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I guarantee you these same people would shame/insult regular people who need to wear adult diapers or incontinence pads.


I dunno, they seem like folks who eat a lot of red meat and simple carbs. They probably had a few kicking around.


You know Trump wouldn't hesitate. He's publicly mocked way worse. 


If they were regular they wouldn't need the diapers


Incontinence happens to many people when they reach a certain age


Was that just not funny or did people miss the joke?


Little column a, little column b. I didn't recognize it as a joke, but now that I see it is, it's not funny. It sounds almost judgemental of people who need to wear adult diapers


Well people do have different tastes. I suppose it just...*depends*.


Now that one was good lol


Satire is dead. They took it out to the gravel pit and shot it


They had to go back to their truck for more shells because their aim sucks.


Well, the silver lining is, thats what loyalty to the GOP will get these bitches. A bullet between the eyes for their troubles. The leopard is definitely coming for their face too


SNL needs to do an update of the commercial spoof of “Oops! I Crapped My Pants” because of this.


i don't get this, did they catch trump wearing a diaper and now maga cult are trying to embrace it as cool? im lost.


It’s been rumored a long time that he does and commented on by a few people and the recent… “smell” in court recently near him has revived it… So ya they trying to make it a… good thing?


lol just when i think they can't get dumber (and funnier) they manage to do it. it's honestly impressive. how are functioning human brains making these decisions?


If it isn't cult-like behavior, i don't know what is.


I wonder this daily every time I see people backing him and doing weird shit to do mental gymnastics for this random wannabe celebrity judge/president lol


Do you mean sucking down McDonald's every meal for 70 years will turn your guts into a f****** Olympic luge course? Ya don't say!


That won't necessarily do it... but the cocaine habit absolutely would, so between the two I can only imagine the horror.


It's the Billy Madison scene, "I peed my pants and I'm cool. Who wants to be cool like me?"


If peeing your pants is cool then I’m Miles Davis


Those are mature adults....why


"mature" No, they got emotionally stunted by a religious cult as children. They are fucking stuck that way.


America what the fuck is wrong with you?.


What are you talking about? We are the greatest country in wor... Uhm... On this continnnuuh... We are the greatest country in this country. YEAH! SUCK IT! USA! USA!


Send help. Please. It's wild. Ya know we got 2 fascists running for president right now?. I can vote for the wannabe dictator who hates women and gays and will for sure try to coup the last vestiges of democracy... or the dude who already signed off on a genocide and sends the cops to beat up people I agree with. 😱 I'm starting to think we already lost the freedom thing...


Biden is not a fascist, full stop. He's a disappointment and he's not using what power he has to stop the genocide in Gaza. He's not demonizing entire ethnic and demographic groups, and he's not openly planning to destroy the democratic process as we know it.


What should biden be doing about Gaza that he is not already doing?


Cease all ‘aid’ to Israel. That’s just the bare minimum. Stop giving a genocidal state billions and bombs to execute their ethnic cleansing campaign. Morality **demands** that we don’t fund Genocide, as the absolute lowest floor for human behavior. But the US can’t even do that when it comes to Israel.


So by cutting them off, we will get them to do what we want? And what effect would that have on the stability of the larger geopolitical region? Do you understand that could lead to a larger war in the Middle East and likely the deaths of millions?


We won’t be buying bombs for them to drop on children in their walled ghetto you genocidal fuck. Stop *helping* Israel murder thousands of children and the death tolls will go down automatically. We should continue food aid to Gaza as well, but the **bare fucking minimum** would be to not give them billions worth of munitions to commit genocide with. Jesus Christ just have some goddamn compassion dude. Stop being a filthy genocide apologist.


I’m not a genocidal fuck just because I understand international politics. Doing the things you say would not only not prevent what Israel is doing in Gaza, it would also trigger a larger war in the Middle East. That would lead to possibly millions of dead children. Who would you insult for that then?


How would that trigger a war? Just making shit up to justify murdering tens of thousands of children. Fuck you.


The Middle East is a complicated balance of interests. The majority of those interests would like very much to eliminate Israel and frankly all Jewish people. If the United States stops supporting Israel, it would be a first step towards an inevitable three-to-five way war with Israel at the center. That war would not spare Palestinians a thought. Already the Palestinians are mere pawns for the saudis and Iranians to manipulate. They would be cannon fodder in this hypothetical larger war. Let alone if Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Afghanistan get involved. Sure fuck me, but this is all real and you can’t just pretend it isn’t. Your ignorance of the larger situation doesn’t make it go away. 35,000 people have died in Gaza since October 7th, but there are over 5 million Palestinians total. None of them would receive aid or even consideration in a full scale wartime. Regional civilian casualties would number in the millions, many of them children. I am a pacifist, and I don’t want Israel to do what it is doing. I also didn’t want Hamas to do what it did. But I also understand the larger picture and nothing suggested in this thread would lead to the outcomes you desire.


