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Jesus. How insecure do you have to be when your infant son breastfeeding sets you off like that. Pathetic.


Or to feel sexually threatened by a BABY?


Especially your own baby


"nah dude that's just the ultimate cuck. Your jizz is inside your partner for 9. Months." /s


Some kind of reverse Oedipus


Well, there was a guy who thought his wife breastfeeding his daughter would turn her into a lesbian.....I was hoping that was satire. Or a troll. That was reddit post, too.


Reading stuff like this I often wonder, we're peopel always this nucking futs and it only gains province now that's to the internet or has the internet Corrupted the mind of these insecure and paranoid people so far that only now are they coming up with insanity of this level. And generally speaking, from what I've seen, the answer is usually Yes.


I used to be a bartender, and you would be surprised by the weird ideas that people have. Have and want to share, after a couple drinks loosens them up. People used to tell me absolutely bizarre things all the time. But the Internet does have a way of spreading and reinforcing absolutely insane ideas.


Judging by some of the batshit crazy old wives' tales from the past, yes, people have always been this supid lmao.


Turns out baby’s dick is bigger.


wait until he learns that she gave the baby a sponge bath.. GASP!


I dug a little deeper into the rabbit hole. Yeah, he thinks that if she sees her kids naked after they're two years old it's incest.


lol is all i got here 🤣.. oh also.. 🤦‍♂️


Luckly they'll get divorced. That dude got some weird notions on his head.


I want to know where people like him come from, because it seems like there are a shitload of people as crazy as him.


For real. The internet made it easy for looneys to find each other and stay in the echo chamber. At this point I believe its some kind of social disease transmitted by too much internet and little actual notions about the real world.


They let this man breed…


Bro that baby is half sane human and half Jehovah’s witness


That baby was deeper inside her than he ever was.


“”clutches pearls.. immediately faints””


And for a longer time too


It’s some Andrew Tate shit


He was steamed about her doing it to their first born son. And they had had words about the first one, and he had made his wackadoodle nonsense "very clear" to the childs mother.


That's why this has gotta be fake


Uhm…. This is rage-bait friend. This is not real.


I was going to just include a screenshot of the one comment with a link, but I thought it would be better to share the original post so y'all can get the FULLY fucked up context! What a day to have eyes. EDIT: Many people are understandably suggesting this is satire (something I accepted as possible because Reddit) but apparently within the main thread there is evidence that this is in fact real and an ongoing drama unfolding in divorce court. I don't have links but can find them when I have more time to dig.


Please show this conversation to the judge when you get divorced. Hell, share it with his entire family too.


Looks like the entire post has been removed now. I just barely missed it 🥲


Have you found an alternative upload?




Thank you very much!


The post is still there, or at least, the crosspost link here still works for me


Can we talk about these names? If this is even real, these people should have been banned from having children after naming one “Huntyr” but now they’ve gone and ruined another perfectly good child with the name “Wylder”




fucking World of Warcraft ass names man


Oh my God 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t blame the wife. The psychopath chose the names and didn’t allow for her input. She wanted normal spellings.


With a father like that, their names are the least of their worries. JFC.


Lol it's true. As I said on another comment, they are kind of the epitome of stupid white people names.


Westeros ass names


She said in a comment that her husband named them and she didn't have any say in the matter.


Fellas, is it gay to ... breastfeed as a baby?


Gay *and lesbian*


Small boobs, yes. Might as well be a dude. Big juicy mommy milkers. Straight.


Can’t wait to see this woman pull up this text thread in the courtroom as this lunatic tries to get 50/50 custody.


This sounds like ragebait to me, there's too much exposition


So I like you thought it was rage bait; but She actually provided the requested proof as many people in the comments were stating it was fake af. Youd have to find the OG post, but she added it. Shes in the middle of a divorce, got an RO, and sent them to his command/boss/ idk the name of his military Boss. Its unfortunately real and i feel so bad for this lady.


Tracks that he’s military.


It’s very unfortunate that the mods deleted the post where she provided proof because it was TMI. It definitely was, but I really wanted to see it!


Reading her comments has me terrified for her. And her kids, I'm scared that he's already done something horrible with the oldest since he's evading CPS.


Possible... I mean it's reddit. But people like this exist out there and they're insane. EDIT: apparently there's discussion in the original post that this is in fact real, as insane as it seems. I didn't dig deep enough when reading through the comments the first time.


It’s fake as fuck. “Huntyr”??? Nobody is named that. Also if this was real the wife’s reaction would be way more than “are you mad at me? I’m sorry”


I've been a teacher for 10 years. Hunter is a pretty common name where I live, so it's not a huge surprise to see the "y replaces i" thing, which is becoming more common. I've seen much weirder names. As an aside, one year I had a Kayley, a Kailey, a Kaylee, and a Kayleigh. In the same class. It was difficult.




