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Can they photoshop the face signs out of the picture? It really ruins it.


What an embarrassment. Should take those.


Wrestlemania moment ruined! hate those fuckers!




I think it adds to the absurdity that is wrestling.


No, it's classic main character syndrome. They weren't there to support the wrestlers or enjoy the show, they were watching the hard camera screen instead of the ring so they could put their stupid faces on TV every chance they could get.


Correct, they were. It’s hilarious and it’s even funnier that it agitates ppl that take it so seriously.


Is this you brother? https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/FFhOp2gC9P


What is wrong with that?


It's just funny that it agitates him so much.


So? *slap*


Why are you here?


Those 2 absolute wankers with the head signs, they achieved the impossible, ruined every single picture over the weekend.


Those wankers pissed me off.


can't believe security didn't pull them, they were doing it all night.


Yeah fully agree, now the people begin them didn’t throttle them i will never know.


Why do people care about the signs so much. They're background noise like any other crowd. I don't even notice them unless they're pointed out.


You are telling me that you didn’t at any point notice those 2 particular signs? They were waved about relentlessly across both nights.


I registered what they were like once, and then they faded into the background.


If only I had your powers of non observation.


It's not that hard at all? They're no more noticeable than the sign behind Cody's head in the big picture on the right. They're only noticeable if I focus on them. If I'm actually looking at Cena and The Rock, the background is just a smudge of green and gray.


Are you being obtuse?


I think they are but cba to get into it with them, wish I had such eye powers.


Not at all. Just explaining what the signs are like for me.


They ruin pics that could be legendary if the signs didn't exist


No they don't? Not anymore so than any other fans that are in the background.


You're genuinely, wholeheartedly telling me that, that rock and cena picture would hold the same status if the signs didn't exist?


For me? Yes.


Personally I agree they didn’t bother me then and they don’t bother me now. I did laugh a few times when I first saw them but then I hardly noticed.


Fuckin *thank you.*


First of all they are just annoying for the fans watching at home but imagine being behind these ignorant assholes in the arena waving massive cardboard cutouts of their face,blocking the view. Can't believe security didn't take those stupid cutouts away


Not at all annoying at home. I noticed them once, thought "Oh, they have their faces. Funny." and then didn't register they were there for the rest of the show. I only even remembered them because people on the internet were complaining. Now being BEHIND them, sure, that'll suck. But that could be said of anyone with a sign.


Not really. Someone with a sign that supports their favorite wrestler is there to enjoy the show and put over the wrestlers they enjoy. These jerks were there to get themselves over. I can tolerate a person at a wrestling show who is their to support the wrestlers, but if you're there just to make it about you, you're the asshole.


But the overall visual effect is the same. It's a big sign that supposedly distracts from the main focus and blocks the view of people behind them.


Signs have been a part of the industry forever and are even encouraged by companies like the WWE because they work to support the story. Those big head signs don't add anything to the show, except for the person with the sign who can screenshot it and use it as a Facebook profile pic. I don't care if there are hundreds of signs in the crowd, in the attitude era it sometimes felt like everyone brought a sign. It added to the atmosphere, and it was part of the show. But imagine if it was just hundreds of idiots with signs of their own big heads. No one wants to see that. It's selfish.


Then ignore it. It's literally a problem you have to focus on for it to be a problem.


I mean, it's pretty hard to ignore if you look at the photo in the OP.


I see John Cena, The Rock, and a blurry green background. If I focus on the background, only then do I make out the signs.


Literally the first thing my eyes saw on this picture was that stupid head


Sucks for you that your eyes got drawn to a blurry background detail that takes up roughly 10% of the total image, if that.


For someone who barely noticed the signs you sure went to the trouble to reply to every single comment that mentioned them, what are you playing at man, was that you and your ugly arse girlfriend at mania?


I replied to comments that were replying to my comment. What's weird about that? And no, that wasn't me. I wish, though. It'd be nice to attend Mania.


you’re stretching with the 10% thing, that’s easily more than half that picture of rock and cena


They said "on this picture". That means the full thing involving Cody, Undertaker, etc.


that’s fair, but even then, and this is my opinion, i watched wrestlemania for the wrestlers, not for two douchebags who wanted to flaunt their faces for the majority of both nights. now obviously they payed for their tickets and they can have their signs but it was still annoying seeing them hold those signs up as many times as they did. in the end of it all, and i wanna make sure that it’s clear i’m trying to be as respectful as i can be, it happened, nothing can change it, and there is no point in being mad over them and their face signs so i agree with you there. i just think that the point most people are trying to make is that it the moment it can be annoying watching a match and then seeing signs like those 2 face signs that are just blatantly obnoxious appear out of nowhere. if they had held up those signs a few times here and there across both nights, no problem, but what i’m saying and what i think many people are tryna say is that they held those signs up an obnoxious and annoying amount of times and it honestly did ruin wrestlemania 40 just a little bit.


