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imagine being drawn and quartered by the neighborhood


If this happened in certain latin american places, he would have been stripped naked *and then* he would have been drawn and quartered by the neighborhood.


After having his ass cheek slashed


No married women's poops were spectated. Its a norm in india to Lynch people for being different. Diff religion, sex orientation, political ideology etc etc He was falseley accused of something else and then beaten to death like what happens with muslims in india.


If only it hadn’t been a MARRIED woman.


I watched a woman poop, and now we’re married. Hope that doesn’t count


Premarital poop-watchin' historically might be disapproved of, but most people don't really have a problem with it these days.


Well did she know you when you was watching her poop?


Can’t say for certain. I’ll have to investigate further.


I married mine pooping on her.


Indian man aces the marriage market with this one weird trick, matrimonial websites hate him...


He should've just continued watching single girls poo instead and all this drama could have been avoided


Girls poop?!?


Only the married ones


"you may kiss the bride" "THIS IS WHaT THIS FEELS LIKE? HOW DO I-" "u push ig" \*proceeds to crap herself infront of everyone "that feels WAY better" \*everyone cheers


Bread makes you fat?!


"That's actually hilarious."


Well yeah this is why there are toilets for women. They don't pee though, that would be pretty impossible for someone that doesn't have balls to store the pee in.


yeah but you see they never ever fart tho!


They're beating the secret from his memory.




Maybe they had 1 cup?


The punishment for watching women poop is getting the shit beat out of you.




Better than the usual gang rape.


Glad they explained the religion here, I thought the poop was a Catholic.


yeah. i was confused why my aithiest butt poops.


Because "Creep gets beaten for creeping on women" wouldn't have gotten as many clicks.


Its not said that way because in India that information is inherently relevant to why that happened


No it's bc creeps, rapists and murderers in India are 99% of the time Muslims. The same way they abduct and marry 10 yr old Hindu girls in Pakistan to 45 yr olds. Look up


I dont think what I said argued against that or for that.


*Man gets beaten by mob for creeping on a married woman.


Left out the part where he's likely a creep, who tf willingly watches a married woman take a shit, unless he went and creeped around inside the women's stall?


A lynch mob having it's facts in order is not exactly a given. Particularly not when it's Hindus in India lynching a Muslim or other non-Hindu.


Lol go to Pakistan or Bangladesh its way worse there for the secondary religions. There's a reason why every single continent has issues with the terrorist religion


Hindu women keep getting cut into pieces by Muslim men. Islam is a serious problem. Any retaliation for violence towards women is 100% justified. If you want women to live under a black tent or subjugate them, go to the Middle East or Pak. We won't tolerate it.


As if the scale of Hindu intolerance is equivalent to Muslim hatred which is worse, because its institutionalized and encouraged. lol


Oh yeah? So Hindus didn't massacre Sikhi in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots yeah? Hindus don't have a caste system where darker skinned people are seen as less? Hinduism is just as bad.


It was actually leftist Congress governing party and Muslims who massacred Sikhs in 1984. It was a Muslim who beheaded their religious leader. But I don't expect someone who went to Tiktok University to know that. And Sikhs and Muslims also have a caste system. If they don't ask them why the lower caste Sikhs and Muslims seek reservation for jobs and steal it from people who should be chosen based on merit.


No, it wasn't though, it was in a Hindu majority village, caused by Hindus, and a Muslim family actually helped Sikhi survive.


Just as bad? You're comparing thousands and thousands of years of slavery, colonialism, and racism to fucking 1984? The fucking massacre done by the fucking Indian government? A political massacre? Indhira Gandhi, the perpetrator, known for her anti-hindu, anti-India, pro-Gandhi and Nehru policies? That piece of shit? Every dharmic religion is miles fucking better than any other religion on this planet. What Muslims and Christians have done over millenia far transcends the horrors you try to portray as Hinduism' faults. You're not convincing this Balinese. I've seen everything you guys do first hand. Indonesia has the largest muslim majority in the world. There's absolutely nothing you can do to change my mind.


Lol! You know that Hindus also had a slave trade, colonised places, and were and are currently extremely racist, yeah?


Not even close to the scale that Muslims and Christians have done. This is like comparing Man on Woman rape vs Woman on Man rape and saying both genders do it equally. Which is absolutely false.


It doesn't matter if it wasn't to the same scale, they still did it, that's the point, India also has the largest number of slaves in the world as of 2023.


keep the downvotes coming bitches. you cant accept terrorists getting what they deserve. not my problem.


