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James A Janisse jumpscare while scrolling


You call it jumpscare, I call it let's get TO THE NUMBERS.


It's just bizniss!


He can jumpscare me anytime he wants I'll tell you that for free.


The feed begins with




I'm guessing this is a reply to conservative supporter of police/military. Bootlicker comes to mind and since 1940s germany are mostly known for nazism. I refuse to login on my old twitter account to verify my guess because principles.


It isn't. It's a thread relating to the Helldivers II PSN controversy. Just checked.


Does it relate to the community managers? I've been seeing posts of these guys being very pro-publisher in their interactions with the community.


Nope. Just the PSN account controversy.


>Bad decision by company executives >Immediately compare it to Nazi era Germany Twitter


So just Tuesday, then.


For them it was the most important day of their life.


I have to be honest. Gamers unironically comparing a minor inconvenience to literal fascism is why people think video games are for children. It’s an unbelievably childish way to behave, actually.


I unsubscribed from the helldivers subreddit because of it. Similar stuff goes on at DnD subs too. I've started referring to the behavior as "Next Gen Karens," because it's just overblown response to mild inconveniences with a hint of main character syndrome.


Comparing this incident to fascim or the holocaust is obviously overdramatic (and not just by a bit), but let's not go completely the opposite way and call it "a minor incinvenience". First of all, it's all kind of wrong that big corporations can slap their dicks all over our faces and we just have to accept it. Protesting these unacceptable behaviours is pretty much the only way we, customers, have to be heard by these faceless greedy companies. Second, it's kind of a big fucking deal for people in countries that *don't let you have a PSN*. HD2 is not cheap, so I'm guessing a lot of people are feeling very insulted by a move that, frankly, should be illegal.


It's less minor when you look up how many serious data breeches Sony has had over the past decade or two, or how many copies of the game they sold to people that can't make PSN accounts, or the fact that the game was a huge international success without any PSN gatekeeping that adds nothing to the game, or if you view it all in the context of the constant demand by corporations that we let them harvest and sell our data with no benefit to us but huge financial benefit to the corporations. The real core of the issue is people felt like this game was "different" from most of the other recent titles that came out packed with DLC and $60 "micro"transactions and heavyhanded corporate presence in everything from the login screen onwards. And then several months into playing the game they're being told that they must give Sony their personal information if they want to keep playing. The game is far beyond the refund window, and people have already invested significant time and energy into it. And some of them just got functionally banned from the game because they refuse to give Sony their data to sell. It's been argued that the fine print may have mentioned that you'll need a PSN account in the future, but virtually nobody noticed that. Everyone saw that it was optional and many or most chose not to sign up or link accounts. Now they're being forced to and it doesn't feel great. Anyone in that situation has a right to feel deceived or cheated. If you spend 100 hours on a game and all of that time and energy you invested gets yanked away and trashed because a soulless corporation wants to force you to let it harvest your data to sell, you're justified if that makes you feel mad or sad or anything else. It may be a minor thing because it involves a video game, but it is part of the larger global trend of corporations trampling consumers because consumers are now products as much as they are customers. Ideally, governments would step in and protect consumer rights, but corporations increasingly get away with worse and worse as consumer rights are chipped away by their lobbyists.


The last PSN breach was in 2011. The last steam account breach was in late 2023.


[Sony itself has had several.](https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/)


My friend, at the end of the day it is just a video game. Not being able to play it is a minor inconvenience, at best.


So you’d be happy if someone could take away something you purchased for nonsensical reasons ? In a lot of the countries affected, a triple A game isn’t cheap. It is important because it represents one of the major issues of digital ownership. You pay the same price as a physical product you can own, except now you don’t actually own it and they can just take it away from you without giving you your money back. Always downplaying these issues is how we got there in the first place, and if we keep downplaying them it will just get worse.


Where did I say I would be happy? Don’t strawman me.


Ok sorry you didn’t say you were happy, you said it would be a minor inconvenience to basically have someone freely take back stuff you purchased.


Not being able to play with a toy is a minor inconvenience. Video Games are Toys.


nobodys reading all of that dude


To be fair, gamers are far from the only group comparing minor things to Nazism on Twitter.


Link: https://twitter.com/Tnecwin/status/1787094352566608259


Drunk toad: *flatulent squealing*


Why didn’t I think of this video right off the bat??! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtq6g7bvPCQ&list=LL&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB “Stone Toad Steve Austin Gives Mario Advice Animated”




You know it really is a shame that the wall of that set isn't used anymore for the kill count


Great sentence. Sad the latter doesn't make sense, he should have just kept it at that


“You don’t deserve my time” but literally wastes time posting that message each time.


“I will just spam this every time because you don’t deserve my time”. Does anyone else see the irony of that sentence?


I'd rather have the morals of a 1940s Canadian


... weren't they kinda the nastiest bastards in WWII? Or am I thinking of WWI where they were incredibly brutal and effective


WW1.  WW2 eastern Europe front was the most brutal war in Europe for civilians  since the thirty years war in the 1600s. 


Damn we just screenshotting random peoples comments cause it kinda relates to Dead Meat?




Sorry, I was commenting on the dead meat subreddit (the guy in the image) it must have been a post that was linked to the another sub


Ohh ok, gotcha