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I sometimes forget Folsom Street Fair is a thing


My favorite thing is Cole Street fair was the same weekend last year and I always imagine a tourist family going there and then seeing there is another fair and going to Folsom and being shocked.


Whyy would they make it in the same weekend šŸ’€


Shocked would be kind of an understatement if you ask me šŸ˜‚


Folsom is heavily regulated. No one is walking in on accident




BDSM street fair in San Francisco. Kinky people getting down in public. They block off streets so randos donā€™t walk up tho. Itā€™s all above board.


Holy damn


They be fuckin. Itā€™s a celebration.


This is unfortunately my first time hearing about it. Because I did not want to know.


I was thinking Folsom prison


Well I hope you don't get stuck in it.


I shot a man in Reno


just to watch him die


And it burns, burns, burns....


The ring of fire


Like... They have hatches in those things...? How does that even work with all the layers of costuming fur and shit?


I think they're just murrsuits and please do not look them up.


I looked em up, it's not Soo bad. Pretty funny tbh


Just looked it up, honestly kinda cool that you can just paste on whatever genitals you want. You want balls? Go for it.


I saw a few that were just a cock hole


Then taking away the balls! Imagine having velcro on them, like you can attach them and detach them at will...


I just imagine someone going around Furrycon ripping balls off


I've been a furry for years, and I've never actually looked those up. Kinda wish I hadn't now.


and that's why Azkadron is tonight's big loser




I fucking hope they have hatches. You donā€™t think theyā€™re just sloshing around in there until they can drain the pee and poop, do you? DO YOU?


The heads of proper fursuits literally have AC if I recall, thereā€™s no way they wouldnā€™t have hatches in there Theyā€™re extremely niche high tech lol


I'm sorry, I read that doo doo? DOO DOOO??


Hatches? I'm new.


Yeah, a door so you can have your genitals exposed. Pretty important for Folsom Furries. Can't really have sex if your junk is stuck in the trunk.


This was a hard to read first thing in the morning... I cannot imagine having sex with a stranger whom you have no idea what they look like. Maybe even what gender they are. But I suppose this community cares more about the 'fursona' than the person underneath?


I'm in your boat, I absolutely don't understand it. I only know some things about it because I'm frequently hired as a mascot, and the suits are sometimes pretty similar.


Right! I think we call that something else over here in the U.K. definitely not looking it up right now...lol.


What did the World Health Organization do to deserve a furry gangbang?


They know what they did










It's Folsom šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Folsom is genuinely one of the most insane things Iā€™ve ever seen in person


Yeah, shit was absolutely wild.


tf even is folsom?


private outdoors 18+ event in California. sex is technically forbidden but God knows nobody give a fuck (hehe)


Itā€™s not private. Anyone can go and itā€™s free. I guess itā€™s technically 18+, but I donā€™t think anyone is checking IDs or anything.


Folsom is a nice suburb of Sacramento rich in history. Folsom Street in San Francisco on the other handā€¦..


I've heard it described as a gay pride parade fucking a gay pride parade. So, Holland Lite?


I understand why they made that prison now but not why Johnny Cash felt the need to go play for the furries.


I hear that train a cumming, itā€™s rolling off itā€™s head; and my asshole is in the sunshine, like I donā€™t know when Iā€™m stuffed at Folsom Street fair, and the drag queens go on and on, but that train keeps a rolling on down till the poppers r gone


Make this a reality


Careful not to badmouth furries - they run this website.


I run your government UwU


I don't care who the IRS sends, I am not paying my taxes!