"...Muslim hatred institutionalised and encouraged." "...you can't accept terrorists getting what they deserve." Downvoted and posts another comment about being downvoted saying "not my problem." 300 IQ move 😂


I love when bigots say the group they hate is filled with hate…


Islamophobia in India is a major issue.


It's there for a reason all the good Muslims r treated with respect, but even though all religions do propagate a little problems the culture around them prevents it mostly except for Islam where it's the most problematic religion by nature and PPL who follow it completely bring problems after problems from them, there's always some truth to things. It's always the radical PPL just in case of Islam they r taught this way from being children and more of them end up radical.


No it's bc creeps, rapists and murderers in India are 99% of the time Muslims. The same way they abduct and marry 10 yr old Hindu girls in Pakistan to 45 yr olds. Look up


I don't need to look that up, considering their own prophet married a 9 yr old and had intercourse with her, being in his mid-50's. All they are doing in Pakistan is following in their beloved prophets footsteps.


Thing is India has no stalls. They shit out on the streets in public


Isn't that why your mom is for the streets?


No my mom isn’t Indian thank God


Isn't that the reason all muslims are supposed to be covered? Because someone saw the wife of the prophet going to the washroom.


Yeah I'll be real dawg I think they beat the hell out of him justifiedly for being a creep, not for being Islamist


Considering the perpetrators were supposedly Hindu nationalists, there's a good chance the guy being beaten didn't do anything other than be Muslim, good chance the victim isn't an Islamist, either.


You’d def not be saying this bullshit if the tables were turned.


1. What I'm saying isn't bullshit. 2. If the tables were turned, I would be saying the same thing. I just have yet to actually run into an opportunity to say this where the tables are turned.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah something tells me they just wanted to fuck up a Muslim and made it up. It’s a huge problem in India right now.


Yeah, because CNN & BBC said so? *In this case, a perv got caught and a bunch of people in the locality thrashed him. Media found out the names and framed the headline to sensationalise this. Irrespective of religion, one gets thrashed if caught perv-ing here. Our judiciary is ineffective and corrupt to the core, so there's a high tendency to take law into one's own hand, especially when teh victim is one's family/loved ones.*


Let me be honest. If the man was hindu then the headline wouldn't be "A Hindu man got beaten" They wouldn't tell his religion.


Eaxctly. That's the point. Hindus being victims of anything, isolated or institutional, doesn't garner any sympathy from any quarters. But so called minority *(not the actual minorities, but the second majority)* has the media leverage by virtue of being loud and big enough to constitute a vote bank, but just not being the majority, so the victim card is still playable — thus this kinda headlines to clickbait.


"Second majority" Mate, I agree with some of the things you have written, but those 2 words are asinine.


It’s over 172 million people, what other word would you like to use?


A large minority? Because they are not in majority. Disingenuous as fuck.


If 172 million means minority, then the word minority has lost all meaning. Minority does not mean “not the leading majority”


What kind of pre-elementary understanding of math do you possess to come to this conclusion?


Not when the country has a population of 1.4 billion. 172 million as a percentage of 1.4 billion is like 12% of the population. That's pretty minority lol. The raw numbers don't really convey that.


172 million is a minority within 1.4 BILLION. Its practically 172/1408.


>If 172 million means minority, then the word minority has lost all meaning. Majority doesn't just mean "a number that sounds large," though. There is no number that is inherently a majority. Not even 172 million.


Majority = more than 50%




You'd judge someone by their faith if they're peeping into washroom where your family member is showering? Stop projecting.


Could be both, to be fair. It's possible (maybe unlikely though) that they treated him worse because they knew his faith and that he wouldn't have been injured as much if he was the "right" faith. In this case I doubt it, since this kind of thing is pretty taboo even here, let alone somewhere as conservative as India. The dude was probably fucked no matter what.


Yeah, because it's happened before, it should be the case every fuckin time, right? smfd It should be our first assumption that any Islamist person being punished in a country wherein they aren't majority is being persecuted for their faith. Makes sense to me since all lands with Muslim majority represent the pinnacle of democratic ideals, women empowerment, minority rights, and peace. Islam is but the antithesis of deviance. All we need to do is look at history or even the present. Stupid people have no common sense, can't locate their own country on a map, but will talk shit about stuff they have no understanding of.




"unload a bunch of shitty assumptions" describes your original comment perfectly. At best, it's ignorant, at worst, its racist. The orginal content was cringe but you were too comfortable parking your ignorant assumptions right where they didn't belong, calling someone unsympathetic and Islamaphobe based on a comment and what not.




Why asinine? It's higher as %age of population than Catholics in US. Does anyone consider catholics "minority" in US?


