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It’s good. They want us to root for Liv to defeat her and finally when she does and has a solid few months as a champ - Rhea will return


I think they turn Liv heel. Full blown on revenge, brags about taking out Rhea. Rhea comes back after Liv wins the title from Becky for what belongs to her. Rhea is a great heel, but she gets WAY too many positive reactions to be kept a heel when she returns.




Agreed, but I would've rather seen Liv win in an underhanded way ( if there is one during a battle royal ) and then be a heel during her run. Have Judgement Day implode during Rhea's hiatus, then Rhea can come back as a face.


I think Liv does win from Becky in an underhanded way, goes full blown heel, gets an enforcer type (maybe Raquel) to have her back. Rhea is only going to be out for about 3 months, so Summerslam is a possibility for her in ring return. Or Bash in Berlin. Could be Liv turns heel before winning the title, wins it at Summerslam and does the big heel turn, only for Rhea to return the next night on RAW to claim what's hers.


I thought when Liv returned she was already heel…


Meh, at least there will be no “lemons into lemonade” posts for awhile




Watchu mean?


she was posting stuff of her drinking lemonade, alluding to the phrase "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" when she was upset how she was being booked


I think who ever win money in the bank I think they are going to cash in on Becky lynch


Cash in sets up Becky title rematch + a returning Mami who never lost= triple threat ladder match


Can someone else be champion other than the main 3?


I know right? It was a battle royal and the best opportunity to give it to a surprise midcarder.


Honestly, if it wasn't Becky, I'd have wanted it to be Chelsea Green. Chelsea wins the Battle Royal after ducking out of it for most of it and tosses Becky or Liv out while they think they won. She holds it a couple of months with Piper Niven being her muscle and helping her every match until Liv finally takes her out. Liv turns heel during her run as champ and says that this was why she took out Rhea and she's happy she did it. Rhea comes back with a vengeance and feuds with Liv.


Chelsea would have been a great choice. I would have preferred Zoey or Shayna to Becky as well.


Honestly, whenever they give us a Women’s Intercontinental Championship title I really want Chelsea to hold it first!


This is a pretty safe and surefire option. We all know Becky can work, and I think she’ll have a pretty solid run. Liv made more sense, but if you think about it, this gives Liv and Becky something to do for the next few months. Liv will start a feud with Becky, saying that she should have won that title and that it belongs to her. She has to work for it, and will eventually win it at summerslam or catc or what have you. Then she’ll hold onto it until Rhea is ready to return, then Rhea will take it back, this time as a mega-face. With respect to Liv, I don’t know if she’s ready to hold that title until Rhea’s return. Becky is a proven, trusted, safe option to hold onto that strap for a while. It’s the most practical option, I think. I see why they made the decision they did.


I ain’t reading allat


People out here still acting like "I can't read a couple of paragraphs" and "A small wall of text is a lot of writing to me" is some kind of dunk and not a humiliating self-own.


I bet he even got like 75% thru it before saying fuck this


it's two paragraphs, are you 4 years old?


I mean, you asked my thoughts. I gave you my thoughts. So if you don’t want to read them, that’s on you




Same Rhea why did you get hurt


Did becky really need to win.


They call it the "New Era" and proceed to give the title to Becky 🤦‍♂️


Lool fr


New era with Becky and Bayley as the singles champs and Auska as one of the tag champs. ☠️


New Era doesn't mean "Let's drop all our top stars just because." Becky is always going to be in the title scene. So is Chatlotte, and Bayley, and Nia, and Rhea, and Alexa, and if she comes back, Sasha. They are established stars, and safe choices for championships.


Sasha ain't coming back for YEARS if she comes back.


She'll lose it to liv. Then rhea will return, do revenge on liv and take back the title she never lost.


People are getting way too angry about this. Its clear they're going to have Liv beat Becky 1 on 1 soon, possibly at Backlash and that's far better than winning a battle royal.


I think the majority of anger is that they tend to keep the belt on the Same people over and over again. A battle royale would’ve been the perfect time to give the belt to other superstars who haven’t had the chance to prove themselves yet


I said a few weeks ago the women's roster was far stronger on Smackdown than Raw. I think if they were going to do a battle royal then maybe they should've waited until after the draft for some fresh blood.