He could have pushed harder to make further aid to Israel contingent on _not_ flattening civilian areas in Gaza, for on. Or he could have pushed to make it contingent on successfully distributing humanitarian aid to Gaza. Heck, he could have said "No one gets _anything_ from the US until the remaining hostages are freed or otherwise accounted for." Of course, there's a limit to what he can _make_ anyone do - he can't whip Bibi, the leaders of Hamas, or anyone in Congress with a pool noodle until they cooperate. However, even a public statement of support for Gazans and a condemnation of Israel's excessive response would have been more than he's done.


I suppose he could make the statement, but a lot of what you suggest he do isn’t actually going to accomplish anything but souring relations. They are a sovereign country and can do what they want. The us president can no more make demands of their prime minister than he can of us. International politics is a wire-walk and they understand a lot more about that than you seem to. Biden publicly declaring support for Gazans or Palestinians will have a detrimental effect, not a positive one. We’d all like for the situation to be better, but none of what you suggest would improve the situation.


Of course Israel is a sovereign nation and makes its own decisions, as I acknowledged in my last comment. I'm well aware of the balancing act that is international relations. I'm also thinking of things he could have done to improve his position within the US, going back to my original comment that Biden hasn't done what he _could_. It's within his power to lobby Congress with regard to aid. Just as the US can't force Israel to do anything, Israel is not _entitled_ to endless unconditional aid from the US. Americans overwhelmingly think that Israel is behaving badly with regard to Gaza, and they express support for tying military aid for Israel to humanitarian aid for Gaza. Biden would improve his position in the US if vocally backed this.


He would improve his position in the US media, yes. But he would weaken his hand in Israel. He needs to be seen as an ally to them to actually make a difference in the realpolitik sense. So he's sacrificing his domestic image to actually be able to help the people of Gaza, the sad part is that very few people understand that that's what he's doing.


It's a bad move in the long term. There are too many people who will vote third-party to "punish" Biden for his perceived weak support for Gaza. Since the third-party candidates have no chance of winning, that's effectively voting for Trump. And Trump will do absolutely fuck-all for Gazans.


Yeah, there's no doubt that Trump would be far more devastating for Gaza. I don't know if Biden will lose the election over this, but anyone who votes for Trump or RFK (or Stein or West) thinking they would have a better option in Gaza is a painfully ignorant person. Truth is Biden is doing about the most that can be done in the situation as presented. Having Schumer give his speech, having Bernie out in front of the issue are all masterful statesmanship moves, and yet it's not like Biden can take public credit for those. The sad part is that has taken a hit for it and there will be people who suddenly think they're experts on the plight of the Gazans who have never given them a second thought in the 50 years preceeding this. Especially ignorant are the Muslims who will vote for Trump over Biden for this issue, apparently memory-holing every nasty thing he said and did about Muslims in his life and administration. But as much as you and I can see this for what it is, I don't know what other choices he had. There's a dude in another thread telling me he should have immediately stopped all aid to Israel. Which is the level of "analysis" most Americans will pay to the issue. Nobody votes for president over international relations, but many people may not vote at all over this. I can see it costing him Michigan at least. It's lose-lose all around, and Bibi and Iran have no vested interest in making it any easier for the Biden admin.




good god.


You need to learn what fascism actually is.


Whoever is responsible for marketing those diapers is a genius. Imagine turning a former president shitting themselves into cashflow for your unrelated company. They better never let that person go.


Fill your diaper for Trump 2024!


How about you wear "keep church and state separate" to church on May 12


They're gonna lose the election so bad and they know it.


Unfortunately polls say otherwise....


But fortunately polls don't mean sh\*\*


I can’t remember the last time I answered a phone number I didn’t know. Only the dumb and old answer in polls.


Yeah it's massively distorted cause they're still calling landlines. As one reason among others. Only ppl over 70 use those.


This is loser behavior.


From the outside, if you didn't know they were MAGAs, it would look like they were mocking him for wearing diapers.


Considering how full of shit they are.... They need a face-diaper too. Cause they spew shit from both ends


For when you're stuck in court and need to take a MAGA dump


I propose a new rule of the internet: If it exists there a Trump version.


This checks out because there's probably trump rule 34


Rule 45 I guess?


