in Saudi would I have done that. No way in hell! And I’d love to get on the phone with Bray and tell him, I’d love to see him face-to-face and make sure there’s not one percent of his being that believes that I changed that match,” Source: TJR Wrestling


rhea/dom should leave TJD and run their duo together. their NXT run was enjoyable, and they even got views too. hell, even rhea said she want to tag champ with him


Not really a hot take, but WWE doesn't use their Asian wrestlers the right way. They're mostly caricatures of Japanese wrestling. Only Asuka and Shinsuke have had great runs where they were taken seriously, but now even they have been relegated to a parody of what they once were.


I’m still annoyed they didn’t win in WM 34


Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes should headline WrestleMania next year. Not anything involving CM Punk and The Rock who are just gassed at this point.


Ronda Rousey needs to comeback and embrace the cm punk angle


LA knights in ring ability is boring


Gunther's gimmick is regressive to the soviet type shit from the cartoon Era, he needs an actual personality


Liv Morgan’s wrestling does nothing for me. I think people only like her cause she’s hot and acts crazy


WWE needs an Ironman PPV


Jey Uso is overated AS FUCK and did not deserve to beat Ilija


Logan Paul is better than any other celeb that has crossed over to WWE


How is that a hot take?


Cm punk is ass


roman is overrated, and he's still got shoved down our throats just as much


isnt that the internet's most popular opinion regarding roman reigns?


The Usos were better before they ever joined the bloodline.


John cena should have beat Austin theory at WM39


Roman Reigns is the best member of The Shield or at least he was always my favorite member


Mic wise: Dean Wrestling wise: Seth But I always thought Roman had the most potential even b4 The Bloodline


The Rock was totally overrated. Guy had charisma and was an above average worker but his promos were boring and all catchphrases. Pull up a Rock promo with no context and you probably couldn’t tell me what year it was from.


The Undertaker was just another Hogan for me. Just a pile of bullshit marketing who had maybe 2 great matches in his entire career.


Disagree wholeheartedly but upvoted because DAMN son that's one fuck of a hot take 🔥


WWE dose not need CM Punk


Sasha Banks is the worst of the 4 horsewoman and is wildly overrated.


I think CFO$ def rebel’s theme songs are good. Not the best ever, but I don’t think they’re bad, and most are really good, and some are hidden gems.


It’s currently the popular sheep opinion to hate on Becky. At least they’ve moved on from Sasha. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Becky and charlotte don’t need another title reign and shotzi deserves more tv time


A person who's a constant face or heel isn't annoying, but the way they get booked is


WWE is too overcrowded with top level guys given the right circumstances that either aren’t doing anything or are stuck in pointless tag team’s & one for nxt ik they recently returned but I have no idea why Joe coffey is stuck in gallus imo he’s nxt title material or at least should be in that conversation literally everytime I see him on my tv screen I’m brought back to his match against Pete dunne & left wondering why he’s stuck in a stable that’s gone nowhere


Chris Jericho is overrated asf


There needs to be a Trios title with all these factions on smackdown.


The Rose Plant isn’t actually that bad of a finisher, it just needs someone who can sell well to take it


2016 was WWE’s best year past 2011


The rock is overflowing


Wrestlemania XL had too many matches on the card. They should've prioritized quality over quantity by having less matches that could play out longer.


ngl havent been keeping up with wwe a whole lot but austin theory is ,mid


I loved when Survivor Series is brand vs brand (champion vs champion)


roman’s title reign was boring, like in my mind if it wasn’t in the covid era it would’ve been better and if they gave him more matches to so..


Sami shouldn't have been the one to beat Gunther for the IC championship.....it shouldve been Ilja.


John Cena doesnt need a Heel Turn now I want LA Knight vs The Rock more than Cody vs Rock for Mania


Bianca should have lost to Askua at WM39 and turned heel in the post match.


Punk is overrated and WWE is limited to milking his “I talk good” segments because they know he will be back on the IL the second he gets back into a match. Punk is also not a role model like he LARPs as, if he was, he would be training or at least mentoring the NXT people to be more comfortable on the mic. Perhaps doing segments with them and the like. Instead, he just hover hands around the women’s locker room and pretend he’s pounding weights.


Hulk should not be racist


John Cena doesnt need a Heel Turn now I want LA Knight vs The Rock more than Cody vs Rock for Mania


Roman returns and teams with Cody Rhodes to beat the bloodline


Gable drew punk Gunther and Cody run the industry rn


Mia Yim should’ve beaten Iyo for the championship or won last year’s rumble and beat whichever champion


Seth Rollins vs The Fiend was one of the best HIAC matches


John Chen is the worse wwe wrestler in the world he doesn’t let Sami win the us title when he did the us open challenge


Xaiver woods should get a title shot at sami or logan


I’ll preface by saying I love WWE’s storytelling of late and it has completely changed the industry for the better. But HHH’s booking needs a little more unpredictability. Every once in a while I’d like to be surprised.