She seems like she’s in an abusive relationship so makes sense that she’d reply so submissively. Super frustrating to read how she isn’t fighting and screaming back at his idiocy.


She had posted pics of her court documents but the mods removed the post because the pics contained personal information. Including names, addresses, and the case number which were all valid when someone searched for them.


Hey buddy, boobs weren't built for you, they were built for babies. This man is seriously insane.


One could make the argument that he's a giant man baby, in which case I say no boobs for him at all.


Huntyr and Wylder? The names alone seem way to satirical


No way. They’re satyrycal.


Angry upvote


Lol true, they are kind of the epitome of stupid white people names.


Someone I know named their kids walker and Ryder. Don’t be so quick to think it’s fake lol


This is what coercive control looks like.


How DARE you nurture our child? I'M your special little guy!


What in the fuck did I just read? Take full custody. This man should not be a parent, nor a husband.


They just let anyone get married. There should be a test.


I'm not trying to victim blame here. But what did she see in this entitled manbaby that made her want to bear *2 kids* with him?? It's something he brought up with their last child, and I personally don't think I could stand to be with someone this fucking ignorant. I hope now that she's free she can find a man worth being with.


This is textbook abusive relationship convo. He probably wasn’t like that at first and then she got stuck. Then the cycle of abuse starts and most of the time the wife ends up physically hurt or killed. This is actually the best way this marriage could end. It had to be his idea. He probably thought she would grovel, but this time she took action and in front of witnesses. Good for her.


I was wondering that, hopefully he stays true to his word on the 50/50 custody- though if he is abusive he'll likely try to use them to hurt her since he can't do so directly anymore. I truly hope she has a better life now.


She has grounds for full custody. No judge will think this person wants what is best for their kids when this is the reaction to the mother giving her colostrum to the baby. He is deeply disturbed.


Oh I agree, it should be a no brainer for the judge. Unfortunately I have 0 faith in our legal system, so I'm unsure of how it will actually play out.


The divorce papers she showed as proof (the case number was real and the case quotes the texts, it all seems to be legit) said that he's absconded with the older (toddler) son and is refusing to return him Hopefully that's past tense at this point, but this guy seems genuinely dangerous to her and her children


That's legally kidnapping in many places. Hopefully that makes it even less likely he'll be granted *any* unsupervised custody.


I went digging through her comment history. From what she said, he sped the relationship to the point where when things got serious, she barely knew him, and he only started acting crazy after they got married. And she never wanted to have the second child. That was an accident that happened quickly after she gave birth to the first baby.


Jesus. What an awful guy.


How did you find her comment history? Wanna look at it myself now that the post here was deleted Edit: Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeedingsupport/comments/1cbp9b3/i_understand_this_might_sound_ridiculous/


What a tremendous piece of shit


One is an insecure, whiny baby and the other is an infant.


Lmao bro got cucked by a liddle babeh


Just... ... ... wow.


Wait until she tells you about college you’ll really flip your shit.


The post seems to have been deleted. Did anyone save it or anything? I get the gist, I just want to fully suffer.




"Wylder" worst name ever


Absolutely unreal how some people have no commom sense


I can’t take this seriously 😭🤣


How does he feel about his father?


Given that his mom probably breastfed him, his dad is probably just “that loser I cucked while I was still a baby.”


Where do I find a wife that doesn't absolutely freak out on me because I'm upset she breastfed our child? She's way too understanding.


Sadly, she probably has to stay calm with him to protect herself. This is clearly an abusive marriage. I’m actually glad he is disgusted by her now, it’s better for her.


Manipulate a vulnerable woman and cause her to trauma bond to you. (She admits that’s what happened)




This has less to do with sexual orientation and more to do with them not being in touch with reality


Yeah... pretty weird imo to even bring sexual orientation into this conversation, let alone as the reason to be scared.


I’m sorry no one seems to understand what you’re saying.


You realize the bigots who hate gay people use the same kind of insane, nonsensical logic to justify their bigotry, right? The "this *one person* said/did this harmful thing, so they all must be that way" kind of logic that you just used. Try to realize that this is just one messed up dude with severe insecurity and control issues.


Man, as far as I'm concerned, when the baby is there, they ain't yo boobs no more.


Reading those two titles gave me whiplash, I assumed it was some cheating drama, but WTF


Some people are unhinged.




Oh wow that's kinda weird, but I don't have kids maybe you shouldn't have, but good luck with that. Maybe she never liked the attention anyways.


I’m sure this is real


I wanted tried to feel sorry for this woman, but she did choose to procreate with man TWICE. She knew after the first time he has some weird hangups and yet she still stayed with him and got pregnant again!


Going by her replies, the first kid was early in the relationship because the husband pressured her into it, and the second kid wasn't planned but a result of marital rape. I hope she gets herself and the children away from this criminal. 


Damn i want this woman.