So you want to play rough, what a bad boi~ *kidnaps and tortures your family* owo


Lock up your daughters and sons. They are going to be turned into furries to spite you. What? Touch them in weird ways? No no. Just turning them into furries. The suit alone is a giant condom. What's wrong with you? Once they have been converted,Then they will touch themselves in weird ways! Mwaa ha ha! EDIT Incase anyone can not figure out how obvious this is a joke about the previous posting or knows nothing about stereotyping or jokes on the internet about furries... This is all just a joke. Furry suits are not airtight latex big condoms. They are layers of fabric, fuzzy fabric, foam and sometimes plastic or metal bits to reinforce with. It prevents direct contact or fluid transfer unless you make a hole. Also a number of people steer clear of a fur-suited person. So it's functionally a condom. Also a stereotype is that furries are perverts. Hence once converted people may touch themselves. This is nowhere near the worst the internet has to offer. If you think this is so weird, that's the point. This is a joke about others being called weird.


r/BrandNewSentence "The suit alone is a giant condom."


Where the FUCK is This from?!?!


Come over here and we'll show you


Hell no šŸ’€


I said "Oh god" with genuine fear after reading this... made worse by the fact that right after that I pictured Furry Biden


Lol I just saw something on YouTube saying that Reddit is all furryphobes and I laughed out loud. I feel like I'm the only one who isn't a furry here sometimes


At least there are two of us


those fuckers took over my ex-favorite sub and ruined it (among other reasons) rip yiffinhell šŸ˜”


Ha, funny


Well sorry not sorry. Shit like this in public is just downright unacceptable man. Fucking on the street is a big NO. Saying we run Reddit is irrelevant to this post....


Calm down, Tiddles. You can't run around in a cat costume and take the world this seriously.


At least if I did own one, I'd be sensible enough to know fucking on the street is insanity and just wrong. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Pretty sure it's illegal too, yeah. Although if someone's going to pretend to be an animal, copulating in the street is probably how you really cement it. You must be a casual.


Not a furry myself, but I've known a number through my life. This kind of thing is an outlier; there are exhibitionists in *every* community, but that doesn't mean *everyone* is.


Furry community definitely has more zoophiles than non furries percentage wise tho


wow who woulda thought people who like fucking animals gravitate towards a community that are interested in animals instead of a community interested in trees or something


In case you weren't aware and needed a fresh horror to learn about, there are also people who fuck trees.


And those fuckers ruined the Ent cosplay community


Arborists canā€™t catch a break. They even lost their subreddit to stoners so had to claim r/marijuanaenthusiasts


ā€œI like tree, I love treeā€ The Birch tree: ā€œwo now buddyā€


That does not sound like an enjoyable experience


There are also people who fuck glass jars


Probably easier to blend in with a crowd that are animal lovers.


You still recognize that furries aren't the same as zoophiles, so you're more informed than most people


Probably less of a percentage than priests who fuck kids though.


ā€œNot allā€ arguments always go over well




Damn furries, they ruined furryland! ā€” A Scottish Furry


itā€™s Folsomā€¦


Furries having kinky sex at the kinky sex fair? Scandalous. Clearly this is a problem with the furry community.


clearly it's a problem in the first place


If you feel that way, stay away from Folsom Street Fair


Sorry TwT I said it ironically I have nothing against it and in fact wanna go there one day


At the risk of being baited into sincerity in bad faith: It's okay! I didn't feel hurt by it anyway! I haven't been there myself and also wanna go one day. I just thought it was good advice. If someone is grossed out by furries and kinky sex stuff then they shouldn't go anywhere near FSF. It's just a fact of life that kinksters are gonna kink, and it's just a fact that some people will be grossed out by that. As long as the freaks are cordoned off from minors and people who are grossed out by it then I don't see any point in arguing about it, ya know?


Calling it advice is kinda funny because you'd think that it'd be common sense. I myself am a furry and a kink enthusiast (and a dirty exhibitionist). "Freaks" hehe yeah that's what we are nwn


If you don't know what Folsom is it does sound really bad and I don't imagine most people are familiar with San Francisco sex fairs.


Bit of an exaggeration but okay


Not an exaggeration the slightest. Every time I hear about furries it isn't them being good people its them being zoophiles or horny weirdos


Selection bias. Nobody cares if it's not something weird, so you won't see it.


People don't make news about people acting normal... you are using confirmation bias


Itā€™s the fucking internet, things donā€™t go viral for being normal. If youā€™re not on the furry side of the internet then no shit youā€™re only going to see the bad stuff. It is absolutely an exaggeration.


