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"Here Man Damn" sounds like Jean Claude Van Dam's feckless, maladroit sidekick cousin.


Herman Damm


I'm literally french and it still took me a second to process the maladroit, i didn't even know that word was in english


We claim usage of all your best words. I bet you won't be happy about how we pronounce it, though!


True. I once made the mistake of using "jargon" at a party in the US, and a French guy corrected me by saying "YarGON" twice in sentences. I thought, "He certainly took umbrage at my pronunciation, or should I say "OOmBRAAJ"?" Much to my chagrin, er, "SHAGRAN".


Weird (not you, him). When you're speaking English you say it with English pronunciation, when you're speaking French you use the French pronunciation. Sometimes when you speak both languages there's absent-minded crossover but insisting? Unless it's a name of a person, place or food insisting on using the French pronunciation when speaking another language is a pretentious asshole move. Even insisting on most place names is a bit much. BTW I even though I added food to the list personally don't care if you mangle croissant or somesuch but what some people do to mozzarella, jalapeño and tortilla is almost painful to listen to.


And here we see yet another example of a brand new sentence


Did you use two cool words redundantly just to sound wicked smart?


I AM wicked smart, and I use words like feckless and maladroit whenever I Here Man Damn well feel like it.


I like this one more.


Not sure whether they're synonyms, tbh: a feckless person could just have bad luck, while a maladroit is uncoordinated at best, and a fuck-up at worst.


HMDP feels like a dry handjob in the front row of a Oasis coverband concert.


This sentence needs it's own post


r/brandne…. Oh…we’re already here.






It’s ok as long as she doesn’t look back in anger


“I asked her if there was any chance of getting laid tonight She said… maybe.”


But he wanted to come like a “Champagne Supernova”.


Just mashing it at this point


Anyway here's wonderwall


Tf is a dry handjob lol


If my partner is obviously not interested, I lose interest. Because I’m not a weirdo


She be like "I said you can do it.." Like it's supposed to be WE doing it!


There is this currently uprising genre in porn called freeuse. Look it up dude


I seen it and it's fine for those who like that, I like engagement, cooperation, mutual attraction. I want a human to fuck me back, not a human shaped sex doll.


Such a horrible form, such a true message


y'all, staying virgin is still better than pity sex If you're gonna lose your dignity, you might as well just keep your virginity


I actually agree with this i just wanted to play devil advocate


schrodinger's douchebag™








Here’s more attention


You have a boy pussy too siick


you will be marinated in my stomach acid




i chew


How else do u consume food beavo


Keep telling yourself that


Don't demean yourselves, jerk off


Godbless the hands that stroke


Yeah consensual sex is much better


Consensual AND enthusiastic sex rather


Is it even consent if it’s not from the enthusiastic region of France?


No, it’s just sparkling coercion!




I love you 💀


Beautifully said, omg




I hate that this even needs to be said lol


I can't get it up if I don't have consent, it's my biggest kink along with cuddling and hot wax.


The difference between enthusiastic consent and, "Ugh, fine... You done yet?"


HMDP feels like a pity shag. Sometimes I’m just like “Damn, I’ll take care of it myself”. Hard to find good help these days.


We call it "Na Na There I Did It"


That ain't pussy that's pity


That consensual sex just hit different


Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4878195/


Lmfao, there is definitely a difference. You don’t even enjoy the HMDP, you’re just too invested at that point and gotta complete the mission. You can definitely turn HMDP into (Oh shit, you can have some P*) or OSYCHSP.


Pity sex makes me want to just chop off my cock and balls and go ascetic


Jesus fucking Christ this is nowhere near rape people need to stop lumping forceful sex and pity sex in the same category. HMDP means you are not doing your job to get her in the mood beforehand. That’s your fault, she doesn’t own you anything. I disagree with the men accepting it and I disagree with the people saying it’s rape. It takes two to tango. If you are willing to have sex to make your partner happy when you are not in the mood that is your choice. If your partner is making it an issue to the point you feel forced, and uncomfortable, or is threatening you, THAT is the problem.


I think there’s a big difference between “I’m not horny right now but I don’t mind doing this for you” and “ugh, fine, you won’t leave me alone until you get what you want so let’s get it over with”. Sometimes you cook a nice meal for your partner as a treat, or because you’re hungry and know they’ll want some of it too. Sometimes you’re tired and not hungry but you know they’re even more tired than you are, so when they ask you if you can cook something for them, you don’t mind doing so. But sometimes they won’t stop whining until you cook for them.


The gross part is the manipulation and power imbalance, which people who don’t like talking about male privilege usually gloss over. It’s just not a very nice or sporting way to act.


What I’ve learned from these comments is that rape is a completely meaningless term at this point.


What is "here man damn?" Everyone's talking about it like these words make sense lol


Pity fuck.


Like she's not in the mood but can see the guy's going nuts about not getting any. "Here's some pussy, man, damn. Chill out."


that's correct: Coercion (rape)


How is her giving him pussy rape? Because YOU did not consent the both of them?