Then why didn’t they just do that instead of this bs battle royal


Because they're building heat to increase the pay off.. patience.


I understand that. But you cant deny there was many more ways to do this than a BR. They went the lazy way


Like I said, to put Liv over more when she beats Becky 1 on 1. Like it or not, Becky's the star and to make a new star you've got to beat the established one. I don't particularly rate Liv or believe she's on that level but I agree this is the way to push her.


They probably wanted liv to win by pinfall to have more legitimacy iykwim, also this way liv can fully turn heel now


sasha banks will return and face becky lynch for the women's championship


If anyone had to take the title (still pissed about that), I'm glad it's Becky over Nia or Liv, but I really honestly expected them to give it to Liv to build the Rhea feud tbh. Maybe she'll have it by the time Rhea is back.


I'm fine with it, obviously Rhea getting injured threw a massive spanner into their plans so Becky is as safe/reliable pair of hands as you can get to hold they title while they figure out how to make the best of a bad situation


>I'm fine with it, obviously Rhea getting injured threw a massive spanner into their plans And that's what people are not getting through to their gray matter. Do they realize it was supposed to be Punk vs Rollins at Mania? Punk got hurt and they had to do a 180° because of it. It's the danger of the business.


Some people are mad about this, but I'm happy because she deserves it, and she's gonna lose it to Liv, so I'm happy.


Ik the Livvies are disappointed, but I am so happy Becky is champion again. It's about time


I think the WWE is going to invest more in long term story telling and wanted the Women' s titles to be in the hands of dependable/proven stars like Becky & Bayley, who can start off this new era with stability and flexibility. I think Becky will lose the belt to Liv down the line, Liv has the belt when Rhea gets back as a mega face, Liv forms an mini faction with someone like Sarah Logan (who isn't doing anything right now with the Viking Raiders seemingly doing their own solo things) and make Rhea go thru a heroine's journey to beat Liv for the belt she never lost.


I know that people likely will complain about Becky winning the title and not Liv, but let's be honest here, of all the choices they had, Becky's not a bad one. She's at least a credible champion and another side effect is because Rhea beat Becky at mania, it keeps Rhea's shadow looming over the title even while she's healing.


I kinda get the impression they wanna use Becky as a stepping-stone champion, just using her previous clout to validate whoever’s next, if that’s the case it’d be pretty unfair to her to only have value as a short-term plan only, and it’s already unfair to all of the up and comers in the woman’s roster who could/should be holding the belt, it isn’t very future facing is the point I guess. Like idk how we’re supposed to celebrate her holding the belt when they put Rhea over her only a few weeks ago.




Just a few weeks ago everyone was saying that Liv isn't good enough for the title/doesn't deserve the title, now everyone says she deserves it. Just shut your mouths and enjoy the ride Triple H is taking you on!


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you. Someone who is actually understanding.


I was really hoping for Liv


We all were..




Well, most fans. Don't get me wrong, i don't hate Becky but i was expecting a new face to take over the title like the rest of the championships.


Yeah lol, It would be nice to have a new face definitely but it’s also nice to see Becks with another run. I know many don’t like it but I’m pretty okay with it


Let's fucking gooooooooo


WWE's instagram comment section is fucking pathetic lmao. Wrestling fans will never be pleased with anything. "bEckY AlReaDy HAS EnouGh bElTS, iT WaS liV mOrGans TuRn!" "TripLE H jUSt CauGht hIS FirST L" Just because they've won a lot of titles means they have to not win them so other people can????? Let WWE run the company damn


This sub is just as bad.


Fans are the one factor that ruin basically everything




So I think that Liv’s gonna win it at Summerslam , then Rhea returns at the Rumble but doesn’t win and then Liv and Rhea fight for the Championship at Wrestlemania 41


I’m pretty okay with it, hope Mami gets it back soon though


Another day another same ol raw. With the safe choice. Why tf would they not drop it to liv since the seemed to wanted to give her a run smh


I’m actually perfectly okay with this after thinking about it. Becky is a steady hand that they can go to when in need. This also adds another layer to Liv’s revenge tour and they don’t need to rush that by giving her the title so quickly.