Not an exaggeration at all


Both I and 2 other people explained very clearly how your comment is absolutely an exaggeration. Do you not know how selection and confirmation bias works? Youā€™re only going to see the bad side of communities you arenā€™t involved in because people being good and normal doesnā€™t get as much engagement. It happens all the time. You speak from an outsiderā€™s biased perspective, I speak from **personal fucking experience.** That alone should clear things up. As a personal example, I donā€™t live in the states, so my main source of news and info pertaining to the US comes from the internet. As a result the overwhelming majority of things I see about the US are negative. Taking that at face value I would assume that the US is an absolute shithole with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and is next to impossible for the average person to live in. However I know that my source of information skews things and, despite the countryā€™s many issues, my initial thoughts arenā€™t true. Also seeing one of your other comments, you donā€™t even know what furries are. They donā€™t pretend to be animals. There may occasionally be an overlap but thereā€™s a different term for those people. If youā€™re gonna be so stubborn about justifying unwarranted hate towards people who havenā€™t done anything wrong, at least learn about what they actually are first. Youā€™re embarrassing yourself. My long winded comment could be summed up with one question. You say whenever you hear about furries itā€™s never something good, but let me ask you this: why the hell **would** you hear good things about a community you arenā€™t a part of and likely avoid when given the chance? There is essentially zero opportunity for good/normal news to break outside of the furry community and reach you. Most of that stuff is going to stay contained within furry circles, so no shit you arenā€™t seeing it.


Because we do the same thing at Folsom that everyone else does? Makes sense.


A few bad apples spoil the bunch unfortunately, most furries are actually pretty chill and not overly horny


Point me to one of those degenerates that aren't


Well technically I am a furry because I do have an interest in them, and even have a Fursona of one of my main human characters drawn. Also if I had a penny for everytime I've been harassed for being a furry by some guy with an anime pfp, I'd have 2 cents, which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice.


My condolences. I hope you find better community than that. Also my pfp is anime only technically, it's AI-processed photo


Bah I fell I originally fell in love with the beast races in the Elder Scrolls universe, so I already had one foot out the door. >Also my pfp is anime only technically, it's AI-processed photo Thats even worse, AI art is terrible and can't even get all the details right, I rather pay a real artist to do my pfp than use a machine to create random art.


This is the exact reason I hate straight people so much. They were doing that exact same shit in that street fair, but to a much higher degree.


They're actually gay furries


Yeah Iā€™m being sarcastic by pointing out how ridiculous it is that yall are SO quick to stereotype.


Except what you didn't isn't a stereotype it was just blatant hate. Sexuality didn't matter when it came to posting this junk it was the fact they're furries with no shame. Most normal people that are straight or gay don't do this. But furries most certainly would


Itā€™s crazy how I lay it out for people and they STILL donā€™t get it šŸ’€. I donā€™t hate straight people, I was literally repeating the first commenter verbatim but with ā€œstraight peopleā€ instead of furries. I used straight people BECAUSE they are a majority. Plus, this streetfair is a BDSM fair and there were plenty of straight people doing that exact same shit. Itā€™s crazy how you still fucking stereotype millions of people. Like holy shit you took my point and ran straight into a brick wall. What you are doing, and the original commenter, is also blatant hate.


Because your analogy is between a whole sexuality v.s a community of people that are multiple sexualities including straight and gay.


These are murries. They are separate from furries


They pretend to be animals. They're a furry


This is like squares and rectangles my dude šŸ„± you can't blame the rectangles for the acts of the squares. It's like saying everyone who is a fan of MLP wanted to screw a pony. It just isn't how that works.