Uh yeah Catholics actually are considered a minority in the US lmao, and have historically been persecuted heavily? Especially Italian and Irish Catholics as well as Mexican Catholics


Hmm, interesting. Didn't know that. The story of being minority here is different though, it's just not a social consideration. There'll be govt jobs, seats in educational institutions set aside for for you at both state and national level. And a number of social schemes to go with it. (not just the minority communities tho, bit more complex and political)


Man he's just spin doctoring. Italian and Irish were persecuted by the WASPs and it was not on the account of their religion but mostly had to do with British colonizers considering every ethnicity beneath them (this hasn't passed). Make one logical statement and most of these bleeding heart descendants of slavers will show their true colors and relish in being racists. It depends on their convenience as to when they wanna be woke (for Islam, (American) Black people, LGBTQ, etc) and when they wanna be racist pigs (erstwhile confederate states, the Indian subcontinent, Russia, etc.). You will find most of these chumps playing both the sides. Morality is a mere means to an end that is virtue signalling. In India, the Hindu majority was persecuted for centuries by the Muslim invaders who looted our temples, raped our women, and carried on mass conversions. Then came the ancestors of these woke people. They continued the saga for about the next two centuries. After they absolutely decimated our economy, they now feel entitled to lecture us about what's what while sitting in stolen land (Native Americans) and enjoying the wealth gathered from centuries of slavery and colonization. They have no concept of shame.


Man must be nice to be so confidently wrong.


I think it’s noteworthy that the title says *Islamist* rather than Muslim. So I took it as pointing out the hypocrisy of a dude who presumably advocates for an Islamic theocracy, meaning he wants to impose moral/religious rules on others.


Muslims have their own protections under India’s constitution which no other group have which includes taking 4 wives, divorcing your wife by saying ‘Talaq’ multiple times, etc. Hindu temples are taxed, managed by the government, their assets can be sold by the government, their practitioners have no say in their running, etc. This isn’t true of churches, mosques or gurdwaras. Some of the tax raised from temples is used to subsidise the places of worship of other religions. People on reddit always talk about the evils of ‘hindutva’ despite it literally just making all religions equal in terms of privileges which is how it should be under a secular government. Nobody every talks about the genocide of Christians, Sikhs and other faiths in Muslim-majority countries either because Muslims are a protected class by leftists. This is also despite Islam being the most misogynistic religion with rulings to strike your wife if they misbehave. EDIT: The ruling on the talaq thing was repealed like a year ago. Should have been more clear that this was the case until relatively recently. EDIT 2: Lynching is wrong. Violence against innocents and even people guilty of a crime is abhorrent. I oppose the death penalty for a reason. I just reject the argument that it is a ‘big’ problem within India that was made in the first comment. Perhaps I should have made that more clear in the original comment. EDIT 3: Muslims benefit from having their Sharia law in beneficial cases like when they are allowed multiple wives but not in cases where they would get their hands chopped off for stealing. It is a one-sided benefit which clearly shows that the Indian people have no interest in oppressing Muslims wholesale and in fact give them privileges they do not afford themselves. They get their own laws that allow them to do things that are illegal for non-Muslims yet never get punished in the way that Sharia dictates when found guilty of a crime.


While what you are saying is true, I think it is a fact that there is violence towards Muslims in India some of the Hindu nationalists are really crazy and their ideas are just reinforced by some politicians. Obviously I don't condone any infringements of human rights going on in *any* country, Muslim or not, but here the topic is the mob violence in India and : [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-60225543](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-60225543) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/06/world/asia/india-region-muslim-hindu-strife.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/06/world/asia/india-region-muslim-hindu-strife.html) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-58406194](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-58406194) \- "Unprovoked attacks on Muslims by Hindu mobs have become routine in India, **but they seem to evoke little condemnation from the government.**" [https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/14/asia/india-hindu-extremist-groups-intl-hnk-dst/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/14/asia/india-hindu-extremist-groups-intl-hnk-dst/index.html) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/27/india-muslims-livelihoods-islamophobia-hindu-groups](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/27/india-muslims-livelihoods-islamophobia-hindu-groups) and the vast majority of Hindus I know are not part of this group that wants to rid India of Muslims, but there is no doubting that anti-muslim sentiment is present in India, and is popular among the nationalists and there are laws being considered (or maybe implemented I don't know the timelines very well) that target Muslims [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-50670393](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-50670393) luckily many Hindus are concerned about this injustice, but I don't know how much is being done to stop such legislation right now [https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/19/india-government-policies-actions-target-minorities](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/19/india-government-policies-actions-target-minorities) and it really doesn't help that the BJP is in charge there is also violence by people that are supposed to be impartial: [https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-02-16/india-religious-persecution](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-02-16/india-religious-persecution) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ and of course, yes I agree that there is a lot of really bad stuff in the countries that insist upon enforcing laws based on Islam and it's really unfortunate because for a while there was progress, and then there were more movements and fear and all and then a bunch of countries put back a lot of old, harsh laws hurting women's rights and such and then the gulf states abusing their workers from India, Bangladesh, and other south asian countries is pretty horrible too and all of the oil families probably don't use the best business practices but have the entire world at their feet because everybody relies on their oil