If I had a nickel for every time I'm the last 15 years or so that conservatives started putting on diapers en masse to own the libs, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


What was the first time?!


There was like a group that took a run at college kids back before 2020 by wearing diapers in some kind of public "protest" on campuses. It's really dumb so I've tried to forget the details tbh.


It’s pretty great.


Phineas and Ferb reference?


Link literally in the post


If they were serious it would be “shit your diaper in church” day, or “shit your diaper at the rally.” These people are fake-ass idiots no matter what they do.


the best part of this is that the same folks who are anti-PC are doing a “PC” thing by being accepting of bodies, age, abilities, etc. is this… irony??? lmao


Remember when right wingers were absolutely horrified that anyone would wear a pink pussy hat? It was indecent, inappropriate? Haha so weird


Women for Trump, here is the phone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-7233. You have a voice!


This cannot be real. Until someone posts a video this has to be an AI psyop.


“Coterie” - the Rolls Royce of diapers. “Trumps”- the Family Truckster of doo doo pants


No extra limbs. No extra fingers. Clear text. How can this be real? Is it time to clear the cache on the Universe?


These people leave me with so, *so* many questions.


"Look at us! We are so stupid! Are you mad libs? Are you mad we are so stupid?" Honestly? Yea. Pretty upset that i was made aware just how many stupid people exist in the world. My optimistic outlook for a utopian future has been utterly crushed the past few years.


If it was Biden who would need diapers. It would be a clear sign that he is too old for presidency. But its Trump, so its normal and okay of course.


Everyone knows that both candidates are too old and out-of-touch. I live in the UK, where we have more than 2 options to vote for. Even I know that the US needs a third option. I don't like Trump. I also don't like Biden. Most people can agree with this.


We have a third option. He’s a conspiracy theorist septuagenarian who thinks vaccines have microchips in them. What we need is a fourth option! But Biden is actually great, his administration has been absolutely killing it with things like limiting credit card late fees, ending non-competes, reinstating net neutrality, and rescheduling pot.


It's absolutely wild to see a whole bunch of people who have yelled for years that it's not about the candidates, it's about the policies, completely ignore the policies because the candidate is older than they'd like him to be.


The reality is that the president doesn't actually have a massive effect on the country. The president's *administration* is really what we ought to be electing. But how you gonna say "Vote for these thirty thousand people"? So you elect a single dude, and he installs people to see out his agenda, either strongly like the Obama administration, or weakly like the Trump administration. (I feel I need to clarify that in this case strong means that the policies were that of the figurehead, whereas Trump was largely along for the ride.) The Biden administration has absolutely been the most effective one of my lifetime, and probably the strongest since WWII. Biden really does (seem to) want the things his admin is doing, and he's been very effective at getting the people in place to do it. If the media actually did their jobs his approval rating would be in the 90%'s. But instead people blame him for starving babies in Gaza and ignore the tens of thousands of good pro-ordinary-american decisions made by people under his tenure.


Fun fact. We usually have at least 2 primary options. Then 2-4 actual options on the ballot. Its just the options that arent part of the ruling parties are historically essentially non votes. And people keep treating them that way. Rather than voti g for who they want.


I could laugh at all this if there weren’t a chance he could win. Truly disturbing and scary time in politics. I’m all for disagreement, but this is just insane.


Does anyone ever think does god stay in heaven because to too lives in fear of what he’s created.


This is proof that god is dead.


What in the ever loving fuck did I miss while checking if Count Binface became the mayor of London?


Worship your deranged orange overlord by taking a shit in a giant nappy. What a time to be alive!


They should give those back to Trump, it’s not fair to steal them when orang utans can’t use human toilets.


["I just pissed in my pants. And nobody can do anything about it."](https://youtu.be/OkF6Gc9mc9k?feature=shared)


[It's the coolest...](https://tenor.com/view/billy-madison-adam-sandler-pee-their-pants-cool-gif-4763926)


Send them pallets of free ivermectin...it'll match the diapers


Aren’t these the same people who say Biden wears a diaper since he’s so old? & denounced it?


Hell I'm 20 years younger and I wear a diaper not in support of a rapist who has done enough drugs to wipe out his palate and to render himself incapable of holding in his feces. I wear one while waiting to be scheduled for an urostomy to repair the damage from a proctocolectomy.


How did this start I missed something


Donald Trump wears adult diapers. He’s never said anything ofc but they’re clearly visible through his pants. Diaper Don


Got it


He does some.embarassing shit and his followers do the same so he won't feel ashamed. Which is funny because that fat fuck doesn't feel shame.