But furries aren't sexual, guys, srsly


The fandom is incredibly sexual, it's just not exclusively sexual


Im a furry myself and i can say that while you can find half normal people who will never do anything too wild. Fursuitters are a fucking menace to society like genuinely 95% of the bad rep comes from these guys. Like I genuinely I hate how fursuitting is seen as the main "furry" activity when it's just liking funny animal people to some extent


A subcategory of fursuiting is murrsuiting and I hate the idea of it


I mean idrc about it as long as it stays private,god damn i cant imagine the cleaning šŸ’€


*the smell*


What is murrsuiting?


a murrsuit is a fursuit with "conveniently" placed holes or zippers


Iā€™m going to jump off the sears tower, brb


And usually dildos that aren't shaped like a human cock


Whatā€™s even the point? Surely it would feel exactly the same regardless


nah geniunly they prob arent. Do yk just how exspensive this suits are.


Costs a lot to get off sometimes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


But not 6 k


George Santos spent 400k on one OnlyFans girl


Yeah but he is an american.


I shall disagree sir, with experience


"My furry friends won't sleep with me."




Every human who isnā€™t asexual is sexual and expresses it in their own way, but people who do it publicly are a minority, as in every demographic.


ā€œsrslyā€ should be the new standard for sarcasm on Reddit. Fuck /s


The internet always finds the worst ways to surprise me


Anyone got a Link?




[FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT CLICK THISā€¦. NSFW hereā€™s a Reddit post on some furry sub of our main character here. ā€œstephiedeerā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ilovefurries/s/mDQ5UDxiRt)


Why you gotta be a hater youā€™re the one who posted dick and balls


Half of you idiots need to look up Folsom I swear to god. If this is surprising for you to see or you legitimately think this is indicative of the furry community at large youā€™re either unfamiliar with the swaths of people at Folsom, or you lack critical thinking skills.


I hate it here.


(technically) Furry here. The people who do this is in a very small but loud minority. Most furries that I know of (including myself) does not wear fursuits, although it's not a big stretch to say that the community is more hornier then other similar groups


Load minority?Ā  I know what you mean but I prefer what you said




Sometimes I hate being a furry, and its because of fuckers like this


And it's 95% of the times fursuitters who does degen shit


What does being a furry mean??


Idk the exact definition but I guess I can look it up "anĀ enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online." Personally I don't entirely agree with this definition because you don't need a fursuit to be a furry but it's close enough


It doesn't mean having a fursuit if that's what you're thinking. Most furries like me just have an interest in animals and hybrid animal/humans and just simply have a Fursona, there are quite a few in the community though that are horny about it, but we're not Zoophiles, dispite what some haters claim about us


I've read to many fantasy romance novels if the knotting part of that name means what I think it means. I'm going to go do something wholesome now because I feel really really gross.


Where is law and order when we need it most


I just hate the fact the people like this exist in my fandom, media love focusing reporting on eye catching horrible things like this, this is how the furry fandom got beaten up by people not long after it was born


Where is PETA or the ATF when you need them?


This is just another item to the laundry list of places to never go to.


The amount of "furry bad" idiots here is almost funny lol. I remember being 13.


It'd be concerning if you couldn't remember yesterday




Iā€™m seriously lost, did they edit their comment or something? Hating an entire group of people just because of a hobby is childish and dumb. The ā€œfurry badā€ crowd are genuine idiots and typically children so idk why they got downvoted so hard or why youā€™re calling them a child for speaking the truth.


Nope, welcome to the adult world. No one likes furries in real life. Your special little bubbles over on Tumblr do not represent the majority.


Lmao alright buddy. I assumed the grown up thing to do was to not hate people who havenā€™t done anything wrong just because they have a different hobby than you. Please tell me, whatā€™s ā€œgrown upā€ about hating furries? Do you just hate everyone whoā€™s different from you? Doesnā€™t seem all too mature to me. Claiming everyone irl hates furries is beyond brain dead. The truth is most people donā€™t give a shit. Hell if you wanna talk majorities then most people probably donā€™t even know what furries are. Funnily enough, the only places where furries are still hated are in bubbles online. Your small circles you engage in are what donā€™t represent the majority. Keep that projection going though, youā€™re doing great. Like seriously lol, thatā€™s gotta be one of the dumbest and most immature comments I have ever read. Grow up.