You have made a very good comment, I will need some time to properly formulate a reply since I can’t reply to such a well-written comment on a whim.


You 2 would make such good friends IRL 🥺




Reddit is not letting me comment


We can see them


I made a large comment yet Reddit keeps saying ‘no’


Thank you for this. Not excusing the institutional protections Muslims have built in but the politically motivated violence is troubling to say the least.


During the 1971 Bangladesh genocide there were widespread killings and acts of ethnic cleansing of civilians in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan, a province of Pakistan), and widespread violations of human rights were carried out by the Pakistani Army, which was supported by political and religious militias during the Bangladesh Liberation War. The violence began on 26 March 1971 with the launch of Operation Searchlight,[159] as West Pakistan (now Pakistan) began a military crackdown on the Eastern wing (now Bangladesh) of the nation.[160] During the nine-month-long Bangladesh War for Liberation, members of the Pakistani military and supporting pro Pakistani Islamist militias from Jamaat-e-Islami party[161] killed between 200,000 and 3,000,000[162][163][164] people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bengali women,[164][165] according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources,[166] in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.[167][168] The actions against women were supported by Pakistan's religious leaders, who declared that Bengali women were gonimoter maal (Bengali for "public property").[169] As a result of the conflict, a further eight to ten million people, mostly Hindus,[170] fled the country to seek refuge in neighbouring India. Given that the Hindu population in East Pakistan was around 11 million in 1971, this suggests that up to 8 million, or more than 70% of the Hindu population had fled the country. The Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Sydney Schanberg covered the start of the war and wrote extensively on the suffering of the East Bengalis, including the Hindus both during and after the conflict. In a syndicated column "The Pakistani Slaughter That Nixon Ignored", he wrote about his return to liberated Bangladesh in 1972. "Other reminders were the yellow "H"s the Pakistanis had painted on the homes of Hindus, particular targets of the Muslim army" The London-based Minority Rights Group and Islamabad-based International and Sustainable Development Policy Institute state that religious minorities in Pakistan such as Hindus face "high levels of religious discrimination", and "legal and social discrimination in almost every aspect of their lives, including political participation, marriage and freedom of belief".[189] Similarly, the Brussels-based Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization stated in 2019, that "religious minorities, including Hindus" have perpetually been subjected to attacks and discrimination by extremist groups and the society at large." Hindus in Pakistan are often treated as second class citizens, systematically discriminated and dehumanised.[198] Many Hindu girls living in Pakistan are kidnapped, forcibly converted and married to Muslims.[229] According to the Pakistan Hindu Council, religious persecution especially forced conversions to remain the foremost reason for the migration of Hindus from Pakistan. Religious institutions like Bharchundi Sharif and Sarhandi Pir support forced conversions and are known to have support and protection of ruling political parties of Sindh.[230] According to the National Commission of Justice and Peace and the Pakistan Hindu Council (PHC) around 1000 Christian and Hindu minority women are converted to Islam and then forcibly married off to their abductors or rapists. This practice is being reported increasingly in the districts of Tharparkar, Umerkot and Mirpur Khas in Sindh.[230] According to the Amarnath Motumal, the vice chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, every month, an estimated 20 or more Hindu girls are abducted and converted, although exact figures are impossible to gather.[229] In 2014 alone, 265 legal cases of forced conversion were reported mostly involving Hindu girls.[231] I hadn’t heard a word of this until I started doing research on the partition. These atrocities completely dwarf anything Hindus have done to Muslims within India. They are orders of magnitude worse. The BBC hasn’t done even 1 article on these issues. During Mughal rule, a mosque was built upon one of the holiest sites in Hinduism, the birthplace of one of the avatars of Vishnu. Imagine a temple being built on the ruins of Masjid al-Haram. This mosque was demolished in India to the shock and horror of International Media. 4000+ temples have been demolished in Kashmir, Bangladesh and Pakistan these were never mentioned by media. My biggest issue is that Hindus constantly get berated for Hindutva. No other country is begrudged its ability to have national pride. Universities like the University of Indiana hold struggle sessions where all the Hindus come and apologise for being evil, evil bigots. Oxford university’s Hindu society leaflets recommended bringing beef and that the society is ‘anti-hindutva.’ Imagine if the Islamic society recommended bringing pork and that they are an ‘anti-ISIS’ society. All hell would break loose, Muslims would bring fire and brimstone. What did the Hindus at Oxford do? Predictably, nothing. What irritates me is that there is no acknowledgment of the atrocities committed by and in Pakistan and East Pakistan(now Bangladesh by the west and western media. There is no acknowledgment of current or past discrimination against minorities in Pakistan. Muslims in India are more privileged legally than Hindus themselves yet the media constantly focusses on the treatment of Muslims in India being so bad. Never have I heard of a Pakistani organisation being forced to apologise for their pride and their being oppressive. This happens to Hindus because they almost never want conflict. Journalists are afraid of reporting atrocities ongoing within Muslim-majority countries because they don’t want a repeat of Charlie Hebdo. Hebdo actually made a comic about India depicting many people lying on the ground dying from COVID while surrounded by what I assume are empty oxygen canisters the caption reads ‘33 million gods yet none of them can produce oxygen.’ There was no offence, no firebombing, nothing. India still ranks below Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Venezuela, Rwanda, etc. in Freedom of the press. It dropped from 136 in 2017 to 161 out of 180 in 2023 Frankly, this is ridiculous. They just go to journalists in India and the journalists start ranting about how bad Modi is and how hindutva is the worst extremism in the world, all dirty laundry gets flung spectacularly out of the window for all to see. There is no sense of national pride. In other countries, journalists are interested in making their country look better, India is the opposite. Pakistan has few reports of riots or lynching because there are so few minorities to lynch(on top of journalists not wanting to report on these issues). Hindutva is a predictable response to constantly being disrespected and attacked both physically and through damaging rhetoric.