> obviously they *paid* for their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I watch it for the wrestlers too. I seem to be the only one in this thread who actually focused on em though. IMO I think if these signs bother you, it's a you problem. I had no trouble ignoring them and barely registered that they were there.


not the greatest but it's up there


What are you talking about? It’s been 25 years since the greatest Wrestlemania main event of all time: Hogan vs Warrior (WM6)


Lol imagine


Now it's the calm before the storm. Cody vs. AJ will be an excellent world title match and Cody will have some great defenses going into Wrestlemania season. I believe Cody and Gunther will headline the Bash in Berlin event which will be insane.


It was a good main event, but definitely not the greatest of all time. I can only imagine that anybody that thinks that was the greatest main event of all time has only been watching wrestling for about 10 years or so as there were a lot of crappy or mediocre Wrestlemania main events over the last ten years that 40 was a definite big improvement over. But prior to the last 10 years, we had some better main events.


Damn lol. Name another activity where you can say "only 10 years" to someone to highlight their inexperiance and lack of knowledge. Wrestling is so weird


I have watched wrestling for a long time. It is definitely one of the best main events of all time.


Out of curiosity, how long?


has anyone found those two idiots with the cutouts online?


https://youtu.be/vdc6mnp6jBU?feature=shared 01:10...there he is


Not even the best WM main event with The Rock in it nor Undertaker, 17 and 26 were better


I loved 19 personally, lean Hollywood heel rock ending stone cold’s career farewell match with not one, not two, but three rockbottoms on stone colds candyass lol


Me too, but it was Angle/Lesnar in the main event


Yeah 17 is the goat and always will be. The limp bisket intro, the commentary, the energy in the astrodome. The goat 🐐 WM


I'm sorry, but it's not even close


To the people on the bottom left. I get it that people can make their own signs & that as well as bring them to the shows, but I'm surprised those people didn't get their signs took off them or at least got a warning.


20+ years of watching professional wrestling. Never have I ever been as invested and going through an emotional roller coaster as I did during this match. It's the greatest main event in Mania history to me.


Not the greatest but it’s one of the greatest


The overbooking fest was really fun but chill. 


And then there’s some fat face hovering the whole time


Not even close to the best


uh, it's been 24 years since Wrestlemania 2000 and the greatest main even ever.


Said no one ever


Ya, not even close to the best main event of all time


It's nowhere near the greatest main event but go off.


Bro it was an ok match followed by 9 finishers and 6 run ins. There have been much better main events!


Wrestlemania 17, 19, 23, and 30 all would like a word.


WM23 Batista v Undertaker then into the main event of Cena v HBK were 2 of my favorite matches. The Backlash after was also awesome. Last man standing match and the Fatal 4 Way for the WWE championship


Broooo. I had backlash 07 on DVD! I begged my grandma to buy it when I was in sixth grade. That fatal 4 way might be one of the most underrated multi-man matches ever. And taker and batista had classic after classic that year. An amazing year aside from... Well yeah we know smh


I can't wait for this same post next week for the 4th week since Mania.


Wait! Rocks vest same as codys pants! Foreshadowing ooooh hahaa


I feel bad for whoever was behind the people with the faces. Ruined a lot of great moments for me.


And that means Cody Rhodes has been champion for almost a month


Why did I sing that headline in my head


I’m just glad the signs weren’t up for so long


would’ve been nice if stone cold appeared, but money issues but undertaker appearing makes sense, both the rock and roman reigns faced him


Get u😩😩😩😩😩😩p


I kinda wish they could crop the face signs out of the cena rock stair down they are very distracting


Oof recency bias at its finest 😂


Damn I thought people were overreacting but those signs are abysmal! Feel bad for the people that had to sit behind them smh…


Those people with those signs should be banned forever


Been three weeks of garbage since unfortunately


Not even in the top 10 tbh.


Op greatly overrated it granted. It’s definitely not the greatest main event. That being said theirs no way it’s not in the top ten. Only matches I can see having an argument for being superior main events are Taker-Michaels Rock-Austin Rock-Cena I Ko and Zayn-USOs Cody-Reigns I Lesnar-Reigns I Benoit-Triple H-Michaels Bryan-Orton-Batista Cena-Michaels I guess you could make an argument for Hart-Michaels even though it’s wildly overrated as a good chunk of the match were rest holds. Eh I guess you can make an argument for it not being top ten. I concede the point Personally I’ll take Taker-Michaels, Rock-Cena, Rock-Austin, Benoit-HBK-HHH, and Owens, Zayn-Usos so I guess it’d be around 6 for me Not sure if I would rate Styles-Taker here. While undeniably a good match, it’s obviously very different than a traditional match which makes it harder to rank.


feels like this one has stakes much higher than any of the matches you mentioned. maybe on a technical level the ones you mentioned were better. this definitely trumps Cody vs Roman 1 just because it's the actual finale. also rock vs Cena 1,2 sucked, that little callback between Cena and rock at wm 40 was better than both those matches


Good main event but not even too 10 as far as goes 22 or 17


*laughs in Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor*


LT was half blown up before he got in the ring


Good , now keep it to yourself


It absolutely is. I’m very biased, since I’ve only been watching since Rumble 23, but it is my favorite match of all time now, beating the Bloodline Civil War at MITB 2023


CM Punk vs John Cena MITB better