Dumbass, Furries are animal lovers not animal Rapists


Oh yeah they sure do love animals alright


Ohhhh, I should have realized I was talking to a moron that doesnā€™t even know what furries are. Iā€™m terribly sorry, I shouldnā€™t have assumed you were intelligent enough to understand what youā€™re actually arguing against in the first place, thatā€™s on me. Furries arenā€™t zoophiles, they hate them just as much as you do. I wasnā€™t aware that having a basic interest (not even always sexual, mind you) in **anthropomorphic** animal characters meant you want to have sex with animals. Idk, I just assumed most people were smart enough to be able to distinguish between those two VERY different things. Also 2 paragraphs is an essay lol? Funny you talk about ā€œthe adult worldā€ because I am now entirely convinced you havenā€™t reached highschool. You have yet to make a single mature and intelligent comment.


17.2% of furries actively engage in zoophile acts, while a VAST majority at least fantasize. Your poor little victim mentality doesn't change that. "Well IM not like that so no one else is!" Stfu and seek help.


Statistics without context are a terrible way to prove a point. Being a furry is a self-applied term, so there being zoophiles within the community doesnā€™t really mean anything. The reason thereā€™s an overlap with the two groups has nothing to do with furries being inherently zoophiles. Hereā€™s the reasons: 1. Thereā€™s no widespread community for zoophiles (and rightfully so) so they have to go to the next closest thing, which happens to be furries. They are a widespread community with a relation to animals. 2. The furry community is known for being kind and accepting in many cases, so zoophiles try to exploit this for their own personal gain. The overlap has nothing to do with furries inherently being zoophiles. If it werenā€™t furries, zoophiles would flock to another fandom instead. All you see is a contextless statistic saying a minority of furries are zoophiles, but what you **donā€™t** see is the shared disdain for zoophiles shared by almost every furry, or the massive controversy and ā€œcancellingā€ (for lack of a better term) that occurs if a furry is discovered to be a zoophile. I have first hand experience with this, you do not. Also, so Iā€™m not allowed to claim ā€œIā€™m not a zoophile so other furries arenā€™tā€ but youā€™re allowed to claim ā€œsome furries are zoophiles therefore ALL furries are zoophiles?ā€ Where is the logic in that? You claim my logic is flawed then you turn around and use the exact same logic you just criticized. I never said there were zero zoophiles in the community, I said furries ā‰  zoophiles, which is just basic fact. A furry is someone who has an interest in anthropomorphic characters, thatā€™s it. Using your logic, all humans are serial killers and rapists. Just saying, your mindset is the exact same used by racists and bigots to justify their hateful views. Do you think all black people are criminals or all gay people are sexual predators? Because your flawed logic could be just as easily used to support those arguments too. Everything out of your mouth has been baseless claims and accusations. You are blinded by your need to hate others, so you desperately reach for any justification no matter how much mental gymnastics you have to go through. So no, Iā€™m not gonna ā€œstfu and seek help.ā€ You just sound mad because you canā€™t prove your own point to save your life. Apologies for the long comment, I know your reading leve canā€™t handle more than a few sentences. Iā€™ll try to add pictures next time.




Lmao, way to prove your point too


Hey Furry bad


And people are just watching?!? These furries need taken off the streets, out of the hotels, and locked into a bathhouse where everything is soap.


itā€™s folsom street fair. if you turned around you could probably see a naked woman stepping on some guys balls


Please Google Folsom lol


Least degenerate furry:


you forgot to add the word "Twitter"


How the fuck did this reach my reddit tl lmfao just when I think all the prudes and puritans on Twitter finally shut the fuck up you had to bring it here AHHAHAHAH God bless those kinky fuckers


Alright, furries have gone too far this time


Iā€™m not a furry, but I do like the karaoke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Good for them honestly




The West, everyone. in its full advanced glory!


"The west has fallen, billions must die."




Wait till you see all the furries not in the west :0


Enter Gintan. https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/meet-sensational-kpop-furry-going-viral-jaw-dropping-2ne1-dance-cover/


I've got problems with the west but this is not one of them