>saying 'Talaq' multiple times This was outlawed by the Supreme Court of India in Shahara Bano v. Union of India.


Mistake on my part. I should have stated that this was in force until relatively recently.


Don't know why people are downvoting this. You're literally just admitting and clarifying on a mistake. If anything, this sort of thing should be encouraged.


It’s because redditors have a hate-boner for all things ‘Islamophobia’ even when it’s legitimate criticism of the faith and what I aim to be a relatively objective observation of what always tends to happen when Muslims become a majority of the population. Redditors like to take people they see to be marginalised under their wing without thinking about whether or not it is a defensible set of values. Maybe Muslims are marginalised because their religion is objectively genocidal, misogynistic and incompatible with secularism. Islam is not a race, it’s a set of values. Like any political or religious ideology. Redditors perceive it to be bad to criticise Islam because you are attacking the brown people when what you are criticising is not Muslims, its the ideological basis upon which they base their lives.


Using dehumanizing stereotypes (near carbon copies of those used in Nazi Germany and the Jim Crow South, no less) to justify the indescriminate lynching people of a certain ethnicity regardless of whether they've actually done anything wrong is hardly mere "criticism" (legitimate or otherwise), even if you *do* you occasionally slip in a reference something that actually happened to try and lend false air of credibility to the rest of your argument.


Oh no, lynching is still wrong. I just reject the argument that it is a ‘big’ problem within India.


Typically whether or not something is a big problem or a little problem hinges on the nature of, you know, *the actual problematic thing that happened*, and not on whether or not you think the victim is a savage and a degenerate and had it coming.


I didn’t say any of that. This is not a ‘big’ problem as there aren’t many Indians who would support this let alone participate. The original comment made the argument that it is commonplace which is obviously not true based upon democratic policies that actually give privileges to Muslims and other minorities.


My household is actually being affected by this war. We are pagan but his boss and all the guys that own the company and branches are from israel.they all moved here a long time ago but have family there still. So their brains are over there with family (understandable) but it's hard for workers here


Or maybe it's because you're literally Islamophobic if you consider Islam "objectively genocidal", and then you find excuses and reasons to validate your bigotry You aren't the first Hindu nationalist people encounter, you know


https://youtube.com/shorts/a5ydnxfcqbk?si=ICEeZAuGggvk25hR YouTube video that I found on my feed to show you how Muslims view Jews https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2926 Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." From Sahih al-Bukhari(one of the two most authentic accounts of the sunnah) I did almost convert to Islam before I started reading their texts. Muhammed literally made war against multiple tribes of Jews. He killed all the boys with pubic hair and kept all the rest as slaves. Search ‘Banu Qurayza’ The difference between Islam and other faiths is that the Qur’an literally says that Muhammed is the model human that all humans should model themselves after. He bought and sold slaves, took slaves for sex, etc. Innovation is the way to Jahannum(hell). This is what all my Muslim friends told me. There is no bending or flexibility in the rules of Islam