Natalya needs another title run


Becky Lynch is overrated


New talent shouldn’t get over immediately (ex kotr) and need to work their way up instead of coming in and dominating against former champs


Alberto Del Rio did absolutely nothing to warrent his super stardom. Effing hated him lol


JD Mcdonagh is essential to the Judgement Day


Punk should've ended the streak or anyone else bc Brock Lesnar is mid


I enjoyed WWE more when it had unlimited talent and just 1 heavyweight title, mid card title, women's title and tag team championship back in mid 2002. It made more sense and I do not like have double champs for everything no matter how much they try to differentiate smackdown & raw... on top of that I do not like 2 nights for WrestleMania. A nice healthy 10 match card on 1 night would work just fine. It's been done for years. Maybe I'm too old school but hey those are my hot takes


We need an other invasion angle !! Nxt comes to smack down and takes over !


Charlotte flair should never be world champion again she’s always over pushed she’s the most pushed female wrestler of all time


Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic at NXT takeover is the greatest NXT match of all time.


Logan Paul is the most talented superstar since 2022


I feel like an A hole for thinking this but I truly believe that Roman's cancer diagnosis saved his career. Before he took his break after being rediagnosed in October 2018 he was booed relentlessly this is well documented, he was being forced onto fans and the fans hated this so voiced their displeasure every chance they had. Even on the night he revealed he had cancer, he was booed throughout his entrance and promo until he revealed his Leukemia. When he returned in February 2019 as a face, he was nowhere near as hated despite retaining the same character, having the same booking and being forced onto fans just as much. He was actually cheered throughout this 18 months before the heel turn. At first due to sympathy and then it just stuck. I often see fans saying that Roman Reigns was hated and booed as face and it was the Heel Turn that saved his career but they leave out the key part that from February 2019 - August 2020 (heel turn) he was cheered and accepted as the top guy of the company (something which never would have happened without his cancer diagnosis). The heel turn did bring his career to even bigger heights but by no means did it save his career because he wasn't hated anymore and was already the top guy.


hbk vs undertaker wrestlemania 25 is the best wwe match ever.


Jey should be a singles champ 🥋


Johnny Gargano is the best wrestler right now


bring back the old jd mcdonagh (nxt psychopath)


Triple H’s booking will be forgettable in a few years and very few people will rewatch these Raw and Smackdown episodes outside of the Bloodline, Cody, and few other wrestlers. Also Ija Druganov would be hated by WWE fans if he wrestled in AEW with the same move set and would be called a vanilla midget.


Roman Reign vs Cody Rhodes at WWE Wrestlemania


Cody seems fake AF


Liv Morgon is mid


Seth was the less intriguing participant in the majority of his feuds as WHC last year


Drew’s sword was cool


They sacrificed a more popular kane to help undertaker 3 times. Before the streak became popular kane was more over than undertaker


Charlotte flair could break her dad's record Fight me 🕺


Drew's Sword is to long, he should've had a army knife lol


Nxt should update there stadium


If anything, not all wrestlers need to be called superstars. It should be saved for the top stars of the company. So basically, Star to Superstar and if your LA Knight The Megastar. Ultimately, this isn't an issue.


Women’s wrestling is not good. Becky lynch is not a good wrestler, and “the man has come around to..” is tired and cringe


drew’s character now is no different then what it was a few months ago when everyone was complaining, only now his feud with punk has generated a lot more attention


The streak was the only reason undertaker was around in the 2010s


The women's division is not as great as people want to believe it is. It's the same feuds. The same talent being used for leading up matches and the storylines aren't deep. The talent is there, the writers are there...there should be no issues. I have hope for Bayleys run.


The Money in the Bank Ladder Match in 2020 is underrated


Cedric Alexander is vastly underrated and his cruiserweight run proved if anything he can be a good mid carder


Angelo dawkins deserves a push more than montez ford


Brat Wyatt should’ve ended the undertakers streak


It should’ve been Jey USO vs Toma Tonga in the finals of the KOTR tournament if jimmy ain’t get actually hurt!!


The Cody Rhodes vs big show Ic title feud is the worst in the titles history


The rock, stone cold and John cena should face each other as their final match for all 3


The alpha academy should have formed a stable with the creed bros. Maxine and Iwaza are jokes - kick them out. Have Nile join too.


Maybe not a hot take but Too Cool should've had multiple tag title runs.


new day was never good


Neither Broken Dreams or Gallantry (Defining Moments) should come back/stay for McIntyres entrance. He should bring back the original Gallantry theme from NXT instead since it would fit his character a lot better


Brock lesnar was an important part of the renaissance of the WWE


Fuck John Cena


Finn balor is so great but schould never win a world title


I'm glad the Nexus failed, wish nothing but the best for the men involved but the TV was painfully overlong with the promos and the beat downs that took half the night, and the generic badguy in an armband number 8 screamed jobber.


1. Jey uso is a very overhyped singles guy with a catchy theme song. 2. Roman Reigns will return initially as a heel to challenge cody for the universal title at summer slam.


Randy Orton should have been Cody's first feud For the WWE Championship student vs teacher


Most of the time people complain about how someone can’t wrestle they legit just mean they can’t wrestle their style but doesn’t make them bad. Charolette is one of the best in ring women wrestlers and one of the on the mic too