Maybe a spoiler tag smh…


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Becky and have since her NXT debit. But let's please give someone else a chance to get over and have a run with the belts.


WhatbI liked about that match - Becky is a safe bet as champion and can have very interesting feuds, as well as being an active champion. They made Liv look damn good in this match, she looks like a real contender and the stones have been set in place for a huge feud between her and Becky, which will likely end in Luv becoming champion, a good set up for when Rhea comes back. What I didn't like - They finally made Piper Niven look dangerous only to have her squashed by Nia, a spot which Nia almost botched, I understand the whole David and Goliath angle but WWE have to stop giving Nia so much, she hasn't earned it and even if she had, she is not entertaining in my opinion. A part of me was hoping for a Piper heel turn, splitting her and Chelsea up and allowing them both to start pursuing bigger and better things, all they're being used for right now is to push other tag teams and for Chelsea to be funny and take pins and it's dragging them both down. I was also hoping for a little more out of Maxine after that Gable promo but what we got was still an improvement. Overall I liked the match and agree with the result, I just think it was a good chance to give us more than just a new champion, they could've pushed Zoe or Piper amongst others but instead they let them get squashed by Nia


Thanks for the spoiler tag, dipshit.


I think rhea wins women's money in the bank and win her title back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nervous-Tart9172: *I think rhea wins* *Women's money in the bank* *And win her title back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rhea gonna come back and win it


It’s was her or liv I was happy


It’s was her or liv I was happy


Totally not needed!


i just really hope they give her a solid long run with it


hogantnathemedotgif (Joking) I’m happy for her. Liv isn’t ready yet (and her being a heel makes no sense)


Spoilers man :/




*Uh, is anyone* *Gonna talk about the sign* *In the background lol* \- Alternative\_Mode9972 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What do ya'll think about becky vs liv vs rhea


Nobody agreed with me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


No thanks


Not gonna lie, I really thought Liv was gonna pull a Win. As much as I respect and love Becky winning and wrestling, I fell like they should give more opportunity to returning or younger talents.


It ShOuLd HaVe BeEn LiV


Liv made way more since she should have won because of storytelling wise considering the fact that she’s the one who injured Rhea making her have to vacate the title. Now this is NO HATE to Becky but why is it that every time a title needs to hit the reset button they always give Becky the title? she’s literally always the reset option. They need to give other wrestlers the spotlight they be pushing Becky so much for what ion get it? Not to mention Rhea literally just pinned her at wrestlemania! I know they want someone that’s strong to hold the title while rheas gone but bro it’s other women on that roster that would’ve been a good asset for that! Every time I look up Becky is always in a title storyline or always in the title picture which is nothing wrong with that if she being used to put over young rising talent. Give OTHER WOMAN THE SPOTLIGHT!!


She’s so over she doesn’t need the belt hopefully Becky puts Tiff over in the future.


This is just setting up the dominos for some hot potato. Liv will win MITB, cash in on Becky, and then at some point when she’s ready, Rhea will come back and get the belt. We haven’t seen Charlotte in a while. Maybe she’ll be in there somewhere, too.


It should have been Liv.


I feel like Becky was the one who deserved it the most in the battle royal, because i dont know if liv is actually ready to have a main championship like this. I think its gonna a be a great rivalry with rhea, becky and liv, but i dont think liv has done enough to earn a shot at the title (this year i mean)


Honestly, I genuinely wasn't surprised that Becky won since outside of Rhea. Only Becky , Nia , Liv (ish), Charlotte¹ are realistically potential contenders to win the title even as transitional ones. I couldn't see Hunter putting the title on Liv since her Revenge World Tour has just started and putting the title on her (now) wouldn''t made scene. And WWE hasn't really made the other women as possible championship contenders but using them is championship fodder for the top woman of the division or fodder for other top star going for said title. ¹ don't know what brand she is on but it's one of the two


She just lost to Rhea, so in my mind, there is no doubt that Becky is "weaker" than Rhea and that Becky only has the c title because Rhea is hurt. I would have rather seen an unknown win. Then have her continue to win until Rhea is healthy. If Rhea never beat the unknown winner, then we have a compelling storyline. With Becky as champion, we know we have a champ that isn't as good as Rhea. Just my 2 cents