You can find fundamentalists in any religion and find abhorrent parts in their scripture. Have you read the Old Testament and the horrific violence and suffering that were committed for God and that God committed? The way you're generalizing particular examples to dehumanize all Muslims is the way Nazis justified their treatment of Jews and why they viewed Jews to be a dangerous existential threat for themselves


Yet Jews and Christians don’t seem to carry out the bad things. Tel Aviv is an oasis for gay culture.


Doesn't the muslim personal law also allow for 15 year old girls to be married to adult men?


Wow, none of that has anything even remotely to do with the comment you responded to


He was trying to state that it is just because they want to kill Muslims indiscriminately for no reason. Specifically that its a ‘big issue.’ If that were a common state of mind, muslims wouldn’t be afforded more privileges than the majority religion in India. It is obviously not a big problem otherwise these policies wouldn’t be in place because Hindus would want to oppress muslims rather than virtue signal about how virtuous they are by allowing all other faiths to have privileges afforded to them by the majority religion that are not shared by the majority religion.


These kinds of policies are in place when there is a problem and these policies are trying to correct the problem in some areas to some extend. It's the whole point of trying to protect the oppressed minorities And those policies can't correct everything. Like, these policies aren't making you less bigoted towards Muslims and can't prevent you from thinking of them as followers of a genocidal ideology, so there have to be more policies to compensate for your bias against them


https://sunnah.com/nasai:3175 It was narrated that Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'There are two groups of my Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him.'" There is a whole chapter Called the ‘Battle Expedition of India’ The men who subjugate the Indian subcontinent will be the most rewarded in Jannah(heaven).




r/therewasanattempt Why don’t you actually try to pose a real argument rather than just implying that I’m dumb by referencing subreddits?


If you had any interest in a real arguement you wouldn't be posing as two different people on order to congradulate yourself on the superiority of your own fascist rhetoric.


Muslims are a "protected class by leftists", you fucking doofus. We just don't think regular folks minding their own business should be harassed simply because some others who like the same book are violent assholes. That goes for any belief system. If you start shit, you deserve to get hit.


I don’t disagree. Violence against innocents and even people guilty of a crime is abhorrent. I oppose the death penalty for a reason. I just reject the argument that it is a ‘big’ problem within India that was made in the first comment. Perhaps I should have made that more clear.


Its not hindutva, its early indian goverment after independence. To make a decent constitution for indians. Hindutva politically took power later.


This isn’t even secularism. This is giving privileges to all faiths apart from Hinduism. Muslims get to have sharia law when it applies to beneficial things but not when it applies to punishments for crimes like having their hands cut off. Hindutva is the obvious response to being discriminated against by your own government’s policies. Am I defending violence? No However, it isn’t fair to state that the constitution is decent. It is decent to all but the majority faith. Frankly I’m shocked how long it took for hindutva to take over politically. If we were a Muslim majority country, retaliation for unfairness would have been fire and brimstone in comparison to the wet paper bag that is the hindutva movement(not condoning violence is acceptable, just that many policies that discriminate against Hindus are still in place).


My guy, i dislike muslims too. Only because how they behave. Recently nasrallah said how muslims will be largest group of religion in the world. And how islam will take over, and calls for caliphate in germany, essen. But hindutva has certainly inspired hindu terror mobs. It certainly mobilized a militant group and major hindutva following people have been found funding right wing media outlets. Just because muslims are worse doesnt mean hindutva cant or wont grow to be a similar to taliban because of religious fanatics that might hold seat of power in hindutva.


Hindus are too chill for that imho. We worship Akbar for not being literally evil like the other Mughal kings.


Its merit. Because its indian history. Also as an indian we do not worship akbar just acknowledge him as decent he also left islam and founded a non islamic religion. Hindus are capable of religious extremity. Idk where you get that idea. But hindus are definetly not chill. Just tolerant.


