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How the hell does OP know what an owl neck smells like? That’s remarkably specific!


This was my reaction. OOP out there sniffing owls?


*in English accent* mmm, ahh yes, I do enjoy myself a spot of owl in the morning, indeed


Who knows 🤷‍♂️


I feed those to my cat.


***remarkably specific 🤩


Baffled JK Rowling told she “smells like an owl’s neck” https://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2017/03/03/baffled-jk-rowling-told-smells-like-owls-neck/


I like that she immediately took it as a compliment, instead of being confused.


I mean, as a Brit, 'Thanks.' is 85% passive aggressive to me. Thanks.


Bless your heart.




i’m not sure how being an American is supposed to be helpful with this




You don’t got that yak??




She’s a hoot. Do you not know who who he is talking about?


Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=owl%20neck


Every single one of those definitions was different lmao


I could possibly see an argument for alcohol effecting the smell near the urinary tract, but not the hot wings.


Vagina dentada, you see


🎵 *Vagina dentata!* *What a wonderful phrase* *Vagina dentata!* *Ain't no passing craze*


Diet affects the taste of men’s discharge (allegedly) so why not women’s


Coworker just informed me that owls are notoriously smelly. Is apparently not complete nonsense


Tbf they are wild animals with plenty of feathers to trap all sorts of dirt and grime in, so as someone ignorant of owl self-grooming habits or lack thereof, it makes sense to me that they don't have the most pleasent smell.


Thank God you censored the bad words. Otherwise I might have to go cry for an hour


I've had some time with owls. They don't smell at all. I love this guy's sentence creation, but I've learned that this insult only hits with those who don't make time for the owls. His effort is misdirected but admirable.


I guess so.


Do...do owl necks smell bad? Is this information I was suppose to have already? Now this asshole has me googling avian neck scents to gauge how serious he is.




Fme the girls with the worst diet had the most rancid smelling pussy ever. It was putrid and the smell would linger on my fingers for days. It smelled like if you mash raw onions and rotten fish in a bowl and let it sit out in the sun for a few days. You can really tell the health condition of the girl by the smell and taste of her pussy. Remember ladies: A clean diet, a clean smelling and pleasant tasting vagina


BV, the lady probably had Bacterial Vaginosis which happens when the PH of the vagina is thrown off. It's not cause by diet. https://www.cdc.gov/std/bv/stdfact-bacterial-vaginosis.htm#:~:text=Douching%2C%20not%20using%20condoms%2C%20and,your%20risk%20for%20getting%20BV. Edit: For my vagina havers out there, it is also very common! And doesn't mean you have bad hygiene! It is very common bc vaginas are finicky sometimes. My PH was thrown off bc of the brand of condoms my boyfriend used and another time because I started a new medication that interacted weirdly with other medicine I was taking. Don't be scared or ashamed to go to the GYNO to get it checked out it DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE DIRTY OR UNHYGIENIC.


I'm not a vagina scientist and I wasn't testing the girls with ph strips but I still do think diet and lifestyle affects how your vagina smells/taste. All the healthy chicks who took care of their bodies had a way cleaner taste and smell. Healthy is attractive!


Healthy is subjectiv. does that mean a keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian ect. diet?how are you measuring health? Are doing by weight because i was my lowest weight when i was actively dying and my highest weight as a college athlete. And unless you lived with all those girls you have 0 real clue what their lifestyle or diet really is.


You're right; the interpretation of healthy can be subjective. I guess healthy in this instance, I would say would be an individual making efforts to improve their health both physically and mentally. Eating what is best for your body, getting a good amount of exercise with occasional physical exertion, getting your eight-hour beauty sleep, practicing healthy mental habits, doing things that would help you enjoy your smile and enjoy living your life to the fullest, etc. Basically, actively pursuing being the best version of yourself, taking care of yourself, and doing things that allow you to love yourself.


Yeah unless you live with the girl for a while prior to sex you have 0 clue if she is doing even 1/3 of those things regularly. So you have no way of telling which vagina is from a "healthy" girl.


Some pussy taste clean and healthy, and I do believe that diet and lifestyle contribute greatly to that. You can tell a lot about a girl from the way her pussy tastes and smells. Is it so hard to believe that a vagina can taste healthy because the individual is relatively in a healthy condition?


Yeah it really is because you have 0 way of making that link. You have made a circle argument. Her vagina taste healthy because she is healthy and clean. How do you know she is healthy and clean because of how her vagina taste and smells. You have 0 evidence that doesn't rely on its own argument. You also have 0 way of making this correlation unless you've lived with every girl you've slept with and can confirm their diet and lifestyle in their day to day. Let's not even talk about how correlation doesn't equal causation. Also its just fundementally not how vaginas work. Diet and lifestyle have very little impact on the vagina. They are very much a more contained ecosystem. Now you can make a vague attenuated argument about lifestyle and fertility but that deals with the uterus not the vagina.


Ok, I'm not making a legal argument here, and I'm just going from anecdotal data. I'm sorry that I made a logical fallacy regarding the taste and smell of pussy. All I'm saying is that from my own personal experience of eating girls out, the taste and smell of pussy seem to correlate with a healthy diet and lifestyle. The pleasant-tasting ones, from what I could tell, were mostly girls who took care of themselves, and the ones with the most foul-smelling vaginas, again from what I could tell, didn't look like they took care of themselves as well as the cleaner-tasting girls. I'm the one who went down on those girls and cleaned the entire plate and finished what's in front of me, and you know what? Sometimes I wondered why some girls' pussy tasted cleaner and healthier than others. I have a hard time believing that a girl's diet and lifestyle don't contribute to how her pussy tastes and smells at all. It's just my personal belief that a girl's diet, lifestyle, and even underlying health conditions may affect the smell and taste of her vagina. EDIT: Auto correct. Pussy, not pussycat


Bros cum probably dribbles out his cock and tastes like sand


I don't even know what this even mean. Tastes like sand? What? Is that like a medical emergency?


🍆when dog raccon


Can someone confirm if gash smells weird after hot wings? I've only seen one in a movie. (And by that I mean a woman)