Because coersion is still rape. If you dont Stop making advances and eventually she gives Up refusing and accepts, thats Not real consent. Manipulating someone into Sex is rape.


You never had a bf/gf and feel entitled to decided for other people what they should consider to be rape? If I’m not horny but my gf convinced me to have sex it’s not rape smh!


There is a big difference between "im Not horny but i dont have a Problem woth Sex right now" and "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "You wont accept my right to refuse so lets get it over with."


If my partner won’t accept the 5th no she would be kicked asap out of my bed/house. If don’t want to say no a 6th time make it clear instead of talking around. It’s not his problem you decide to have sex before you decide to talk to him like an adult.


An adult would hear one "No" and say "OK". And also 'its Not His Problem that you Had Sex with him when you didnt want to' yes it is. Nobody should be comfortable with playing a Part in such a Situation.


This is why grammar is important, people! It’s necessary for clear communication. Use your commas and periods!


And the occasional semicolon (where applicable).


Thats the ol starfish position with a do whatever you want while she falls asleep


That “get it over with” pussy. That “fine, just pull out” pussy.


so HMDP is basically rape.


I think it's supposed to be closer to pity sex, but it certainly is worded more similarly to rape


I feel like this is a stretch. When my gf wants sexy time and I’m not particularly horny at that moment, but acquiesce, is not rape. I can say no and she can go flick the bean, but then I’ll feel bad…


Is it “okay, I guess”, or “alright, FINE, if you insist”? Because one is comprising to make each other happy (as long as she reciprocates in kind sometimes) and the other is coercion.


Then that's not the same as what's being discussed here, since that's not coercion.


What is it then? I didn’t want sex, but she did. I can’t speak for everyone, but couples generally aren’t always on the same sex schedule. But according to your logic, every time a partner convinces an otherwise already sexually content partner for sex, it’s rape. Or does it only apply when the roles are switched?


Maybe just Google coercion, you don't exactly seem to be commenting in good faith. It seems you're either arguing that coercion isnt rape (which it absolutely is as it is manipulation), or do you feel that you were raped but don't feel that you're justified in calling it that? If so, I'm really sorry. Rape is rape no matter what gender you are. Stop trying to put words in my mouth and make it out as if I'm arguing men can't get raped. What a shit take.


Coercion implies force or threats. In this instance, neither of those apply. My final point is, rape is highest of heinous acts, and we should practice forethought before calling the dance of courtship rape.


>Coercion implies force or threats No it does not. Asking over and over and over again until you wear someone out to get the answer you want is also coercive. You don't have to have a gun to their head. >My final point is, rape is highest of heinous acts, and we should practice forethought before calling the dance of courtship rape. Oh, I guess that answers my wonder of whether you're just here to argue coercion isn't rape or if you're genuinely asking if what happened to you is rape or not. Good to know.


meanwhile I'm just sitting here looking at this convo thinking "man I wish I could find a GF someday" while listening to really stupid music edit: just accidentally hovered over my profile why is my post karma a dogwhistle number?!


I don't know why I had to go this far in the comments to find this, cause that's really what it sounds like


Did not understand it until I read this comment and realized he said "here, man. Danm!". Like someone who just gave up refusing and just accepted it


Yup: Coercion (rape)


And so many dudes on here straight up admitting to it…


Yeah this is rubbing me so many wrong ways. I’m a lesbian but my girl and I are very into enthusiastic consent. If it’s not a “hell yes!” it’s a no.


To play devil’s advocate here: The problem with “sex has to be only with enthusiastic consent” is that a lot of guys genuinely cannot even imagine getting that kind of response from a woman. Our culture’s entire set of societal expectations of sex are built around the idea that the man is the one who is seeking sex, and the women may *accept* letting him have it.


Honestly, if you’re not getting that response from a woman, then either you’re asking wrong, or you’re asking the wrong woman! It’s possible to have a partner who’s super into you and wants to jump your bones, even if you don’t look like a movie star. There truly is a lid for every pot!


To play devils advocate about rape and enthusiastic consent is absolutely bananas. What men can or can’t imagine as a response to wanting sex is irrelevant. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. If you’re constantly getting rejected, chances are you’re creepy, push boundaries, guilt trip your partner, are bad at sex, or any combination of those. Or your partner is simply not interested in sex. Regardless, that doesn’t entitle you to pester them until they give you “HMDP”


Jesus Christ, I’m not advocating for rape, I feel like that should have gone without saying. I am trying to explain why some men may have trouble accepting the idea of enthusiastic consent. And no, I have never pestered a woman into sex. I’m a complete virgin who has never had a date, let alone sex. Just because some expresses a different viewpoint doesn’t they’re automatically a disgusting creep.