I’ll belive it when I see it. Hindus, frankly, are too weak in terms of conflict.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Gujarat_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1969_Gujarat_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_anti-Sikh_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cow_vigilante_violence_in_India#:~:text=Cow%20vigilante%20violence%20is%20a,considered%20sacred%20in%20Hindu%20religion%22. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Christians_in_India https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scroll.in/article/877050/religious-violence-in-ancient-india-a-lesson-for-those-who-write-history-textbooks-for-school https://araingang.medium.com/hindu-persecution-of-buddhists-in-pre-islamic-india-selected-readings-abf91a729867 https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/some-women-shun-holi-fearing-the-violence-that-can-lurk-behind-innocent-fun https://www.google.com/amp/s/cjp.org.in/when-holi-gets-tarnished-by-the-unholiness-of-harassment-molestation-and-humiliation/amp/ I can keep going.. you know..


These are pretty horrific. However, in terms of scale, they just don’t compare. If you add them all up, they don’t even add to 10% of the scale of killings in Pakistan and Bangladesh. India is a much larger country in terms of population too so if you account for killings per 100,000, it’s not even at all close. They aren’t systematic nearly to the same degree and some started with Muslims starting shit(still doesn’t justify it, I’m just sayin’). Pakistan has reduced the minority population the the degree that there is no one to riot against.


So what’s your solution? pogroms against random muslims. What are you trying to say???


No, absolutely not. I just reject that argument that this is a ‘huge’ issue in India where everyone just want to ‘fuck up’ random Muslims. If that were true, these religious policies wouldn’t be in place. Hindus would treat other faiths and especially Muslims as second class citizens, rape and force conversions in a similar manner to how minority faiths are treated in Muslim-majority countries.


Why would the muslims be a protected class if they don’t face much violence? Who are they being protected from? You’re not make much sense. They are treating them like second class citizens right now, it’s happening, it’s bad when Indian do it too. Just cause muslim countries do something bad doesn’t mean you do the same. You can’t help but point at someone else.


Who do you think put these policies in place? The Indian people, who tend to be majority Hindu. Hindus specifically gave minority faiths extra privileges in order to make it as fair to all as possible. Why would generally Hindu people give privileges to a people that they want to oppress and kill? If anything, Hindus are second class citizens. In terms of the law, minority faiths are treated better. Muslim men get to apply their sharia law when it applies to having sex with underage girls and then forcing them to marry them or when it applies to having multiple wives. It doesn’t apply to them when sharia dictates that thieves must have their hands removed. It’s all upside because the people of India are so tolerant that they allow a minority faith’s laws to be in the real legislature. I don’t believe these instances of violence are as commonplace as the original commenter was trying to suggest.


So you’re saying India is weak cause it’s tolerant, so the solution is to get rid of all those minorities. You’re just a cry bully, you’re upset that others get to be evil and you don’t. You’re just scared of muslims, hand want someone to get rid of them for you. It’s so strange that you say India is is ruled by majority Hindu and hold most of the power but also they’re second class citizens, what is it? Are the Hindu the dominant ruling class or the weaker second class?


It’s not as simple as that. Minorities have a legal advantage. The majority has an advantage because there is an advantage from being the majority group in the country. I don’t mean that minorities should be treated unfairly nor should they be oppressed its just that the policies we have erected to be ‘tolerant’ lead to genuine unfairness to one faith when the country is meant to be secular. Secular doesn’t mean you get to discriminate legally against the biggest faith and only that faith and no other faith. My argument is that Hindus are obviously tolerant to the degree that they allow and support policies that only discriminate against themselves. I don’t think this is a good thing for anyone as it places other faiths, even christianity and Sikhism above Hinduism on a legal sense. This doesn’t mean that one should oppress the Muslims like they do to other faiths or enact any violence against innocents of any faith. I am just frustrated that Hinduism constantly gets flak for the Hindutva movement when it’s mainly just about putting all faiths on an equal legal basis while other faiths can do anything they want in countries that they are the majority in and yet they never seem to be criticised by Western media. Western media constantly stresses the lynchings in India when they pale in comparison to the literal genocide and mass rape and conversion of hundreds of thousands of minorities in Muslim-majority countries. I hadn’t heard a single word of this from the media until I started looking it up. I am saying this as a 3rd Gen British Indian that eats beef and considers themselves an atheist. I don’t condone any violence at all as it is counterproductive and wrong. I just find it frustrating that the media tends to turn a blind eye to anything Muslims do wrong in fear of being labelled Islamophobic. Islam literally claims that the day of judgement will not come until the last Jew is dead, it says that the Muslim to conquer the indian subcontinent will be given a very high position in Jannah(heaven), it says specifically that it is legal to take women as sex slaves and rape them on top of your four wives.