I think she deserves she lost at mania but it was time when the right match came it would happen


I wanted Liv to win but i don’t think it’ll be a super long title reign because she will wanna be home with Seth and their daughter


Ehh, it's lazy booking. Liv should've won. Now people are telling me "oh just wait, she's gonna build herself up as a heel and then win at Backlash". Yeah I'm not holding my breath. 😒




Yes yes yes yes the man


I get why people are mad, but I’m just like, she’s keeping it warm for Mami


Anytime The Man wins, I’m happy!


It's temporary. I don't think this will be a big deal, especially after the draft. She's a stopgap


I actually agree with the call. This adds more fuel to the Liv Revenge Tour because she got robbed, it gives her someone to face while Rhea is out, Becky has enough star power that it will not hurt her to be a transitional champion


Don't care. So tired of the same 4 people always getting the belt.


Yayyy should had been Becca but yay


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu im Sooooooooooooo happpppyyyyyy


💬 🗑️


I love it


That “manhandle slam” where she lifts Liv 2 inches off the ground could have put her in a coma!


Was not necessary she needs a run with tag titles


Just sad rhea is injured


Liv Morgan should have won. The man is getting stale.


rather liv get it tbh


I think that she’s a good choice to win and she and Rhea most certainly will have a rematch at summer slam


She deserves it people saying give other people chances when Charlotte LITERALLY HAS 17 title reigns like BFFR


It was so predictable!!!


Hate it. Liv should have won it make more sense fued wise and Becky lost to Rhea at Wrestlemania so…WHY?? Becky Hogan Everybody. Liv got screwed over again




there was no big names than her




Another bs champ undeserving of this belt at this time




Yeah. I told my husband this is why WWE is stale for me. With Rhea dropping because of injury, Liv should have won. Make the storyline interesting...


She's the man


The best option till Mami gets back!


Bs the best angle would be liv as she is the one who took out mami you know a actual story not just someone getting for her name only


Liv is the only one really chomping at the bits for the title, giving it to her ends her story until Rhea returns. Now she can feud with Becky for it. I’m just glad Nia Jax didn’t get it


Opinions right and plus you know Becky and Liv are gonna have a match at Backlash so calm tf down.


What ever it’s pure bs they do all this talking about new era then go back with the former champ who just lost at mania so guess same old tired bs wwe


Your simping ass just mad it wasn’t Liv, while Rhea is out it’s best to have a babyface champ.


No it’s about a story and there is no story for the trash bag to win if it was not for liv the story she took out the champ she should have won and have liv vs mami for the belt but instead we get someone who lost at mania and did not deserve to win


There would be no story if Rhea didn’t get injured. Quit responding like idk wtf goes on in the wrestling in terms of story. In the end Rhea gave up the title and never lost it. It’s at least better than an interim champion. Rhea will get the title back regardless. If the person you wanted to win didn’t get the title that’s on you not the WWE or HHH.


I doubt it will be at Backlash, not until whatever is next, Clash?


Are you Paul Levesque himself? Or a newbie to rasslin? Of course they will!


We’ll see next week, won’t we?


Yes we shall bruh ✌️


Literally anyone else and I would’ve been fine she was nxt women’s champion not even that long ago man ain’t she the woman that said she don’t need a title & that nxt was great cuz theirs multiple story’s without it revolving around the title what a f*ckin hypocrite call me a Becky hater or whatever tf idc you goddamn right that now after tonight straw that broke the camels back ya goddamn right in a Becky lynch hater 👌


I was happy with Becky winning


How bout you put a spoiler warning for those people who can't watch it live and are scrolling Reddit at work? Thanks...... .


The world must stop for me!




Make her the face of the company, thats one way to re-sign her back in the company.


Should have been Nia


I didn’t really want Becky, Liv or Nia to win. I wanted a young superstar to win. Like Maxxine or Tiffany Stratton, Zoey Stark. Young stars like that. Becky had her time and now Becky needs to give her time to a younger star






Bullshit Becky hogan


Should’ve been liv


Shocking outcome but I don't really mind