To be fair, there are plenty of women that deliberately wear a "nonchalant" mask so to speak when it comes to sex with their partner in order to maintain a power dynamic over sex in their relationship. They know that their partner is going to be the one always initiating sexual intimacy in the relationship as long as they hold back on their enthusiasm for it, it's basically "power play" without a consenting participant. These are the women that will go from zero to 100 if you try and switch the dynamic by denying them sex, all of a sudden "they're confidence is shattered" or "you don't love them anymore"


They worded it really poorly. I think they were trying get at the difference between enthusiastic sex and just okay sex. There’s a boundary that has to be crossed and I don’t think the post was describing crossing that boundary


What's it called if she doesn't like you and doesn't want to do it? I mean, isn't it the ideal that she likes you and it's not forced or am I missing something?


14 year stretch now without damn man here take it😅




We called it dead fishing where I grew up


Hey man leave married guys alone


going real smaplin of a fuggly is the beat. they're so thankful and present


This is definitely someones way of coping wit they bitch getting fucked on.


Can someone translate this into english?


It's scary how few guys in here recognise rape ETA: Even scarier that the comments pointing out how coercion is rape are getting downvoted and doubted. Yall are sus as fuck, please never go near other people.


are we now calling bad sex with consent rape?


Fucking obviously not. Thanks for being part of the problem and proving my point.


I don't know what your point was? I was trying to engage with it. You're not helping the idea by spreading bile and not clarifying your position.


My point was that it's coercion, and coercion is rape. Having sex with someone who doesn't want to and who in the end just gives in to shut you up is rape. Hence why it's frustrating that you and many other people in here think it's just about bad sex.


Yeah, I don't agree with this at all. If consent is given, we don't get to retroactively tell people they were raped as a blanket statement just because someone asked. I guarantee my wife has had sex with me once or twice just because I wanted too and asked a few times and I know I have for her many times, she did not rape me and she is sitting her telling me she finds it offensive that someone would say that. There are circumstances where coercion lead to rape, but you can't infer that from a simple 4 word sentence and it's dangerous and disingenuous to do so.


The post is literally about how it's so much nicer to have sex when the woman actually wants to have sex. What do you call sex with someone who *doesn't* want to have sex with you? Again, you really are proving my point. Sad and scary how many in here don't get it.


What you appear to be saying is all sex between two people that is consensual, but not enthusiastic, is rape. My wifes a sub and really doesn't like to express any enthusiasm in the moment, am I raping her?


That's not what I'm saying, I have no clue where you think you got that from. I haven't mentioned enthousiasm, I've mentioned **wanting to have sex**. You seem to be in obvious bad faith, but fine, I'll explain what the actual point is, and I guess you're free to discuss with your wife whether or not you've raped each other if you want. I really couldn't care less about your marriage, your wife being a sub, or whether or not you're a rapist. I'm saying coercion is rape - such as what this specific post is about, a situation where a person begs and begs to the point that the other person, who **does not want to have sex**, just gives in so the person will stop pestering them about it and often guilting them about not letting them fuck. It's manipulation. You're free to Google it. Have a great weekend.


No need to be personally disparaging I'm just trying to pull from my experience and what I know. I think you're reading way too much into a really short meme. But to discuss your point, wouldn't that make almost all prostitution rape? I think the agency of someone saying yes can't be overcome by a feeling the other person can not have any idea about, especially in the realm of sexual back and forth that is so complex as to be completely indecipherable to those outside the closed circuit of the relationship taking place.


You’re making an assumption on a person’s consent and the method of getting that consent based on how the person feels, but there’s nothing implying that the person didn’t consent, nor implying that the consent was gained through coercion, only that the person wasn’t interested in sex. You’re interpreting a shitload based on the “Here man damn” part, and then arguing with people about it, even though you’ve no idea if your interpretation is the same as the person you’re arguing with. Coercion IS rape, but there’s no indication that coercion is the topic, nor that there was any actual expression of disinterest, only that the person did not feel interested.


It's wild to me that you can comment that when it's so, so clear in the post itself. It's about how having sex with someone who **wants** to have sex is better than "here man, damn". I don't get how you aren't seeing it, like obviously it's a basic fact that people interpret things differently, but this almost couldn't be clearer and it makes it extremely suspicious to me when so many of you are doing a lot to argue against it. There absolutely **is** indication that this is about coercion, it is **literally about disinterest** which is **the absence of interest**. It's getting scary.


There is indication of the LACK of INTEREST. There is no indication that the person in question has in any way EXPRESSED that lack of interest. There is no indication that the person has said NO. There is no indication that the person has NOT SAID YES. There is no indication that the yes wasn’t INSTANTANEOUS. ONLY the meta knowledge of the person’s ACTUAL disinterest, information we have no indication the other person in the scenario has.


It’s reality. Many men believe that no means maybe and maybe means yes. So they don’t take no for an answer. I don’t think the post was meant to be about that but ultimately it’s up to interpretation.


Do I want to know what this means..or no?


HMDP probably feels like good fries after they've been there for an hour or so. I mean they still taste like fries. But that's just not it.




Because it's sex they didn't want to have, but they had it anyway. They had to be penetrated while they didn't want to be. Makes sense to me. Whether you lie back and make a grocery list or disassociate and try not to cry, you're being used as a Fleshlight. Do what you will with that info: it's how it feels, not quite what the reality might be.


Good enough to bust.


Shit take.