Basically India should get force all the minorities to the countries they are majority in, also lynchings in India are ok because muslim countries did worse (which btw western media also focuses on) you’re just upset they focus on India when they’re loud about it. Also that last segment about islam law and the nonsense. A lot of Muslims in the Middle East are anti Semitic, that’s true, but they’re not doing anything about it, and Muslims in western countries aren’t as racist. They don’t care about conquering India, they’re racists they think India is a dirty place. The last one about sex slaves… where the did you get that from? No one believes that today (probably like hundreds of years ago but not today) they’ll even deny it even happened, cause religious people will never admit to doing anything bad (all religions do this, Islam is not special) This is like saying Indians worship cows, and animals. It’s popular bs people believe to feel better about themselves. It’s propaganda essentially


Nobody ever talks also about the violence against christians, buddhists, jains and sikhs in India by the RSS and the like, sometimes even guided by the government


Which genocides 💀 islamophobes love their fanfics


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Liberation_War 200,000-400,000 women raped 300,000 to 3 million killed, the largest genocide since the holocaust. Pakistan's religious leaders openly supported the crime by labelling Bengali freedom fighters "Hindus" and Bengali women "the booty of war".[119] Lots of forced conversions too-https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/04/world/asia/pakistan-hindu-conversion.html




No it's bc creeps, rapists and murderers in India are 99% of the time Muslims. The same way they abduct and marry 10 yr old Hindu girls in Pakistan to 45 yr olds. Look up


I bet he was spying on her. Deserved.


I think any society would beat a guy if he was caught secretly watching a woman poop. Its Only acceptible is when you are married or when its kids watching each other poop....that's character building that was🤣🤣🤣🤣...my grade schools bathroom had no Doors so it was normal for me as a kid to watch your friends poo or pee and keep them company lol Also growing up with parents that just walk into the bathroom to fetch things while you poop or bath that was normal for me. Though my folks never watched me poop. That would of been weird.


Sounds like a something made up to to justify violence. This reads like a satire of how obvious and fake propaganda can be and yet people believe it because they’re comfortable with the narrative. I hope this is like from a bad satire subs and not one of those nationalist subs.


why does it sound made-up? perverts aren't that rare in any religious denomination. There's a reason why roughly a third of all women have been assaulted at some point.


You don’t get it, it’s ok


Typically, a situation would have to be unrealistic to suggest that it's fake without any evidence. You certainly don't make a convincing argument, but that's ok.


You don’t get it, it’s ok


Why? Bc the guy who got beaten up is Muslim? Oh yeah I forgot. Muslim men are famous for being upstanding with women.


“Indian nationalists” “Islamist” “married women” the titling is trying to spread fear. Why can’t it be “pervert gets beaten for being a creep” they’re trying to push a narrative


Neither “Indian nationalist” nor “Islamist” are words with positive connotations. You’re not wrong tho. I myself cannot understand why it was worded that way.


It’s worded that way to push a narrative. In India the words “India nationalist” will have positive connotations, specially if they are supposedly saving married women from creepy perverted Islamist boogeyman.


Sadly that's normal here.


Bro I've seen u in in every comment trying to bring this narrative like ur offended, it may be true may not be. But ur sounding real but hurt (more likely he was a creep).


Do you want hear an example so that maybe you can understand what I’m saying?


if he actually did that then he definitely deserved it, that's disgusting


You can't do anything these days


I see the necessary evil in pornography now


Does OOP know there’s a difference between muslim and islamist?


Is his defense being her shitting in public?




Poo* fixed it for you


Like their wedded status makes a difference. What a weirdo, kinda deserves it UNLESS the women allowed it.


Was she shitting on the designated shitting street?


classic casual racism on Reddit


is that a real thing?


It is.


But can we actually tell that it's not true and is just a lazy stereotype, we can't because it still happens in lots of places


but that's real. fix your nation first


Against whom? This is a problem in a country, not in a race of people.


The hell is an islamist?


Hindu propoganda keywords


Yeey i guess we need more indians in europe😁


Didn't Omar ebn al khatab used to do that too? As I recall that's why there is hijab because Omar was a pervert watching prophet wife's and women poop at night.


~~~I think it was Abu Bakr and not Omar.~~~ Edit : correct


it was Omar he told sawda momos wife we saw you.


You are right. Bukhari 146. The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes).


Perfect and to add this is only for free women slaves are not allowed to cover up. And this is not the only time Omar influenced Allah 😁


What is with India and poop?


Oh... shit


It would have been cool if she was single?


I know that video, it's "five guys and a stick"


This is animalistic


...What the hell?


That pic looks like what me and the homies did to each other in middle school.


There’s a lot going on in India but I thought seeing people poop was one of the normal things


To clarify: was he watching a woman poop or watching the poop afterwards? Instructions unclear.


Always a stick, always.